was no exception to the rule. The deal is out, and the legislators around the lobby of the Capitol In Stock for Immediate Delivery low-down seems to be this. The who have no place but their desk . . . Hardly any fire-works so far railroads have been in a knock for work, can meet with the squir this session but come it will, Portable Sawmills, Edgers, 5 4 " T,|t down and drag-out fight over such rels out on the State House lawn that's for sure . . . ^verajI hot ing Band Resaws, Motors, Logging! legislation for years .always be to discuss taxes, legislation and bills, which will bring forth much sawmill machinery. ing uble to sink any and all other pending business of the ses oratory and battling are •cheduled W A S H IN G TO N MACHINERY * truck bills, but at the same time sion. STORAGE CO. to hit the Senate Hopper in a few • • • knowing bigger and better trucks 7329 E Marginal Way Seattle 8 W n days. were here to stay. So the rail View» From The E re»» Gallery roads, during the past years, have The able and efficient Fred been acquiring substantial finan Drager, who for over 30 years cial interests in many large truck- was Chief Clerk of the House, is ng concerns and it will only be now Chief Clerk of the import a matter if time until the "choo- ant House Committee on Enrolled choog” will own the trucking bus and Engrossed Dealer in SCRAP METAL Bills—a mighty iness. Their war cry seems to be good man for an important job. Batteries, Radiators, Brass, Aluminum, Copper “ if you can't beat 'em—buy ’em” . . . Joe Vogelsang doing a bang- Which is a sure way to sink your I up job in holding down the post Lead and Zinc competitors. That, Dear Folks, is as House Sergeant-at-Arms . . . . what we call scoring heavily for j Joe knows what it is all about, the common people in a big way. he was a deputy U. S. Marshall HIGHEST TRICES RAID • • • for many years .. .. . Tom Swee Phone; Beaverton 2497 Despite the acute shortage o f ney, long prominent in American I-egion affairs and the man who Near Union Oil Depot -- Bertha-Beaverton Hiway home building materials now ex built Portland’s race track, looks isting in Salem, the good citizens the situation over . . . Rep. Wiley |_| ) | r ---- I rtl W S S l and newspapers of this fair city, is the most vociferous member of M M M t last week presented the legislators j the House, but his speeches bear with a beautiful brick mansion— but little fruit . . . the one and one brick at a time. When the only Louise Palmer Webber, is on From where I s it ... ¿ 1/ J o e M arsh State Capitol was constructed the job commuting to and from some ten years ago, the architec Portland every day . . . Carl tural plans called for two large Webb, secretary of the State Edi rooms to be set aside—one at torial Newspaper Association is each end of the Capitol as a place Re-styled for the new year, with emphasis on a more I grille and complementing bright work, as well as elimina- for the memebrs of both House massive front end and a smoother sweep to body contours, | tion of the body belt molding, have done much to give and Senate to gather in privacy the new Chevrolet will soon make its debut. New front-end the new model an air of greater luxuriousness. in order to discuss pending leg islation and transact other busin ess of the legislature. The rooms ! Running a newspaper, you get at Andy Botkin’s Garden Tavern have never been furnished or made available to the lawmakers | to know a lot about human nature. — over a friendly glass o f beer. WITH The Cooper Mt. Sewing Club until this session when a Resolu- j TIG/ iRD Thad Phipps was in the other From where I sit, anyone can met Jan. 28 at the home of Mrs. tion was adopted appropriating find something in his neighbor to day, all burned up. Wanted me to Neva Mohr with sixteen members the tremendous sum of $4000 or present and Mrs. Pearson visited thereabout, to furnish same and ! run an item on how Lem M artin’s complain about. (Some folks may AT D in n e r (¿neats the club. TO then the tempest and furor start- 1 3 dog had raided his chickens again, even disagree with Thad's right to o H Mrs. Floyd Price recently en The afternoon was spent in cut ed. "Nothing more or less than z and ought to be put away by law. enjoy that glass of beer with Lem !) tertained at a dinner party at ting out aprons to be made for a night club for the legislators," | ► But where would we be if every Z her home for visitors from Port the bazaar the club is planning I told him: “ Lem wa9 in on screamed some of the newspapers O land. for the near future. body tried to have a law passed and a couple of the very saintly Saturday. Said you shouldn’t