CEDAR M IL L SCHOOL NEW S by Louie Beovich Kfturu to School La Donna Travis, Diane Milan, gobby Smith, Christine Peterson, and Hal Eltzroth are back in the first grade after several days’ ab- . . . On Duty Billie Skeels and Marlene Mitch­ ell are on duty this week in the Cafeteria. • • • Know Your Grammar In the Progressive tests which were given at the end of the sem­ ester, it was found that the sev­ enth grade scored low in recog­ nizing the parts o f speech. We have begun a contest called Parts of Speech, and the scores are beginning to go up. Choice Pansies SWISS and JUMBO GiANTS PRIMROSES CARNATION SWEET WILLIAM SEEDLING PERENNIALS Pyron & Son Nursery Farmington Road to Lang Ave. 4 Blocks South on Lang Avenue from Moin Highway Projector Presented To School by PTA Mrs. C. A. Henson presented the new projector to the assembled school on Monday on behalf of the P.T.A. On Tuesday we used the projec­ tor to show four films on the His- otry of Transportation and Com­ munication. • • • Third and Fourth Grader» To Present Program The third and fourth grades will sing several patriotic songs for the February P. T. A. meet­ ing. The third grade will also pre­ sent some of their work in Ore­ gon history. • • OUR SNAPSHOTS • Spelling Contest The seventh and eighth grades have started another spelling con­ test to run for another 9 weeks. Betty Lou Klauman is captain of the Lucky Beavers and Louie Be­ ovich is captain of the Pioneers. • • • Assembly The next assembly will be held February 21. A patriotic program will be given with all the rooms taking part. Raymond De Young and Ken­ neth Skeels are arranging the pro­ gram. Southbridge, Mass— A radically new plas­ tic artificial eye stitched permanently to eye muscles so that it moves in all direc­ tions like a human orb is held by Fritz Jardon. of American Optical Company, who developed it m association with Or. A, D Ruedemann, chief eye surgeon of the Cleveland Clinic. Progress - Kintoii Guest Speakers At kinton Grange c Electric, Oil, Gas AUTHOR PLEDGES SUPPORT— Edward R. Stettin ius, Jr„ (left) National Campaign Chairman of United Service to China, smiles approval of support pledged by Theodore H. White, co-author of ‘‘Thunder Out of China,” (center) as Dr B. A. Garside, USC vice presi dent watches White stated, "it would be a tragedy if Americans should forget the common need that once bound us in peril to the suffering people of China ” Of a baby, Dr. Stork says "We can no long­ er simply deliver the product—we must " help maintain it.” Thus he i n t r o ­ duces BATHI NG TIME FOR BABY, a Wal t Disney P r o d u c t i o n in technicolor For free showings at y o u r c l u b or school, write John­ son & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The Kinton Grange No. 562 met Tuesday evening. February 4 at Kinton Grange Hall. The first hour was given over to the reg­ EHRLICH PLUMBING & ular business of the Grange and as there were no candidates in APPLIANCE waiting the meeting was declared Phone Aloha 6411 Aloha Ore. open and non members were in­ vited in for the program. MIAMI BEACH. F L A —Jack Bailey comic master of cere­ County Agent Palmer S. Tor- monies on Mutual's "Queen for a Day" show, looks as vend. spoke on the extension pro­ CHILDREN S CLOTHES though he is trying hard to get away from this bevy of gram of County Agents, soil ero­ Miami Beach beauties but he's not fooling anyone Jini sion. drainage and the modern R E D U C E D Boyd. Donna Quigley Martha Irwin and Ruth Landry have methods of soil conservation, ro­ Bailey cornered Careful girls, that shirt is worth $t0 dent and other pest controls and many agricultural prblems per­ taining to this locality were dis­ cussed. The meeting proved to be very interesting and a step in the right direction. The purpose of the Grange is to aid the community in its farm problems and to encourage mod­ wi’.. r r - .. . ern methods. Arthur Higgs gave a very fine talk on the life of Abraham Lin­ coln to commemorate Lincoln's • Blouses • Robes Higgs, a member of Kin­ • Skirts • T Shirts birthday. ton Grange, is also an attorney TO LEA D G. I. SW IN G ER S — Louise • Sweaters • P J's and is a native of Springfield, McNamara, as Louise Duke toured Eur­ 111. He brought many highlights opean capitals before the war with her of Lincoln’s career as an attor­ Blousettes own male band, is planning to return ney; his life spent as a circuit with masters of swing recruited from SOM ETHING NEW rider and of his first case at former G. I.’s. She’ll lead with swing Rock Island, 111., which pertained In pale pastels and bright colors and Jlvs numbers. Daughter of James to the first bridge ever to cross PERSON ALIZED SERVICE F. McNamara, International Nickel of- the Mississippi river. Higgs Is an ftolal, she also plans to Include China able speaker and his talk was and Japan.