Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1947)
THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS & u n t eoeh word, including Nome V i j addres»-ONLY 2c A WORD M a Phone Orders X —»---- No Taken MINIMUM 2 S c AN ISSUE I FO R SA LE: Wood circulating heater. Reasonable. Phone CHerry 1 11845. 1 ------------ FOR SALE: ’36 Plymouth 4-door Sedan. Radio, heater, new Motor, tires, body, very good. Private. (650. Phone CH 3494. lp We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SEN TIN EL FOR SALE: Youngstown kitchen M ULTN OM AH PRESS sinks, 54 " and 66” for immediate A LO H A NEWS 1 _ nplete Eastern Washington County delivery. Beaverton 3535. ond Western Multnomah County Coveraoe FOR SALE a FOR SALE: Guernsey cow, third) calf, A. H. Wright. Beaverton 2364. Farmington Road. X | CRUSHED ROCK VETERINARIAN • L. H. Cobb Co. 9 14«) of Beaverton Hi way 6 Beaverton Portland 3511 COM. }* 1#'J 4 I ——-------------------------- 1 ------------ ------ . 1 F’or Quick Sales In REAL ESTATE Call lieux ertön 3981 11. 11. JEFFRIES On llixvay near Short St. See him for loans. Insurance _____________________Z . 1 FOR SALE: Coleman Oil Clrcu- Uaby ChU Every I uesday lator; heater; reasonable p ice, \\ E t l Ilk AND SMOKE ^■ iller Hamps. ChrUUe practically new. 5-room ca| \ Ol R PORK i I 1 B B o lly w o o d Wh. Leghorn*. Ordei Double oil tank. Aloha N tt. W. D. I 25 years Experience B u l y Miller’s Hatchery, Beaver- | Shelswell, Huber. Ip .ALDER MARKET K n . Oregon. I>hone B a t v « * » W A N T ID : Mas to Clit poles and Lewis Bros. ----------|-----*- - » Ul*u l ’or. 1st and Washington SL MB!8- ° :wood. Iwrwwl A. A R. !• ----- »•■...---- __ ------------ Mattson, Rt. X, Hox PORTLAND, OREGON tf I WOOD FOR SALE: 4 ft. slab- ' 97y, Davis Ave., Beaverton. Ip wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel HIDES _ WOOL, UASCABA—A Ci mpany, Beaverton. Phone 2826 FOR SALE: Fresh cut 2nd ...» i specialty. LEE BKOiL, *5 SW 34 tf growth cord wood. A .R. Mattson, Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf 1 Ch. Rt. 1. Box 979, Davis Ave., Bea '»¡COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE verton. Ip PAINTING Jfc PAPKKHANGING 'and lunch every Saturday 9:30 Work Guaranteed a m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd FOR SALE: White enamel Magic Work Done Promptly Ave., 3)4 miles south Foster Rd., Chef talbe-top gas range. Late CALL CHerry 2175 [Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and model. Reasonable. Phone Tigard |Kuctioneer. tf 2276. 46tf i Ip _x Garbage Collection Serv ice By month or contract For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 jdeliver anywhere. Give location ¿with order. Stanford Laugtilin, Carlton. Rt. 1. tf McCALL KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. W AN TED^ W e Specialize One Day Service - Immediate Delivery 7723 S. W. Copitol Highway 1607 Multnomah, Ore. "Across from Grade School" Special Introductory Offer 2 Tons of coal FREE with each Stoker Has 3 year Guarantee Free Estimates given Coll UN 1174 or UN 5711 We also clean and repair stoves, furnaces & oil circulating heaters Box 87, Sherwood, Ore. 51 tf W. E. P E G G FOR SALE: Clover hay, $20 ton. string baled, no deliveries. C. E. AUTOMOBILES WANTED Stretcher, Scholls Road, Rte. 1, OPEN SUNDAYS For OIL or SERVICE Box 776, Beaverton, Ore. Phone Are you having trouble selling Scholls 8328. 1 your car? If so, I'll sell it for you BEAVERTON 3861 or FOR SALE: New hoist, used few at your price for a small percen BROADWAY 8291 tage, or pay you cash for It. See times, double drums, positive and negative, guaranteed, $115. Meyers Bob at Bob’s Used Car Lot. East 388 S.W. Canyon Rood horizontal shallow well pump, $35. Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc tion. 46tf H. V. JOHNSON Beaverton, Or. 12 horse collars all sizes. $3.00 each. C. E. Stretcher, Rt. 1, Box RABBIT We Give S&H Green Stamps FTtYERS WANTED: 776, Beaverton, near Scholls Will also butcher your rabbits for Phone Scholls 8328. 3 the hides. D. P. MacDonald. Ruby FOR SALE: 1940 Chevrolet coach. Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. CEN TR A LLY SStf Excellent condition. New tires and LO CATED heater. Priced to sell. 6838 S. W. WANTED TO RENT; 5 or 6 Close to bus trans Capitol Highway, Portland 1 room unfurnished house in Mult port s t l o n a n d walking distança FOR SALE; 1934 Studebaker nomah. Will redecorate. CH 2165. from downtown. 3p Commander sedan, $400. Phone CH 1313. 10716 S. W. 49th Ave., Port YOUNG BUSINESS woman trans land 1, Oregon. 3p ferred from Minneapolis needs 1 FOR SALE; 6 year Jersey coxv. room kitchenette apartment or Furnished. Heavy milker. Call CHerry 2556. similar arrangement. Call Miss Gardner, ATwater 4306 lp or CHerry 3272. lp FOR SALE: One year old blue damask spring const, daveno, (60. WANTED: Salesman to list and Good coil spring dbl, size matt sell Real Estate Southwest Dis ress, $15.00. Good cotton felt dbl. trict Work out of Tigard Branch See Bert Miller or call mattress, $5.00. Phone CHerry 2726. office. MORTICIAN 1 Tigard 2523 or CHerry 3626. FOX REALTY A ACCOUNTING SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMER SERVICE FOR SALE: 1942 Lincoln Zephyr. ATwater 21M TIGARD BRANCH New tires; radio; first class con- diiton. L. H. Smith. Rt. 2, Box VENETIAN BLINDS 132. Tigard, Oregon. 1 10 day Delivery WEST END FOR SALE: 3,500 egg master in Repair — Repaint — J .sundry cubator and 1700 egg hatcher, Call AT 2924 8EU.WOOO BRIDGE 219 Lombard St. perfect condition. Price $300. C. Lillian Best Oregon 5p CREMATORIUM F. Selliken. Tigard. Phone Tigard Beaverton 2702. 3 M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1910 PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 FDR SALE: Old fashioned Sonora radio and record combination. Needs repair. Phone Beaverton 1 2 large lots on West edge of Beaverton, $650 each. Also small unfinished house, $2.650 i owner occupied). South on Watson, west on Allen. 5th house past Menlo Drive. C. E. Ferrington. Rte. 1. Box 1017, Beaverton. lp FDR SALE 1941 Buick. 4-door sedan. Good condition, $1675.00. Radio. heater, consider trade. Paul Haines. Erickson Avenue. First house South of High School. IP FDR SALE: Cocker Spaniel pup pies. $10 and $12.50. Phone Bea verton 2494 1 FOR RAIJC: *00 chick electric brooder in good condition, reason able. J. H. Steinberger. 224 S W. Erickson Avenue. Beaverton lp ______ I Phone 3951 BATTERIES BERNARDS AIRPORT CEDAR STREET AT WALKER RD. A LL GROUPS GUARANTEED REBUILT - Wholesale and Retail W rite or phone for details and prices Kelly Motor Co. Beaverton, Oregon Phone 2701 Phone Beoverton 3840 WEST SLOPE Ttew/eû CHICKEN «w STCRK D IN N ER S » \ C u t U f f iV r e s e r v a t io n s WI1K \ J ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION A C C O R D IO N S K«*I|1« m I - llo il^ llt S o lt i — n m n r*h 5-11 OPEN SU N DRY 1 - 10 ' - Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoodway 4702 Ir.O llI D U S O. R. NICHOLSON & SON D ealer in S C R A P M E T A L MITY MIDGET GARDEN TRACTOR Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements Immediate Delivery Metered Oil Service 8703 S W. Canyon Rd. Atwater 6591 d e l i v f : r e i > 11102 8 W Capitol lUway CH. 1313 B. R. STEVENS A LL TYPES - RUPERT Flying Service Demonstration on your Place HILLCREST GROCERY ------- BEAVERTON Land Surveying Farms, Subdivisions, Loti Acreage, Orchard Tracts Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Land Surveyor Batteries, Radiators, Brass, Aluminum, Copper Lead and Zinc HIGHEST PRICES PAID Phene; Beaverton 2497 Near Union Oil Depot -- WATER Aloha. Oregon Bertha-Beaverton Hiway WELL DRILLING PAUL E. BOSS Route 1. Rox 237, Aloha Phone 6380 Eye Her Not Siijiar Decontrol Held Inflationary King’s Sin—King David of old, m took to himself the wife of one of With estimated 1947 sugar sup Office and Residence Phone his men and by that David be ROTO TILLING plies In this country at least 1,- CHerry 236S came an adulterer and law break 000,000 tons short of public re A complete line of er, for—Thou Mhalt not commit quirements, It is Imperative that NURSERY STOCK RICHABD R. PFEIFER adultery-- BIBLE. A thousand government controls over sugar Write for New Catalogue. years later, came Jesus saying be extended through 1947, If we Surveyor Villa Ridge Nursery that whoever looks on a woman are to avoid a repetition of the 8000 S. W Capitol Hill Road to lust after her, has already severe shortages and skyrocket 1 1333 S W . 