VOLUME 19, NUMBER SI ESTABLISHED 1927 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, January 17, 1947 Baiison Warns Alice ( Mils Adkins Management c \ irtim of Highwu\ vr # rs $325,000 High School Bond Election lor Bldg.-Facilities Scheduled for Voters Feb. 5 Babson Park Fla., Jan. IT. With a Republican Congress and the public trend toward conserva Mrs. Alice Olds Adkins, 61. of tism, industry will be getting A Bond Election has been call immediate steps to secure bids back again a measure of its be Aloha, died in the Jones hospi iuuuc ed for February 5. 1947 between on the first of a three unit build loved freedom of enterprise and tal in Hillsboro Saturday morning the hours of 2 p in. and 7 p.m. by ing planned and designed by the freedom from controls at a very from injuries received when she the Board of Directors of Union architect and Board ot Directors. by an automobile difficult time. We are ending a was struck High School Distiict Number 10 It has been estimated that on period of rising prices. Following while crossing the highway near Jt . Washington and Multnomah the basis of the present District the law of action and reaction, Aloha. Counties, Oregon valuation of $6,5Ti,299 15 the $325.- we are heading toward a period The automobile was driven by of declining prices. A favorable vote on this issue 000.00 bond issue can be repaid Willard Roscoe Karns of route 4, is imperative if the Union High at the rate of $25,000.00 over u Business Headaches Hillsboro. The fatality was the School District is to operate on an thirteen year period with a four Many inventories are already first for Washington county for effective basis und take care of mill tax. This four mill tax should very high, production is catching the new year. the constantly Increasing enroll include Interest cost and is the Mrs. Adkins was born Septem- up, and the public is showing a ment caused by the growth and equivalent to an annual tax of marked tendency to pick and berber 4, 1865 at Willow Creek, development o f this section of $4.00 on each $1,000.00 of the as choose in buying or to desist Umatilla Co., near Pendleton. Her Washington County. 1 R Metzler sessed valuation of property own ^ * altogether. As I predicted in a parents, who were pioneers of ed by a legal voter. said. . previous article, discussing FISH 1844 lived there until she was a The assessed valuation of the I f a favorable vote is given by PRICES, we are seeing the be year old then moved to Yamhill the legal voters of the District Union High School District in ginning of a buyers’ market. As County, near Lafayette, Oregon. the Board of Directors will take creased $307,246.66 during the past this continues, businesses are apt Later on they moved to Tilla yeur and should continue to in to be left with inventories much mook and in 1882 she was mar crease as new homes and sub ried to Walter J. Smith. Four reduced in value. divisions are completed in the Strikes have so retarded nor children were born to them: Sam, area. As the valuation increases mal production in the nation that J., Margaret, Toby L. and Es- the cost of retiring the bond issue reconversion problems have been tella Smith. in terms of mills will decrease multiplied. Constant wage-increase They moved to a homestead on and It is estimated that over the demands from labor unions are Wilson River where Mr. Smith thirteen year period the cost will causing still higher production passed away in 1906. Unlike most of us who only \ average not more than three costs and higher prices. Portal- Later on she met and married threaten and mutter, Ray Muel mills. to-portal retroactive pay suits Charles M. Adkins and they mov ler, of the Mobile Gas Station at The educational value of the from some of the greedier un ed to Gales Creek. West Slope, on his own has taken new building will be a valuable ions are further threats to bus In September, 1917 she moved the first step toward slowing Can asset to the Union High School TO BE FEATURED ON RADIO SI’ORTS PROGRAM, Skeex Rhine, Hill Foster, iness stability. These are some to Aloha and has been a resident yon Road traffic through the District and will attract people of the difficulties management is here since that time. manager of the Busters, and Coach Marble Cook will be representatives of the Bea West Slope area. to this area who are interested Surviving are her four child facing today. verton town team on the Bobby Grayson sports program tonight at 8:15 on KGW. He wrote to the State High in good facilities for educating