THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET V eterans m ay be either in a ! BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE self-p rop rietorsh ip capacity or i Friday, January 17, 1947 I m ay be em ployed by a farm er. I CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL T hey at. given definite training - — ■ — ---------- ? AUTOMOBILES WANTED CRUSHED ROCK VETERINARIAN CLASSIFIED ADS ¡assignm ents on the farm in a d d i-' tion to the classroom work. * and O— God m oves in and saves Are y o u ^ h a " ^ u“ î b £ selling I f the trainee receives com pan- us even though we have lived in and address--ONLY 2c A WORD L. H. Cobb Co. your c a r ? I f so. I'll sell It fo r you Dr. Norm E. Johnson sation for w ork on the farm, his g|n. O nly so w e claim Christ as No Phone Orders Taken at you r price fo r a sm all percen com bined subsistence and wages j , . , , , . ... Veterinarian tage, or pay you cash fo r it. See MINIMUM 25c AN ISSUE Phone Beaverton 2881 can not exceed the $175 and $200 dyin* for US and clearin S us wlth t a s i o f Iteaverton Illw ay 6 As a service to veterans in the ceilin gs im posed by Congress. The ® °4- Then G od acts. By his m er- Bob at B ob ’s Used Car Lot. East W e Publish the Beaverton Portland com m unity, this newspaper will VA pays subsistence allowances cy and love, he saves us. See Titus B eaverton and C anyon R oa d Ju nc BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE s a il COM, !i92l publish a weekly colum n o f ques- o f $65 and $90 m onthly depending 3:5 Bible. tion. 46 tf F or Q uick Sale» In Then It is T. A N D TIG A RD SEN TIN EL ------------------ turns most frequ en tly asked con on the m arital status o f the vet- O. H E AL E S T A T E Trust and Obey, for there's M ULTN OM AH PRESS E L D E R L Y w om an w ill care fo r tact men o f the Veterans Adm in- t a i l i w m t n .'■n'-'i eran and pays the cost o f class- no other way to be happy In Je- A LO H A NEWS children o f an evening. R t. 1, Bx ! istration in this area. F or more II. II. J E F F R IE S room studies. - -*us j,ut to T rust and Obey. ... . detailed inform ation, veterans are Complete Eastern Washington County j 259' D enny R oad, B eaverton 51p On ttiw ay near Short St. O regon state veterans are tak to con tact or write to the nearest ing agricu ltural ooursaa in the I See hint fo r loans, Insurance and Western Multnomah County j R A B B IT F R Y E R S ' ~W A N T E D : V A con tact unit at 1019 S. W. 10th follow in g high schools: Banks. | _______________' _____________ ¡W ill also butcher you r rabbits for A v e , Portland. W E C U R E AN D SM OKE Forest G rove. Hillsboro, Sher- S. W. M cC hesney R d , Portland A FOR SALE A ' l“ Jes D. 1' NI m Donald, R uby Y O U R P O R K CUTS w ood, Vale. O ntario Nyssa, Ad- 1. Oregon. T his space paid for by “ R easonable Value” D cfim <1 w ™ , Avenue. P hone B eaverton 2260. D R . C M V E R ' S 25 years Experience rlan. Eugene. Junction City, Sa- a Seattle fam ily, F or ti. I. loan A ppraiser« 33 tf A l.D F.R M A R K E T W OO D F O R S A L E : 4 ft. slab- 1_____ lem, SUverton, W oodhurn, M olal- ----------------------- v ü ' í ' í : 1 A nother step in the m ove tO;l*b O regon City, Albany, Corval- Lewis Bros w ood, green or dry H anson Fuel , a FOR RENT Cor. 1st and W ashington S t Com pany, Beaverton. P hone 2828. ¡ protect veterans p u r c h a s- lie. Enterprise, Gresham, Inde- PORTLAND. OREGON tf ing real estate in the pres- pendence. P errydale, LaGrande, _____________ 34tí I F O R R E N T : N ice w arm sleep ent high market has been an- M yrtle Point. Pendleton and Nes- “ 7 titn d h j S ’itine»" ing room . P hone B eaverton 3293 H ID ES A W O o l , C A SC A R A — A COM M U N ITY A U CTIO N SA L E P a cific steel foundry, a surplus nouneed by the V eterans Admin- tucca. 