Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1947)
,H. G Andrews, Sandy; Vice-Pres SETS N E W SPEED M A R K ident, E. R. Holmes, Halsey, Ore. Secretary-Treasurer, C. E cher, Beaverton; Director for 47* ’48, (2 yrs.), Edwin C. Kidder, for 194 1 -4s Abstracts and deeds used today Sherwood; Director to safeguard the many homes be 1 (2 yrs.), Roy Shutwell, Boise, Ida ing built to relieve the current ho; Director for 1947 ( 1 yr >, housing shortage are a far cry A. Woods. St. John. Washington The second competitive ride was Hering on his horse, Spring 'the ll>41 Oiegon high school from the homespun document Holdover Director for 1947 i l yr ) held January 12th at the Portland Time; 4th, Bob Schei on Frisco jstale basketoall tournament is olt used to define the boundaries of C. E. Spencer. Gresham Oregon The above named constitute Hunt Arena. King. ro a successful start, Hubert the Knob Creek fai|n wherq Ray Watson served as judge Jumpers—1st, Bob Schei on cross, tournament chairman for Abraham Hincoln lived from 1811 the Board of Directors of the and Dr. Edward Hurgett as ring Frisco King; 2nd, Mary Ann Fer- Uhe Eugene Active Club, stated to- to 1816, according to Dr. Houis Northwest Duroc Breedeis Assoc u A. Warren Historian of The Lin iation. master. Dorothy — Farley presented ry on ■n Fitzhampton Duke .owner, aay. It was decided to hold another Cross announced the establish coln National Life Insurance ribbons. Maryanne Ferry won Mrs. Hogan Ferry; 3rd, Mary Voss first place with 23 points. Mary on Tinker; 4th, Blake Hering on ment of tournament otfices in the Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Bred Gilt Sale in 1947. The date I set was Saturday, August 2nd. ^ugene hotel to coordinate all This document read: Voss was second with 19. Bob his horse, Sunridge. The place of the -ils « ill tx eftorts to make the tournament Knob Creek, 228 Acre Tract Schei 14 and Johnny Blackwood, -----------------. i unction smoothly. The office is 1. Beginning with two sugar cided upon when members in the now accepting applications for trees North 19 degrees, East 141 state of Washington are heaid Results: season tickets for the tournament poles to a dogwood tree and from. "Jump Class 3 ft ” Tinker, ridden T_ Tr_ , . . _ , and for the first time the seating ash tree corner to a 100 acre by Mary Voss owner Nicola, Rid- A J. A l A facilities uie expected to be ade- tract. ing Academy; 2nd Fitzbampton's I q u a t e for the followers of the 2. North 48 degrees, West 74 Kt*M*urch In lo o t h Decay Duke, ridden by Maryann Ferry, I prep cagers. poles to a beech tree. Slarti* O n IO O O Student!* ner, Mrs Hogan Ferry. 3rd, "ivlUIIV llU|>|tV K r l l l M I * The Active Club is working in 3. North 29 degrees, West 65 1 ‘risco King, ridden by Hob Schei. One thousand freshman stud On January 7 Mrs. Lena Bany cooperation with the Oregon high poles to a poplar tree on the owned by Bob Schei; ... 4th, Hi ents are cooperating in a research ,, , , , celebrated her birthday and her school activities association in east side of a hill. C., ridden by J('hnny Blackwood, home WM the 8eUint{ for a gath- sponsoring the tournament. The 4. North 58 poles tc an ash project in home ei/inomics at Oregon State College to deter- owned by Dorothy Failey. ering o f friends to wisli h#*M five-day event will be held in the tree. “ Seat and Hands.. Karin Sun- "Many Happy Returns.” University of Oregon's McArthur 5. South 76 degrees, West 105 ! mine if possible, the relationship I between nutrition and tooth de dileaf riding her horse Squire; she WM the Ieclpjent of many Court, which will seat 6600 fans poles to a white ash tree. under Oregon conditions. .nd. Mary Ann Ferry riding her (ove,y g jfts among which were Seveial bundled local basket 6. South 117 poles to a stake. cay horse, Sweetheait. 3id. Joan Men- , two beautiful ki-»k.i.... „ d I/ qu two inn ball hull fans r.n . have hiiv.* alreudy »Irpiwlv purchased niinthuuA/ 7. South 31 degrees, East 168 1 This is the study financed for two birthday cakes, years by the 1945 legislature at efer riding Cactus Hass, owner, | corsages and several large chry.s- I season tickets at the price estab poles to a sugar tree. the request of the rural home- Nicols Riding Academy, 4th, Mary 7~' . East 8. 