64th on Borbur Blvd. (Near 19th & S.W. Borbur Blvd.) committed adultery with her in ing prices which followed abrupt Portlond 1, Ore Phone CH 2928 Portlond 1, Oregon his heart. And again, Jesus said decontrol of sugar after World PAPERING A PAINTING-10 — -out of the heart proceed un War I. years experience, reasonable rate«, clean thouhts, adultery, etc. And This warning has been Issued First Claas. Free estimates. Call God knows your secret thought. by Earl B. Wilson, President of BEacon 3546, R. WHITLOW, 019 To him you may be just one more California and Hawaiian Sugar SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf | adulterer, living in adultery, by Refining Corporation, Ltd., and your eye of lust. former director of the Sugar New Day—With Christ’s death Branch of the U. S. Department W ELL PUMPS for our many sins, God put us of Agriculture, who states that INSTALLED REPAIRED AM ERICAN -CHINESE under a new command. It Is that certain uninformed interesta are Leathers Replaced ond General we should believe on the name campaigning for precipitate ac DINNERS Overhaul of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. tion in decontrolling sugar. It Is R. B. EDMONDS Fine Food - Ample Parking You are to lay hold on Christ as Wilson's belief that lifting of con your own Saviour who stepped trols may lead to a repetition of CHerry 2857 - Rte. I, Box 107 2 mi North of Tigard in and took your sins and suffer occurrences following World War Tigard, Ore. 2 11130 S. W Borbur Blvd. ed the pains of hell to clear you. I, when uncontrolled sugar prices ot 55th Ave. Make God’s Son, your own I/ird rose to 40c a pound retail, while Dancing After 9 and Saviour and the new life is shortage* became Increasingly ac MAUSOLEUM ute working severe hardships on In effect. LOST and FOUND Individual consumers, food manu Miracle—One Instant you saw God CEMETERY hh Judge, looking at your sins. facturers and the sugar Industry LOST: Sunday night in Beaver Piano Tuning. Cleaning ton. Small brown dog. Answers Complete Puneral Service In New The next you saw Him as your I In general. heavenly Father, for as you re to "Scottie.” Phone Aloha 6161. Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coot DEMOTHING REPAIRING Mrs. Kahler. lp Riverside Is a co-operative asao- ceived Christ Into your heart, Rt. 1, Aloha. Phone ALOHA 6612 God gave you new birth. Born of “Only Child*9 Ink*- To Schools, Churches, Clubs, Etc. ^ BUSINESS SERVICES * ciation with aasets of over $800,000 God. you now are. Bom from More Time I lian 16 M M. SOUND PROJECTOR above with a new heart and the BULL SERVICE by artificial in AND MIKE EXPERT HORSE SHOEING urge to keep God’s holy law. W lm l e F a m i l y semination. No membership or re Modern mothers with small Write Frank Mangan Judgment Day past, sins settled taining fees. Phone Beaverton And can be used os public families have often wondered P. O. B o x 7032 for and you are God’s forever. 3511 or Portland Commerce 9924 Building Contractors oddress system how pioneer women managed to Multnomah. Oregon _________________________ 51 tf care for their large broods Now See us when you Plon to Build 9 science has uncovered the fact that Free EfTimates 8. W. McChesney Rd.. Portland "only children” sometimes take a SURVEYING Guaranteed Workmanship HOWARD W. SMITH VINCENT LUMBER CO. 1, Oregon. This space paid for by (greater share of their mothers' 620 5 Mol 't Beaverton, Ore. PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING ” A Complete Lumber Yard” Beav. 3931 or 2462 a Seattle family. time than a family of brothers ORCHARD LAYOUTS We Deliver Anywhere and sistera reports Mrs. Erma H. PAINTS — SASH — PLUMBING Little, extension specialist In fam H. E. COX, Phone «191 — Aloha, Ore tf ily relationships at O. 8. C. "‘Tepn-Afle Recreation* Crushed Reck, Sand, Gravel Registered Load Surveyor I A recent study In Vermont Delivered Anywhere LANDSCAPE. Pruning, spraying Meeting F r b . 