51 - I - < u»lt>. LEE BROS.. 25 s\\ and lunch every Saturday 9:30 istrution. Instructions have been i T h e training program is offer- war plant at N. W . Vaughn St. 7723 S. W . Capitol Highway Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf a.m. C lackam as Stables on 82nd F O R R E N T : 5-room old but m od Ch. 1607 M ultnom ah, Ore. sent to all lending institutions ed veterans through the coop era and N. W . 20th Ave., Portland, is Ave., 3V4 miles south F oster Rd., and VA a p p r o 'id appraisers re tion o f the State Board o f V oca being advertised for sale nation ern house on Bull Mt. fruit, gar P O W E R S P R A Y IN G — PH O N E "A cro ss from Grade School" Portland, J. L. W alters, ow ner and tional E ducation and agricultural ally by the P ortlan d W ar Assets defining “ reasonable value." den. $27.50 per m onth. See owner. B E A V E R T O N 2188. tf au ction eer. tf departm ents in the adm inistration, it was announced B ox 589. R t. 1, Davies R oad. B ea T he new instruction.* follow education today. 5 ip P A IN T IN G A P A P K B IIA N G IN G closely upon the recent VA an schools. F or S tove and Diesel Oil Call verton. nouncem ent that effectiv e Janu The plant was operated during W ork Guaranteed H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. ary 1 .an appraiser would he des the war by P a cific Chain c o m W ork Done Prom ptly • BUSINESS SERVICES » ignated by the V A when > 01 a pany 1901 N. W. Wilson, in the 4 FT. W O O D . 3 C O R D LOTS, $22 C A L L C H erry 2175 lending institution requests an production o f vitnlly needed an deliver anyw here. G ive location 46tf B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L appraisal for a G I. loan. F orm A ir W as Blue It was haying ch or chains, and the sam e firm with order. S tan ford Laughlln, ‘ B O O K O F R A F T E R L E N G T H S ” erly. the lending institution se tim e and the boys bet that Bill is now using the plant too manu Carlton, R t. 1. tf — H ow to cu t com m on or hip raf lected an appraiser* from a panel cou ld n 't pitch the load o ff the facture castings. KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. ters etc.— useful and needed by o f reu! estate expert* who had rack w ithout swearing so many SA W D U ST . L ight Slab, Cull lath, every carpenter, lum ber dealer, The o ffe rin g con sists o f a 230 We Specialize In been approved bv the VA A tend oaths. So they hid and counted foot plot o f grou nd, a 200 by 100 R easonable prices. Y ou r haul. Call con tractor, builder, etc. C opy on ency in the pa>“ ,1 s a n e apprais the times. N ever mind who won foot fou n d ry building, m ach in « f C H erry 1682, or B eav. 2465. eves. ly 50c three copies $1.00 post Remodeling and Recovering ers to meet the asking pricie in the bet, the point is. Bill had a tools, laboratory equipment, cranes paid. M ayw ood N ews, M aywood, 'F O R SALE 16-in. green slab w ood Illinois. appraisals necessitated by the new | name. H e w as the cham p cusser. and plum bing fixtures. MOBILHEAT 5 i - All Furniture Custom Made • m ethod, the VA said. Mouth Made New Come on Dad, *2’-x cord loads $8 cord delivered. 