Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1947)
THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS CRUSHED ROCK MINIMUM 25c AN ISSUE L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Beaverton 2881 FY)R SALE: Girls’ dresses, size 12. Wool check, brown, tailored, al Count each word, including Nome most new wool plaid, red, new I Girl Scout uniform dress. Call ! and o d d ress-O N LY 2c A W O RD evenings, Beaverton 2518. 52p No Phone Orders Taken J WANTED 9 W e Publish the B EA V ER T O N E N T E R P R IS E L IV E PO U LTR Y W A N TE D : Any T IG A R D S E N T IN E L size lot. Top ceiling prices. Write ■ . M U LT N O M A H PRESS or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- A L O H A N EW S ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th Port 29 Comp'ete Eastern W ashington County land 13, Ore. tf ond W estern M ultnom ah County VETERINARIAN For Quick Sale» R E A L ESTATE Call Beaverton SOS I I t H. JE F F R IE S Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian East of Beaverton lliway 8 Bea \ erlon Portland S51I COM. 9924 ___ _ .......... shrieking and j " " “ ,l: * * " “ «.is auuui io pass on, cutting^himself with sharp stones ,he mttn beKged to be taken along, Often men caught him and bound Jes'(* answers him “Go hi™ , » * « » chains which he snap- | thuic'' • V|U'h \ + 'V'* " f 8* ped link from link So lived this K ^ t,od has don<‘ man of Gadara, indwelt and tor- * ° u and had mercy °n you."— B1 mented as he was. by a foul de- IBle mon named Legion. t*° Tell It— What mercy has !k‘t Free—On a day, Jesus came I God shown you? Did he send ■■ Christ, his Son to die for >x»ur sins? Have you made Jesus Christ your own Lord and Saviour? Go tell it. Has he made you a new man and sent you back to pay up that old grocery bill? Did he gjve you the urge to go over and square up that long time quarrell _ . - . - S. VV. McChesney Rd., Portland 1, Oregon. This space paid for by a Seattle family. On lliway near Short St. i W A N T Board and room and small See him for loans. Insurance 1 wages for elderly man, able to do FOR SALE Low Cost Automatic Coal Heat WE Cl R E AND SMOKE , any light job in home and gar- DR. C L I V E YOUR PO R K CUTS ! den. Call Tigard 3122 after 7 eve One Day Service - Immediate Baby Chlx Every Tuesday 25 years Experience Mrs. Charles Klaber, Rt. Delivery MiLer Humps. Christie Hamps, nings. n A LD E R M A R K E T 52p Hollywood Wh. Leghorns. Order 1, Box 218, Tigard, Oregon. Special Introductory Otter Lewis Bros. •arly. Miller’s Hatchery, Beaver-I W AN TED : Furnished apartment 2 Tons of coal FREE with each C op . 1st and Washington St. Oregon. Phone Beaverton , in Beaverton district. Steady em- Stoker PO R TLAN D , OREGON tf "TxitnáLly Stxrict 2918. 51tf ployment, would like permanent Has 3 year G uarantee 7 7 2 3 S. W . Capitol Highway F O R SALE: 1936 Plymouth, 4- place to live. Call Beaverton 2321. HIDES 4 WOOL, CASCABA__A Free Estim ates given Dimension Lum ber LEE BROS.. 25 SW' Ch. 1607 52tf specialty. M ultnom ah, Ore. dOol sedan. Excellent condition. Coll UN 1174 or UN 5711 Siding Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf Privately owned. Can be seen Fri W A N T E D FARM TO R E N T: 4lst "A cro ss from Grade School" W e also clean and repair stoves, day and Saturday at 325 S. E. Divisiion Flooring veteran, wife and P A IN T IN G * PA PE R H A N G IN G furnaces & oil circulating heaters JYanklin, Beaverton. 