7th showed that the mother with a 7 V i' Spread for Driveways grafting. New lawns and rocker Phone Beeaverton 2592 46tf single child spent from 4 to 35 ies. Call W. A. Green, Beaverton Miss Jean Williams, Recreation hours per week In caring for that 44tf PAPERING—Painting A Kelso Specialist of Oregon State College child, the time requirement varying We move dirt - Put ¡rt Fill* J. H. Simpson, Ttgord, Ore. tf Extension Service, will conduct a according to the age of the child. METAL WE ATHKP. STRIPPING mining, neat, experienced work ‘Teen-Age Recreation" meeting If there were several children, the Dirt and River Silt for Sole L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A DEAD or Worthless Stock picked Rock wool insulation blown In man on February 7th at 10:30 at the time required in raring for all of 6 "-0 Rock for base Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 for free estimate write R. E. Ell •ip Free of Charge Anywhere. B. W. Barnes School gymnasium. them varied according to the age *ntr Prompt Service. Call collect UN. son and Son. Rt. 2 Box 285. Ti 1 Hillsboro. Garden Rock for Walls of the youngest. When the young gard. Oregon. F’hone Tigard 2197. 1221 or UN. 4502 Western State. According to Miss Beryl Scot- est was six months old or less, an P. B. HAGO Sand ond Grovel tf Rendering Co, N. Columbia Blvd. horn, Ass't Home Demonstration average of 27 hours a week was Hauling Contractor A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc CEDAR MILLS, BEAVERTON Agent, the meeting la being held spent in child care for the entire FXECTRICAL REPAIRS Prompt Concrete. Send. Gravel. Ma cessor to Denley Rendering 1 for those Interested In youth family. When the youngest wna 4 P. O. Box 221, Beoverton Sand Crushed Rock and Service on Appliances. J. L. Ran- Company.) Itf groups and home recreation. The or 5 years of age, the time spent Road Gravel ney. 4318 S. W. Lobelia, off C ap-. C. W. ZEHR 4-H leaders, P.TA, Grange, and was 12 hours a week. When the itol Highway. South Multnomah Route 1. Box 28. Tigard. Oregon POWER SPRAYINO — PHONE Home Economics Extension unita youngest was six or seven, the 4 Phone Tigard 2444 tf BEAVERTON 2188 tf have tieen invited to attend. time was only three hours a week T A I-P IN G Terrace Geo. F. Gordon For Rent ENGER BROS. ROAD ROCK Tigard 3206 Mayfield & Zehr j 6 BUILDING— CABINETS, all kinds and LANDSCAPING. L H. BKAWAND Metzger, Oregon CHerry 2929. 52tf Riverview Cemetery FOR SALE 31* tons clover, al falfa hay. C. T. Erickson. Rt. 3, Box 1588. Beaverton. On Division between Johnson Road and Lang Avenue. lp Remember "FULLER PAINTS"—They last PHONE STOVE AND DIESEL OIL J. P. Finley & Son FDR SALE: F*ull size walnut bed. Coil springs and good felt matt ress. Phone Tigard 3435. lp Now is the time to get that badly needed re-decorating |ob done. 388 Canyon Rd. iikmekCrifell Beaverton FUEL CO. sand paper, and brushes Beaverton - 3931 or 2462 De Laval L. W. FOREMAN, Rt. 1 I I I Howard W. Smith Beaverton. Oregon W ill weigh and pay cash at your place. Prompt pickup service. Write or call I hey lias«* eye appeal for I lit* nio»t I iii*eriiiiin aliii|E tu*le. I I V\ K CAHKY \ COMPLETE I.INE OF I I Varnishes, Shellacs, Waxes, Enamels, Wall Paints, Lin- I 1 seed oil, turpentine, painters thinner, putty, AH Kinds of Hauling Oil Co. SAWDUST, Light Slab, Cull lath, MOBILHEAT Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call WANTED: Furnished apartment FOR TOW CAR call VERMLLYE CHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. in Beaverton district. Steady em MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf Burner ond Stove Oil FOR SALE —16-in. green slab wood ployment, would like permanent 2)4 cord loads $8 cord delivered. place to live. Call Beaverton 2321. FRUIT AND NUT TREES 52tf Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone GILBARCO OIL 193-J. tf ROOM AND BOARD offered mid One of the largest stocks in the State. Come direct to nursery or BURNERS ¡^SHAVINGS make good bedding dle aged refined lady in exchange send for Free, 44-page catalog. R fo r stock and scratch for poultry for services as companion to lady Berries, Shrubs, Roses, Fruit and Shouse floor. They are free at and elderly mother or could work Nut Trees—-all kinds. B Reedville Sawmill. 