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 R euben Johnson, N ew berg phone M E T A L R easonable 1 1 >. as defined in ain't you In on this? And Sonny W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . Beaverton. Oregon Burner and Stove Oil detail in the instructions, m eans | took B ill's hand and led him up insulation blow n in 193-J. tf R o ck w ool "the price that is fair for a vet fron t w here he kneeled down. fo r free estim ate w rite R . E. Ell- F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E SH A V IN G S m ake g ood bedding son and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285, T i eran to pay in light o f present W hen Bill cam e to his feet, he M O TO R CO.. P hone T igard 3381 tf f o r stock and scratch fo r poultry gard, O regon. P hone T igard 2197. day conditions which are recog had a new m outh. God gave him GILBARCO OIL house floor. T hey are free at nized as unusual.' new birth, new appetites, a new tf 'R eed v ille Saw m ill. 47tf V eterans interested in th tain will. Bill made Christ his own GARBAGE SERVICE BY BURNERS ing a guaranteed loan should Lord and Saviour and tlod right ¡F O R S A L E : l-2Vfe” cen trifugal VINCENT LUMBER CO. AM ERICAN -CHINESE contact a bank, savings and loan then m ade Bill a new man. “ A C om plete Lum ber Y a rd " I pum p with 6 horse air cooled en MONTH OR CONTRACT I association 01 othei lending a gen G od Did It— it a u not that DINNERS W e D eliver A nyw here g i n e , $85.00. I i BUI kneeled down. It was not PHONE P A IN T S — SASH — P LU M BIN G 2— Storage tanks 8’ x 8’ x 4' ap- Fine Food - Ample Parking ALOHA GARBAGE CO. om ething he did for God but ; prox. 1800 gal. with 2" outlet, $150 P hone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf Paym ent to Dentists what G od did for him. God looked 2 mi. North of Tigard each. G. C. MILLER, Owner Beaverton 2871 into his heart and saw that Rill I 11130 S. W . Barbur Blvd. Increasing Rapidly 3— N ew 2" G lobe valves, $6.00 G arbage C ollection Service P. O. Box 2 54, Aloha, Ore. 46tf Bill had I at 55th Ave. P rivate dentists in the P a cific had turned to Christ. each. By m onth or con tra ct or Northw est p articq .»ting in the settled it that Christ had died for 4— N ew 2" G ate Valves, $6.00 ea. H O H N S T E IN & S C H A F E R Dancing After 9 Veterans A dm inistration "home all Ills sins. Then God took up ' i mile beyon d R eedville on Cherry 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. FREE FIRE INSURANCE tow n" dental care program were and made Bill a new man. P hon e M U rdock 2805 St. P hone B eaverton 3861. H. V. BEacon 6555 paid $73,272 in N ovem ber, a tre 5 Year Coverage for a Johnson. 44tf W est Slope, B eaverton, M eadow- mendous increase over the $4,901 hurst and C edar Hills. tf 3 Year Premium O R D E R S T A K E N N O W fo r New I paid out during July the V A le GLENN E. PRINGLE H am pshire baby chix. H atching C E S S P O O L -S E P T IC T A N K O W N po its. GARDEN TRACTOR ev ery Saturday. P hone B eaverton E R S A T T E N T IO N -A d d ed equip 255 Pittock Block CH-3640 Ret. The program , while not new, 10th & Washington AT- 2777 2940. John Didier, R te. 1, B ox 352, ment allow s faster service. We has been expanded sin ce the ad op To Schools, Churches, Clubs, Etc. Crawler Type - S.H.P. B eaverton, O regon. 