52p small boy wants to rent house and W’ork Guaranteed Corrugated Alum inum Roofing 3 or 4 acres to plant. Phone AT- Work Done Promptly WOOD FOR SALE: 4 ft. slab- Composition Shingles water 8751 (Portland). Mr. Hat C AIJ, CHerry 2175 wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel BEAVERTON TRANSFER field, 2018 S. W. 5th Ave., Port 46 tf Garage Doors and Hardware Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. land. 52p CO. 34tf Roll Roofing Ceiling Painted Shakes, 18" KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. All Kinds ot Hauling W OU LD L IK E to get in touch COM M UNITY AUCTION SALE with lady living vicinity of Bea W e Specialize In PHONE And lunch every Saturday 9:30 verton several years ago who Remodeling and Recovering Howard W. Smith g.m. Clackamaa Stables on 82nd raised white Persian cats. Desir 388 Canyon Rd. Ave., 3U miles south Foster Rd., - All Furniture Custom Made - ous securing kitten from same Beaverton - 3931 or 2462 rtland, J. L. Walters, owner and Old Canyon Road strain. Write P. O. Box 177, Bea- 118 N W Broadway Beaverton Phone 3821 Phone 3762 ctioneer. tf ’ erton. 52p Beaverton. Oregon BUILD ING CABINETS, all kinds MOBILHEAT i For Stove and Diesel Oil Call and LANDSCAPING. Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. H E L P W A N TE D : Young lady for FOR TO W C AR call V E R M IL Y E L II. B RA W A N D counter. Must be typist, also a MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf - Burner and Stove Oil Metzger, Oregon CHerry 2929. 52tf Apply Beaverton City 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 marker. deliver anywhere. Give location Cleaners. Phone Beaverton 2773. 52 ith order. Stanford Laugtilin, FRUIT AND NUT TREES tf GILBARCO OIL ci arlton, Rt. 1. W A N T E D TO R E N T : House or ALL TYPES - A LL GROUPS One of the largest stocks in the SAWDUST, Light Slab, Cull lath, apartment. Phone Beaverton 3842. State. Come direct to nursery or BURNERS 52p Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call send for Free, 44-page catalog. G U A R A N T E E D R E B U IL T — W holesale ond Retail BERNARD'S AIRPORT JlHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves Berries, Shrubs, Roses, Fruit and B O O K K E E P E R for contractor’s :£DAR STREET A T W A LK ER RD. Nut Trees---all kinds. W rite or phone for details and prices FO R SALE—16-in. green slab wood office in West Slope district. Age Phone Beaverton 3 8 4 0 25-35. For appointment call CH PH O N E 2 'i cord loads $8 cord delivered. T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y N U R SER IES, 52p Beuben Johnson, Newberg phone 3313. Sherwood, Oregon. One mile post Beaverton 2871 193-J. tf TH E 4 ACES, popular dance or Six Corners on 9 9 W . SH AVING S make good bedding chestra .available Saturday nights. Beaverton, Oregon or Phone 2701 for stock and scratch for poultry Phone Portland BEacon 1891. 52p CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K OW N house floor. They are free at Reedville Sawmill. 47tf IR O N IN G Done in my home. Call ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip evenings, Beaverton 2518. 52p ment allows faster service. BEacon 6555 We ftto W iA fr l pump & wash septic tanks, comml. F O R SALE: 1-2H” centrifugal 1 // pump with 6 horse air cooled en W A N TE D : Salesman to list and or residential. Guar, workmanship. sell Real Estate Southwest Dis Sewers connected. Cesspools and gine, $85.00. 2— Storage tanks 8’ x 8’ x 4’ ap trict. W ork out of Tigard Branch septic tanks constructed. Schulz See Bert Miller or call Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, /# prox. 1800 gal. with 2” outlet, $150 office. Tigard 2523 or CHerry 3626. TA. 3235. 