BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 7, 1947 Clayton N yberg, T ualatin, W ash ­ C O M M U N ITY 'c i i U R C H 4 t I I L f* il(l(* r S I o l< l ington county. C layton w as form ­ N.W . C ornell near Barnee Road , ■ ■ erly a clu b m em ber fo r 10 years. Sim on E. Foruberg, MinWU-r 1 f l*<**r O I I L i t ‘ ¿It I 8 I II Five year— Mrs. W. E. Davis. 8318 S.W. C anyon Ud.. B E 8698 “ # . E agle P oint, J a ck son ; D on Hagg, Sunday Bible School. 9:45 a. m. \ »»•¡ ■i f ¡ t i l l W O l ’ K j R eedville, W ash in gton and Miss Phone 2482 BEAVERTON aloha c o m m u n it y C H U R CH O F T H E N A Z A R E N E M orning service, 11:00 a.m. /I S B t M J d lI Maxine W righ t, Days Creek, D oug- i B A P T IST C H CK CH Leonard C Johnson, P a stor DOUBLE FEATURE (C om m u n ion ). P hon e 3691 Y ou n g P eop le’ H our. 7:00 p.m. I 0 " g o n 4-H club local leaders ?n Grayden D. Uiree, Paator. Friday ond Saturday — February 7 and 8 E vening G osoel H our 7 45 d m association s are so much farther -«uaent, was 1 9 4 5 state w inner in Church School, 9:45 a.m. M iss T he Sunday School m eets at 9:45 Partners In Time T uesday even in g 8 % p m "T h e advanced than those in m ost canning. H ag g led the w inning 11:00 a.m., M orning W orship M ary Antrim, Superintendent. 6:45 p.m. H. N. Y. and N. Y. God o f C reation ’^ —Colored*1 So mid sta te, that the rest of the nation O M ^ P lu m * Starring Lum and Abner M orning W orship, 11 o ’clock . FUm is look in g to this state as a pat- com petition fo r the O. M. P lum . Teens Club and Junior B.Y.F., P. S. Sun Valley Cyclone ‘ w elcom , .. „ om e— tern mer troph y at the 1946 P a cific In- 7:45 p.m. E vangelistic Service. A e aw aits you. C tern in in T,i.iirfmtr Duilding their tneir own own local iuuu fp..nati_ n_i 6:30 P.M. B ring Y our Bible. leader groups. t .i national. W ith W illiam Ellio tt as Red Ryder, and Bobby Bloke W ednesday, 7:45, M id-week pray­ E vening Service 7.30 P.M. T his is the report given to the New» er meeting. F rom her seat in the W estern C H U R C H O F C H R IS T thirteenth annual 4-H club lead- BETHEL Sunday, Monday and Tuesday-—February 9 to 1 1 Second and Main Sts. «rs con feren ce at O regon State staf^fe coa ch w orm in g its w ay L A T T E R -H A T S A IN T S C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R CH G eorg e W . Springer. P astor college by Mrs. Charles L. Ed- Three Little Girls in Blue, in Technicolor alon g the rim o f a deep gorge, the M oose Hall 6th and W atson Sts. P hone 3385 M orn in g w orsh ip and p reach in g wards o f Benton county who was Main St., H illsboro, Ore. Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor lady traveler look ed dow n into the June Haver, V iv io n Blam e and George Montgomery service at 9:45 a m . Mr. K enneth one o f tw o Oregon local leaders 9:45 a.m., Church School. Miss Sunday School at 10 a. m. Short - Cartoon - New* terrifyin g depths and said to the Amarette Barnes. Superintendent. Sacram ent m eeting at 6:30 p. m Johnston, Field R epresentative o f to be aw arded free trips to the na- driver; the N orthw est C hristian C ollege tional clu b congress in C hicago Don C. Marley, B ranch President. 11:00 a.m.. M orning W orsh ip. Wednesday and Thursday— February 12 and 13 will be a guest speaker at the last fall. "D o n ’t people often fall into this Sermon topic, "P rocla im the m orn in g service. T here w ill be 1 Mrs. E dw ards interviewed lead- Earl Carroll Sketchbook aw ful ch a s m ?’’ Gospel.” V A L L E Y COM M UN ITY C H U R C H special m usic by the college m ale ers from other states at the con - 3:00 Y ou n g people leave fo r P il­ With Constance Moore and W illia m M arshall U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N "N o .m a’am ," said the driver. quartet. gress to p ick up new ideas fo r Short - Cartoon - New* grim Fellow ship R ally at O regon S. W . Gabel Lane and F a irw a y D r "Just on ce.” — W alter B. Pitkin. B ible S ch ool class session,. 