Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1947)
O u r: /fierchan t \M arine Front Seaside Mr. and Mrs. P ace o f near Sea side were callin g in Beaverton this week. • • • Itaby Ciirl Mr. and Mrs. N ysson are the proud parents o f a baby girl. • • J Sunday At Mt. H ood Mr. and Mrs. Bill C rosby spent Sunday at Mt. H ood skiing. L y man F auteck and Gwen Cortez I were their guests. (Continued from page one) den on each user. The city already has a petition from a locale next to tow n asking to be taken in A d d itio n s extension of the city boundaries w ould bring C h ee rio C lub M e ets in additional revenue as well as Mrs. Charles Straley entertained increased valuation in town. the C heerio Club last Friday. Mrs. The original Beaverton city lim Short was a substitute. B efore its planned in February, 1893 are adjourning the Club voted to put still in effect. in $100 in the M arch o f Dimes. The city's present sinking fund • • • is $7,000 accum ulated for drain- Visit Friend* jage and sew er purposes. • • • A fter D oty spoke the m eeting Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur W eed lteru|M-rating was opened for questions from spent a few days around Beaver Mr. Toedentler is recuperating I the audience and Messrs. Green, ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. from an auto a ccid en t at the Doty and Spies endeavored to ans ■Weed live near Eugene. l hom e o f his daughter, Mrs. An- wer them. • • • I drew Berkholtz. Such questions as, "W h o pays Dallas Visitor • • • for join in g up to the sewer, the W . P. Miller spent a few days Visits Sunday I city or ow n er? W ill the sew er go last week in Dallas, returning Mrs. K eller spent Sunday at down the m iddle or the side o f home on Sunday. |the hom e o f Mrs. H attie Rossi. the roa d ? H ow long will the sew • • • • 9 m er system last? H ow about the Hostess T o Club D in n e r G u e s t s water overflow , will the sewer The afternoon bridge club met Mrs. M argaret Gould und Mrs. system reduce th is? W ou ld you at the home o f Mrs. Hedberg, A. B. Clem ent w ere Sunday din have to hook up with the sew er? who lives weat of Beaverton o ff ner guests at the hom e o f Mis. W hat can the State Health D e Farm ington R oad Tuesday. Jennie H andingham in Portland. partm ent do if we don 't put in a • • • Mrs. Gould is visitin g her daugh sew er n o w ? ’’ Choir Musi rale ter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Grauer presented figures A large crow d gathered at the J. R. T albert. on the grow th in p roperty valu M ethodist Church last Sunday ation for D istrict 48 sh ow ing how evening to hear the choir o f the rapidly it had grow n in the last Ask fo r you r free classified few years. M ethodist Church o f H illsboro sing. It was m uch enjoyed. A fter "S u bscriber Ad C ards’’ with each 1929 valuation was $539,000. su bscrip tion or renewal. 1931 valuation was $1,164,000. a lovely lunch was served in the new } They’ll pay you real dividends. church parlors. 1916 valuation was $1,800,000. This is en couragin g fo r the pre IH = IH = IM 5 IH = H I= H I= H I= M fH H I3 IH = H I5 IH H H I= H IW H = H I= H I= n i= H I3 H I2 H I= m = lH = H I= M = !i! sent city valuation will not re- in jjj main stagnant either. R equirem ents for votin g eligi bility in the com in g election to IN be held January 29 a re: citizen Regulation U S. Rural Route Mail Boxes o f U. S .; 6 m onths in O reg on ; and ¡M at least 60 days in the city of hi .1 B eaverton and a registerd vot er. 50 Gallon rr Dr. C. E. M ason spoke, saying in III that when the United States was faced with the war em ergen cy Ml s they w ent into debt to handle it 'I' III and the city o f B eaverton can = do this too and should w hen we III are fa cin g an em ergency. Porcelain lined = M ason stated that the State III 3 Years Unconditional Guarantee = 1 Health authorities will be co m m III Immediate Delivery = pelled to take action if B eaverton 'I' IJj does not start this sew age sytem. It was brought out in the m eet Ml HI ing that the State H ealth A uth orities have the p ow er to stop all fu rth er building in this area and by refu sin g to ok ay the use o f DISH WASHER COMBINATION .