BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, January 31, 1947 Sheet Metal Ross Stresses Important*!* of Farm ( nion Maintaining Constructive- C Aggressive Policy in Agriculture R A L E IG H H IL L S COOPER MOUNTAIN Visit Improved Tim berlin e Works ( Ipcns In Aloha Cooper Mt. the Air • * • PHIL'S Shopping Center TIGARD PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. L ynn Jones and Mr. Bany, w ho has been on the daughters. Aris, L ynore and Bar- sick list is im proved but as yet accom panied by D orothy At a well attended m eetin g in the P etition o f the W est C oast is not able to work. K ruetner and K ay T ibbetts spent T elephone C om pany for an in • • • j H illsboro on the evening o f Jan Sunday, January 19 ,at T im berline crease in rates. Mr. K einnier e Aloha has a new establishm ent. uary 24, Lym an Ross, v ice-p res con clu ded that the com pany, in At , , Hom , ... . . . . . .___. Lodge. The girls took their sleds Lloyd W old is missing school The Aloha Sheet Metal W orks, ident o f Laurel-Scholls L ocal, who his opinion, was receiving s u ffic and spent one grand day in sled located on Stacey and A lexander were hosts fo r the occasion , was ient revenue under present rates at present due to a case o f flu. ding. • • a A venues is operated by C. J. Installed as the new P resident o f to pay all operating costs and to Dashney. the W ashington County F arm ers carry on an adequate construction Skiing Dashney has been a resident Union. Other office rs installed program Mr. and Mrs. L arry H obbs and to m eet the require o f Aloha for the last 12 years. He were O. E. Beaman, V ice-P res daughter Gelene and Ellen Stefin m ents o f the territory served and is m arried and has tw o children, ident; Noble Schearer, G atekeep I spent Sunday at Tim berline to pay a reasonable return on < ) i i Elene, w ho attends the A loha-H u- er; M. J. Vanderzanden, C ond u c | Lodge. T he afternoon was spent the investm ent and that the re ber grade school, and A rnold. tor and Chester W ohler, F rank quest fo r an in crease in rates is Mrs. R . B. McMinn o f the P ort i in skiing. . . . Dashney will do general sheet Schulm erlch and John Plass. E x land Central Bible School, who not justified. metal w ork and installation o f ecutive Board. Surprise con ducts Bible Class every W ed A com m ittee o f the W ash in g heating plants. A lbert Kem m er of B eaverton, Marilyn Neupert celebrated her nesday at the Cooper Mt. School H e has been w ork ing in a sheet gave a detailed report on the re ton County F arm ers Union has took several youngsters to the tenth birthday F riday afternoon, taken an active part in opposition metal w orks in P ortlan d p rior to cent hearing conducted by the K W JJ broadcasting station to January 24 by surprising the pup opening his ow n business in A lo Public Utilities C om m issioner on to the petition o f the Telephone sing and give memory verses via ils o f her room , 5th and 6th C om pany fo r increased rates and ha. giades, with one o f Helen Ber- * on the basis o f facts brought out radio. T he thrilled youngsters who hard’s beautifully decorated birth in the hearings presented a res day cakes, lighted with ten pink olution calling for a com plete in took part in the program were vestigation o f the com pan y by the Ellen W old, Ellen Clausen, Ken- candles. Cake and ice cream were present Legislature, and en act nie Clausen, Ona May Altig, M ary served to all. ment o f legislation to correct the L ee H art and Patty Hart. T h ey are students o f the first, liahy Girl abuses su ffered by the public Mr. and Mrs. H arry F orsberg with the sanction o f the P ublic third and fourth grades