WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER I Test Slope SERVICE "Ernie" Leach *5C A pplian ces ii " Phone BEacon 7542 8081 S. W. Canyon Road ** Plumbing -— Hotter Homes*' FRUIT AND SHADE Tree Pruning Mr. and Mrs. K A. Bamford, Junior, o l Birchuood Hoad, s|>ent last week end at the Lincoln A Plastic Dream to add Charm beaches. They saw snow on the to your dressing table wiry down, but reported Sunday Fill it with your favorite hand as being a lovely day. • • • cream, then gently press down Attend Lugging Congress on the top and out comes just the amount of cream you Mr. and Mrs. R. \V. Pointer want. ] have returned from a plane trip I to Vancouver. B. C.. where they See them at the ¡attended a logging conventon. On West Slope Beauty Shop | the way home they stopped at Se attle a few days, where Mr. Poin- 8717 Canyon Rd. BEacon 9492 I ter took care of some business. • • • Host At Dance Bob Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Graves .of Benz HAND MADE 1 Park, entertained twelve of his ; high school friends at a dancing I party last Saturday night. • • • Visitors From Fast Mrs. T. J. Cowson and her two N O V ELT Y and sons, Travis and Roger, are vis itin g Mrs. Cowson's mother, Mrs. U T IL IT Y A .F. Beckman, of Canyon Lane. | The Cowsons are Darien, Connec- | ticut residents. Dr. Cowson. who BROWNIE’S SHOPPE I at present is in New York, plans j to come to Portland in the spring. 8903 S. W . Canyon Rood • • * APRONS RICHARD B. HOLMBOE Landscape Construction Canyon Road at Walker Rd. Beaverton Rt. 2, Box 154 Phone Br 6777 Portland 1, Ore. Miss A rpk e Is Busy Diana Arpke spent last Sunday j at Mt. Hood enjoying her first try at skiing. This week end she is the guest of Miss Yvonne Hiatt at the Tri-Delt house at Oregon State College. • • • RAINBOW ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, Inc. W I R I N G COM M ERCIAL . IN D U STR IA L • HOUSE W IRING \ le a v e s Estimates Gladly Given [ Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly FRANCHISED DEALER FOR PRESTLINE HOME APPLIANCES The only Range with 3 Style Top A U TH O RIZED DEALER FOR W ESIX HOME HEATING For Service Call Beaverton 3071 or 2481 LEAVE ORDERS A T RICH IES HARDW ARE Mrs. H. Westerling has return ed from a three week’s visit in Seattle, where she was with her husband for New Years Eve and up until the time his boat, the Norman Mack, sailed for Yoko hama, Japan, with a boat load of wheat. Captain Westerling will be gone for six weeks. Miss Jessie L. Lewis and Mrs. J. Boyd Patterson were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Armitage Tuesday evening, Jan- ury 14. See Our Complete Line of Unfinished Furniture, iu WOOD HEATERS AND OIL BURNING COOK STOVES for Beginning and Intermediate Students Murray Ave., 6th White House from S. W. Canyon Road on West Side of Street One Mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road Save 20 to 25% on yo«ir FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BRADLEYS Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three timet the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organised in 1694 W A LK Ek and NELSON, 52 Years of Reliable Service Agents New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. ¿ei Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon * ^ iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=ni=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=m=iii=in=iii=iii=ii!=iii=iii= I w ill ¡M Ml r Newman W ard’s son, John, of The membeis of the Philuthea 2214 N. K. 23rd Avenue. Portland. class of the Valley Community | was injured when the car which I United Presbyterian church pre- he was driving stiuck ice and isentiU Reverend and Mrs. H. A. skidded into the abutment of the j Armitage with a lovely fireplace Cedai C lick Canyon budge about set foi theii new home Tuesday ' eight miles northeast of Sandy evening, January 21, when the on the Mount Hood Loop High j -lass met at the Armitage home. way Sunday evening January 10. Hostesses for the evening were John Ward's close friend and Mrs. O. W. Tennant, Mrs. Guy neighbor, James F. Dewey, was Schafer, Mis. George Stroup and injured fatally, dying before the Mrs. Kenneth L. Hull. • • • ambulance reached the hospital. Two other passengers were in At New York Convention jured: Dorothy Masic. who suf H. ljuenton Cox left January lti fered a