49tf pum p & wash septic tanks, com m l. Portland 5 (Day or Nite) tion o f higher fee schedules to 16 M M. SOUND PROJECTOR or residential. Guar, w orkm anship. and Implements con form with prices ch arged the SEPARATORS F O R S A L E : 5 sqs. w avy edge Sewers connected. Cesspools and L A N D S C A P E , Pruning, spraying, — MILKERS AND MIKE general public. Vet »raus with ser asbestos shakes, $12.50 sq. Lee septic tan ks con stru cted . Schulz graftin g. N ew lawns and rock er vice-conn ected dental con d itions COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND And can be used as public P arker. B onn y Slope, Rt. 5, B ox Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, ies. Call W . A. Green, B eaverton are treated by private dentUts SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY address system 536. P ortland. 51 TA. 3235. 2967. 44tf 3tf when care by VA facilities are not INDUSTRY readily available. E ligible veter Phone F O R S A L E : 2 singer canaries, 2 ans should apply too their nearest Demonstration on your Placs cages. $20. Inquire at 8501 S. W . V A o ffic e for authorization before HOWARD W. SMITH Capitol H iw ay, M ultnom ah, Ore. 8703 S. W. Canyon Rd. seeking dental treatm ent. 51 M a il Bay A W ;n* riant Surnliis (Jiani|) ( liifcstT McCALL Oil Co. t T A I -PING Terrace MITY MIDGET For Rent De Laval Immediate Delivery PAINTING F O R S A L E : B edroom set, 2 din ing tables with chairs. M ake o f fer. C H erry 2538 (ev en in g s). 52p F O R S A L E : G ood dry clover hay, about 25 ton. A lso g ood ‘34 Chev. m ton truck. M. C. Kable, Tigard, J tou te 2, B ox 77. P hone T igard 2305. 51 p F O R S A L E : Girls clothin g, size 12 to 14. B. E. Davis ou t Canyon Rd. to 6th house on W ilson Ave. 51p F O R S A L E : Ladies black size 20, fu r collar, excellent dition, $27.50. Jenkins. R t. 1, 66, Tigard. P fa ffle R oad. coat, con Box 51 p F O R S A L E : 50 gal, steel barrels, $2 each. Set-in- wash tubs co m plete with fittings. Cem ent, $1.25 sack. United Builders, 7th and Hall St., B eaverton phone 3071. 51 F O R S A L E : T w elve New H am p shire Y earlin g laying hens, $2 each. J. A. M enzies, T igard, Ore. Bull Mt. R oad. 51 CA LL FOR ESTIMATE Phone - Webster 2571 Portland F O R S A L E : G arage to be m oved. $25 00. Phone C H erry 4068. 51 ^ • Q R S A L E : 1936 P lym outh. 4- B d o r sedan. E xcellent condition, p r iv a t e l y ow ned. Can be seen F ri d ay and Saturday at 325 S. E. Franklin, B eaverton. 51p SURVEYING PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING ORCHARD LAYOUTS H. E. COX, Registered Land Surveyor Phone Beeaverton 2592 46tf P A P E R IN G — P ainting & Kalso- mining, neat, experienced w ork man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf P. B. HAGG H auling C ontractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand. Crushed R ock and R oad Gravel R oute 1, B ox 28, Tigard, O regon P hone T igard 144« tf STOKERMATIC Low Cost Automatic Cool Heot One Doy Service - Immediate Delivery Special Introductory Otter 2 Tons ot coal FREE with each Stoker Has 3 year Guarantee Free Estimates given Coll UN 1174 or UN 5711 F O R S A L E : M agic C hef autom a tic gas range. W h ite table top late model, reasonable. P h on e Ti- g a i d 2276. 51 Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Delivered Anywhere a L IV E P O U L T R Y W A N T E D Any size l o t T op ceilin g prices. W rite or phone C larence Hunt, W Eb- ■ter 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th P ort land 13. Ore 29 tf W A N T E D : Salesm an to list and •ell Real Estate Southwest Dis trict. W ork out o f T igard Branch • ffice See Bert M iller or call T igard 2523 or C H erry 362« F O X R E A L T Y A A CCOU N TIN G S E R V IC E T IG A R D B R A N C H ■ .K A N RAGS W A N T E D E rterp rise. B