at the are the proud parents o f a baby Utilities C om m ission er in the case school. • • • daughter, In grid Ann, born Jan o f certain utility com panies. The uary 3. R esolution was unanim ously ad • « . opted and the P resident and com W elcom e B ack m ittee lnstrutced to take w h at W e are glad to have Mrs. P ro Mrs. La von Hart was the re ever action necessary. cipient o f three beautiful birth vost, second grade teacher, back Other action taken w as the ap day cakes and many nice gifts after being absent one and a h alf proval o f a resolution received in h on or o f her natal day. Jan weeks with a severe cold. We from the I-aurel S ch olls L ocal op uary 23. feel quite lu ck y in having had posing an y increase in salaries o f H er friends and neighbors the such a good substitute teacher as elected State o fficia ls and ap M esdam es Louise Johnson, Chris Mrs. Schultz to take over during pointive departm ent heads by the tine W old, Laura Clausen. Mary Mrs. P rovost’s absence. present L egislature, D isapproval C avaness, Thelm a Barron, May • * * o f H B 88 know n as the C ounty Bates, E dyth Sayer o f M oro and C o m m itte e K iite r ta in e d Z onin g and P lan n in g Bill, and M arcia H aneberg of Portland, the so-called "F reew a y B ill" w as helped m ake the afternoon one A t L u n c h e o n o fficia lly recorded. T he L egisla lon g to be remembered. Thursday the Sylvan P. T. A. tive C om m ittee was Instructed to entertained a com m itted repre meet at least on ce each w eek P reach er to organist: ’ And when senting the R aleigh P. T. A. at a while the L egislature is in session I get through with my sermon I ’ll noon luncheon at the Sylvan to study all Bills e ffe ctin g a g ri ask those o f the congregation who school. culture and to take \frhat action want to con tribu te $5 towards the T he com m ittee m em bers attend necessary. m ortgage on the church to stand ing this luncheon were Mrs. C. Mr. R oss, in his accep tan ce re up. In the meantime you play ap-1 W. Allen, Mrs. W . A. B rooks, Mrs. m arks, called fo r the continued proprlate m usic.” R. S. F ryer and Mrs. E. B. T on and active interest o f farm ers in O rgan ist: "W h at do you mean gue Jr. T h ey are investigating all social and econ om ic legislation appropriate m u sic?" cafeteria facilities and will make as well as that w hich e ffe cts sp ec P reach er: "T h e Star Spangled a report preparatory to the pur ific farm problem s. He stressed B anner.” ch asin g o f equipm ent fo r our the Im portance o f the Farm Un school. ion m aintaining a con stru ctive and aggressive policy in beh alf o f agriculture and the advisability o f w ork in g h arm on iou sly with other responsible grou p s and or ganizations fo r secu rin g the m ost equitable distribution o f the ab undance o f our country. He asked for a ctiv e agriculture and leg islative com m ittees In each local W e are w o rk in g h a rd to p ro v id e te le with a full program and discu s sion o f tim ely top ics at each m eet phones fo r everyone w h o w ants- one, and ing and pledged his e ffo rts in this to re b u ild our service u n til it is a g a in the direction ns P resident o f the or ganization in the County. finest in A m erica . E ntertainm ent by the Juniors o f L aurel-Scholls L ocal under the Before w e can accom plish these objec direction o f Mrs. H arold Hasse, Juvenile D irector, w as enjoyed by tives, w e m ust in sta ll a trem end ous a m o u n t all. R efresh m en ts w ere served by o f e q u ip m e n t— w ires, cable, sw itch b o a rd s, the ladies o f the host L ocal. A large delegation from W ash b u ild in g s a n d so on. W e ca ll this e q u ip ington