Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, January 10, 1947 Tuesday, January 7. Mrs. D. L. Hamilton and Mrs. R. S. Fryer took the Brownie Troop from Ra leigh school to the Portland Jun ior Museum to view the collection nounced at the regular meeting organize the club for the ensu- oi dolls which Mrs. William E. Entertains January 10, at 8 o’clock. ing yeal'T Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith enter Furnish has collected from all Progress made in securing countries and her completely fur- Officers were elected. Presi tained Mrs. Smith’s sister, Mrs. equipment for the school cafe- dent. Mary Ellen Bailey; Vice Pat Walsh, from Spokane, who 1 nished two story doll house. Sharon, who was born the teria will be repotted on and two President, Anita Albino; Secre spent the holidays here on her before Christmas. prominent speakers are schedul- tary, Patricia Seidler; Treasurer, way home from Los Angeles. New Year Party * * ed. A special prize will be award- Elaine Hanson; Song Leader. Van • Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ritter en Mr. and Mrs. Ottwin Hofer of ed the room which secures the da Benson: Program Chairman Attend Reunion tertained seven couples from Raleigh Hills announce the birth most new members for the P. Arlene Aniell; Sergeant-at-arms. Major and Mrs. S. L. Damon, Portland, also Mr. and Mrs. R. of a son, Francis D., who was T. A. during the official drive Shirley Best; Reporter. Anita Pi- formerly of Raleigh Hills were up H. Wood of Salem, at a New beginning January 6 to 10th. born on December enovi. from Lincoln Beach during the Year’s Eve party at their home Richard Barss, representative The program for the year was holidays to visit friends and at- on Newton Place, On December 6, twin boys, Ste of the Oregon Education Assoc planned. tend a family reunion at the • • . ven and Stuart, were born to Mr. iation will be the speaker of the The next meeting will be Jan home of Major Damon's sister. Guests and Mrs. Free A. Kurpstein, of evening, and will discuss new . _ . * * * Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hobbs cel- Tigard. trends in education. Barss is uary 16th at the home of the Holiday Farty . w . ebrated New Year’s Eve with well known as an authority on leader, Mrs. Hildah Highbe. • • • Putricia Seidler and Arlene Saturday, December .7 Mr. and friencls in Hillsboro at the home education. Felicitation are in order at the Mrs. J. S. Kemp entertained a I j j r- and Mrs. Joe Patton, for- Amell will give a demonstration Motion pictures supplied by the Joseph L. Lucan family on the group of friends from Portland merly of Raleigh Hills. Dairy Council will be on Hems. birth of a daughter, Joann, who Oregon at a holiday party. • • • There are ten members in the shown. Miss Grace Workman will arrived on December 9. The evening was spent dancing Elaine Hanson, Shirley Flics From Beattie I use the pictures to illustrate club: in the basement party room. Patricia Seidler, Arlene school lunch programs and nutri- Best, Richard (Dick) Mullen flew • • • The Melvin C. Moores of Gar tion. Amell, Anita Pienovi, Anita Al- from Seattle to spend the holi In Ban Francisco den Home Road, are happy over McKay P. T. A. has been sue- Mary Ellen Bailey, Vanda days with his parents, Mr. and the arrival of Robert A., who cessful in purchasing navy sur- Benson. Garland Garger spent last week Murphy and Jo Ann Mrs. Wm. J. Mullen. They re was born on December 20. in San Francisco on business. plus tnpss tables and cabinets for June Carpenter, turned home January 2. • • • the school cafeteria and has also ; * • • December 20 is the birthday of purchased a three sectioned sink Paper Drive baby David Tower, son of Mr. Plans for securing additional 1 The Raleigh Civic Association and Mrs. Lyle I. Tower, of Spring equipment will be announced at Is sponsoring a district paper 1 Garden Road. the January 10th meeting. drive, the returns of which will Coll • • • The pupils of McKay school will be donated to the Raleigh School Beckett Truck Line, Inc. Linda I-., is the name chosen enjoy the additional room which to further the fund for cafeteria the new annex affords, beginning by the Howard M. Zoet’s of Alo equipment. Hillsboro 54 2 Portioned EAst 37 27 • • i ha, for their baby daughter, next week. born on December 4. Home From East Veteran! Aiminiitroti ’n Photo. Mrs W.illiam J. Mallen recently returned from a plane trip to These two ex-Army nurses recently bought a hospital at Seguin, Texas, and Mr. and Mis. Bruce D. Stew Chicago where she spent a month are obviously happy about the whole thing. The ncct 21 -bed stucco structure art. Junior of Tigard, are re visiting her daughter and son- is pictured at the top. Nurses Dorothea Siepmann (left) and Sarah Hazard said ceiving congratulation on the ar in-law, Patricia and Harold C. the hospital, purchased with the aid of an