fractured pelvis, and to attend a ladio manager's meet James Mathews, who bail foui ing in New York. Mr. Cox is rep ribs fractured, lacerations and resenting the western states, the bumps on the head. Hawaiian Islands and the Phil All were taken to the Portland ippines. • • • General Hospital, where they are responding to treatment. Mid Week I'rayer .Meeting Flies To Florida Tile mid week prayer meeting Mrs. Marie Thomas plans to of the Valley Community United fly to Miami. Florida Saturday. Presbyterian Church will be held January 25. From there she will at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. go by car to the home of her mo Bryan Walker. Erickson Avenue, ther and sister In Hollywood, Fla. Beaverton. • • • • • • New Den Chief Redecorated The liivng room of the home of Cub Scout Den No 5 has finally Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wilson has found u Den Chief. John Riley, been completely redone since the j Bertha - Beaverton Highway, is fire they had during the holidays. now working with the Cuba. The The fire was caused by defective meeting time has been changed Christmas tree lights igniting the from Saturday morning to Thurs Christmas tree. day- afternoon, 4 p.m., in order to . . . meet the time John had available. Back To School • • • Roger Seignor returned to M ove T o B eaverton school this week. He has been ill Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roeske and for over a month due to a ton family have moved to the Span sil infection. ish type stucco house near the • • • corner of Lombard Street and the Baby Boy Bertha-Beaerton Highway in Bea Kelly Bruce, third son of Mr. verton Mr. and Mrs" Norman and Mrs. D F. Wagner, S. W. Mueller and daughter, Sharon, Ellis Avenue, was horn Monday, spent last week end visiting them January 13, at the Wilcox Mem in their new home. orial Hospital, Portland. Kelly • • • Wagner weighed 8 lb., 6 oz. at Sunday Spent In Silverton birth. Mrs. Wagner returned to Mi. and Mrs. Norton Peck and her home this week. tamily spent last Sunday in Sil • • • verton with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Week End At Tide* E. Brown and their boys. Much Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oxtoby and of the time was spent up in the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cody spent hills near Silverton wading in last week end at the Tides in deep, wet snow, trying to find a Seaside. The Oxtobys and Codys suitable spot to use the Brown’s both live at West Hills. new bob sled, with very little • • » success. Surprise Party- • • • Eighteen members of "Mickey” N ew Home McCaffrey's band, and their wives Mr. and Mrs, J. Langus and two surprised Mr. McCaffery on Jan. month’s old daughter, Dianne, 18, his birthday, by having a party have moved into their new- home at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. on S. W. Nendel Road. Mr. Lan Philip Koppang. Pinochle was gus is a navy veteran. Since his played with honors going to Mr. return from the service they have McCaffrey. Mrs. William Carlson been living with the mother of and William Carlson. The guest Mrs. Langus. Mrs. Christine Ec- of honor received records as his onomus of S. W. Maryanna Dr., birthday gift from the band. while their home was being built. • * • Entertains Mrs. George H. Butterfield en tertained at a supper party last Sunday night in honor of her brother, George G. Root, Junior, from Hollywood, Cal., who is in Portland for an indefinite stay. Dr. Butterfield is on a busin ess trip to Pocatello and Salt Lake City. * * * Long Siege Of Illness The F. W Ralston family is fin ally getting back to normal after a long siege of illness. & Vj z' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BEAVER PLUMBING CO . jij First and Main St. jjj BEA VERTO N , ORE ill = Phone 2622 i m iii = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 11 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111=11 * For Expert Radio Repair Wc pick uo and deliver For Expert Servicing W est Slope Radio and Appliance W EST SLOPE 8830 S. W Canyon Drive G ro ce ry and M arket RADIOS (Formerly Hiller Bros. Real Estate Evers item advertised i* absolutely top quality p i 1 I P P ^ ■ L U i r V con LB. Pure Vegetable Shortening Carton ....... LB. LAM B ST E W Grade AA PORK STEAKS 37c 42c 24c T, 44c LB. ; DEL MONTE COFFEE Drip or regular