ren, eleven grandchildren, four Can Business Accept way Engineer, R. H. Baldock, their children, according to Mr. Pictured above in the back row are Gene Springer, Skeex Rhine, Herbert Harrison, teen great grandchildren, a sis The Challenge? at Salem, explaining the situation. Metzler. Die« Senz, Fritz Karpstein; front row— Verne Lusby, Bill Foster, Don Hagg, Chet ter. Ada Kelly of Portland; three Mr. Baldock sent one of the Now, if business is again to be The construction of a modern Sloviek, Eddie Nyland, Loris Bixby, and Coach Marble L. Cook. highway engineers up to look it high school building will make it given free initiative, and at least brothers, Laurence Olds of Clo- Olds, Portland, over. As a result we have been possible for the Board o f Direc as much support from govern verdale, Lester promised a school zone marking, tors to offer a wider variety of ment as labor has had since 1932. and Norman Olds, Sheridan. Mrs. Adkins is the last pioneer and a 35 mile sliced limit, whiich subject matter and to include can a plan be devised that will pioneers that would then lie under the Juilsdic- an expanded course in the voca be profitable tQ V- ¡5- business of the original ,tion of the state police. tional field comparable to those and also cause labor to produce homesteaded tn the Wilson River W e were told that West Slope offered in many of the other pro at a maximum of efficiency? country. Funeral services were held on did not have enough population gressive school systems of the Management will not and cannot January 14 at Hills to secure a blinker light. The one state. operate without profits. But, giv Tuesday, farther up the hill was placed en freedom again to make prof boro. there because some one was kill its, will management be able to Recently the Beaverton City There will be a general mass The Beaverton Busters receiv ed on that corner. unite radical and conservative meeting at the Beaverton High ed the consolation cup Saturday Council has lengthened the bus Since Mr. Mueller has started elements in support of an hon School Wednesday, January 22, at evening, January 11 as fourth po loading zone 20 feet on each end carrying the hall for us let’s est day's work for an honest day’s 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of hav sition rating in «the final results of its location on Broadway to get in and help him. Let’s get pay? This requires giving an op ing a complete discussion of the of the Washington County Bas accomodate the new Skyline bus our safety measure before there portunity to get ahead for those proposed sewer bond issue. ketball league tournament played company to be run by Mr. Mc is a death, not after. whose efficiency and ability have Funeral services for Ralph Em Earl Green, Construction Engin o ff January 9 through the 11th in Ginn. The new line will give us We know there is a good 11 Klatt ,who was killed in a mo earned that privilege. The workshop for all Bluebird eer, and Kenneth Spies of the the Hillsboro High School gym. additional bus service not only Can industry handle unem Leaders of Washington County from here to Portland, but will chance that one of us or our torcycle accident January 9, wen Of the eight league teams play children may be killed, for the held in the W. E. Pegg Mortuary ployment wisely if and when it will be held today, Friday, after State Board of Health will be at service areas off the highway comes or can it provide eventu- noon at 2 p.m. in the meeting this meeting and will attempt to ing. the Imperial Feed team of which up to now have had no ser cats go through the West Slope Monday afternoon, January 13 area at too great >i speed They Vault lnt rmxnt was in the Crcs ally for continuous employment? room of the Portland Gas & answer all questions. A full dis Hillsboro won ttrst place, while vice. cussion of the matter is desired are either rushing to pass ev Taylor’s Goodrich of Hillsboro C. * I f not. can it provide adequate Coke office at Forest Gro^e. It The franchise for the Skyline eryone in sight before they hit cent Grove cemetery. in order that the people may be I. O. of Forest Grove and the Bus workable wage guarantees which was previously Ralph was born August 5, i91: sqheduled for fully informed. ters of Beaverton staked second, bus company was granted to Mr. the two lane road or are Just in Vancouver, Washington. will give the worker a reasonable Thursday morning in the Camp H< McGinn by the PUC and the Bea breathing a sigh of relief for A special election will be held third, and fourth