RFC and Veterans Administration rival of a daughter, Jennifer C., I Ernst and grandsons, Harold C., guaranteed loan, was the realization of o life-long ambition. Surgical work is who made her entrance into the handled by doctors in the small Texas community. During the war Miss Siep Jr. and John Patrick. world on December 7. • • • Friends will be interested to mann served in England and Miss Hazard in China. NOW OPEN TO SERVICE AND SUPPLY know the new grandson, John Baby Boy Your Worn-out Washing Machines and Patrick, was born November 26, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Snyder 1946. l*i|H* Falls On W orker Small Electrical Appliances P T A Meeting are the parents of a boy, Ger • • • ald Monroe, born January 5 at Will He Jan 1 I Albert Yerke, 38, of 4905 SE Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Fly To San Francisco Mr. and Mi's. Sigfrid Hirsch The P. T. A. meeting scheduled 28th avenue, suffered pelvis frac Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs flew to San Francisco for a for January 7 has been postpon ture and shock Friday while at Henry Mayfield. work at Armco Draining A Metal week's vacation to spend the ed until January 14. Products, Inc., when a length of holidays taking in the city at (Form erly C a rl’s Fixit Shop) We look forward to a large at pipe fell on him, according to Mother was telling stories of their leisure. tendance. The topic being of^vi- Portland General hospital. the time she was a little girl. The In returning home the plane tal importance to all members. 25 Years of Mechanical Service on Household was unable to land due to fog Mr. Yerke is the brother-in-law youngster listened thoughtfully as Refreshments will be served Appliances so continued on to Seattle where and childrn will be cared for of Mrs. James Baker and neph she told of riding a pony, sliding Mr. and Mis. Hirsch decided to during the meeting. ew of Mrs. John P. Hart of Bea down the haystack and wading in the brook at the farm. spend a few days visiting rela verton. — A LL WORK GUARANTEED — Finally, he said with a sigh, “ I tives before coming back home. * • • wish I ’d met you earlier, Mother.” For Prompt, Courteous Service Business Trip Entertains Employer J. S. Kemp flew to Seattle on Mrs. Bnyder III There are two principal uses to LANDSCAPING EVERGREENS business last week end. Ernie Leach o f West Slope which the dairy cow puts her Mrs. Frank Snyder is ill and • • • CAM ELLIAS —- A ZA LEA S Service and J. H. feed. These are: (1) Mainten has been since Christmas. We Plumbing Week End Visitor ance. (2) Milk production. hope to see her up and around Buck, Jr., of Leach and Buck Sand and Gravel gave a holiday Mrs. Ellis Irwin spent the real soon. We Pick Up and D eliver The feeder, in choosing a week end visiting her brother and chicken dinner for twenty five • • • dairy feed, should be concerned B EA V ER T O N 26 14 in honor of their employees and father, Mr. Bennett, in Heppner, Sinus Trouble On Highway between Aloha and Reedville with the total digestible nutri 1-8 mile W est of Beaverton Oregon. their families. Mr. Oliver Armstrong has been ents. Triangle Dairy Feeds are • • • This was their fourth annual I sick in bed with sinus trouble. carefully built to produce maxi Visit Friends Oliver expects too be able to re event. The dinners were from the mum milk production and to Canyon Lodge and were served Bonnie and Wanda Garger port for work very shortly. naintain a healthy producing • • • in Mr. Leach’s home above the spent the holidays visiting at the ammal. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS plumbing shop. home o f Mr. and Mrs. F. Crom- only once a year These scientifically balanced The guests included Mr. and rie, friends of the Garger's at S u c c e s s fu l P a r t y feeds contain: Rolled Oats, Mrs. Art Fluke, Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, Ore. Wheat Millfeed, Soybean Meal, The New Year's Eve Party John Pleskac, Mr. and Mrs. John Linseed Oil Meal, Rolled Bar Oregon Mutual Policiet are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay given by the Community Club Deering and their son, Johnny, ley, Ground Barley, Ground FURNACE & CHIMNEY more than the premium on the Face of the policy. Oregon Mutual Mr. and Mrs. W. *F. Clarke, Mr. was a huge success. ^ '-o in . Cane Molasses, Minerals, maintains more than three timet the surplus required by Oregon George Savolienen and Mrs. and Mrs. W. E. Toedtemeier, Mr. CLEANING and Dairy Salt. N o artiticial or Insurance Laws. McLean won the prizes for the and Mrs. R. S. Sunby, Mr. and unnatural elements are added to By V acuu m ,. W ork Guaranteed by o f M c M i n n v i l l e Mrs. J. H. Buck, Sr., of Aloha, best dressed in the hard time boost the protein analysis. lice n sed Operator. Cover Territory Organised in 1894 W A LKER and NELSON, Mr. and Mrs. R. Klingsporn and costumes. from Reedville to Portland. See your local Triangle Dealer. 