WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE V ALLE Y CENTER LEACH & BUCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel ORDERS TAKEN at L IP S T IC K , PERFU M E C O M B IN A T IO N IT eat Slope Plumbing C arry both in your purse in one container Service W EST SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP Phone r ^ lionort'd (iu iL>t is introducing o little Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt k W EST SLOPE N E W S TABU BEacon 7542 8 7 ) 7 Canyon Rd. ^ oung People A baby show er in honor o f Mrs. Frank Lauket (nee Marylee Mad deni was given at the home of Mrs. Osborn. S. W Barnes Road, h i the afternoon o f Friday, January The Y ou n g People o f the Vall- 24. J ey C om m unity United Presbyter Mrs Louie Madden, m other of ian ch urch have prepared the ser Mrs. Lauket, enjoyed it particu vices for Sunday, February 2. The larly because it was the first anthem will be sung by the high time she had been able to take school class. D olores Fischer will part in any social a ffa ic since play the prelude and postlude. her recent stay in the hospital. Dave Stroup. Stanley Fredeen, Jr. • • • and John T ennant will serve as New F aces ushers. There are three new little stud The S criptural reading will be ents in the kindergarten o f Mrs. given by D ick Schafer and the A. W. Graham , S W . H ow att R d.: R esponsive R eading by Bryan Jim m ie Durst, Judy Deweese and W alker. Bud Sayre is to make Carole Sue Ransom . (the announcem ents. BEacon 9492 FURNITURE Our Complete Line of Unfinished Furniture, WOOD HEATERS AND O IL BURNING COOK STOVES T he m essage will be presented by G eorge P ickard, teacher o f the High School class, and will deal I with the accom plishm ents o f the ! young people o f today. Also Antiques W e call and deliver Canyon Hoad Trading Post Civic Improvement- Sought by ('liib One Mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road For Imm ediate Appointment for Permanents » HELEN’ S BEAUTY SALON S .W . Canyon Rd. BR 79 88 Hand Made GIFTS BACON SQUARES FOR EVERY Best for seasoning Per pound ................ GROUND A - v O * ’ OCCASION BROWNIE’ S SHOPPE BEEF "N othing but Grade A B e e f" Per pound ...................................................... 8903 S. W. Canyon Road Portland 1, Ore. W *# I PORK LIN KS I I! g Oc "A rm o u r's Star Pure Pork" Per pound . . . . . . I . I ! SC O TT TISSU E 3 „„„ 29c I I pound Jars ..........per lb. 41c FLORIDA C a ll us at ! ! Br. 2069 ! For Expert Radio Repair We pick up and deliver I TA N G ERIN ES pq > ■ *. 10« I I FREE DELIVERY SERVICE AT I I CASH AND CARRY PRICES Î I Your orders will be carefully filled to insure !! satisfaction — Save time and expense o f ear operation i I i i W EST SLOPE i Grocery and Market i C A LL US. i i BR 9998 i i : S. W. Canyon Road THE BOSS M IKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT Honored Mrs. E. W . Mosher, S. W. W il- j son A venue .received special hon- jor at the January m eeting o f the Social O rd er o f Beauceaut, which is the w ives o f the K nights T em plars, w hen she retired as state president o f the order. Mrs. M o sher was presented with a beau- Itiful C ross and Crown ring. In addition, h er officers gave her a colorfu l pottery hum m ing- I bird, kn ow in g that birds are one I o f Mrs. M osher's hobbies. Business T rip West Slope Radio and Appliance Authorised Phitco Dealer 8830 S. W . Canyon Drive (Form erly H ille r Bros. Real Estate office) i TW O PHONES BE 0733 Sometimes automatic record changers are more bother thon they are worth. They try to play 3 or 4 records at once, or---none at oil. We fix 'em, we sell 'cm. I Del Monte C O FFEE George Sez: At Mrs. W. C. R ich ard's home on S. W . M urray Avenue, the W estdale M others' Club enjoyed a brisk m eeting January 22. Some o f the civ ic im provem ents tow ard w hich the club is w orking are: a fo o t path alon g the highways