be • • • The next meeting will be held members o f the House took the against everything they disagreed allowed to keep those chickens so BEAVE RTON Motor To Tacoma at the home of Mrs. Mary Cav floor to denome the "wild expen with? We wouldn’t have many close to his house— and In a resi Mrs. Melvin Nelson, Mrs. Ever aness with a pot luck dinner at diture and utter disregard of tax- ! "Always o Righ t Price on the neighbors le ft! ett Cook and Mrs. Otis Thomas noon. Each member will be asked dential zone, at that.” I payers money for such a thing as ! Corn er" drove to Tacoma Monday. to give 50c to help swell the a meeting room for legislators j Thad shuts up right pronto • • • treasury fund which at present I decked out with red and green GROCERIES [ >RY GOODS then. And that very evening I see Enters College is extremely low. furniture.” Incidentally, such M EATS MOTIONS • • • Lee Nelson entered the Pacific him making his peace with Lem I speeches always sound good to FOOD LC >CKERS Lutheran college at Parkland, Wn Luncheon Guests I the rank and file and are almost Monday, February third. A group of ladies from the Coo i a sure bet to gather votes come Progress, Ore. PI ione Bcav. 2389 • • m Copyright, 1947, United States Ureu/ers Foundation per Mt. community were lunch I the next election. So the lounge i ,oo(l Playing eon guests Tuesday of last week The Cooper Mt. Community at the home fo Mrs. Glen Vining Club card party was a big suc in Portland. • • • State House — Salem, Oregon. cess. There were eight tables in play. February 6th ,1947. A deluge of Much Improved High score was won by Mary Lee Schouboe who was critical bills hit the House hopper today, Cavaness. Second prize by Mrs. ly injured in an auto accident the 25th day of the Session and Parker. some months ago is much im U. S. 15-lb Ç O 100 S-J.19 Mr. Erickson got the first door proved. The casts he has been the deadline for the promiscuous No I Bag lbs. prize and Jack Barron came sec compelled to wear will be re introduction of new bills. From ond. The next party will be ear moved this week and he will he now- on until final adjournment, U. S. No. 2, 50-lb. sk. 85c ly in March. able to get around with the aid any of the lawmakers who have a yen to draft a new House bill, of crutches. • • • will have to arrange for said bill okeyed by the House Committee Sunday At Vancouver ib. e v » c Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nelson on Legislation and Rules. And, in Vt ix Desert W hite * and family spent Sunday at Van cidentally, this Committee is a i\ Vl Box $1.39 Full box $2.49 tough customer to deal with when couver. • • • it comes to admitting any bills from now on out. So naturally Visit la k e Grove Here's how you can make substantial re Mr. and Mrs. Otis Thomas were those lawmakers who had any leg islation in mind .arranged to have We will arrange application Lake Grove visitors Sunday. ductions in your food bills for the next . . . their pet bills reach the House to Half Box $2.19 Full Box $4.19 for you. 12 to 36 months Birthday Honors day. Over in the Senate, practic several weeks: Lay in a good supply oi terms if desired. Mrs. Louise Ellingson of De ally the same rule applies, only potatoes— serve them at every meal. You have 35 days in corah, Iowa, was guest of honor the toga men Call u* to estimate your at see, because there's a huge surplus, prices which to drop in new legislation. a birthday dinner given at the needs home of her sister, Mrs. Melvin So look forward to seeing a whole are low. We suggest you hurry right over Extra fancy and fancy, box $3.39 flock of bills hit the Senate desk Nelson. to Safeway and buy a good supply. on or before February 17th, which "Complete Builders is their deadline. R E G ISTE R E D STOCK SOLD SPITZENBERG APPLES Every time you add potatoes to your Supplies" • • • Donald R. Meier, a Brown Swiss Extra fancy ond fancy, $ y (.49 menu, yo u 'll increase your savings breeder of Beaverton has recent- Ib. 13c, box....... ........................ The big truck bill, which like I ly sold the bull Arbor Rose Mac the trapeze and help farmers, too! performer, "sailed Atlanta 74213 to Roy A. Toznaz- through the House with the zini, Guadalup, California, accord greatest of ease” - only three ing to a report from Fred S. votes against it- had most every Idtse, Secretary o f the Brown one fooled. Such legislation in ses Rte 2, Beaverton Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association. sions past, was always the sig Phone Beaverton 3179 Banjo brand No. 2 Vi can fiaJbip JoodA , Beloit, Wisconsin. nal for a real battle between the railroads and the truckers. This ASSORT- "donneybrook" would go on for MENT An-i-mal For Dog or Cat Per can I m weeks with the railroads always ASSORT MENT winding up on the winning side. Sunny Dawn brand 46-oz QgTc ASSORT. But time changes many things M ENT Fresh Tomato flavor con X »4 and the big truck bill proved it ASSORT Investigate the MENT BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 7, 1947 Smart Lines Characterize New Chevrolet O. R N IC H O L S O N & SON Lem's Dogs vs Thad's Chickens PHI L' S Shoppinç ) Center Sewiim Cluh News COOPER MOUNTAIN THE LAWMAKERS ★ 'StA y 3 Producer-Consumer Campaign — Now at SA FEW A Y POTATOES Grapefruit * Roofing * Siding * Insulation Oranges _ Mc O rtley Apples«, BEAVER Lumber & Supply BUILDING? RECONVERTING? DOW ELECTRIC FURNACE ÇannsuL J How Here I« an eleetrle furnace that will anHiire you a completely functional heating and air conditioning plant for your home or business. ( Jiristinii Science • Designed for basement or util ity room Installation. • Mar use conventional duct work. registers and heating In stallation. • Mar he ntlllred to replace an existing furnace. • Equipped with “ Moduflow," the miracle funises control. Heals the Sick I I O W it banishes fear, solves per- * * s o n a l and business problems will be told in o For Free F ilim jlri See, Phone, or If’ ri te C A P ITO L ELECTR IC FREE LECTURE 4450 Garden Homo Road Phone CHerry 1334 entitled =iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=m=iH=iii=iii=iiiE;m=iii=iii=iii3iii=iii=iii=,ii=iiisiii=m=iii=iH=iii= Ml HI HI HI M ILLE R O IL BURNER Ï hi hi 3 5 hi = hi £ SS 9 I iji “ Christian Science: Practical Religion*' i T i An in Oil Conversion Burner = III m = MAKE YOUR WOOD OR COAL STOVE MODERN by George Chonning, C. S. B. of Son Francisco, Col. get • Complete Automatic heat at lower cost • Lower first cost • Lower operating cost Commercial Standard's Label CS75-42 certifies its satisfactory performance Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist m Bos ton. Mass Esler Sheet Metal Shop 3 o'clock, Civic Auditorium J Multnomah, Ore Phone CHerrv 3594 5 M»MinSMSM=Ht3mzHi=n;=iii=iii=iH=Hi-iii=ifi=iH=iH3in«Ht=m=iii=iii=in=ui£ ALOHA 6 5 84 IS T H E N U M B E R T O C A L L Sunday Afternoon, February 9 S. W, Third Ave. and Cloy St. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, FO R S E R V IC E Portland Oregon A lo h a Jersey D airy The same HIGH QUALITY M I L K and Efficient Service W ith a new Phone No. Aloho 6584 tin tin tin tin H einz Strained H einz Chopped G erber's Strained Clapp's Strained ( «>r«/rri//v I n i it r n To I H r m l t » m i 7C 9C 7C 7« W hite Hominy Pet Food Tomato Juice Luncheon Meat 17‘ Swift's PREM or Hormel's SPAM 12-oz. can 39* odc I a * Apricots H IG UNPKLEDLVES No. 2Vi can 27' Fancy Grapefruit No. 2 can 17‘ Sweet Potatoes Morydol* 2 Vi 25' Pumpkin Moonbeam No. 2 ’/z can 15‘ Masterpiece No. 2 4 9c Vegetables Mixture for sofods con 1 0 Country Home Mo 2 4j Fancy Corn Creom style G B can 10 Pictsweet Corn Ä ' Ä , "L 217 C Kitchen Craft Flour 10 lb. "7<|c 25-lb.$4 .65 50- $<^.29 Sack 1 I Sack I Ib. <3 No. con RED No. 2Vi can 22' Choice Prunes TAG TOWN HOUSE NO 2 4 A Grapefruit Juice Noturol or Sweet CAN I " Grapefruit Juice NATURAL No. 2 can 10( Blended Juice BS S ° 46-oz. can 23c Orange Juice fgo L d ° 46- oz . can 23‘ Fbpjack Flour Pies 15-oz. jar Alber's brand 4-lb bag Reody to EAT! Picnics 4 to 8 Ib average Eastern Bacon By the piece HAMS Holf or whole Bockwurst Sansage Thnringsr ^ Boot Pot Roast Lorn or - oik Loin Roast Rib end Fryers Reody for the Pan 67* 25c Roasters 25c 35c 23c 47c 43c 25c Reody to stuff & cook U. 67‘ Stewing Chickens Cool to Cook 25‘ 37e n o». ... - - r MA» «H “ at lb. 42' lb. 59' lb. 59' lb. 45' lb. 55* lb. 42‘ lb. 45' Ibe 57C Chinook Salmon Soap!L L ifeb u oy S o a p . Stop* B O 3 bars 29c Lava Soap Gets d ir t ! m edium bar 9C Sweetheart Soap BM£5“ * 17c 52 3/29« Cashmere Bouquet Soap 2 bars 25c 24.0E 3 3 c O zydol G ranulated Soap I BOX I1S-OZ Duz G ranulated Soap BOX 33* Peet s G ranulated Soap 49* Ski Slide— or No. 2 A A c Creen Bow can Ze ¥ SAftWM CUAMHTUD MUTS u. (D ajuu L Joodz, Apple R ings evaporated 8-oz. pkg. Dried Pears e v a p o r a t e d 12- oz . pkg. BLUE 12-OZ. pkg. W h ite Figs RIBBON BLUE 12-oz. pkg. Black Figs RIBBON SMALL 2-lb. pkg. Dried Beans w h it e IDAHO 2-lb. pkg. Red Beans RED PORTER 1L W id e N oodles FRIL-LET3 1 1 -ID . pkg Tender Asparagus Mince Meat Collins JVa’ lbG lt P lb.65‘ Edwards Coffee M b 43c; 2-lb 85c M .J.8 . Coffee M b 44c; 2-lb 87c Chase & Sanborn Coffee M b con 44c Airway Coffee M b 37c; 3-lb $M C Nob Hill Coffee Ib bog J9c; 2-lb 77< Kritpy Soda Crackers 2-lb box 44< SAFEWAY