70 degrees, 54 South lished by the activities associa ,. ..f i- 1 anthemum bouquets. i makers of the state represented by Voss, riding Tinker, J owner, N M tion, $10.00. Sponsors expect the poles to the beginning. Her friends numbered Mes- cols Riding Academy. Abraham Lincoln said his fa i the Home Economics Extension pre-tournament ticket dames Hertha Schuld of Portland. highest Pairs-- 1st, Maryann Ferry rid Hilda Pearson, Alice Davis, Chris sales in the history of the tourna ther left Kentucky "chiefly on ac council. Though authorized two years ing Creeper, owner, Portland Hid tine Wold, lau ra Clausen, Mary ment in view of the increased count of difficulty wtih land tit ago, detailed work on the project ing Academy and Joan Karns, Cavaness, les.” Litigation over the above Virginia Robertson, seating capacity. I was delayed until now by war- riding Masquerader, owner Port All ticket information and res acreage was one of them, ac caused shortages in staff, equip Pete Peturo, Thelma Barron, Rob land Riding Academy: 2nd, Mary cording to Dr. Warren. ervations can be made at any ert Hivemore and Levella Hive- Voss on Tinker, Salley Malarkey The Knob Creek farm is the ment and supplies. Some equip time before the tournament opens more. has now been obtained & riding Kayo, owner, Nicols Riding only tract of land on which Ab ment • • • I March 11 by writing or calling from army surplus, but much of Academy; 3rd, Celia Thorsen, rid A new .peed record for the 1570-m ile High» from Mexico City to los An. •* raham Hincoln lived for any con Employed the tournament office in the Eu- ing her horse, Oinger and Susan geles wa. set by Abelardo Rodriguez, »on of a former president of Mexico, siderable time which has not be it. including that for a dental Hawrence Davis und Heland gene Hotel, Cross said. Wendell on Rosy, Nicols Riding when he p.loted his “ Flying Red Horse Special." a P-51 war surplus Mustang come, in part at least, a nation chair and X-ray machine installed Robertson are working in the ship | ----------------- - Acadmey, owner; 4th, Johnny al shrine. It was the playground in the home economics building, fighter plane, over the distance in 4 hours, 24 minutes. yard. was purchased. Blackwood on Hi C. owned by of Lincoln and is probably the A specially trained dentist has Dorothy Failey and Bob Schei on Too Had most picturesque of all the Lin been added to the staff who will his horse Frisco King. coln homes. the bacteiia that cause danger B. Clausen und Ellen and Har count and record the dental caries (la n n iii^ Yleat “ Roadhack” 1st Joan Menefee ry Wold are all victims of the ous spoilage. I f meat is not prop of each student. Other clinical on Squire, owned by Karin Sundl- "cold bug". erly processed, it may even lead tests will be made and nutrition At llim i«“ k ll 2nd. Connie Edwards on to serious food poisoning. The many farm families who records taken. I f students from Surgical treatment o f pulnio- Pnnce William owner Portland < uliforniis Bound If a steam pressure-cooker is are butchering this time of year, any part of the state prove to be Riding Academy; 3rd. Jim Faville Grandpa Wold, who has been | na,y tuberculosis is not Intended I not available preserve meat by ¡are warned by Beryl Scothorn, markedly better or worse than 'to replace the tested methods of riding Wildfire, owned by Clare Visiting with the Wold and Clau the average .additional tests will Ass’t Home Demonstration Agent, ¡freezing or curing. Wiley; 4th, Johnny Blackwood sen families left last Friday for I bed rest in a sanatorium or hos Complete directions for canning • that the only safe way of can- The Northwest Duroc Bleeders be made in such communities. pital. However, among patients on Hi C., owned by Dorothy Far sunny California. This is the only such study to j ning meat and poultry in the meat and poultry are given in ley. who need more than bed rest, es- held their annual business meet use steam-pressure I U. S. D. A. booklet "Home Can PMUlljr U..... la whom lung cavl- ing and election of officers Fri be made in the far west, and one home is to "Bareback" 1st. Blake Hering Vlsltors ning of Meat’ ’ A. VV. I. 110 day evening, December 27th in of the few in the entire United cooker. on his hore, Spring Time; 2nd, Mr and Mrs. Robert Griffith ties have developed, additional the Chamber of Commerce, Port States. In some checks of army ' "Freezing and Storing of Meat. Meat must be processed at a Joan Menefee, on Squire, owned of Portland were recent visitors