BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Cedar Mill Friday, January 17, 1947 ! Accident Death Hate Slightly Lower in * W) <ioiimiunity (-lui» Installs Officers SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES R I C H A R D S Oregon's highway death rate rose for the sceond consecutive month during November, it has FIRST METHODIST CHURCH V A IJ .K Y C O M M IN IT I C11UHCI1 been announced by Secretary of U N IT E D T K E S B Y T E R 1 A N 4th A Watson Sts. The January meeting of the Ce Rev. Everett L Bo vers, Pastor S. W. Gabel Lane and Fairway Dr dar Mill Community Club was State Robert S. Farrell Jr. In September fewer than eight Res. 1002 S. Watson St. Tele: 3405 Kev. H. A. Armitage, pastor held last Wednesday night at the pople were killed per hundred mil 0:45 AM Church School for all 10:30 . Morning Worship , ’ j] (Personal Attention age levels. Mrs. Nan Bourquln. Sermon topic, "What Is Happen- Mr Tholne reported a net Drof- lion miles of highway travel. In October the figure for 8.7. By in® t0 th* Home ’ Qf j2 l on the New Year’s Eve Owned and Operated by 11:00 a m. Morning Worship. v” November it had climbed to 11. '• The Holy Communion will be CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ( S j 's e î î i t à r t l  S ? s t a Ï Ï j^ t h ïï This trend is repeated every year j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards administered during this service. Leonard C Johnson, Pastor there is a need for Scout cJmmit- ? t i Weather be‘fln8 l° af,eCt ' Sermon: “ Speak. Lord, for Thy . Ph2n" ?®91 , , q .,- teemen to help with Scouts. Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 Authorities regard the death The Sunday School meets at 9 45 Tht, ca)jin is we)j Servant Heareth." as m more 6:45 p.m. MYF and Adult Round 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. nn'rl v o l u n t e e r .l',?* * r W * ? ! ! r a l e f*K U re u re s signifeant ig n u c a n i Table groups meet. 6:45 p.m. H N. Y and N. Y ^ "nested t^ heln PS “ than ,he actual number of fatal- 8:00 p.m. The Hlllsl>oro Metho P. S. nro?ec Adverse " ,h P " ^ ities Bince the rate indicates how dist Church Choir will present 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. If,__ _i____ _ . . el con ■ travel bag bMB by compar- project ing deaths to miles traveled. their recent Christmas Cantata in Wednesday, 7:45, Mid-week pray- ‘ somewhat lately, WIDE SELECTION our church. We welcome your at er mee B|. "The only good news in this A Sartata, president of the tendance. announcement.” Farrell said, “ is CHUBCB OF O m a n .Community Clubs that the 11.0 rate of 1946 is con 7:45 p.m. Monduy, thp Church acted as installation officer dur School Board of Education will Second and Main Sts. in g the installation of officers for siderably below the 14.0 rate of George W. Springer, Pastor meet in the church. the new year. * |the previous year.” Sizes from Children's to Morning worship and preaching Those installed were: A. A. j The secretary of state predicted ALOIlA COMMUNITY service at 9:45 a. m. Women's sizes, 46 Marvin Lain! !that when a11 the figures for 1946 Sermon topic, “The Quesiton of Vogt, prseident; BAPTIST CHURCH vice president; Sada Stevens, sec- have been assembled, the death Creed.” C H EN ILLE Grayden D. Loree, Pastor. rate will be slightly below that Church School, 9:45 a.m. Miss Following the sermon. the retary; Gretchen Gallagher, tress of 1945. Q UILTED urer; and Leo Hesselgesser, Mr Mary Antrim, Superintendent. Lord’s supper will be observed. Turner and Gerturde Pearson, the SILK Morning Worship, 11 o’clock. Bible School class session,. 