C ounty Is expected to at m ent "p la n t". tend the State F arm er Union C on vention to be held in A lbany on These are the things you have a right to expect oi F ebruary 18, 19 nnd 20. T he State W e are in s ta llin g this n e w e q u ip m e n t any chickens you buy— whether fryers, roasting C onvention w as one o f the out as ra p id ly as w e can secure it b u t m a n y chickens or iowl. And, these are the things you'll standing events o f H illsboro last gel at Safew ay— every time you buy. Quick critica l items such as lead a n d co pp er are year. R A L E IG H H ILLS RTA TO M E E T TUESUA* The P . T. A . will m « « 1 T u e * < j ? y ’ February 4th at 3 p m. ut the Ka leigh School. A Founders Day play is to be given by some of | the mothers. Children vw j cared for by Girl Scouts. R efiesh - ments will be served. Transpot ta- tion is assured for all. • • • Manila B ound , R obert Tongue, brother o f E. B. Tongue, Jr., left Portland on Thursday for Seattle w heie * boarded a ship Friday for Man-1 ila. . R ob ert’s plans are som ew h a t in definite although he will start in business for himself in Manila in the near future. • • • Visiting In Seattle Mrs. G iles Fowler and daughter, Susan, left Tuesday evening for Seattle where they will visit with Mrs. F ow ler’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Skeeles for a few days. O z BEAVERTON "A lw a y s a R ig h t Price on the C o rn e r” GOODS GROCERIES DRY MEATS n o t io n s FOOD LOCKERS Progress, Ore. Phone Beov. 23ao From where I sit... //Joe Marsh Sam Hackney Reports on the U.S.A. Happy BirtInlay Sam Hackney and the missus just returned from a trailer trip around the country. They’re tired, and glad to be home, but mighty impressed with what they saw. As Sam reports—every section haa something different; a differ ent way o f talking; different tastes in food and drink; different laws and customs. But bigger than all these differences is the American spirit o f tolerance that lets us live together in united peace. “ Of course,” says Sam, "you run into Intolerance from time to time. Individuals who criticize an other’s right to speak his mind; enjoy a glass of beer; or work at any trade he chooses. But those are the exceptions—and we’re even tolerant of them!” From where I sit, more o f us ought to make a trip like the Hackneys — to realize firsthand how America is bigger than its many differences. . . how tolerance o f those differences is the very thing that makes us strong. Copyright, 1947, United States Breviere Foundation Safeway Chickens are jrown M GOOD \EATING \ You get them exactly at the peak of fine flavor, young tenderness, and plump meat- Nv iness at Safeway—Every Time! \ ^ Hirtliiluv Honors D uring the y e a r o f 1947, w e pro m ise to " g r o w " as m uch n e w " p la n t " a n d cis m a n y new phones as the su p p ly o f in co m ing m aterials w ill a llo w . Safew ay buyers choose from among the nation's lines! flocks and buy only the beet, good-eating chickens. The chickens are properly killed, immediately eviscerated (which means removing and discarding all waste and inedible parts) and then frozen in-a-hurry to save all the in-grown quality lor our customers. From grower to table we do everything possible to bring you the finest eating chickens to be had. