V O L U M E 20. N U M B E R I EST A BLISH ED 1927 BEAVERTON PERSONALS A m erican M other Speak* Mrs. W . P. M iller and Mrs. E. B ow ers were tw o o f the m any w om en who heard the A m erican M other for 1946 speak at the tea given Sunday afetrnoon at the R ose City P resbyterian C hurch in Portland. T he A m erican Mo­ ther fo r 1946 is Mrs. E m m a Clar­ issa Clem ent o f Louisville, Ky. • • • R ehrk ah Social Club T he R ebekah Needle and Social Club will m eet with Mrs. W. Sm ith on S pencer A venue Friday, F ebruary 7th. Pot luck lunch at noon. • • • V isitor Mrs. W ill N ew com er o f G resh­ am visited at the J. O. A nderson h om e on M onday evening. • a • III Mrs. Fred J. Scott has been ill w ith a cold but is better at this w riting. • • • Sunday V isitors Mr. and Mrs. A V. Butts were visitors at the E. R. Sheets hom e on F arm ington R oad Sunday. B e a ve rto n , O re g o n , Friday, J a n u a ry 31, 1 9 4 7 Founders Day 1946 $200,000 High School Anniversary Bond Not Received T he fiftieth Founders Day An niversary will be observed at the P. T. A. cou n ty cou ncil o f W ash­ ington C ounty on Tuesday, Feb­ ruary 11, at the A loha-H uber school. G eorge A itken will be the prin­ cipal speaker. The topic o f his speech will be, “ S afety." This m eeting will con vene at 10:00 a.m. and close a t 3 p.m. Lunch will be served at noon by the Aloha-H u­ ber P. T. A. unit. Preacher Stipulisi Ai Cedar Mill IF YOU C H A N G E YO UR A D D R ESS PLEASE N O T IF Y YOUR PAPER \\ antrri: ( hit* Rod ( !m*s ( liairman B eaverton and T igard have the doubtful distinction o f being the only tw o places in W ashington Co. who are not all set to go on the W e have been asked recently Y our attention is directed to Red Cross Drive, com plete with why the high school needs an oth ­ the follow in g inform ation: chairm en. er $325,000 when they got $200.- Date o f election, February 5, W m . E. Hurley, W ashington 000 last spring at the Feb. 23, 1947. 1946 election. Funds to be used for High County Fund Chairm an at H ills­ boro is look ing for som e one w ill­ T hey did not get $200,00 last Sch ool C onstruction spring. T he Bond E lection was Am ount o f bond issue. $325,000. ing to accept the Beaverton ch a ir­ manship. held and passed, but the election Present bon ded indebtedness, Mrs. J .R T albert has served as was nullified by a legal techni- none, cality in the bond proceedings and | D istrict valuation 1947 $6,574, chairm an for five years but is unable to do so this year. so the m oney was never received. 299.15. W h o will take on this civic T he $125,0000 additional being Increased valuation o f district duty and do a "ban g up" job, and asked fo r now is necessary fo r 2 this year $307,246.66 B eaverton on the map fa v or­ reasons, (1) because b u ild in g ' M illage necessary to retire the a put bly? costs have risen and ;2> because , issue over a 13 year period 4. If you are willing to take the federal aid is not now available. | H igh sch ool millage rate 1945- job get in touch with Dr. C E. So. a bond election has been call- 1946 10.5. ....... . ed fo r F ebruary 5, 1947 to vote on High sch ool millage rate 1946- 1 ' * - ' 1 the proposition o f con tracting a 11947—10.5. bonded indebtedness fo r the Bea- T he present high school build- , _ . ,,, .. verton Union High School Dis- ing is now 200 over capacity. I t , o n C o unty ^ v for f n r t the h * 1947-48 Fund trict in the am ount o f $325.000. ,s an ticipated that from 75 to Cam ,0n paign. Col,nU for thp 1947 48 F,,nr T his new election is now neces- 1™ additional students will regis- Banks. R ay V anderzan den : Or sary to provide m oney to con - ter next year. Im m ediate action stru ct and equip a high school must be taken to provide neces- enco. Mrs. Gail K a m a ; Forest G rove. M. C. Evans and Ralph with su fficien t cap acity to educate ] sary space. H illsboro. W. C. the con stan tly increasing enroll- | T his additional tax will cost Schum m ment caused by the m any hom e the individual less per valuation S chw enn: Aloha, Mrs. Ted Plair E. B ennlson: West building developm ents now under thousand than taking the fam ily and M arion w av in the Union H igh School out to dinner one night. L e ts see Slope. A N. W etterborg; Laurel, Alice W a k efield : Gaston. you do it on $4.00: a real bargain. Mrs. Mrs. L. V. K u m m er; C herry Grove. Mrs. Marie O lson: T u ala­ tin. Mrs. Clayton N yh erg; C ornel­ ius. Herb A. R asm ussen, Jr.: N. Plains, Mr. and Mrs. Tester Cy pher. P p t* 8 6 I l| N t*t*d | * ( * 1*4^ 111 \ O l t * F < * l > . .