rest and relaxation must be given and Eggs” , E. C. 272: records, men from Oregon were I sufficiently high temperature, 240 Poultry land, Oregon. by Karin Sundilrnf; 3rd, Johnny at the home of Mr. Griffith's the lungs by surgical means. The The officers for 1947 and direc shown to have an unusually high degrees F„ and held there long available at County Agent's Of diseased lung is given a better Blackwood on HI C.; 4th, Mary mother, Mrs. Mary Cavaness. ' enough to make sure of killing fice, Hillsboro. President, percentage of decayed teeth. chance to heal when its work of tors are as follows • • • Ann Ferry on Sweetheart. breathing is diminished and its "Threes" 1st Susan Wendell on Guests Mrs. Ann Cenevich and sister diseased areas partly or complete her horse Sparkler, Mary Voss on Kayo and Sally Malarkey on Tin were luncheon guests at the home ly collapsed. One of the simplest operations ker; 2nd. Joan Karns on Mamie, of Mrs. Lloyd Price. • • • to provide additional rest for the owner, Portland Riding Academy, lung is phrenic nerve parulysis. Mary Ann Ferry on Nifty Miss, The phrenic nerve begins in the owner, Portland Riding Academy; H u l l M t r l s I o n i a n The Cooper Mountain Commun neck and runs the length o f the and Johnny Blackwood on Patsy, owned by Portland Riidng Acad ity Club meets tonight (Friday) chest to the diaphragm, the pow regular erful muscle which moves up and emy; 3rd, Celia Thorsen on her January 17, for their horse, Ginger, Igiurn Goodell on monthly meeting. Hosts nnd hos down with each breath, causing Reaka, owner, Nicols Riding Ac tesses for the occasion will be Mr. considerable motion and stretch ademy and Jane Stroger on Susie and Mrs. Ben Maxiner and Mr. ing of the lung. A small incision is made in the neck and the nerve J., owner, Nicols Riding Acad and Mrs. Elmer Altig. is crushed, paralyzing it for about emy; 4th, Bob Schei on Frisco Patient (nervously): And will six months. When permanent pa King. Adele McMillan on Creeper and Joan Walker on Airway, own the operation be dangerous, doc ralysis is desired, the nerve is cut. er. Portland Riding Academy. tor? The volume of the lung is In Novelty 1st. Helen McCusker Doctor: Nonsense, You couldn’t this way reduced about 20 per on Mamie; 2nd, Adele McMillian buy a dangerous operation for cent and the action on that side on Prince William; 3rd, Blake forty dollars. of the diaphragm is limited or stopped. However, this does not cause as much rest as other col lapse procedures and is used fre quently in conjunction with other treatments. The most widely used of all fV - Y u surgical collapse methods is ther It’s no« |UM the fin e « steak* and roasu that are cut apeutic pneumothorax, in which from top grades o f beef at Safeway. It’s every cut o f air is introduced outside and b eef w e sell! So whether you choose a rib cut to oven around the lung, causing it to col lapse. A successful pneumothorux roast or short ribs to braise, you can be sure o f getting has for Its purpose collapse of beef from the top government grades. Brought to that part of the lung in which the market by the Safeway meat plan, this fine beef is cavity is located. This will allow guaranteed to d eliver fu ll eating pleasure. Select your for cavity closure and conversion of the sputum from positive to fa v o n te cut today. Buy all your meat under Safeway’s p »rf* c r (or Bruising negative, so that tubercle bacclli or B o ilin g — D tlk io u s unconditional guarantee o f complete satisfaction or «or an o ld - fashio ned S T tW are no longer expectorated. ' money back! Sp oo o l Low' The pneumothorax is sometimes impossible or dangerous because of adhesions between the inner R S H —A m dy. / m . U hl fa u c l n w and outer walls of the membrane • w f Pof Roost ¿ Z iZ L A lb. J f covering the lung, called the pleu.- Halibut Steak, Firm Slices lb. 55c ra. Occasionally the two layers Porli ShooMor Roost ■ £? R>. 