place respective sense of security? A government Fire office in Hillsboro. This is was in the Merchant Marine am verton Council was asked to ar on Wednesday, January 29, at getting rid of that truck that has his duties were chiefly as decl ly- survey on guaranteed annual for today. Friday, January 17. The Banks Hardware team re range a place in Beaverton where held them all up coming up the engineer. wages has revealed that fewer All women who are interested in which the authority of the peo the busses could stop to load and ple of Beaverton will be requested ceived the Sportsman Trophy for hill. than 75.000 workers have thus far youth are invited. Surviving are his parents, Mt unload. A group working together can and Mrs. L. E. Klatt and Will; come under any sort of guaran Netoppew Camp Fire Girls of to issue sewer bonds in the a- all round good sportmanship. The council felt that less room mount of $300,000 for the purpose On Thursday, January 9, the secure greater results than one teed wage plan in the United Tualatin held election of officers of Aloha; and Walter F., o would he consumed if the pre person. A yellow blinker would do L. San Francisco. States, whereas, there are said for the coming three month per of financing the construction of opening night of the tournament, sent Oregon Motor Stage loca and treatment the Busters much to slow traffic. Let’s get drew the Taylor’s to be around 200 such plans in iod on January 6. Eleanor Feath a sewer system Goodrich team of Hillsboro as tion was extended to accomodate the highway department to put existence. This is because most er is the president, Pat Curtis, plant. Health conditions in Beaverton their opponents. With the Good the new line than if two other one in. employers claim that no one of vice president. Elizabeth Hog^tt And while we are about it, an these plans is as yet really prac secretary, Dolores Milan treasur are becoming increasingly hazard rich team leading at half time places, one for loading and one other spot that needs much more ticable. An example of how un er and Rosemary Ramsey is the ous due to the increase in popula with a 17-14 score it was firm ly (Continued on page eight) adequate traffic signals is the east Apparently the time has believed that a glass top was on a vu reasonably expensive such a plan scribe. This is one pi opr newest tion. Y at Beaverton where Broadway can be, in spite of the good will groups. These girls are nearly come to replace open-ditch drain the basket. Final score for the turns off the Canyon Rond. age facilities if we would make game was 33-19 in favor of the it earns from employees, was seen ready to pass their Trailseeker Also. Canyon Road at Hall at at Hormel packing houses during Rank. Congratluations. Plans are our city a fit place in which to Hillsboro team. the Catholic school is a spot need live and bring up our children. Lineup and individual score: 1946. being discussed for a Founder’s ing attention. The little wooden Present conditions invite a large Republicans Beware! A resolution opposing any in Taylor’s Busters Day Program. School Traffic sign gets knocked crease in State officers’ salaries scale epedemic. I f this measure is A Hormel plant in Minnesota The following girls in Wiela D. Franz 8 C. Sloviek 4 over occasionally, which makes or the salaries of any of the voted down it will be the people’s was able to slaughter less than Group led by Mrs. Catherine An- La Fontaine 7 L. Bixby 4 us question its adequacy as a State department heads, was one responsibility. one sixth of its usual weekly num nand at Tigard are ready to take Stark 8 S. Rhine 6 traffic, signal. of the important actions taken at ber of hogs and cattle. But em their Firemaker Rank. H. Franz 3 G. Springer 0 Johne Our valley is growing faster the meeting Saturday of the I f you’ve been wondering wha. ployees in that plant, though Binkley, Susan Annand. Jean J. Franz 6 V. Lusby 0 ¡than the highway department re Loyal-Scholls farm group held in working less than two hours one Paetel, Ramona Simpson, Janet Simmons 1 F. Karpstein 3 has happened to the Kaiser Com alizes. The added population week, received a full week's pay. Brown, Karen Matthieu. B. Foster 1 munity Homes project, constru- brings added traffic hazards and the Loyal Hall. Janet Harold Haase acted as chair tion is about to start. The engi Under continuous similar condi Kay Matthieu, Betty E. Nyland 1 Matthieu we need to rise and do something man of the meeting following his The recent weather put a smile neering crews which