be tween W estdale and Beaverton, tra ffic signs fo r this residential l area where cautious driving is vital. T he date fo r the opening o f the gym class for m em bers and their friends will be announced soon. A great deal o f interest was show n in the Scout park on C oo per Mt. A com m ittee was appoint ed to see if help could be given by the club tow ard the im prove ment o f this park area. Since any help given m ight necessarily be by the husbands o f the mem bers, w orn and torn socks were busily I m ended du rin g the evening, with the m otive o f softening the male resistance. C ocoanu t cream pies garnished with w hipped cream served with c o ffe e m ade the evening quite com plete. Mrs. Bernard Ostroski accom - i panied her husband on a business trip this past week, w hich took them to E ugene and the surround ing territory. * • • \ c u H o id e iiU A dding to the increasing pop ulation o f W est Slope are the fam ilies o f Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Gtl- lam, Jr., residing at 2939 S. W. McChesney R oad, and Mr. and Mrs. W . C. M cK eel, Jr. and year old son. David, living at 3136 S. W . McChesney. Mr. G illam ,a senior at Lewis and C lark C ollege is intending to enter the teaching profession next fall. His w ife .a native V irginian, has m any com plim en tary things to say about Oregon. Mr. M cKeel, also attending L ew is and Clark as a Junior, is m a joring in M athem atics. Mrs. M c Keel com es from the state o f C ol orado. Both men, native Portlanders. began as classm ates at Lewis and Clark the fall o f 1942. E ach set aside his books to serve with the N avy during the war. § Fof | Complete C ar Care K ir G ro ve i lub H on o rs B irth d a y s T h6 Fir G rove G arden Club m em bers honored the birthdays o f Mrs C W R ansom and Mrs. B. T. W alton w ith a party at I m hom e of Mis John B. Taylor, Fir G rove Lane, T uesday evening, I January 21. m FRUIT AND SHADE Tree Pruning FREE $ 4.50 and up Garbage C ans, heavy galvanized Household Garbage C a n .................................. 4.20 Household Step Ladder, Red and Ivory 3.50 Rural M ail B o x e s .............................................. M edicine Cabinets ........................................................ 4.25 3.75 up Portland 1 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Box 1 54, Beaverton Phone* ALPEMROSE (1 4 9 S.W. SM ATTUCK ROAD throughout the VX'est. If you do not already have a credit card, come on in anytime and fill out an application We ll do our best to see that your card is issued promptly. Chevron Supreme, highway version of the Chevron Aviation Gasoline Standard de ** »tsVt for fightings planes during the war, and Rr»1 Motor Oil are available at .. ' Ernia" Leach 1 Vi mi. Eost on Bertho Beaverton Hiway to Shattuck Rood Home Studio for Violin IMmnlmiir & Appliances for Phone BEacon 7542 Beginning and Intermediate Students M urray A ve., 6th W hite House from S. W . Conyon Road on W est Side of Street 8081 S. W. Canyon Road r Attention, Housewives! N O W O PEN TO S E R V IC E A N D S U P P L Y Y o u r W orn-out W ashing M achines and Sm all Electrical Appliances CARL'S REPAIR SHOP (Form erly C a rl's F ix it Shop) 25 Y e a rs of M echanical Service on Household Appliances — A L L W O RK G U A RA N TEED — For Prompt, Courteous Service Call Aloha 6349 W e Pick Up and Deliver On Highway between Aloha and Reedville Prices Good for January 31 to Feb. 3 inclusive STORE HOURS— Weekdays -- 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sundays — 9 A. M, to 6 P. M. 1 t i TIP TOP Chocolate SYRUP 20 ox. Jar for 23« I I I / Large Can« Popular Brands Cans PIE CRUST MIX LB. G E N II Add w ater, roll and bake GRAPEFRUIT for Lorge site Tuolatm Volley CARROTS Large Sweet DRY ONIONS 25c A * * lu i C 2 Lb «> k»* 77* LB Swift's Premium Half or Whole IV U s NUCOA bu. U. S. No. 1 r cr . Shoulder Cuts of A & AA Beef Pound