Ü any m ore septic tanks. = T he election tim e is from 8:00 Demonstrator on floor in = a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on W ednesday, Come in and see how easy it makes your work in January 29. T he place is at the B eaverton C ity H all at First and Main. Y ou r d u ty Jfl to go and vote! JUST A FEW LEFTS m I I I FOW LER ELEC T R IC W ATER HEATER Thor Automagic W asher Phone 6311 WELCOME We are very happy to wel come back to the G rocery Family the following long ab sent members: TEA TREE GROWN 1 2 4 40 c ■ # m Pound Package 26c 18c Pound Pockagc 16 Count Balls HOMINY Burbank No. 2 'j Cans 22c RED KIDNEY BEANS Joan of Arc No. 2 Tins 17c R I C E , M .J.B . Long Grain Head Col Brown A Æ lb. Pkg. lb. Pkg. A A . i W 1 Thomas Lukas Quick, Watchmaker and Jeweler WE DELIVER PHON! Bf «VERTON 3201 3— S. W Farmmgton K & M Automatic with con trolled switch for all fab ric Immediate Delivery Electric Noma H eaters $19.25 No exposed' elements. Ivory or Mahogany finish. The ideal heater for bathroom or bedroom De Luxe Dormeyer Mixer $30.95 Complete with two size mixing bowls and juice ex tractor, double stain resist ing beaters, 3 speed switch Visit our new Enlarged Electric Department All W ork Guaranteed Dependable Service Saturday Afternoon CH AM BERLIN S We Carry G. E. Lamps WALKER’ S department ÍV 4 1 “ The Complete Shopping Center*' T he Adult Sewing Class met on January 16 at the B eaverton grade school. The attendance was su fficien t to organize a class for beginners und an advanced class. The B egin ner’s Class will m eet Thursday, January 23, at 9:30 a. m. to 12 noon and the advanced class will meet the same date with hours from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the B eaverton grade school. ( .\\ ¡1 Ser> iee Cxums r Tunriu Group Busy and Wide Awake (girls Meeting Hours And Dates Of Sewing Classes I i By Phyllis Mead, Sec.) STORE Phone Beaverton 3461 For Cold Day B & M Baked Beans Hot Tamales Franco-American Spaghetti Chun-King Chinese Dinner T he Tanda Group, which stands \ for Love, honor and respect, met Thursday, January 16. j The m eeting was opend by P res ident Janet B lackburn. Mrs. Van Ornam then discussed our ranks. The follow in g o ffice rs were el ected to serve this year: P resi dent, A udrey K ilg o ie ; Secretary- Treasurer, Phyllis M ead; Song Leader, E lenore E rickson. T he afternoon w as spent play ing gam es and Mrs. W ilhelm s, who was substituting lor Mrs. \ P alm rose, directed the singing. Aloha, 6551 The follow in g girls were pre | sent: Jean Cowie, Ruth R ogers, I E lenore E rickson , Janet B la ck burn. A udrey K ilgore, Phyllis m=iii W siii=in=iiism sm »iw im M aiiisiH=iiisHi=iiisiiisiiisiii=iii=iiisinsiiisHi=iiisiii= Mead and Mrs. W alters, our lead iii er. The Tanda G roup has $11 in ■ the treasury left from last year HI and $67.50 from the sale o f wreaths at Christm as time. jjj E lenore E rick son and Janet HI B lackburn tied in selling wreaths and won a sch olarsh ip to cam p Ti next summer. ijj T he m oney in the treasury last year paid for the m em bership mi dues, m aterlials for the trays the Ti girls made for their m others at C hristm as and for the turkey din — Try — m ner they gave their m others. ~ W e wish to thank our m others, dads and grandparents for the Ml great help they gave us and to Ml Mrs. Barnes for perm itting us to use her beautiful hom e and for M¡ The House of Service' helping with refresh m en ts and M taking us hom e in her car. Phone 3921 An extra thank you to Mrs. ili K ilgore. our sponsor, w ho has " ------------- -TTnrf w w w w — , w , m,||| been our great helper and backer. g » - » - » — Hisin i ! 