3tf . each. 3— New 2” Globe valves, $6.00 FOX R E A L T Y & ACCOUNTING SEPARATORS — MILKERS SE RV IC E each. Let us tell you about "Brixulotion" GARBAGE SERVICE BY T IG A R D BRANCH 4— New 2” Gate Val\ ?s, $6.00 ea. CO M PLETE EQUIPM ENT AND A new insulated brick siding in attractive g mile beyond Reedville on Cherry SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY MONTH OR CONTRACT St. Phone Beaverton 3861. H. V. C LE A N RAGS W A N TE D — The INDUSTRY b uff color tf '*■ Johnson. 44tf Enterprise, Beaverton 2321. STOKERMATIC Coveraae V S YS cfL-liiY Here’s What You've Been Waiting For! McCALL on Co. McC ready Lumber Co. ^ BATTERIES RUPERT Flying Service Kelly Motor Co. 7 fa u k£ i CHICKEN -STEAK De Laval Come In . . . Let's Talk Homebuilding OIMMtRS ALOHA GARBAGE CO. O RD ERS T A K E N NOW for New u Hampshire baby chix. Hatching every Saturday. Phone Beaverton 12940. John Didier, Rte. 1, Box 352, Beaverton, Oregon. 49tf FO R SALE: Bedroom set, 2 din ing tables with chairs. Make of fer. CHerry 2538 (evenings). 52p W AN TED - -LIV E POULTRY Phone Stafford 5140 W ill weigh and pay cash at your place. Prompt pickup service. W rite or call L. W. FOREMAN, Rt. 1 Box 8 7 , Sherwood, O re ______ 5 1 tf .F O R SALE: Circulating Oil Heat A U T O M O B IL E S W A I T E D O PEN SUNDAYS h er with 110 gallon tank and 110 Tgal. oil, $75. See at 388 Canyon Are you having trouble selling i Road. Phone Beaverton 3861 or your car? I f so, I ’ll sell it for you BRoadway 8291. 52p at your price for a small percen tage, or pay you cash for it. See FOR SALE: Red hens for roast Bob at Bob’s Used Car Lot. East ing and stewing, 35 cents lb., live Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc 46tf weight. Greenway Drive, fourth tion. s house on left. 52p R A B B IT FRYERS W A N TE D : ’39 PLYM O U TH 4 door De Luxe Will also butcher your rabbits for Sedan. Very good condition. Ra the hides. D. P. MacDonald, Ruby Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. dio, heater, ’47 license, $895. Phone 33tf ATwater 7814. 52p W A N T E D TO R E N T : 5 or 6 FOR SALE: Holstein, Guernsey room unfurnished house in Mult and Jersey heifers, $47.50 each. A l nomah. W ill redecorate. CH 2165. so Bred Gilts, $37.50 each. Gotter 3p at Scholls. 52tf ■ 100—New 7’ Cedar posts. As is. Where is. Call BE 3548. 52p ___________________________________ ‘‘Cull Spuds for sale" 50c 100 lbs. H. Hambach, Rt. 1, Box 260. Ti gard, Oregon. 2nd house on right after passing Durham School go ing south on Highway 217. Phone Tigard 3140. 52p FOR SALE: American Sun Flame Circulating Oil Heater with tank. 5-6 room size. -35.00. R. W. Beck er. Rt. 1, Box 273. Near Durham School. 52p FOR SALE: Portable radio with good batteries. excellent tone. Phone Aloha 6584. 52 . ' A national well advertised cos metic concern needs local repre sentatives. Good income, pleasant work, short hours. W rite Avon Dist Mgr., 8225 S. E. Yamhill, Portland. 52p ^ FOR SALE: Accordions, new and used. 12, 48. 80 and 120 bass. West Slope Accordion Studio. Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton. Phone BR 4702. 