> Sewer Bond Defeated 101 -91; Citizens Now Responsible For Future The Sewer Bond was defeated by a ten vote m argin at the elec­ tion held W ednesday, Jan. 29. at the Beaveiton City Hall with a total vote of 192. 91 voted for the sewer and 101 again t it. Beaverton's situation was aptly Bus Stop! No Parking; described in a suitable quote, “ The Sewage Center o f Tualatin Val­ ley." C om m onwealth is now building their sew age disposal plant due north o f town which will dis­ charge into Beaver Dam ditch. Kaiser is about ready to pro­ ceed with the building o f 300 homes east of B eaveiton and have plans for 1300 hom es in all. It is rep orted K aiser would! probably have cooperated with the City o f B eaverton in building and operating a disposal plant which would have paid more than the extra cost of the larger main. K aiser will probably now build their ow n sewer plant near the B eaverton city limits, now that the people o f Benverton have vot­ ed to take no action. T heir plant will also discharge into Beaver Dam ditch. W ith tw o neighboring com m un ­ ities disch argin g their sewage into our city ditch, and no sew age system o f our own we will earn the title “ the sew age center o f the Tualatin V alley.” W e sincerely hope those w h o saw fit to turn down the sew age bill and those who meant to vote, but didn't, will not have cause to regret it. Several weeks ago we published an article con cern in g bus zones. It seems the corn er at the side o f the bank and also across the street from the bank were marked o ff for the Bus Z one o f the Bea- verton-Glen Cullen Busses. It is brought to our attention by residents o f B eaverton who use this hus service that this area is being taken up by private car owners for parking. • * • New yellow paint on the curbs I.O.O.F. Initiation would bring attention to the fact B eaverton I. O. O. F. L odge No. that these are bus zones. 252 initiated a class o f seven on M onday evening. January 27th. People depending on this ser­ T h ere w ere tw o from Tualatin. vice would appreciate having the V isitors from other L od ges at­ corn ers left clear for the busses tended. R efresh m en ts w ere served. to take on and discharge passen­ • • • gers. D inner A B usiness M eeting j This hus service was established J T he M ary Martha class o f the y* erve tin-, com m un i i ■ ■, .. » H orse lov in g people gathered at C hurch o f Christ held their m on ­ ; been a source o f rev ' ' l C l \ J | \ I I Deputy C ollectors will be in the H ugh M cGuire farm near th ly dinner and business m eeting enue to the City o f Beaverton, I B eaverton Feb. 14 to assist tax­ B eaverton to w itness the Portland T uesday evening, Jan u ary 21st, furnishing needed transportation payers in preparing their Federal Hunt Club's annual New Y'ear’s at the Leslie M cK eel hom e. A to shoppers and workers. Incom e T ax returns for the year Chase, delayed by unfavorable w a ffle and sausage dinner w as If a bus zone is not provided 1946. enjoyed by fourteen m em bers, fo l­ weather. with proper cu rb m arkings and In addition the same assistance Dr. Irw in A. Moon, o f M oody R id ers pulling down their hel­ low ed by the regular business signs the bus service may cease Bible Institute, seen above in one is also available to taxpayers at m ets as th ey spurred their The M cK ay P. T. A. is sp on ­ m eeting. to function. the branch o ffic e o f the C ollector o f his “ Serm ons from S cien ce" m ounts forw ard , soon disappeared soring