eaverton 2321. The tf WANTCD - -LIVE POULTRY Phone Stafford SI 40 W I weigh and pay cosh at your p ace Prompt pickup service V ir t f o f coll L. E . x 87 w FOREMAN. Rt 1 Sherwood, Qre_________ 5 ’ tV tRY TH ING ROAD ROCK 7 V i' Spread for Driveways Tigard 3206 J. H. Simpson, Tigard, Ore. tf D E A D or W orth less S tock picked up F ree o f C harge A nyw here P rom p t Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. W estern States R endering Co., N. Colum bia Blvd. A H urst Ave., Portland. (S u c cessor to D enley R endering C om pany.) jt f WOOD 12" Mill Run Slob and Block. Suitoble for immediate use Ideol tor range, heater or furnace 3 cord loads, only $26 per load KE RTS FUEL SERVICE ENGER BROS. Building Contractors See us when you Plan to Build Free Estimates Guaranteed Workmanship 6 20 S St Keeverten, Ore. HILLCREST GROCERY Riverview Cemetery (•¿lino C o m m issio n A LL TYPES - GUARANTEED REBUILT A LL GROUPS - Wholesale and Retail Write or phone for details and prices Kelly Motor Co. Phone 2701 Beaverton, Oregon "Come I n . . . Let's Talk Homebuilding it Let us tell you about "Brixulation" A new insulated brick siding in attractive buff color The original installation gives you: Life time siding Permanent paint job Economical, efficient insulation All three at o cost no greater than wood siding Supply Co. BEAVERTON Phone 3951 C ollection o f eggs from fall spaw ning rainbow brood stock s held in the trout hatcheries o f the O regon State Gam e C om m ission were begun in D ecem ber. T o date approxim ately tw o m illion have been taken from fish held at the BEAVERTON TRANSFER R oarin g R iver H atchery near Scio, Oregon. It is anticipated CO. that the total take at this station All Kindt of Hauling will run close to three and one- PHONE h alf million. Howard W. Smith At other stations the follow in g 388 Canyon Rd. num bers have been taken to date: Beaverton - 3931 or 2462 Oak Springs H atchery at Maupin. 900,000; R ock Creek H atch ery in T he advertiser—Tell him y o » Douglas county, 1.300,000; and read his m essage In the paper. Klam ath H atchery. 400.000. It is anticipated that total collection s o f eggs from these fish will run around eight million. RUPERT Flying Service BATTERIES N ew s of Stiito C om plete Funeral Service In New C athedral Chapel ut No E xtra cost R iverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800.00) We olso clean and repair stoves, furnaces 4 oil circulating heaters W ANTED J. P. Finley & Son D m «. 3931 or 2462 Atwater 6591 Questions of the Week hdnufdcturm 6 Oh tribu tort Q. Are there any restriction s in G overnm ent insurance on the type o f w ork I d o? A. No. The insured m ay en BEAVERTON 3861 or 3931 gage in any occu pation , no rnat- . . . . ter how hazardous, live where he 132 N. W. Pork AT. 6461 j likes, and travel any w ay he 388 S.W. Canyon Rood 'ch ooses, without affectin g the H. V. JOHNSON Beoverton, Or. value or cost o f his insurance pol We Give S&H Green Stamps icy. W . E. P E G G Q. I am a foreign-born A m eri M O R T I C I A N can citizen, a veteran o f W orld B eaverton, O regon W ar II. W ill I continue to receive CENTRALLY E S T A B L IS H E D 1910 m y disability com pensation if I LOCATED visit the land o f my birth? P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 8411 Close to bus trans A. Yes. H ow ever, you may port g t i o n a n d have to report in due course for walking distance physical exam ination to determ ine • i from downtown. w hether It should be continued. STOVE AND DIESEL OIL V $S*^ Q. I am g oin g to school under the G. I. Bill. I find I am unable to keep up m y assignment be M etered Oil Service cause o f failin g sight. Will the VA pay fo r a reader to assist m e? D E L IV E R E D A. No. V eterans with visual im pairm ent are eligible for reader service on ly if they are enrolled under the V ocation al Rehabilita tion A ct (P u b lic L aw 16). 