have been tions a guaranteed pay plan of and Catherine Annand. This is on the kid’s faces. Snowmen of On Friday night, January 10, at about it, for surely it is the this sort might ruin a business. the third rank in Camp Fire and various sizes and kinds came into the half the Busters held a lead working for some time -have fin squeaking wheel that gets the formal installation as president of the group with Lyman Ross, vice How'ever, the need of soon find demonstrated much activity and being on front lawns. One lawn of 16-13 over the Banks Braves. ished their surveys. grease. president and Mrs. Cooldige, sec Mr. Sid Taylor, who is in ing a mutually satisfactory plan hard work. The reserves of the Beaverton sported a whole family o f snow retary. charge of the housing program. Is would be desirable. Since it is team were sent in at the half by men complete with hats and walk Delegates to the State conven something labor soi desperately in the east now consulting with ing canes, with mother realistic Coach Marble Cook and proved Uhurcli W Milieu Join tion of the Farmers Union were wants, the Republicans will be able to hold their own. Final scorp company authorities and hopes to ally holding a broom. appointed. Mrs. Coolidge and wise to help work out as good Is wasn’t a ’’sliding” snow tho. tallied to a 36-25 victory for the he horn* next week with plans all III Meeting Frank Schulmerlck were selected. a plan as possible in this direc set to go. Busters. sad to say. Women of the Church of Christ, The Partners Union County tion. Houses to be built will not be This same weather took the Line Up and individual score: Methodist und Congregational meeting will be held in Hillsboro Business must operate with of a housing project nature but smile off some adult faces who Braves Busters will each be individual The streets churches enjoyed an afternoon to in the Chamber of Commerce reasonable freedom and yet The Beaverton Post Office had to drive over an icy highway Parmely 2 D. Hagg 4 will curve around tot fit the con gether Wednesday, January 8, Hall, Saturday, January 25 at without the narrow, Godless point on their way to and from work. Moen 2 T. Herkelson 5 tour of the country I » t s will mea when they met at the Bethel Con 8 p.m. of view of each for himself. Such made a gain in postal receipts Monday night saw a string of W ilford 5 G. Harrison 3 sure 85x100. 300 homes aare plan gregational church for lunch and At the meeting o f the County a shortsighted attitude has char in 1946 to an all time high for cars stalled on Canyon Road E. Senz 3 acterized too much labor and bus- the office. For comparison the waiting for the sanding machine McCann 4 ned for the first section to be a shai ing of idetis with Mrs. Roy group a report will be heard freyn DlM MB 6 B. Foster 3 Gage, president of the United the special committee which has r iness leadership in the past. following are shown: McDonald 6 L. Bixby 6 built. For year ending December 31, to come and rescue them. Women’s Groups of the Portland been investigating the petition of These questions must be tackled C. Sloviek 3 Council of Churches. Mrs. Gage the West Coast Telephone Co. for with vision and wisdom for in 1944— $2,7846.11. S. Rhine 3 Championship For year ending December 31, left everyone feeling that it would a rate increase. This petition has dustry to work out a plan o f co F. Karpstein 3 idea for the been opposed by the FaCmerd Line Upe and individual scores: be an excellent operation and fair-play all a- 1945— $29.454.37. a gain of $1.608.26 la ic a l Hoard No. I Busters church women of Beaverton to Union group G. Springer 6 North Plains and the Pomona round. Management must succeed or six per cent. O p e n M ondav. T u e sd a y For year ending December 31, B. Nyland 0 become united. Grange. Saturday night a determined j Solders 1 in this as both government and L. Bixby 2 Mrs. W. P. Miller and Mrs. E. Farmers are facing increased labor have failed. Only by so do 1946— $32.018.78, a gain of $2,564- Lillian Gilham of Local Board North Plains team proved keen 1 Hagge 2 S. Rhine 4 R. Sheets of the Methodist church cost of operation with a forecast No. 1. Washington County, will competition for the Busters as Meeuson 6 ing will a period o f profitable .41, or 8 per cent gain. F Karpstein 5 led the devotionals. The receipts for quarter end be in the office at Beaverton on the score at the half was 13-12 | Brown 6 of lowering prices and thus these prosperity be assured for the T Herkelson 7 Trotman 7 and Tuesday of each in favor of the home team. The lovely flowers arranged by groups are watching closely any years ahead. I f industry muffs ing March 31. 