1 GOLDEN W EST Market and G rocery Aloha, Oregon For Better Prices Fine H ardw are and The Finest Tools Beaverton Hardware CARD OF THANKS W e wish to thank all our n eigh bors for their sym pathetic under standing in our hour o f need and for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. Fred P en t! I and fam ily ] ON SALE TO D A Y Wool Rugs Sizes from 8' 3" x 10' 6" to 12' x 15' or from the D irector. Eleventh U. 8. Civtl Service Region. R oom 4. | Central Building. Seattle 4, Wn. A ll th e h iiiM in u m a t e r ia le . Iia rd w a rr. i«M»finu. B I A V I K T O N («. $6.75 to $10.20 Merchant Tailor SHOE REPAIRING In o **ide choice o f co lor* Print Linoleum Rugs In a variety of sizes and colors M M — Print Linoleum by the Roll MB Can be cut just tt\e size you need ««'*' K IN G S L E Y FOR BETTER FOODS 4 « B. T. W ALTON p a in t. r r m r n l , Itrick and lila»* Html in aiila tio n at MILLER'S Phones Portland BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 iv i Federal Civil S eiv ice announces exam inations for probational ap pointm ents to the positions of Chief, M achine A ccou n tin g U nit; Supervisor. A lphabetical or N u m erical A ccoun ting M achine Op erators. Supervisor, A lphabetical or N um erical Card Punch O per ators; A lphabetical or N um erical Accounting M achine O perator; Alphalieticnl or N um erical Card Punch O perator in the B onneville ' Power A dm inistration. T reasu ry Department. W ar Assets A dm in istration and oth er Federal Ag- j encies in the P ortland area. E xam inations for probational ! appointm ent to the positions of Clinical P sychologist, T raining I Specialist, and Junior A dm in istra t i v e Technician. Substation O perator and Senior Substation O perator in the Bonne ville P ow er A dm inistration in the States o f Idaho. 'M ontana. O re gon and W ashington. Veterans and others with ex perience in surveying, ph otogram - metry. or m ap d ra ftin g are need ed by the top ograp h ic branch of the United States G eological Sur- \ey to fill civil service positions in both professional and sub professional grades, accord in g to an announcem ent by C. A. E ek- lund. Division E ngineer at Sac- remento. Cal. F urther in form ation on these exam inations m ny be obtained / don't Marne yom! The Warden from the Secretary. Board o f U. S. Civil Service Exam iners, at any sbotddn't teil yom boyt abomt first- or second-class post o ffic e . «Im krs, V r n e t ia n liliiiils , Don G randy) N ew berg overcam e the slim lead o f the B eaverton basket ball 4 [ O five in the last few minutes of play to chalk up their sixth straight T Y V victory here T ues . _J- day, by a score o f 26-23. The fast breaking Beavers grabbed an early lead w hich they TUÍIY R£COA'i ERT£D , TH/S lengthened to five points at the half, 15-10. The third quarter larges ? T A s r e s r , most found both teams scorin g equal CUXUR/OUS Of AMER/CAN- ly. It was not until m idw ay into BU/L T ¿ /MERS, RECENTL Y the last period, that the Tigers £NT£R£D REGULAR switched to man-to-man defense and poured on the heat to tie. SERVICE TO AND PROM then finally win out by three ^ “ « op£- points. R oy Helser, leading Portland pitcher last sum m er, and Hal Eustis were referees. High point man was Jack O'Conner for Bea verton with ten counters. PtTT/NGLV, N £ R M A S T E R / S PARKROSE ' C O M M O D O R E M A R R Y M A N N/NC, In a prelim inary to the P ort , * M ERO O f M AN Y SEA R ESC U ES. land Indian and Salem P rofession mi. al