52tf YOUNG BUSINESS woman trans ferred from Minneapolis needs 1 room kitchenette apartment or similar arrangement. Furnished. Call Miss Gardner, ATwater 4305 or CHerry 3272. Ip W A N T E D : Salesman to list and sell Real Estate Southwest Dis trict. W ork out of Tigard Branch office. See Eert Miller or call Tigard 2523 or CHerry 3626. FOX R E A I.T Y A ACCOUNTING SERVICE TIG A R D BRANCH G. C. M ILLER, Owner P. O. Box 254, Aloha, Ore. 4 6 tf iDrnoPk TREE FIRE INSURANCE FOUND: A ladies or gents fur lined leather glove at McDonald's bus stop. Would like to find own er as it is a nice glove. Inquire at Wright's Motor Court, Tigard 52p OPEN SUNDAY 1 • 10 A ll three at a cost no greater than wood siding 5 Y e a r Coverage for a 3 Y e a r Premium GLENN E. PRINGLE ga rd en For OIL or SERVICE BEAVERTON 3861 or BROADWAY 8291 388 S.W. Canyon Road H. V. JOHNSON M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon ESTABLISH ED 1910 PH O N E BEAVF.BTON 3411 STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Demonstration on your Place Batteries, Radiators, Brass, Alum inum , Copper 8703 S. W . Canyon Rd. Lead and Zinc Land Surveying D ELIV E RE D A complete line of Farms, Subdivisions, Lots Acreage, Orchard Tracts A ccu rate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Lond Surveyor for New Catalogue. N ear Union Oil Depot MMMRP iTl Office and Residence Phone CHerry 236S BUILDERS RICHARD R. PFEIFER AVAILABLE NOW 11333 S .W . 64th on Barbur Blvd, Portlond 1, Ore. Phone CH 2 9 2 8 P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G —10 years experience, reasonable rates, First Class. Free estimates, Call BEacon 3546, R. W H ITLO W , 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf ATwater $181 THE SENSATIONAL All Pumice T A I-PING Terrace Piano Toning, Cleaning AMERICAN -CHINESE DINNERS Fine Food - Ample Parking DEMOTHING - REPAIRING Rt. 1, Aloha, Phone ALOHA 6612 2 m i. North of Tig ard 11130 S. W Barbur Blvd. at 55th Ave. Geo. F. Gordon High Insulation Building Contractors For Rent To Schools, Churches, C lubs, Etc. 16 M-M. SOUND PROJECTOR AND MIKE ROAD ROCK And can be used as public oddress system Crushed Reek, Send, Greve) Delivered Anywhere 7 Vi ' Spread for Driveways Phene Tigard 3206 DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) $tf PO W ER S P R / T IN O — PH O NE B EAV ER TO N 2188 tf I n v . J & B CONCRETE PRODUCTS 3rd and Lombard Sts. Beaverton — Oregon WATER W ELL Mayfield & Zehr W e move dirt - Put in F ills D irt and River Silt for Sole 6"-0 Rock for base Garden Rock for W o lls Sand ond Grovel CA LL FOR ESTIMATE P. O. Box 2 2 1 , Beaverton C. w. ZEHR DRILLING PAUL E. ROSS Route 1. Box 237. Aloha Aloha. Oregon Phono 6381 WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO CEDAR MILLS, BEAVERTON Portland = lfl= lll= m = lll= IN S H IS IH S m S IH = ll 3931 or 2462 PAINTING Phene - Webster 2571 Low Cost HOWARD W. SMITH tf BLOCKS Fire Proof Standard Sizes ENGER BROS. See us when you Plon to Build Free Estimates Guaranteed W orkm onship 620 S H all St fteaverten. Ore, Light Weight | BUILDING Dancing After 9 J . H. Simpson, Tigard, Ore. — Bertha-Beaverton H iw ay 'M = III= III= III= III= III= IIIEIII= III= IM = M I= III= III= III5 III= III= III= III= III= I (N e ar 19th & S.W . Barbur B lvd .) Portland I , Oregon Villa Ridge Nursery W EST END SEJ.I.WOOD B RID G E Beaverton 2497 Surveyor 8000 S. W. Capitol Hill Road NURSERY STOCK W rite Riverview Cemetery HIGHEST I’KICES PAID Phone; CENTRALLY 11102 S w Capitol lliw ay CH. 1313 LOCATED Close to but trans B. R. STEVENS port o t i o n a n d walking distance ROTO TILLING from downtown. s\v FOURTH AT MONTGOMER Dealer in SCRAP M ETAL Atwater 6591 HILLCREST GROCERY M ORTICIAN O. R. NICHOLSON & SON Metered Oil Service Beaverton, Or. BEAVERTON tractor Immediate Delivery W e Give S&H Green Stamps J. P. Finley & Son Phone 3951 Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements W. E. P E G G Beaverton FUEL CO. Homebuiders Supply Co. MITY MIDGET 255 Pittock Block CH-3640 Res. 10th & Washington AT- 2777 Portlond 5 (Day or Nite) LOST:, In Beaverton Saturday CREMATORIUM FOR SALE: Cocker Spaniel pup afternoon billfold containing cur pies. $10 and $12.50. Phone Bea rency, two bonds and valuable MAUSOLEUM verton 2494. 