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. M cC affrey entertnined eleven guests nt a turkey dinner in h onor o f the birthday o f their dnughetr, Shar on and Mr. M cC a ffrey ’s m other, Mrs. C. L. M cC affrey. T he d ecor ations w ere carried ou t with a Valentine scene and an angel food birth d a y cak e w as presented by Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. W ilson. Mr. M cC a ffrey ’s fa th er nnd m o ther, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M cC af frey have been visitin g th eir son since D ecem ber 15 nnd plan to leave soon for their hom e in G rand F orks. N orth D akota. W e guarantee you will be pleased— or all your money back. Reody fo r th e Pon, ^ a Eviscerateci a n d i a ß* D is jo in te d * ** * FRYERS Inempensive— becouse th e re 's n o woste R O ASTER S SCOOP FO W L IM M E D IA TE DELIVERY Univex 8mm Movie Projectors A n d w a it t i ll you toate th e m * 07 RsoUy to serve— > CHICKENS EX , o X 0nd D ressed Fowl u D ro w n a t yo u r re qu e st M o lt o r W hole Beef Sfeaks • IN STOCK - MERCURY II Precision Built • A ll M etal Construction • • F. 3.5 or F. 4.5 Lenses Accurate High Speed Shutters • B uilt-in Exposure C alculator • A ttra ctive Leather Case t - » bog 2 f < 2 » bog 7 7 e Airway Coffee LOOK! PLENTY OF EASTM AN FILM — ALL SIZES HOME M OVIE RENTAL FALCON DE LUXE CAMERAS — SPECIAL, 55.00 complete SERVICE LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Kramien's Drug Store Prescription Druggists L. C. Krom ien — Ray Meadows Phone 261 Hillsboro, Oregon Spec<9 p ric e ' flavor M , S I ,t o 2 bars 25* 29 |O r M a ry- N o 2^2 dole con Pumpkin __ Salad Vegetables M oonbeom bra nd M oke s excellent Pies' 45c Mb. 38 Î 7 ' *3 Î 9 < 19 - 10 No 2 k i con 4 Tc | J No 2 * con 10 M a ste r- piece ‘ FRFSN FROM THF COUNTRY - u/kiùL G R A P E F R U IT V>x>»e e xtra n * c y < Sweetened by the Desert Sun 5 ’i r 39 > CV?ki4r C f c « f ChM» fc. 55 Ü M apcrefte ' ic H a lf $ 4 .49 Fu box 1 $ 0 89 box Jhin SkmMd N o v e l O ra n g e s ^ 9 ttwm by Ikt bow — — Soug Save M M on am ey ' 1 Lam * Sc bSedim». Sun 7 ' se <200*« & 220 t) H o lt Box $ 2.19 F ull Box $4 19 floioio& A D€SCHUTE$ Sutho Suds so*« C ABHM EM SOVQVCT Toilet SOAP 45c 28-or Sauerkraut ••**»-> (IW il or p u b t r iff d eon 4 } < 2 *> c a r f J< Dried Figs »o«*. Coffee Apricots Tuo nrmufcv I e- 44 < O w n « 2 Ä Fancy Peas äs: Cherub Milk ™ /JRJ5 I ______ Spa« t LA 55 G r a p e f r u it s ^ ,^ 10 < Grapefruit t? H ‘ Grapefruit T^ r ^ 10 ' N v< M to .o “£i'?,10‘ «23‘ M^ywtaise u~r „ Î5 ‘ F r q H « m ;. ^ t*n 39 . Freah ro oste d w hoi# boon LOOK! Sk in le ss W eine*« 42c Dude Ranch Carnead jeteen* Nob Hid Coffe* Mtld, Lb ¿ l L j * l Apple Butter Sweet Potatoes — Buy yo ur b n tn d o t Sotew oy o n d SAVE • » » bog 17 « Lb Pork Loin Roost Lo in or R*> end Bo c Oft ANV M ( By the piece Lb E¿words Coffee PHOTO S irlo in — A A % A U COFFEE French Im ported * S houlder Blade c u t Lb S k in n e d H o m s from . 57* 2 2 * 7T » o 5 U H s pound» LB 9 Beef Root» C,“ D* S J / Dressed Fryers u T o p q u a lity fis h o n d seo foods, now p le a s in g th ousands t h . j new way Salmon, H o h b u f. Sob l* F ille t o f So% a n d others £ e o d y fo r th e p a n 1 9n. O w l 5 a O í A ma . Suwuudted. TYlaat U o L lma D ro w n a t y o u r request MODELS to Choose A ve rag e to 4 lbs Serves 4 « 0-6 Fricassee o n d hot b .sco n s' Dishes he m en sim ply can t re r -J isJ i' THREE FINE c For yo u r rove m eol o f th e w ee k' STEW ING C h ick en on d d u m p lin g s ' A ve rag e W e ig h t 2 - 3 lb P lenty fo r 4 people Reody-to-Roost / w W hole Chicken LB. C u o ro n te e d to ro o s t m o is t a n d fe n d e r More Photo Firsts at K R A M IE N 'S 9 M treezing is part of the secret. But there are other points, too. such as the buying and handling. still d iffic u lt or im possible to o b ta in . No. 120 F O LD IN G Cam eras \ V 59 ‘ LB — < H a lf Box $ t 98 Full Box $3 89 7 P erm et-Coasaa»r Campmgn Slock up now—Supplies are pienti ful— potato«« inexpertas' 52 ’* 59c b . pha )$< ■ « * = ;» » £„■ SAFEWAY i