___________________________________ greatly appreciated. The Melody Aces, an orchestra 220 S. W. First St. from Hillsboro supplied music for JSZZ. Beoverton Oregon the evening and a pot luck supper in the dining room was served as Where parking is easy a conclusion to the evening. Bible Studs' Mrs. J. J. Collins entertained a group of ladies at her home on Scholls Ferry Road at 2:00 p.m. Joint L. Treeman, circulation Wednesday for the purpose of manager for the Pioneer Pub­ Bible study with Mrs. Mounce of lishing Company, recently return­ The list of University of Oregon Scholls as instructor. ed from his Christmas vacation men pledged by "Greek" fraterni­ • « « • Dinah Shore's--A Rainy spent with his parents. Mr. and ties on the campus this term rose Called To Seattle Mrs. R. W. Treeman at Perry, to 46 this week with the an­ Night in Rio. Mrs. Florence Stout was called Oklahoma. nouncement of 23 more pledges by Gene Krupa's--Opus No. 1. to Seattle, Washington last week It was the first Christmas he Virgil D. Earl, dean of men. where her father was reported and his family had spent togeth­ Artie Shaw's—Those Foolish Pledged by Delta Upsilon frat­ quite ill. She returned this week. er since 1941. ernity were two Beaverton stud­ • • • Things Remind Me of You. Included in his family, besides ents in the university: William P. T. A. Meeting Sammy Kay's—I Used to his mother and father are one E. Duhaime, son of Mr. and Mrs. The McKay P. T. A. meeting brother. Bill, who is the State Edward L. Duhaime, route 1, box Work in Chicago. wil' be held February 14 at the Forester of Oklahoma, and two 83 and a freshman In law and McKay school. All members are sisters, Elizabeth and Artie Shaw's — They Didn't Frances, James N. Wallace, son of Mr. requested to be present for this who are students at the Univer­ and Mrs. Glenn F. Wallace, rte. Believe Me meeting. 11, box 105 and also a freshman sity of Oklahoma. in law. Can't Help Lovin' That Man- A PPLIA N CES Elite Dress Shop Hack in the Fold JUST A FEW LEFT! From "T ill the Clouds Roll By" Leonard's & Ernest's 109 Watson St., Beaverton Already Receive Phone 2621 The Enterprise Regularly . . . Here's CHEyRON How To G et It The Best Investment • Lubrieiition • • • • Gas and Oil Towing. Dav or Night Use of Chevron Credit Card Visit our complete "motor tune- up*’ shop. Wo have the latest in equipment. SCHULD & SWETLAND 355 Tuijlotin Valiev Highwaov BEAVERTON, OREGON Pat Wilhelms, Asst. The Kinunka group of Camp Fire Girls held their semi-annual election of officers last Thursday at the home of their leader, Mrs. | Palmrose. The officers are as follows: President, Beverly Johnson; Vice President, Marylin Martin; Sec­ retary, Maureen Kain; Treasurer, Joyce Maynard; Song Leader, Phyllis Palmrose. We are proud to announce that our group has raised its member­ ship from eight members when school started to seventeen mem­ bers at present. After the election of officers .group singing, lead by Phyllis Palmrose was enjoyed by all. To Represent Washington Co. GAS STATION IN Y O U R HOM E CO M M UNITY Is Only 82 A Year Enclosed Please Find $2 For 1-Year Subscription To The THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE NOTICE OF SPEC IAL ELECTION NOTICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN That the City Council of the City of Beaverton. Washington County, Oregon, has called a special elec­ tion to be held on the 11th day of March, 1947, within the cor­ porate limits of the City of Bea­ verton and a special election to be held on the same date with­ in the territory hereinafter des­ cribed sought to be annexed, at which election there will be sub­ mitted to the electors of the City of Beaverton and to the electors within said territory the question of whether the following described contiguous territory shall be an­ nexed to and become a part of the City of Beaverton, Oregon, to- wit; Beginning ut a point in the center of County Road No. 1232, also known as Menlo Drive, which point is the most westerly, southwesterly cor­ ner of the City of Beaverton; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the City of Beaverton to