Beaverton, Oregon 29c A CH A N G E IS GOOD NOW Pound 5 9 c O YSTER S BEEF RO A ST Highway 49c SPRING RHUBARB • NEW CABBAGE NEW PEAS - NEW POTATOES 59c p, 5 9 c GRO UN D BEEF L. 3 5 c ym C Fresh Ground Schuld & 35 5 CHoery 2424 | Announces Opening of "P lum bing — R etter Hornea^ B A C O N „ /r Swetland DAIRY Î Accredited Teacher of V iolin SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. T. R . Suter, for m erly o f S. W . E llis Avenue, stop ped at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Hall Tuesday, January 14, for a short visit. T hey were on their w ay from their hom e in Grants Pass to Seaside where Mr. Suter was to take part in a howling tournam ent. * * • Busy Rehearsing The Seven li t t l e P eppers Club o f W estdale met M onday, January 27 at the hom e o f Molly Lutz. The m em bers are w ork in g on a play which they hope to put on soon for their parents and friends. • • • Attend Luncheon Mrs. O. W . T ennant and Mrs. K. L. Hall attended the luncheon for the wives o f the em ployees o f the O regonian C oun try C ircu lation D epartm ent held at the Benson Hotel in P ortland, F ri day. January 24. • • • Entertains Mrs. Bernard A schelm gave a luncheon for eight last T uesday at her hom e on P arrw ay Drive. Panguini was played. On January 13, the A scheim s entertained at a dinner fo r sev eral friends, as that d ay m arked the first birthday o f their dau gh ter, M ary Ann. Guests included godparents o f the baby, Mr. and ♦— — - Mrs. Charles Brown. H S t a n d a rd s U K w o n N a t io n a l C r t- u ii ' j f d is g o o d wherever y o u see the fa m o u s Chevron sign Because tb< Dacro Cap if a renuina teal, it mux be removed tbe 6rst time with an opener. After tb it it mar be Mapped back on the bottle ai • re-teal and removed ecaio and t t u a even witboot u openee. ckENZIE KITH ANN Me PLUMBING Texas Pink. We Hosier C H EVRO N CREDIT CARDS The bottle is not merely covered. It's SEALED with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tamper* proof. There's complete, scientific protection for our a ilk after it leaves the dairy. Let one o f our routemeo ahow you what rhia protection means to you and your family. F or Stove and Diesel OH Call H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. BR o od w ay 0 0 5 1 n est Slope Phone BRoadway 6122 i i . and we're meeting hit demands with Dacro Pro* tected Milk . . . the safest package of milk you can buy. Chiropractic Physician 30 years practice in Portland I block So. of Canyon Road on m M R oad-W ait Slope Portland phone BEacon 9 6 3 7 Canyon Road at W alker Rd. R ou te and >r#£ gURLITY M A R K E T EA ST B E A V E R T O N ^ DR. H. A. PUTNAM Landscape Construction 18.50 Underground Garbage Cans .................... WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD IS R I G H T 87 0 3 S. W . Canyon Rd. A T 6951 W e give S & H Green Stamps H obby O rchestra G row in g T he H obby O rchestra has grow n too big fo r m eeting in a home, so will m eet in the social room of the Bethel C ongregational church in B eaverton Friday, January 31 at 7 p.m. P ractice will be held there until further notice. LAW N ROLLER FOR RENT THE G E N T L E M A N II I in= E S T IM A T E S Beaverton 3 7 9 8 I V A L L E Y VIEW R IC H FIELD STA TIO N RICHARD B. HOLMBOE Carl A. Arpke, father o f Mrs. H. Q. Cox o f S h effam n W ay and F rederick Arpke, o f P arrw ay Drive, passed aw ay Inst W ed n es day night, January 22 at G ood Sam aritan H ospital. Funeral ser vices and burial w ere in Salem on Saturday. Mrs. L aura Arpke, his w ife .and three gran d ch ild ren. D iana and C ynthia A rpk e and Jay Cox survive. En including Lubrication, Gas und Oil Come to J Carl Arpkie Dies Vis it = I I I = I I I = IM = I I I = I I I = I I I = I I I = I I I = I I I = I I I = I I I = i=iii=iii=iii=in== BEAVERTON EN TERPRISE Friday, Ja n u a ry 3 1 , 1947 J U N C T I O N Ú T bd C A N Y O N P O A D