11102 S W Capitol H iway CH. ISIS More than 100 Oregon .veterans MORTICIAN B. R. S T E V E N S have enrolled in farm training SW FOURTH AT M ONTGOM KK cou rses du rin g the past three ATwnter 2181 P A P E R IN G St P A IN T IN G — 10 m onths, m aking a total o f 441 years experience, reasonable rates now particip atin g in the program, F irst Class F ree estim ates. Call the V eterans Adm inistration said B E acon 3546, R . W H IT L O W , 019 recently. T w en ty-six Oregon high W E S T END SW H am ilton, P ortland 1, Ore tf schools are o ffe rin g agricultural 8 K L L W O O D B R ID G E cou rses in con ju n ction with a ct ual farm operations. CREMATORIUM —------------------------------------ ■---------------- MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY F O R S A L E : Sawdust burner and hot water heater with 40-gal. heavy tank. 3 years old. Make o f fer. D. C. Black. R te. 1, B ox 77, B eaverton, M urray Avenue. 51p » fflmoe For OIL or SERVICE Baby Chix E very Tuesday F O R S A L E : T h orou gh bred sable M iller H am ps, Christie Ham ps, colored fem ale collie. E ligible for breeding, $50. P hone T igard 2190. H ollyw ood W h. L eghorns. O rder 51 early. M iller's H atchery, B eaver ton, O regon. P hone B eaverton 2918. s it f H O U SES F O R SA L E M ultnom ah B rand new hom e, M acre, 2 fire B U L L S E R V IC E b y a rtificia l in places, au tom atic air conditioned sem ination. N o m em bership or re taining fees. P hone B eaverton heat, 2 baths, 2 large bedroom s, 3511 o r P ortland c o m m e r c e 9924. third if w anted, patio, large ac 51tf tivity room , $14,500.00. 8210 S. W . 45th A ve. 51 Suburban A creage M ultnom ah C oin er over *» acre ........... $750.00 A bout 3-8 acre ............... $500.00 Phone C H erry 4068. 51 Beaverton FU EL CO . C L E A N R A G S W A N T E D — The Enterprise, B eaverton 2321. tf 7 ?£ *d p £ ì •Ma frc U m o u A f a , CHICKEN oM STEAK DIMMERS >V *6 * ♦ ^ C& n4/<rrtiùridj^ O. R. NICHOLSON & SON Ili'ii 1 er in SCRAP METAL Batteries, Radiators, Bross, Aluminum, Copper Lead and Zinc H IG H E S T P K IC E S P A ID Phone; Near Union Oil Depot Beaverton 2497 — Bertha Beaverton Hiway r e s e nvTriONS~Br.0!l3 H U K DAYS G-l I OPEN SUNDAY 1 • 10 m éta* WATER W ELL DRILLING BERNARDS AIRPORT PAUL E. ROSS CEDAR STREET AT WALKER RD B onte 1. Box 237, A loha Phone Beoverton 3 840 Rototilling & Cultivating A complete I me of NURSERY STOCK Write for New Catalogue. Villa Ridge Nursery 1 1333 S.W. 64th on Borbur Blvd. Portland 1, Ore Phone CH 2928 Geo. F. Gordon Piano T on in g, C leaning DEMOTHING - REPAIRING Rt. 1. Aloko Phone ALOHA 6612 Here's What You've Been Waiting For! Dimension Lumber Siding Flooring Corrugated Aluminum Roofing Composition Shingles Garage Doors and Hardware Roll Roofing Ceiling Painted Shakes, 18" McCready Lumber Co. Old Canyon Rood Beaverton Phone 3821 A loha, Oregon WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO | DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION RECORDINGS MADE Have a Rerun! !\l:ule of Your Sitiifinji or I’ laviim Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoodway 4702 P h on « 6 3 8 0