a point in the center of Erickson Ave­ nue; thence southerly follow­ ing the tunindary of the City of Beaverton to a point where it intersects the southerly boundary extended easterly of Bert hold's Addition to Beaver­ ton, a plat of record in Wash­ ington County, Oregon; thence westerly along the southerly boundary extended, the south­ erly boundary, and the south­ erly boundary extended wes­ terly of the said Berthold’s Addition to a point in the center of County Road No. 1232; thence northerly along the centerline of County Road No. 1232 to the point of be­ ginning. The electors shall vote for an­ nexation or against annexation whichever shall indicate their choice. The polling place within the City of Beaverton will he at the City Hall, and the polling place within said territory sought to be annexed shall be at vacant house marked "Polling Place” located on North Side Hazel Avenue anil the polls shall he open from 8:00 a m. to 8:00 p.m. Notice is further given that Mrs. Mabel Goyt and Mrs. Lillian Thyng are appointed to act as Judges, and Mrs. Iva Summers and Mrs. Dorothy Wright and Mrs. May Blasser are appointed to act as Clerks within the City of Beaverton; and Mrs. A. L. Don aldson and Mr. J. L. Benson are appointed to act as Judges and Mrs. Roy Layton and Mrs. Carl Rogers and Mrs. C. B. Walker are appointed to act as Clerks within the territory outside the City of Beaverton sought to be annexed. D ATED This 3rd day of Feb­ ruary, 1947. Date of first publication Feb­ ruary 7, 1947. Date of last publication March 7, 1947. N alciitine for Mother Tuesday, February 4 Brownie Troop No. 113. consisting of ten little girls of Raleigh school, met ome of Mrs. D. L. Ham­ ilton. In January the troop painted peanut cans red and planted cro­ cus bulbs. Every week these plants were watered and Tuesday they took the blooming plants bona to their mother* for a Val­ entine gift. CLEAN RAGS W A N TE D — The Enterprise. Beaverton 2321. tf SPECIAL Knit Chenille Sw eaters Touch of color added HANDKERCHIEFS - 25c to $1 Lovely assortment BLOUSES — All sizes Also DRESSMAKING NORA' S Aloha, Oregon Aloha Beauty Shop By Work Done Appointment Aloha, Ore. Phone 6125 INSULATE NOW! ROCK WOOL-SPUN GLASS Save up to 25% on your Fuel Bills. 12 to 36 month terms. No down payment. We will contract or you may buy and install yourself. Tualatin Valley Const. Co. Rtq I , Box 893, Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 2176 Local Students Pledged at U. of O. Camp Fire News We have your favorite music, whether it be symphonic arrangements, swing, western or comedy BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 7, 1947 LEGAL -NOTICE Mrs. C. E. Wilhelms, chairman of the Beaverton Camp Ktre Coun­ cil. has been selected to be Re­ gional Representative o f Wash­ ington County at the annual Camp Fire Conference In Spokane, Washington. Mrs. Wilhelms will leave next week to attend the Conference scheduled for the 14th and 15th of February. She has worked with the Camp lir e girls for the past five years. u m id ir Of \inrriran S«M*i«*ty Ch il Knaincrri Charles r Wilson, p. o. Box ] 13, Beavirton. Oregon, has been enrolled as an affiliate of the American Society of Civil Engin- , r eers, it has been announced by ............................................................................................. Col. William N. Carey. Executive Secretary of the Society, at its National Headquarters. Route and Box No ........................................................................ American Society of Civil Engineers, with a membership of some 32,000. is the oldest national n . r \ if engineering organisation In the rost Office ................................................................. —...... .......... United Statse and has 65 I .oral ^ ^ ___^ ^ S e c t o n s throughout the country. Price *i Effective Friday , Saturday ami Monday RITZ CRACKERS * * 2 5 ‘ Diced PEA CH ES & P E A R S 21 ■«.*■ 35‘ BROOMS Good and Durable Each $T39 value P- A. TO B A C C O 77‘ 1 Pound Tin COFFEE Preferred Stock. 2 89« Lb. 43c Pint Jar 33c 85 Pound Tin TANG NALLY S BEST KRAUT Home Style QuortJor E GGS HAMS Grade A Large Fresh from the farm. 15* 53c Dozen Lb. Half or Whole PORK & BEANS 2 25« 15 oz. T in s Nu Bora SOAP POWDER RUTABAGAS Extra Fine Quality 59‘ 73 Lb. 4« T HRI F T Y MARKET S|nr«> I l n u r * — 9 A . M . 1« 7 I*. M . 8 P. >1. on Saturday Take advantage of our FREE Delivery— 5 mile radius Phone 3261 Phone Orders taken not later than I P. M