47tf elsewhere part time and share living expenses. Write Rte. 1, Box PHONE T U A LA T IN V A L L E Y NURSERIES, Ip ■ f o r SALE: 1-2)4” centrifugal 83, Beaverton. Sherwood, Oregon. One mile past B pump with 6 horse air cooled en- Beaverton 2871 Six Corners on 99W . WANTED: Salesman to list and 9 gine, $85.00. sell Real Estate Southwest Dis 2— Storage tanks 8’ x 8’ x 4’ ap- or } prox. 1800 gal. with 2" outlet, $150 trict. Work out of Tigard Branch office. See Bert Miller or call CESSPOOL-SEPTIC TANK OWN ¡j each. ERS ATTENTION—Added equip 3— New 2" Globe valves, $6.00 Tigard 2523 or CHerry 3626. We FOX REALTY A ACCOUNTING ment allows faster service. BEacon 6555 each. pump & wash septic tanks, comml. SERVICE 4— New 2” Gate Valves, $6.00 ea. or residential. Guar, workmanship. TIGARD BRANCH I ** mile beyond Reedville on Cherry j? St. Phone Beaverton 3861. H. V. WANTED: Resident of Multno Sewers connected. Cesspools and ! Johnson. 44tf mah or Garden Home district to septic tanks constructed. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, 2tf I ORDERS TAKEN NOW for New sell homes, farms, business. No TA. 3235. We help I Hampshire baby chix. Hatching experience necessary. SEPARATORS — MILKERS I every Saturday. Phone Beaverton you get started in an interesting GARBAGE SERVICE BY I 2940. John Didier, Rte. 1, Box 352, profession where your earnings COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND [ Beaverton, Oregon. 49tf are unlimited. See Wayne Alex SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY MONTH OR CONTRACT ander at Fox Realty, Beaverton INDUSTRY Canyon Road at --------- Ellis. 1 [ FOR SALE: Holstein, Guernsey office. -------------- ------ ----------— ALOHA GARBAGE CO. i and Jersey hei f ® ^ ® ' I DO SEWING IN MY home for | so Bred Gilts, $37.50 each. Getter chldren from age 6 months to 12 G. C. MILLER, Owner ■ at Scholls. 1 years. Phone BRoadway 6736. P. O. Box 254, Aloha, Ore. 46tf FOR SALE: Accordions, new and 3725 S. W. Multnomah Club Rd., Nmifartwi i Iff,tributari Ip used, 12, 48, 80 and 120 bass West Slope. EVERYTHING West Slope Accordion Studio. Rt. FREE FIRE INSURANCE 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Phone BR MIDDLE AGED WOMAN for Beaverton 5 Year Coverage for a 4702. 52tf general house work. district. Part time or steady em 3 Year Premium ployment. Phone Beaverton 3847 FOR SALE: Large Montag xvood GLENN E. PRINGLE circulating heater, $35. After 7 IP 132 N. W. Park AT. 6461 255 PHtock Block CH-3640 Res. Jp m. or Sunday, Rte. 1, Box 123A, 10th It Washington AT- 2777 Beaverton on Ruby Avenue 1 WANTED - -LIVE POULTRY block off Bertha Beaverton High Portlond S (Day or Nita) Phone Stafford 5140 way. E. McCrum. 1 FOR SALE: Ping pong table; ma hogany chest; oak breakfast set; barrel chair. Phone Tigard 2064. 1 FULLER Homebuilders Supply Co- BEAVERTON TRANSFER CO. In LIVE POULTRY WANTED: Any Remodeling and Recovering size lot. Top celling prices. Write or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- • All Furniture Custom Made - ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th Port 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 land 13, Ore. 29 I 4*1 ii* -how son llit* nn« “'iio-top*tiler" rotor* 1» | Low Cost Automatic Coal Heat S t x r ic t J^et J i alh Homebuilding HOHNSTE1N & SCHAFER 4073 N . E. 16th Ave. Phone Ml’ rdock 28' '5 West Slope. Beaverton. Meadow- .• it ind Cedar Hills tf . . l'Y ü T ü - a jiO jn " C ome 3 n ... Portland STO KERM ATIC DR. C . Friday, January 31, 194/ r CALL FOR ESTIMATE Phone - Webster 2571 Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian Phone Beaverton 2881 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE PAINTING