a Bluebird group which was T he next m eeting will be held Bennies Make Dim es Dimes of Internal Revenue, R oom 100 recently organized. Mrs. Scott T. F ebru ary 18 in the basem ent o f dem onstrations, is the producer o f P ittock B lock. Southw est W ash ­ over w ood trail, marked by small Make Dollars. the sou n d-color film "T h e Gou o f bits o f paper. H orney is the leader and her as­ the church. T hey have been rolling In and ( • • • C reation,” to be shown at 8 p. m. ington and Ninth Avenue, P ort­ sistants are Joanne K ram er and E arlier in th e day the M. F. H let's keep them rolling. land, O regon, daily, except Sat- T uesday (F eb. 4) at the Cedar H ostess T o M atrons Mrs. L ance Strayer. T here are ju rd ays until March 3rd. 1947. As Bill W allin ford , assisted by Hugh W hen you have ch ange left I Mrs. E lm er Stipe entertained Mill C om m unity Church. fifteen m em bers w h o elected the sistance w ill be given at the Pit­ M cG uire, rode the Course drop- from that soda in the drug store follow in g o ffice rs: President, her 1920 M atrons at Cam pbell pin g paper to m ark the course. or your groceries and V ivid fu ll-color scenes from as­ tock B lock o ffic e from M arch 3rd Kay Staats; Sec., E m ogene John­ C ourt last week. T here w ere 20 T h e M. F. H. uses tw o colors in bought fo r dinner d rop the pen­ tron om y and natural science are to M arch 15th, 1947, inclusive, the son; Treas., M argaret Coates. present. m ark ing — on e for the “ T rue” nies and dim es in those con v en ­ featured in “ T he God o f C rea­ final day o f the filin g period, in­ The oth er m em bers are Phyllis cou rse: another fo r a “ Blind.” ient bottles. cluding Saturdays, accord in g to The thought upperm ost In the tion,” sound m otion picture to be Canida, Gwen H orney, L ynda H or­ E ntertains Starting on the color used fo r a in form ation fro m J. W . M aloney, Help m ake som e person well m inds o f Beaverton high school ney, Mary Leslie, D oris P ettijohn, A group o f Mrs. F red G oyt's show n at 8 p. m. Tuesday (Feb. true cou rse. A s they .. ____ . , . r.We, and stron g to lead a norm al. students since last year has been, Dee Ellen Staats, Lorraine Stark, friends w ere entertained at her 4) at the C edar Mill C om m unity C ollector. they com e to several trails lead- happy ,lfe . R eports from Chair- “ W ill we ever get a new high Donnye Strayer, Joy ce Van Hyn- hom e last week. The guests were Church, N. W . C ornell at Barnes sch o o l?" ing, Sharon Moberly, M ary W illen- Mrs. Stella E llis o f P ortland, Mrs. R oad, a ccord in g to the R ev. Si­ h e ( , ° e course. o„ T f r ) . takes a “ Blind' ton man arfla C ottren llnder * ' p lh Chairm nt B e a Mrs. ver. thelr I f an A general opinion o f the stud­ F ou lk o f W est Slope (sister o f m on E. F osberg, M inister. he will soon kn ow as they com e T ony Bozich has ..pnnp ovpr , hp ents is that the issue seems dub­ berg and A rdlss W akefield. P rod u ced in M oody Institute o f The girls have many w onderful Mrs. E llis) and Mrs. Iva Sum­ to the end and color o f paper top", reporting $857.96 ns com ious and that the tow nspeople do plans fo r spring activities. Their S cience, W est Coast departm ent mers. changes. pared to a gross o f $562.38 in 1946. not fully realize the need for a efforts so far have been con cen ­ • • • o f M oody Bible Institute, b y Irw in Im m ed iately the rider know s he , , new school. A. M oon, Sc. D., "T h e G od o f C re­ trated on gettin g organized. They M issionary M eeting is w rong. H ere they m ust not cut In so,me con?,m un‘ t‘ M collppt,on* “ Health classes alone are the did, however, have a tea for their The W om e n ’s C ouncil o f the ation ” is the second in a series o f paper. In oth er words, he or she a[ P w el\ ° ,h p r;,1 nrp m ost unhealthy classes in school," The fine program as B eaverton Church o f Christ held evangelistic film s. The first film must not cu t across field, but I T * ' Thp P°Pu,a; e .w ill have to states one student. The classes are