BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, January 31, 1947 Have you FOUND! PAT' S? We Serve ARISTOCRATIC BROILED HAMBURGERS BONNY SLOPE Card Party A Succe** The card party given at the , club house was a big success. The high score for pinochle was 5540. The prize was won by Mrs. Graves. The prize for cribbage was won by Mr. Graves with a score of 606. The door prize was won by Bob McFVrren. Lunch was served and dancing followed. The music was by Frank i Snyder and Noel Coppinger. A I very nice time was had by all. • • • New Neighbor» Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are new residents of Bonny Slope. They now live in the Erickson home. • • a Pre-war quality 12% Butter fa t Ice Cream Pat's Shake Shop Moved Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hecker have moved to Corvallis where Mr. Hecker intends to go to col­ lege. • • • 2 Doors South of Post Office Beaverton Y . F. \V. Open Meeting Sucre** A very nice turn out of people I FOX R EALTY Were at the V. F. W. meeting on January 21. Mra Oberg. President of the Ladies Auxiliary gave a talk on the Ladies Auxiliary and the many fine things they are doing. Deputy Chief of Staff Mr. Allen gave a talk on membership and membership drives. Each member of Post 8247 is to bring an eligible veteran for the meeting to be held February 4 at 8:00 p.m. in the Bonny Slope Community Club House. Veterans don't wait to be called on. Come up and give the V. F. W. a visit .and convince yourself that you should become a member of this fine organiza tion. • • • Getting New Cupboard* The Bonny Slope Community Club is getting new cupboards They are being built by “Pop' Hanson. Incidentally, they look very nice. • • • Kecupe ra tin g Roger Hecker is out of the hos­ pital now. He met with an acci­ dent and received cuts and bruis­ es on his hand. . . . Install Transformer The P. G. E. has put a new transformer in Bonny Slope. They State-W ide Service HOMES I • FARMS • BUSINESS 6 ACRES NORTH PLAINS— Near Sunset Hiway. 5 room home, 2 chicken houses, 4 ocres 1 yr. filberts. Price $4600. MR- MAFFITT 7 ACRES FARMINGTON— 3 bedroom home, barn, chicken house, family orchard, electric water system Price $7500. MR MAFFITT 6 ACRES ALOHA— 7 room home, fireplace, furnace, cement basement. 5 acres 7 yr filberts. Price $12,000. MR SYVERSON ‘ M O M SAYS DAD IS THE MOST