11:00 hoard members. | LANDSCAPING EVERGREENS Teens Club and Junior B.Y.F., a. m. _____ o|iuraiui ^ p. ' u m. t Delegates for the ensuing year j CAMELLIAS — AZALEAS Christian Endeavor, o 6:45 6:30 P.M. Evening * w orship"'service," 7™« | ( ^ d^ atlo^ o f Community , Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Henry i p.m. Evening sermon, "The Dead Johnson The Annual Federation Made Alive.” HIGHWAY CHAPEL Banquet B EA V ER T O N 26 14 Midweek Bible Study nad pray uary 24 is scheduled for Jun- Services will be held in the Odd 1-8 mile W est of Beaverton er service will be Thursday, 8:00 Fellows hall In Beaverton. Recipient of the door prize was p.m. Orville J Poulin, Minister All Colors Gladys Pollette. If you want to buy—sell—trade, Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Piano solos by Joede Lain Bill TRY A CLASSIFIED. Blue, Pink, Turquoise, BETH EL Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Bruce and Ronald Gilbreth show CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ed exceptional talent and offered Evening Service 7:45 p.m. White, Flowered, Wine NOTicer 9:45 a.m., Church school. much enjoyment. In stock for Immediate Delivery Fuchsia and Watermelon 11:00 a.m,, Morning Worship. 8T MATTHEW Portable Saw m ills, Edgers, 5 4 ” A one-man vaudeville was en LUTHERAN CHURCH Sermon topic, “We Believe in acted by Marvin Lain, in which T iltin g Band Resaws, M otors, Christ.” Youth Sunday, Youth Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Logging-Sawm ill M achinery. he aptly portrayed a negro part. !Choir will sing. Werner J. Fritz, Minister • e e Washington Machinery A Sunday, January 19, 1947 7:00 p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship. 2 2 0 S. W . First St. Storage Co. I jm m I v (.range Danee 8:00 p.m.. Evening Fellowship Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Beaverton Oregon 7329 E. Marginal Way Divine Service, 11:00 a.m. Ser Hour. Tomorrow Night, JUn. IJ{ W here parking is easy ___________ Saottle 8, Wash. on. I-eedy Grange is sponsoring a Junior catechism class, Satur benefit dance Saturday evening day, 9:30. REKDVTLLK COMMUNITY January 18 at the Grange Hall Welcome to St. Matthew’s. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH with Roach's orchestra furnish Rev. Hampton, Pastor ing the music. School 10 a. m. G. E Proceeds are to be used for irelger, ftupt, improvements on the hall. Worship Service 11 a. m. A ham dinner is also planned by Young People's C. E. 7 p. m l the Grange for January 25. BEAVER THEATRE Barber Shop Friday and Saturdoy— January 17 and 18 If I'm Lucky V iv ia n Blaine, Perry Como, H arry Jam es Tale at Two Cafes, a Short M usical Klondike Cosanavo, Popeye's Best Brunch Coats Elite Dress Shop r We Honor C H EV R O N CREDIT CARDS $ 1.00 W e check your battery, tires, transmission, differen tial, clean the windows, sweep out the car and give you a thorough lubrica tion for only $ 1 .0 0 . CEDAR MILL Rummage Sale Everyone is urged to start sal N.W. Cornell near Barnes Road vaging suitable articles for a Simon E. Forsberg, Minister rummage sale to be given on Feb 8318 S.W. Canyon Rd., BE 8698 ruary 21 at the rummage sale Sunday Bible School, 9:45 a. m. center in Portland by the P.T.A • • • Morning service, 11:00 a.m. Junior & Senior Hour 7:00 p.m. Cornell Club Meets Evening Gospel Hour, 7:45 p. m. Cornell Club met Wednesday Thursday—Prayer and Bible with Mrs. Gladys Pollette as hos SUNSET PRODUCTS Study. tess. Next meeting will be on Jan A welcome Awaits you, COME. uary 29 at the home of Mr? Mag We Give S & H Green Stamps Standard s Chevron National Credit Card is good Bring your Bible. gie Stark. • • • Radar wherever you see the famous "Chevron'’ sign Television F. M. LATTER-DAY SAINTS Home From Hospital throughout the VC'est. If you do not already have American Legion Hall Mrs. Ferol Heed returned to her edit card, come on in anytime and fill out an a cree Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. home Sunday after being confin application We ll do our best to see that your Sunday School at 10 a. m. ed to the Portland Sanitarium service by card is issued promptly. Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. following a major operation. • • • C E N T U R Y E L E C T R O N IC S Elder J. T. 8. Peterson, Branch Chevron Supreme, highway version of the 1’ T. A. To Meet Jan. 23 Beaverton Hardware Phone 3921 Priest Chexron Aviation Gasoline Standard developed Tlie Cedar Mill P.T.A. will meet for fightings planes during the war, and RPM ST CECELIA CHURCH Thursday night, January 23, at M<if or Oil are available at .. Masses; 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— the school house. Health is the CLEARW ATER PLUM RING 10 a. m. subject for the program. • . • Gas Water Heaters PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Seriously 111 Farmington at Menlo Fairbanks Morse Pumps Mrs. Margaret Stephens is ser Beaverton, Oregon iously ill at the home of hef Beaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor daughter, Mrs. William Van Bil Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. liard following strokes suffered Divine service 10:30 a. m. early last week. 3 5 5 T u a la tin V a lle y Highway • • • A cordial welcome to all. BEAVERTON FLORISTS Itahy Boy Beaverton, Oregon ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Being felicitated are Mr. and - Fresh Flowers Always - Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Louis M. Crow on the birth 7:45 p. in. Kvangeltstto service. of a son, Stephen Louis, Decem Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study ber 27. Grandparents arc Mr. and Beoverton 2965 Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo Mrs. M. J. Wolfer. • • • ples service. Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor Young Daughter Arrives Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Pointer, January 11 at Portland Sanitarium Hospital .a girl, Mary RAIN BOW ELEC T R IC C O N STR U C TIO N , Inc. Dee. Grandparents are Mr. and W I R I N G * Mrs. John Pointer of Sylvan, and Mr. and Mrs. William Godwin of Work Done COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - HOUSE WIRING Aloha. Great grandparents are Honored On Anniversary Mr. By Appointment and Mrs. Louis Stark of Ce Estimotes Gladly Given Honored on Saturday evening dar Mill. Service C a lls T a k e n C are of Prom ptly Aloho, Ore. Phone 6125 were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Meud. now of St. Johns, who were for FRANCHISED DEALER FOR PRESTLINE HOME APPLIANCES mer residents of Cedar Mill, on The only Range with 3 Style Top their 25th wedding anniversary. AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR WESIX HOME HEATING Present wore a large group of Coll relatives and friends, who show For Service Call Beaverton 3071 o r 2481 Beckett Truck Line, Inc. ered them with gifts. A large LEAVE ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDWARE «decorated cake for the occasion Hillsboro 54 2 Portland EAst 37 2 7 was included In the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Mead are well known throughout Washington County, where they have spent A V A ILA B LE NOW the greater part of their liv«*t Included in the guests were Mr RADIO