52 papers. Reward for return to Fred CEMETERY FOR SALE 1937 Lincoln Zeph L. Johnson. Rt. 2, Box 70, Bea yr Coupe. Has Ford ’’6" motor in verton, or phone BEacon 6263. 52 Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Ectra cost good shape. Transmission over BUSINESS SERVICES • Riverside Is a co-operative asso hauled and spindle rebushed. Call • ciation with assets of over $800,000 CHerry 3906. Roland B. Chaney. W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . Rt. 2, Box 438. Tigard. 52p M E TAL Rock wool Insulation blown In B U LL SE RVIC E by artificial In FOR SALE: New 2-3 finished five for free estimate write R. E. Ell- semination. No membership or re room house. 2 bedroom* down, son and Son, RL 2, Box 285, T i taining fees. Phone Beaverton good attic, space for 2 bedrooms gard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 2197. 3511 or Portland Commerce 9924. up 9th and Hall. Price, $3.850.00. tf 51tf Small payment down, low monthly payment. Arthur A. Leavitt. 52p SURVEYING "A Complete Lumber Yard” FO R SALE L. C. Smith type PROPERTY LINES. SUBDIVIDING W e Deliver Anywhere writer $20. Phone Beaverton 2699 ORCHARD LAYOUTS 52 PA IN TS — SASH — PLUM BING Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf H. E. COX, DRY. old growth wood. $15 a Registered Land Surveyor I.ANDSCAPE, Pruning, spraying cord Inquire at 119 2nd and Tuck er. T**d Wilson _________ 52p grafting. New lawns and rocker Phone Beeaverton 2592 46tf ies. Call W. A. Green. Beaverton 44tf FOR SALE Universal wood kit chen range, blue enamel; wood P A P E R IN G —Painting A Kaieo- circulating heater, good condition; INCOME T A X Statements prepar mining. neat, experienced work ed. Federal and State. Qualified $45 each C. W Florence, Huber man L. L. Seeley. R 2. Bx 180-A Station. Beaverton. Rt. 2. Box tax consultant. E. A. Cushman. Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 «n»f I 1086 52p 7611 8 W. 31st Avenue. Portland Call CHerry 4177. 52 L FOR SALE: Small wood eircu- P. R. HAGG G a r b a g e C o l le c t i o n S e r v i c e A la tin g heater. 577 S E 3rd. Bea- Hauling Contractor By month or contract y verton, Oregon. 52p Concrete. Sand. Gravel, Ma ins H O H N STE IN A SCHAFER Sand, Crushed Rock and 4073 N E 16th Ave. FOR SALE Guernsey cow. 3 yrs. Road Gravel Phone MUrdock 2805 old easy milker very gentle, $120 . _ M O Englehart. 4 mile north o f ' Went Slope Beaverton. Meadow- I Route 1. Box 28 Tigard. Oregon Aloha on Viata A w b U . 52p hurat and Cedar Hills. tf' TlgB ie »f VINCENT LUMBER CO. Life time siding Permanent paint jab Econom ical, efficient insulation 1VCRYTHING * LOST -Last Friday in the Beaver- ton-Aloha area, pair of beige Pig skin Gloves, handsewn in brown. Olive Ramsdell, Hillsboro 3201. Reward. 52pd The original installation gives you: C b iu fm / M d l* RESERVATIONS Br.OÎU H U K D A Y S ' 5-1 I Mdnufdcfurtn 4. Dhtrfbutori 52 LOST and FOUND \ ^ DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION A C C O U D IO N S |{<‘ II|« m I - I t n ilif lit * Solti Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Rood PHONE BRoadway 4702