1945 were $6.594.62, Monday For quarter week. On Thursday and Friday B. Foster 2 Mrs. F. Donaldson, were enjoyed increase in cost o f government. But the Beaverton team came Sueídeini 1 her opportunity to solve some of for 1946. $6.357.90. G. Harrison 4 by all. Hostesses for the lunch these problems, management ma> ending June 3$). 194.5 $6.874.91. she will he at Local Board No. 2. through with a final score of 27- For quarter at Forest Grove. C. Sloviek 3 were Mrs. Walter Van Kleek, 23. thus winning the Consolation I lose the confidence of the Amer for 1946. $7.043.52. Mrs. George Thyng. Mrs. Belle ican people and also the thing it ending September 30. 1945— $6- Is Sackett, and Mrs. H. Sackett. cherishes most dearly -freedom 699.10, for 1946—$7.536 68 For the quarter ending December 31. 1945 of enterprise. I repeat: the Re $9 286.41. for 1946- $11.080 68 publicans have not yet been given The gross business representing NEW BEAVERTON UNION HIGH SCHOOL FA CILITIES to be constructed a Victory, -but only an Opportun Mix«* France» H a rt T o lie money orders, postal notes, bonds ity. Dendrng outcome of bond election colled for Feb 5 The architects drawing Fred Pentz passed away at the Gur»t Speaker and other government services for Veteran's Hospital Annex in Van 1945 were $346,711.31 and for 1946 shows how the new plant would appear to the passer-by An expanded Miss Fiances Hart, daughter of couver, Washington, after an ill were $273.62*116, a decrease of vocational training progrom is the highlight of the new building proiect Mr. and Mrs . W H. Hart of ness which was a reault o f World $73.085.15. The decrease in gross Beaverton, will be the guest War I. business represents the 4 V * ->e speaker for the Bethel Women's He was In the hospital for the in Savings Bonds sales. Fellowship meeting Tuesday, past two years. Most of this time January 21, 8 p.m. at the church. was spent in Portland, being Miss Hart sailed for Osaka In moved to Vancouver on the 17th The Sunday Evening Fellow G 1937 where she taught for four ou August of last year. ship hour at 8 00 p.m. in Bethel years under the asupices of the Services were held at Vancouv Church will be Family Night this Free Methodist Church Missions. er Funeral Home and interment Camp No. 31, United Spanish week. She returned to her home In Bea at Soldiers plot at Lincoln Mem Besides the usual hymn sing War Veterans and the Auxiliary verton in 1941. It is expected she orial. and good time, there will be a installed officers for 1947 on last will bring to the members of the He was well known In Beaver sound film strip on family life, Saturday, January 11 A luncheon ' tU M fciilllW IIIlil U lld tlltiltMtilMII iil Fellowship very interesting and ton, having lived here the paat was served at one o'clock follow called, “la Your Home Fun?" 1 I Mitin worthwhile information concern twenty years He Is survived by The pictures give an inside look ed by public installation ing the Japanese people. his wife, Elsie son, Paul. U. S. N. The State Commander Fred on the Brown home and the Gay Mrs. John Barnes, who is in and two daughters Mary Ellen home, showing why the one is Humphreys and Department Pres charge of devotionals. will tell and Norma. unhappy and the other gay and ident Zidonia Quick were present fi some things about the great Jap joyous. for the ceremonies. » Ir anese Christian, Kagawa. Ask for your free classified It is hoped that entire families Otto Egberg and Maude Haw Hostesses for the evening are "Subscriber Ad Cards” with each will come together to see it, kins, respectively, will direct the P % 0 ¥ 0 i l b â f t W T . O r t * 0 ftC A V f I T O * «J N *© * MtCM s c h o o l Mrs. C. E. Mason, Mrs. Hans new subscription or renewal. for the story has meaning for activities of the Beaverton Camp Stroeve and Mrs. Ernest Webb. They’ll pay you real dividends. all ages and all will be interested. and Auxiliary for 1M7 Auto Accident s* ** 1! Vann W est Slop«* Needs A N ellow Rliuker Sewage Disposal Dusters Receive Mass Meeting Fourth Position Set for Wed. Night Consolation Cup ( Opinions (riven ( hi Parking In Rtisiness Vrea Ralph Emil Klatt Funeral Jan. 13 Washington Co. Camp Fire News Kaiser Projeet Abolii lo Rubili Coustruetion Haase Installed Pres. I > I Seholls Farm (group Snowmen Appear Normal Gain In Postal Receipts Fred I Vu Dies At Vancouver Sunday Evening For the Family Joint Installation L