basketball game at the arm ory last Saturday, Beaverton rolled to an easy 48-20 victory over Park- rose high o f Portland. The Beavers held safe m argins LE A D /N G A M E R /C A N at quarter periods o f 9-2, 21-10, and 32-16. Jack O’Connor again A R T /S T S . D E C O R A T O R S . took scorin g honors with 18 points M A R IN E ARCE//T E C T S . C O L follow ed bv B ob W hitw orth. 14. L A B O R A T E D TO G /V E H E R W E S T LIN N /O SO P A S S E N G E R S E V E R Y Beaverton won its second lea gue victory at W est Linn last B EA U TY, COM PORT AN D ¿ f i Friday, January 17, with a 42-28 LU X U R Y. £7 a walloping. two#M A T tO M CO U H TfSV Of T M £ The first period proved to be r o p y ft iC t t T / 94 r j v c l A fitti UM/reo sr*res L/M TS. the scorin g opportunity fo r the I Beavers, when they poured six turn from three and one half teen points in the bucket to a fu Rice-Grabert years in the U. S. N avy and Phil- tile three by W est Linn. A ny rally lippine Island service as P ara o f the opposition to recover was Kn^a^riut'nt Vnnouiieed chute R igger, he w as em ployed qu ick ly quelled. At a gath erin g of relatives and by the B eaverton Taxi Co., and Bob W hitw orth dropped in 17 friends, the engagem ent o f Miss also was with H om e B uilder’s points for the local winners. Elizabeth Louise Grabert o f Eu Inc. as m aterial expiditor. gene, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss G raber is a form er resi L. D. Ulmer, o f Vida,- w as an nounced to R ichard M. R ice, son dent o f C alifornia. Plans fo r the o f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. R ice, w edding have been made for the early spring. o f Oak Ave., Beaverton. Mr R ice is attending the Uni versity o f Oregon. Upon his re- cieemosopmes 2 „ 2 0 c (by a n d converted to the r a w ' s Electric Irons LARGEST TROOP SN /P, US’S. WEST po/NT, S H E C A R R /£ D 5 0 0 , OCX) TROOPS AND TRAVELED __ S 00,000 MU £s/ Busters Gain In Two More Games T he B eaverton Buatera took tw o more league gam es this week by pushing Cornelius fu rth er into the cellar with a 26-38 victory at C or nelius and stopped the tough T aylors. H illsboro quint, 44-33 at Beaverton. At Cornelius M onday, Jan. 13, Cornelius led the B usters 10-8 at the 10 m inute m ark but a whirl- i ing pivot shot by C enter H erb 'H a rrison tied it up and Skeet R hine flipped in a long howetser fo r a lead B eaverton never relin quished I'ritz Pnpp kept C ornel ius in the gam e the second half with his 12 counters, R hine was high fo r the gam e with 14. half tim e score was 23-14 Busters. Line-up: C ornelius Busters V andervelden 4 Springer *; W ardlus 0 Harrison 2 Schm idt 2 K arpstine 4 Plapp 12 R hine 14 D ooher 6 F oster 4 B eckham 2 B lxby 8 The T aylors-B u ster gam e W ed nesday night was a real thriller with B eaverton tak in g an early lead fo r n 11-15 first quarter rest period. T he second quarter L oris Ilixby tossed in fou r field goals to lead his m ates to 27-14 h alf time advantage. W illie Stark kept the T aylors In the gam e the second h alf with his 10 points. The third quarter show ed the largest Buster lead, 32-18. T he Buster reserves | plnyed most o f the fourth quarter for a 44-33 victory. c o m p let ed j u s t b ep o r e th e w ar , ^ m Chet Bakken's PEPPER Schillings Crescent ÎÜ ! ü J. B IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. GREEN i TH/S / s T v f STORY O f TE/ES.S AM£.R/C/J, QC,€£M O f 0(/R MERCHANT MAR/NE. New berg Tough Opponent « ** Tappan Gas Ranges * For Immediate Delivery G leam ing w h ife en am el w ith sh in in g ch ro m e h an d les •'4 aii< -a .*► Ju --- s t ---- w hot been WUHiny w a itin g IU fo T r - you 7 « « ve WWTI l Beaverton Furniture Co. » ÍR IA N G LE CHICK STARTER 8 In the Heart of Beaverton" Phone 3535 ”” I ■JYD