mothers. B y D on G randy their regular m on th ly m ission ­ by Dr, M oon, “ T hey L ive F o r ­ return on “ B lin d" until th ey have f VP Kpnpr°u sly during the final held in the locker room which well as the tea was enjoyed by B ob W h itw orth scored 23 points everyone present. ary m eeting Friday, January 24 in ever.” had a large show ing in all reached the main course. Often ,f ,ays o f ,thp tC? m PalS !L 1° Pf*uaI was never designed for a class- i parts o f the country. in leading his team m ates to a this gives the trailing horse the ,a9t year 9," ,al ot_ *7 ™ 89' the basem ent o f the church. room . It has sufficient heating fa- I In the open in g o f “ T he God of 48-42 victory over Sherw ood in a lead as they continue. M any rid- D evotions and a v ery interest­ *ivP anc1 ,h en P,vp Homp m orp- cilities fo r a locker room but not, non-league gam e played here last C reation ” the audience takes a in g m eeting w ere held, follow ed ers are so confused by “ B linds” *--------------------- - for a classroom . On cold days by a pot luck luncheon. T here trip to the stars by m eans o f solar T uesday afternoon . th ey give up and return to the a> coato m ust be worn to keep warm. photographs taken through the B eaverton trailed b y a wide w as a v ery good attendance. startin g point. I > l l * t < kl* * W III The noise o f the room ’s hot air • • • giant 100-inch telescope o f Mr. m argin throu ghou t the first h alf R id ers crou ch low in saddles vent is so loud that students in W ilson O bservatory in southern but pushed w ithin three points o f L u n ch eon Guests the hack seats cannot hear oral The next slated meeting o f the and view s com plex the B ulldogs at the m idw ay m ark ready for unexpected jum ps. Sud- 7 S | | " | i< t | | | i n Mrs. M abel A lexander and Mrs. C alifornia, recitations. During the noon hour Kinton G ian ge will be held on denly they enter the open field k 11 ~ 1 ‘ gyrations o f our oow n solar sys­ with the score, 19-16. In the sec­ E velyn Hetu entertained Mrs. L il­ with the finish line In view this sam e room serves ns a lunch February 4 at Kinton Hall. A ond h a lf ,the B eavers look ed like lian T h yn g and Mrs. R h o d a Cole tem. room and general socinl room, short business m eeting has been Jim M cG regor won the 5 mile L apse-tim e photography is util­ another team . T hey out-ran and o f P ortland fo r lunch last Friday. jam m ed with half the student scheduled and the ballance o f the • • • ized to dem onstrate the beauties ou t-scored Sherw ood freely, and chase to capture the trophy, rid­ ing Mr. Sm oke, ow ned by Bill body. N o time intervenes for meeting will lie open to the pub­ o f natural science. T he illusion o f steadily gained a lead w h ich they R eedvllle Y outh C hoir C oncert Payne. T his is Mr. M acG regor's p n then T hold n on , first : place , ren^ this ‘ |>nat orl al service before afternoon flow er buds developing into fu ll­ never relinquished. Q u arter score ened ! , , . lic. T he R eedville Y ou th C hoir gave second con secu tive year to win __ . . . . . _ _ .* . clnsses begin, consequently, dirty Palmer S. T orvend, C ounty A g ­ w eek with a narrow win m argin I . . , / rgin a con cert in the C ongregational blow n blossom s in a few seconds w as 34-30, B eaverton ’s favor. this chase. napkins and lunch sacks are of- ent, will deliver a talk on agri­ B ob W h itw orth , speedy forw ard, over F orest G rove C I O., 42 39. C hurch last Sunday evening. It is created through this tim e-com ­ in the event w as Mrs. |ten lying around from the lunch culture and a few additional num ­ pressing photo technicque. The displayed am azing ability in piling . , Second 7 7 ^ ,, ' " , , as This is the Busters seventh w as v ery m uch en joyed b y all. hour. bers have been added to the p ro­ ,,n voals A ,Pk, W ""® n " dm * T in k er, ow n ­ m etam orphosis o f a caterpillar up nine field goals and five free straight win In league play. L ight refresh m en ts w ere served. by N icol R idin g A cadem y. Is a