39« of pleura are so completely stuck LB. Salmon Steaks. Bright Red lb. 55c Pork Stoaks ____ fc 45* that no space remains for the urn air and the operation is unsuc Fillet of Sole Ideal for b re ad in g lb. 49c be IS« cessful. Sometimes a partial col lapse is obtained and the adhe Oysters. Western Medium pt. 69c fee 65* By the piece Ik. sions become narrow bands. Then an intrapleural pneumonolysls is done. In this operation the adhe sions are severed so that, as the or Ffther brand I lb pkg lung collapses, the cavity closes and the sputum becomes negative. Srromed 16-ox tor R ich Thoracoplasty is a more serious operation which will frequently IT T AKE . , Sunny D ow v— fa n cy con arrest the disease when other methods have failed. The ribs, or sections of riba, over the diseased areas are removed, usually In two 2 *> A f t « !? is an amazing fact, but there are more tele a or more stages. This permits the S * 9 W cam oh soft tissues of the chest wall to phone calls being placed now than during the busi collapse Inward. This will close est times in the war years! M a g « Brand the majority o f lung cavities per 24 -oa manently. This story told to us last week by one of our sub These and other modern surgi scribers may help you understand why. Our friend cal treatments o f tuberculosis, in conjunction with bed rest, save owns a lumber and hardware firm, and he told us many lives and permit many pa BEVERLY S K IP P Y - that he received over one hundred phone calls in a tients to return to useful occu W m Colorful — flavorful — hall of precious vitamins' Top Try the new pations. if they order their lives 2-lb. single day, |usf to find out if he had any nails in stock! * quality plus Safeway s low prices assures you of full value lb. carefully. Chunk Style jor chunk or creamy j g r And he, in turn, made almost as many calls to sup In the next article, care of the teeth will be discussed pliers all over the U. S. trying to obtain the materials • • • P*t«r Pon his customers so badly needed. R«ol Root« e ri Local C ro p D 'A n io u s This column is sponsored, in the 1 2 -oa. ¡or Extra fo n cy and fancy 2 -lb ¡or 9 9 Sw eet-flavor interest of better health, by: Sweet a n d Juicy p ack Similar stories could be told every day through H e alth fu l G row n in Washington County DELICIO US W IN E S A P S out the length of our system. Calls from homes are C H ood Public Health Assoc. HONET 1-lb n c - B EA V ER T O N EN T ER PR ISE Friday, January 17, 1947 |<M 7 B a s k e t b a l l Portland limit Junior Competition tournament Mar. Hide Held At Portland Hunt Arena 11,12.1.1,11,15 knol> Creek Farm A. Lincoln*«» Home / COOPER Surgirai Treatment in T 11 N. \V. Duroc Assoc*. Elects 1 Iffieers Even in the "economy cuts” you con get tender, juicy meat! SHORT RIBS cut from TOP GRADES «( BEEF Guaranteed perfect by SSftWAt ANY N M IS ? MATERIALS DELAYED ? Short Ribs of Beef ^ furnac 4 ;¡¡® « £ . available <» ? P IC N IC S BACON 49c Pure Lard 33c Fancy Pure Honey, 39c Tomato Juice, 23* Conned Spinach ‘"¡E" ^ 2 25* Breeze Cheese, ™*«, ^ Nob Hill C offeeu£S„£ 39-ÌT T A LOT OF CALLS TO GET THINGS OONE TODAY C a n n e d M ilk 2 25' Soda Crackers 2-lb. 35* Apricot Nectar £ 55 ? 2/25* Catsup Bonle 20« Stewed Prunes - *,* *3 ^15* Sauerkraut 2/25* Peanut Butters FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 59« P a rsn ip s We of your telephone company are doing every thing we can to give you the best telephone service possible. We have much material and equipment on order, but many critical items are still difficult or impossible to obtain. We wish to thank you, our subscribers, for your cooperation end . - ' • -.ndirn during th<* c r iccJ. É H PH IL'S S h o p p in g C e n te r G R O C E R IE S M EAT D R Y G O O DS N O T IO N S FOOD LO C KERS We deliver teunium : c h im i "There'» olwoy« o right price on the corner" A vocados Rip ened C a lo v o s C a u liflo w e r Progress Ore. Pkene tee*. 2 )1 » C e le r y Crispy Form fresh lb 3 9 e I L E M O N S LB 16« LB 10 « LB 16c P o ta to e s 89c No 1's 15-lb sock Salad Vegetables M oster- N o 4 0 ( P'ece 2 '» * v j® 59« ORANGES i. y ^ Ravioli Lynden NAVEL Fight Colds with Lemons LB R iver K’o 2's S U N K IS T 13« 32* lb 131 :c lb 12' c Solidly form ed for PEARS APPLES 9 higher than ever, too, both for our local service and long distance. 39« Medium Sue Vj box $1.7» B * $ 1 4 » 6 ’/ ^ , I 6 -0 1 tor 15; G ra h a m Crackers ___ M A ID ok* d tO C Ginger Snaps Old Fashioned 1-lb. pkg. 29C S o d a Crackers, Kf'spy 2 -ib pkg 44 c Mushroom Soup, Ostrum 10(^n°* 10c Tomato Soup, Rancho 22-oz. can 15c Tomato Soup. Compbeii s *°& 2 * l()c C a m p b e ll’s Soups v*;“ ,0£,“ 16c Airway Coffee ^5 37* L ? *1.10 Edwards Coffee Maxwell House Coffee L* W Chase i Sanborn Coffee ' * 44‘ you C£T MORE FOR YOUR M W AT S A FIG H T IN F A N tlL C PARALYSIS MARCH OF DIMES JANUARY 1 3 .3 0