11:00 ose in Oregon. She found that City. Rev. H. A. A rm itage, paator the O regon State local leaders as­ 8:00 p.m., Evening F ellow sh ip 10:30 a.m^ M orning W orsh ip. a. m. DOUBLE FEATURE Christian E ndeavor, 6:45 p. m. sociation is considered the out­ Hour. Serm on topic, "A G ood S cou t." FURNACE & CHIM NEY Friday and Saturday— February 14 and 15 E ven in g w orship service, 7:45 standing one in the country. T his three-day western O regon p. m. GAY BLADES, with A la n Lane and Jean Rogers CLEAN IN G M idw eek B ible Study and pray­ con feren ce will be follow ed by G. I. BRIDES, with Anna Lee and Jam es Ellison By V acu u m ,. W o rk Guaranteed by one for eastern Oregon at Pendle­ er service will be Thursday, 8:00 News Licensed Operator. Cover Territo ry ton F ebruary 13, 14 and 15. The p.m. from Reedville to Portland. j C orvallis m eeting was attended S T A N L E Y ANDERSON* F IR S T M E T H O D IS T C H U R CH by 165 local club leaders from 20 ads alw ays bring C lassified Phone Beaverton 3552 48tf 4th & W atson Sts. ! w estern and central O regon coun- qu ick sales. G. V. LAW TON, Owner Rev. E verett L. Bowers, P astor I ties- Res. 1002 S. W atson St. T ele: 3405 i An even in g banquet w as ad- R A C E R E L A T IO N S SU N D A Y dressed by Ê. H. Greenw ood, sec­ 9:45 A.M. Church School fo r all retary o f the Oregon B ankers A s­ age levels. Mrs. Nan Bourquin, sociation , w ho said that while Come to O regon is sixth from the top na­ Supt. Cernar First and Tucker Streets tion ally in percentage o f eligible 11:00 a.m. M orning w orship with Beaverton youth enrolled in club work, still N ursery and Junior Church. Corner Lake Road and Canyon Road Serm on: “ O f W h at D istinction is on ly one in five is a m em ber here, ALOHA, ORE. Phone Aloha 6334 W ELDIN G— OF A L L KINDS leaving a wide field fo r future R ace?” w ork. Complete Automotive Service 6:45 p.m. M Y F and Adult R ound (Ju st Eost of Beoverton) Mrs. E. F. W right, Portland, is lii=ill=iii=lil=lli=ill=iii=ill=lil=ill=iii=ili=iii=iii=lii=lii=ili=iii=in=iiiEiii=|ll=|,|= lll=l,l'l Table grou ps meet. Specialists In Re-Boring m R eligious A dventure P rog ra m — president o f the state association and M otor Re-Building in w hich directed portions o f the 7:45. Film , “ C olor o f a M an” to­ program , Members o f the O.S.C. 1T1 Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. geth er with a hym alogue. T hu rsday even in g 6:30 pot-luck sta ff con ducted classes for lead­ supper with R ev. W h aley and ne ers co v erin g both objectives and m m ethods in club work for 1947. gro singers o f P ortland. m L eadership pins were presented 1T 1 at the banquet to the follow in g: ST. M A T T H E W T en year—Alice Lindsay, W ild- 1T1 L U T H E R A N C H U R CH Gas Water Heaters erville, Josephine cou n ty; Mrs. C anyon Rd., near Sylvan M yrtle M. Sch reiver, M ollala,; and m W ern er J. Fritz, M inister Fairbanks Morse Pumps Sexagesim a, F ebruary 9th, 1947 jjj 3eaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ili M orning W orship, 11:00 a.m. W elcom e. 1T1 M onday, F ebruary 10, 7:30, Regular .22 Call Church Council. Beckett Truck Line, Inc. Ethel 24 Saturday 9:3d—C atechism class Hillsboro 54 2 Portland EAst 37 27 Modernize your Headlights First ond Main St. Ml ST C E C E L IA C H U R C H Put Sealed Beam H eadlight M asses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— I adapters on your car - only BEAVERTON, ORE COURTEOUS SERVICE ~ FAIR PRICES 10 a. m. m $ 6 . 9 5 a pr R I C H A R D S P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R CH i| F arm in gton at M enlo ili B eaverton, O regon ll= lll= lll= lll= M I= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll Erwin A. Gerken, P astor T el: 3441 Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. RAINBOW ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, Inc. Divine service 10:30 a. m. SUNSET PRODUCTS Personal Attention Lutheran H our, K A L E , 9:30 a.m. W I R I N G A cordial w elcom e to all. We Give S & H Green Stamps Owned and Operated by C O M M ER C IA L - IN D U STR IA L - HOUSE W IRIN G R E E D V IL L E C O M M U N IT Y Estimates Gladly Given Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H Service C a lls T a k e n C are of Promptly R ev. H am pton, P astor Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. O. E. Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 FRAN CH ISED D EA LER FOR PRESTLIN E HOME A PPLIAN CES Geiger, Supt. The only Range with 3 Style Top W orsh ip S ervice 11 a. m. A U T H O R IZ ED D EA LER FOR W ESIX HOME H EATIN G Y ou n g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. BEAVER THEATRE SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES Under New Management Logan's Welding and Supply FOR ALL YOUR DRUG NEEDS Lake Road Auto Service The Aloha General Auto Repairing Pharmacy Electric Water Heaters Tire Repairs Gas and Oil CLEARWATER PLUMRING FURNITURE MOVING No Raise in Prices BEAVER PLUMBING CO. Barber Shop WM. 4 Bill) ZULFER Green-Liner Pilot Hat driven big, safe Green- Liners since 1942 snd never had an accident. Came to Oiegon Motor Stages after 16 year record as j j / e drivei Aloha Super Service r For Service Call Beaverton 3071 H IG H W A Y C H A P E L Services will be held in the Odd Fellow s hall in B eaverton. Orville J Poulin, M inister Sunday School 10:00 a. m. M orning W orship, 11 a. m. E ven in g Service 7:45 p.m. Did you ever stop to think what your Green- Liner driver does on his day off? Y ou ’d be surprised at the variety of hobbies you can discover among the 170 drivers. Bill Zulfer who drives the scenic Wilson River Highway route from Portland to Seaside, raises flowers in his spare moments. He takes great pride in this fascinating hobby, just as he takes c a r e a n d pride in driving his big Green-Liner b u s 213 miles every day. When you travel in Oregon, go by the big, safe and comfortable Green-Liners of Oregon Motor Stages. SCHEDULE AND TICKET INFORMATION FOR B. C. STEELE Beaverton, Oregon I SEE... or 2481 LEA V E ORDERS A T RICH IES H ARDW ARE The New Repairing Radios A LO H A A SSE M B L Y O F GOD Sunday School 10 a. m. 7:45 1>- m. E van gelistic service. T uesday 7:45 p. m. B ible study. F riday 7:45 p. m. Y oun g peo­ ples service. R ev. R llla Mae Stephens, pastor Chevrolet. . . is Our Business m Roy's Radio Service | 1T1 ALOHA, OREGON Parents are being w arned to keep young children under close scrutiny during auto trips. S ecre­ tary o f State R obert S. Farrell Jr., has just announced a new study show ing 3000 Oregon ch ildren un­ der the age o f 14 have been killed or injured during the last three years. “ O f course, som e o f these a cci­ dents involved all the occu p ants o f the cu r," said F arrell, "but hundreds o f you ng bodies have been broken through such foolish practices as dangling arm s and legs out car w indow s.” A recently reported incident in­ volved children standing in the hack o f a pick-up snow -balling follow in g m otorists. In su rance com pany records detail m any ca s­ es o f youngsters falling o ff and out o f m oving cars. S afety men rem ind parents that children are not to blam e for these tragedies. P ointing up one o f the main dangers. Farrell said. "It is hard to understand how a m other w h o keeps m atches from her y ou n g ­ sters will let them play freely In the hack seat o f a ca r with un­ locked doors. Ml Ask fo r your free classified "S u bscriber Ad C ards" with each new subscription o r renewal. T h ey ’ll pay you renl dividends. CUT FLOWERS ~ POTTED PLANTS m 5 Ie " A REG LAR FELLERS ~ --------------* Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS e o v : TH IS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. etiN- * w ^ i e r - cov HAS ITS DRAWBACKS p a il Ore*#* Mufuol Folicir* ere NON-ASSESSABLE. Yo» NEVER pay mere than the premium a* the foe* at tha policy Oregon Mutual maintain» mere than three time« the turplu« required by Orrqon Insurant* Lew*. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Orgoniied in 1194 W A LKER and NELSON, 52 Veer« of Reliable Service Agent» New Location 112 So. 3rd Ava. "Every Form of Protection" Phone 1732 Hilldxwo, Orrqon is h e a v y ladies, and feel how it is. Look over all j those lovely gadget* put in for your comfort. ID i p i& 4 L On jji I Beaverton Florists I 2965 Lom bard, just S. of A llen — Phone I jji ID ; GAS EQUIPMENT A V A ILA B LE • WESTERN HOLLY RANGE • 4 BURNERS AND GRIDDLE TOP 2 0 9 00 $ 180 - 5 ° Ml * • • AT I Phone 2622 jñ llj MAGIC CH EF RANGE • W ITH SW IN GO UT BROILER Its It’s os lovely as your dreams beautiful in performance, too! The new long lines mean smort- ness, comfort ond safety. j Climb in, j comfortable From our own green houses Ml Daily Service to Portland-Hilltboro CARR Chevrolet Co. PERMAGLAS WATER HEATERS ’110 20 G ALLO N SO 30 GALLON CjlcuieSi & A ckerm an HEATING AIR CONDITIONING ’1 2 7 " Phone 2699 On Canyon Road East of Beaverton HOME APPLIANCES Beaverton — Oregon Phone 3333 For mum «MW» i fraum Cm»n fin rut» mum sue cane Clean One* S / t4 p itU «& 'v / o v W I | | | 'I1 1 T 1 BRADLEY'S On Display j 'll S a lt e lla r t i Y o u r ( JiiM rt'ii fâ jl For Better Sight We take good care of your car Canyon Road at Hall Phone 2 0 11 Beaverton, Oregon ______________ By Gene Byrnea Expert Servicing of RADIOS WASHING MACHINES APPLIANCES TW O-GUN D UFfy A T YOUR. SERVICE, ¿ IR .' and MOTOR REWINDING Come to Leonard's & Ernest's RADIO ELECTRIC 109 Watson St Phone 2621 Beaverton