student expected to learn in gram. through the various stages from shots ou t o f five attem pts fo r a ed • • • C.I.O. led at the ten m inute Third - G racie K am a. H illsboro, such a cla ss ? Is the teacher ex­ The public is invited and will w orm to buttterfly, and pollina­ grand total o f 23. R ally riding D olly Dee. T his gallant mark. 12-15. h alf tim e score still pected to be able to hold the at- be quite com fortable in the dinnig A return gam e is scheduled at T he W ash in gton C ounty Chris­ tion o f flow ers are seen on the in favor o f the G rove men, 26-23; tention o f sixty students in that room or clu b room s until the Sherw ood next T uesday a fter­ m are won the T hanksgivingcha.se tian E ndeavor U nion will have a screen in full color. She is ow ned by P ortland R id in g In ,hp third quarter the Busters cla ss? short business m eeting is over. Believed to be the first o f th eir noon. birthday rally in the B eaverton A cadem y. ,os* their hitting eyes and fell be­ . . . Seuted elbow -to-elbow on bench­ C hurch o f Christ Sunday a fte r­ kind are the natural co lo r p ic­ F O R E S T G R O V E hind, 29-34. H ow ever, the fou rth es around tables is conducive to Host«-** A t Show er tures o f photosythesis, the m ys­ B eaverton dropped in to a three- noon. Feb. 2. quarter saw Jim B roderick nnd Mrs. O. T. M urphy w as hostess a • « terious food -m a n u fa ctu rin g p ro­ w ay tie fo r the cella r in the and Billy Gasselin, G arden Hom e O tto Keller leave the hall gam e cheating, on e o f the teachers' big­ gest problem s. A recent class as­ fo r a baby show er h onorin g the • Ju nior Club P resident). cess resulting from the action o f T Y V league when they lost a B aby B o y also Forest G rove's lead signm ent on the cheating problem R a y W atson , President o f the and twin sons o f Mr .and Mrs. Fred heartbreaker 41-40 to F orest Mr. and Mrs. C larence B uffam sunlight on green leaves. dwindle to 39-42. Chet Slovlc was prom pted student rem arks such Karpstein o f B radley Corners. P ortland Hunt piesented the tro­ T h rou gh p h otom icrograph y the G rove at the latter’s cou rt last are the proud parents o f a baby high for the gam e with 14 points, . . . as: "It Is so sim ple to cheat." phy and ribbons. boy. Mrs. B u ffa m (nee B arbara audience peers into the m icro sco p ­ F riday night. and O tto K eller A P rork row tally- “ She ca n 't watch us all.” "Y ou are Anniversary ic w orld o f a drop o f w ater and T he locals broke a first quarter C ady) w as a teach er in the B ea­ ling 11 and 13 for the losers. p ractically sitting in your nelgh- Mr. and Mrs. John Zednik cel­ Line-ups: verton grade sch ool until this observes the com plexity o f tiny tie o f 5-all to m ove ahead to a I bor’s lap.r ebrated their w edding annlver- organism s, enlarged m ore than half-tim e advantage o f 20-13. The year. Beaverton F o u s t Grove O vercrow d ed conditions exist in 8ary January 28 with a fam ily a m illion times. • • • V ik in gs cam e back this tim e to Slovlc. f 14 Broderick, f i m any oth er classes, as well as in dinner at the Zedlk farm with o n ­ "T he God o f C reation” will he gain a third-quarter deadlock o f A nnual M eeting Rixby. f 8 Keller, f 11 the halls and on the stairs. Slow ­ Due to a Forest G rove Harrison, r T he annual m eeting o f the presented b y Mr. Lloyd Swanson. 28-all. 2 P rorkrow , c I t ness o f tr a ffic alm ost assures a ly the fam ily present. m anager a cciden tally spilling wa­ Thcrkclson. g 2 De Bondt. g C hurch o f Christ at Beaverton M oody film representative. 