grind 1 pound con............. I COVE OYSTERS per can office) Fancy pack small oysters I and LEACH & BUCK MOTOR REWINDING Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt Come to LEONARD'S & ERNEST'S Radio Ele ctric 109 Watson St. Phone 2621 Beaverton ORDERS TAKEN at 4 j in PAT'S? 8703 S. W. Canyon Rd. m Ijj AT 6951 = jjj We give S & H Green Stomps SU lll=lll=WI=lll=lll3lll=lll=lll=lll3MI=HI5m= BE 0733 L — BR 9998 WE DELIVER — S. W. Canyon Rood = in For PERMANENTS Pre-war quality 12% Butter fat Ice Creom SHAMPOO and FINGER WAVES Pat's Shake Shop HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON 2 Doors South of Post Office Beaverton S.W. Canyon Rd. BR 7988 C w IT S TIME TO BE TH IN KIN G OF VALENTINES We have a complete assortment of VALENTINE CANDY We feature Johnson, Brown and H aley, G ales, Davenport and Glades Chocolates Also Hundreds of Valentine Cards, including Hall Mark I)< til hie In Australia a man cannot drive a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated condition." Travel note. He can't in the United States, either but that doesn’t keep him from trying it. Green Stamps on all Prescription* For your Extra Savings— Phone 3774 DEAN'S DRUG STORE "THE REXALL STORE" Prices Good for Ja n u a ry 24 to January 27, inclusive STORE HOURS— Weekdays -- 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sundays — 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Peet's Granulated Soap Cashm ere Bouquet Albers O ats Serve o hot cereal on cold mornings Lb. pkg. Top Quality Complexion O O U p Soap 29c NuBora Bleach PARSNIPS Large Package M A fi V 2 4% bars 19c LBS. Sweet and Tender 12c Gallon Tomato Ju ic e 0L;Hums 46 ot eoB 2 7 e Arizona Seedless G rap efru it 6 ,or 2 9 e Boiling Onions 1 0 Lb*, far 2 9 c W est Slope Plumbing Service Phone BACON Mild, Sugar Cured, by the piece Us e . . . . u 59c 3 9 c Swiss S te a k AA G,adeu 5 9 c Leon and tender Round Cuts from thot Choice Armours Stor Beef Pork Steak ei° * c " lk 4 5 c CHICKEN WIRE, 24", 36", 48 ", 72" HARDWARE CLOTH RURAL M AIL BOXES WEATHER STRIPPING From leon, tender Shoulders «*•»*. • A *■ ' ■. < Ammonium Sulphate FOR YARD LAWNS W EST SLO PE LUMBER YARD 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Phone BRoodway 6122 LB. BEacon 7.»42 j REMEMBER THESE MONEY SAVING PRICES INCLUDE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE W V A LLEY VIEW RICHFIELD STATION APPLIANCES Could You 41c 3 Have you FOUND! We Serve ARISTOCRATIC BROILED HAMBURGERS Pork R o astaT1.*'. ............. including Lubrication, Gas and Oil Come to 5 Authorized Philco Deafer of PURE LARD i i | Complete C a r | C are Br. 2069 WASHING MACHINES i I A six week training course r new and prospective Camp Fire l.eaders is to start on January 29. The course will include program planning, record keeping, symbol ism and its use. the Philosophy of Camp Fire, and group activi ties. A ceitifi, ite will he awarded to each member of the course at the completion of it. Participants may also complete the require ments for the Trailseekers Rank during the course if they wish. The first session will be held in III Call us at in jjj i i < ) í I r r r i ! Radios are like people, they get'sore throats, aches and pains, and have to go to the doctors now and then mi • Trainili«' r < ¡onrw 1'rt‘M‘iil Gift To I.< h * u I l*a*lor 1 the Camp Fire Headquarters < L i brary) in Hillsboro on Wednesday at seven-thirty in the evening. It will start promptly. Two sessions of the class will be held in Hills boro, two in Forest Grove and two in Beaverton. All women who are interested in youth are invited to attend. Leaders are urgently needed and this is an opportunity for women to gain a better acquaintance with the program. 5lll=lll5lll=lll=IH=m=lll=IIISmZMZIIISM 3 c IH For S George Sez: Electric Water Heaters m I Home Studio for Violin Canyon Road Trading Post Mi M c K e n z ie Announces Opening of We coll and deliver m thann Accredited Teacher of Violin Also Antiques ID F or Japan Dinner Guests FURNITURE iïj Ml Fatal A ccident On Mt. Hood l l i ” ll".l\ Go T o B rai li DAINTY BEAUTY DISPENSER PLUMBING I ' I i i i u I h W EST SLOPE H AVE YOU SEEN A BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, January 24, 1947 Portland 1 BROOKFIELD Cheese u49< Whole milk Cheddar Cheese and 1 ? U R L I T Y M R P K ET EAST BEAVERTON JU N C T IO N Ó Jljd CANYON PO AO 47c