and Mrs, Ia*e Mead of Nehalem Attending from Cedar Mill were CONSOLES Mr and Mrs. Arthur Pearson • • • C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH Aloha Super Service R A D I O News Sunday, Monday and Tuesdoy- Januory 19, 20 and 21 Strange Love of Martha Ivors Barbara Stanw yck, L. Scott, Von H eflin Short and News Wednesday and Thursday— January 22 and 23 ROBES ILEX NURSERY BEAVERTON Phone 2482 Wife of Monte Cristo John Loder, Lenore Aubert Cartoon — Short — News Friday and Saturday-—January 24 and 25 O. S. S., A lan Ladd, G. Fitzgerald, P. Knowles Cartoon — Short — News r> m s M m Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SU R A N CE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more tha.s the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized in 1894 W ALKER and NELSON 52 Years of Reliable Service Agents T New Location 112 So. 3rd A re. Phone 1732 "E v e ry Form of Protection" H illsboro, Oregon SEPTIC TANKS Have A Costume . . . CUSTOM MADE by Nora To lirinf! Out Your IL-st Points N O R A ’S Dressmaking Shop Aloha Oregon CLEANED LINES CHECKED ADVANCED ESTIMATES O. E. BERGLAND Phone 6521 Aloha FOR SALE! Firestone Tires LEACH & BUCK and Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Tubes Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt ORDERS TA KEN at M est Slope Plum hing Service The Firstone Store W est End o f Y in Beaverton BEucon 7542 Phone Phone 3961 Schuld & Swetland 3 GhSl & S . Aloha Beauty Shop Velveeta CHEESE Tasty. Fine for every purpose O ^ 46 ounce Texas Best Case of ,2 52 9 8 Fine for Dessert ^ • 6 • A n n ou n ced Mr and Mrs. C. H. Katterinan announce the engagement of their daughter. Rose, to Mr. Clarence Spady. The couple plan a Mav wedding. • • • Extension Unit News The Cedar Mill Extension Unit met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fortier at Sunset Gardens . Subject of the meeting was “ Buffet Meals” with Mrs Urn hrelt presiding. Many Interesting recipes were Included In the dem" onst ration. LET US FIX UP YOUR OLD ONE We'll take out those dents and Scratches Q teuiesi HEATIN G • Ca/n.qOn’Y A IR CONDITIONING • wmm M n (0 § ^ 3 « mu Fraum CM»« »iMm FM FM» V SERVICE CARR ; Chevrolet Co. I Beaverton -- Oregon J Phone 3333 | I I I 3 l >DP i NT A M O iTlO N * f —-T A x e A /lOO«C AT 1 AT CALENDAR I O A 5 ALL* i3 Canyon Road at Hall Phone 2011 Beaverton, Oregon ’ (?fd/VtAtcVT\A 78c THE BEST BY FAR 5 Dozen Case Lots AN ME. WORK IN’ LIKE. A H O R ST THINK.IN' C R IS 'M U S W A S JE ST AROUND . _____ . . . •V coR-NCR.' MAW! { M AW ’ 89^ $ 1 » 9 8 HAMS PICNIC STYLE Average weight 6 to 9 pounds Fine Quality Æ m Pound ____ ^ 1 '4 9 Sunkist ORANGES 2 We take good care of your car Dozen For HOME APPLIAN CES CMnkim REG’LAR FELLERS WHY a l l t m ’ 6 Medium Size S le u A l And make it look like new $289 Case & A cJz& unan la / n . —^ n& cicyw REPAIN T IT SWEET GARDEN V A RIETY Grown in the Milton-Freewater Area $ 178-45 6-Tube Combination in Rich Mahogany Record Player Automatically changes 10 records New, Rich Fidelity of Tone Phone 2699 On Canyon Road East of Beaverton 19c PEAS Your Hew Car E ngagem ent Lay in a supply Ounce Ja r ....... If You Haven't BENDIX 27c Each Maraschino CHERRIES FURNITURE MOVING Yet 0 7 7 / c * Pound Loaves Grapefruit JUICE CEDAR MILL NEW S 4 4 C By Gene Byrne» w e L I I A IN 'T O OlN A L L TH AT W ORK FO R N O T K 'N " — V I I'M T A K IN A L L T H IS O N WOOO AN COA l b a c k . ■ W *V W h POC IT» a !/W A ' I Store Hours—9 A. M. to 7 P. M. 8 P. M. on Saturday Take advantage of OUr FREE Delivery— 5 mile radius THRIFTY MARKET Phone 3261 Phone Orders token not later than I P M