8 certain am ou n t o f tardiness to up­ ter on the floor. It becam e ex­ Karpstein, g w ill be held Friday. January 31, 8 Smith, g 1 per flo o r classes. . trem ely slippery and caused B ob at 8:00 p.m. 8 Fuiten, g Spjringer, g 1 One drin k in g fountain on each and J. R. F orbes o f P ortlan d on W h itw orth to slip and be k nocked The d ifferen t departm ents o f Team standings W ins laisses floor, on ce ndequate for a smaller January 21 .1947. out. Beaverton Busters the ch u rch will give th eir annual 7 0 school, can no longer serve 567 T he new ow ners will ca rry all Forest G rove C.I.O Jack O ’C onnor w as high point report. Mrs. S pringer will lead the 5 2 students w h o must either get In petroleum products as did Taylors ( H illsboro) man o f the a ffa ir with 18 rount- the devotional service. R efresh m en ts 5 2 long w aitin g lines, which reminds Mr. Barnes. T hey will deal In lub­ Banks H ardw are T he second m eeting o f the jers. will be served follow in g the m eet­ i 3 us o f ration days, or go without. "B usy Bees." B eaverton's 4-H sew ­ E veryone is invited to “ put on ricating oil, fuel oils and gaso­ ing. North Plains 5 2 your old grey bonnet” and com e T he lavatory provisions are ing club, was held on Thursday. line .specializing in C ham pion, P erfection • • • (H illsb oro) 2 5 to an evening o f fun with an old- sh am efu l! T hey were never meant January 16. at the home o f our though they will carry other kinds Cornelius P a st M a tro n s T o Meet 2 5 o f lubrication oil. to a ccom od a te 567 students. The local leader, Mrs. Highbe. Gaston 1 T he Paat M atrons o f the O r­ fashioned box social at the B eth­ 6 ventilation is sickening, there are Names were exchanged for the K erns and F orbes have had 18 d er o f Eastern Star will m eet in el C ongregational Church in B ea­ on ly 2 wash bow ls nnd 9 lavator­ giving o f Valentines. years experience in the oil husin- the M ason ic T em ple Friday. J a n ­ verton F riday night, F ebruary 14. ies to supply some 276 girls; floor The next m eeting will be held uary 31st (to n ig h t). E veryon e try at 8 o'clock . T his frolicsom e event, sponsored W i n f r r o r S n r in « !? space Is fa r too small nnd some F ebruary 6 at the home o f Pat- to com e as there is plenty to do by the church building com m ittee students are not able to crow d In ricia Seidler. This will he a co m ­ sim ilar to this. is planned to appeal to all ages. Although w inter seem s to be up- ^ r,nK the «nom lng or lunch hour, bination m oating and Valentine A program o f skits and m usic is Miss F rances H art found her­ on us as we aw aken to a white y ' P o n lY alternative Is to leave party. planned. self a m on g fam ily friends when Vanda Benson and Elaine Han­ world these m ornings, there a r e , * " whpn thp ^ ‘'Hities are not One entertainm ent feature will she spoke to the m em bers o f the son will give a dem onstration on signs o f a spring not too far “0_,,C^OWÍ P<, present “ Posed Valentine P o r­ Bethel W om en 's F ellow ship Tues­ away. I Fire hazards are taken for "M itered Coi ners." trait." A ny married couple .or any day evening. January 21. Reporter. Anita P lenovl Pussy willow s are bursting forth ! 8rantPd w h« r* crow ded co n -1 All were very interested in the j through their brow n prisons. oition s exist. The B eaverton R ural F ire P ro ­ individual m ay “ rig up” to repre­ T he Beaverton Busters, under H yacinths and tulips, harbingers I '* a that next year's tection D istrict is advertisin g fo r sent a com ic or rom antic valen­ experiences she told about w hich ^ » l y will grow , hut there Ja- the sponsorship o f B eaverton mer- o f spring are to be seen In the bids for a $15.000 bond sale on tine pose. The proper backgrou nd she had as a m ission ary in and atm osphere will be provided pan. T he surprise she had for chants, won first place in the Benverton florists and m arkets *" NO for expansion Mod- Tuesday. Feb. 18, 1947 h alf o f the W ashington It is en couragin g to have spring PrTI pd,lc*t*on dem ands vocational h This sum w hich was voted at by those in charge o f the event. the m em bers w as a Mrs. J K en- first flox iwer* about to ch eer us up on |tra,ntnutv Collectors Hunt Giuli Beaverton Fel>. 14 Annual Affair k rr| > M a rch ili« » Sponsorin«! Bluebird Group W i l l i I lie M a r c h < >f D im e s A Student Speaks ( hi ( Conditions ™en‘ In Beaverton 11 i«¿li F. G. Beal» Beavt rs Bv 1 Tally; Beavers Down Sherwood kitilon Gr;m