52 Years of Reliable Service Agents Games were played. Luncheon children, Robert and Norma, Er S T A N L E Y ANDERSON and his daughters, was served and then dancing was nie Leach New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 Phone Beaverton 3552 48tf Frances and Mary Lou, Minnie TRIANGLE FEEDS enjoyed.- "E ve ry Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon Music was played by Frank Patzer and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. TRIANGLE MILK RATION Snyder on the piano, Mr. Marvin Buck, Jr. A fter they ate a musical eve ALBINA D AIRY FEED on the accordian, Mr. Hecker on IM M EDIATE POSSESSION with Mr. and the accordian, A. Batke on the vi ning was spent olin, and Noel Coppinger on the Mrs. Tim Clark and Mr. Leach 7-room home; oil heat; fam ily or bones. A square dance was called entertaining. They made several chard; 3 0 m inute drive from by Mr. Thomas, with Mrs. Batke records on their recording ma Portland. Phone Elw ert, Tigard MILLING COM PANY on the piano, and Frank Snyder chine. 2841 between 9 a. m. and 3 p. on the violin. ____ Portland, Oregon m. Monday thru Friday. • * a LEGAL NOTICE Boy Scout Troop 281 SEALED BIDS HI=HI=lll=lll3lllEIII=m=|||=H|slll=ll|S|||=|||=ni=MISIII=lll=lll=lll=lllslll=IIIZm=lll=H The Boy Scouts had a paper Ml drive December 28. Sealed bids for insurance on the Ml They had a Mt. Hood trip on Washington County automotive December 29 and an over night Ml equipment for the year beginning L'se this silken lotion once and hike to Camp Ireland January February 1, 1947, will be received Ml 4 and 5. you’ll never he without it! by the County Court, and must Allen McFarren, Roy Robbins, Helps prevent chapping, helps 'I' and Ralph Salmon were initiated be submitted by 10 o’clock A. M. protect sensitive skin, softens lil as Tenderfeet on Monday night, Wednesday, January 22, 1947. Bidders must be residents of and smooths skin. Kven doubles December 30. ill the County. Public Liability and • a a as a make-up base. Property Damage in the amount They are ill Cub Scout« of $10,000 and *20,000 will be car The Cub Scouts had a pack ried on each piece o f equipment. mi IMMEDIATE DELIVERY — meeting just before Christmas. Fire and Theft will be carried Ill They had for exhibits their = actual value. equipment used at the circus, also III The County reserves the right their scrap books. to place the Public Liability and ill The boys sang Christmas carols Property Damage with one bid Ml too. der and Fire and Theft with an First and Main St other if such procedure appears i T i Visitors advisable. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brunner of BEAVERTON, ORE Phone 2622 in The County Court reserves the Eugene spent Christmas at the right to reject any and all bids. m C. E. Olson ohme. A list o f the equipment Is • • • Hi Week F.nd Guests available at the County Court m Office. l l = l l l = lll= lll= M I = M I = I M = M I = M I = I M = l ll = I M = I M = l ll = I M = I M = I M = I M = IM = IM = l ll = l ll = l ll = l l l= I M Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rhine- H. D. K E R K M A N hart, niece and nephew of Mrs. I l o r n * * («rio» >1 County Judge William Taylor .spent the week Mi UtO bsIM«, 13 00 Date of first publication Jan end at the Taylor home. uary 10, 1947. o il prie« piv« I m Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehart are Date of last publication Jan from Torrington, Wyoming. uary 17, 1947. • • • Home On Vacation LEG A L NOTICE Mrs. C. E. Olson and Mrs. Wm. 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Taylor were home for Xmas va N O TIC E OF STR E E T VACATIO N cation. FOR MEN The ladies were glad to be able N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G W E N Phone for Fast Service — Beaverton 2471 to spend Christmas with their That the City Council of the City Double S & H Green Stamps families. Both ladies are school of Beaverton by Resolution duly on All Prescriptions • Smartly Styled (West End City Limits, Beaverton, Ore.) teachers. passed on the 2nd day of Decem Beaverton 3774 ber, 1946, has Instituted proceed- Beaverton, Ore. < lob Meeting ings ¿ q vacate the following de- • Pre-Tested Lasts The Bonny Slope Community j scribed portion of a street within club will have a meeting on Jan | the City of Beaverton, to-wtt: • Popularly Priced 11 at 8:00 p.m. in the club house. A ll that portion of Front = iii= iii= m 3 N is iii= iii: = iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iiiE iii= H i= iii= iii= iii= iiis iii= iii= iii= iii3 iii= u i= i=iii=iii=iii=iii=iiisiii=m=in3msm=insni: Lunch will be served and en III Street lying west of the wes • Nationally tertainment afterwards. terly boundary of what is now •i» Everyone is invited to attend. krjown and designated as Ce Advertised iu dar Avenue or Cedar Street, Celebrate* B irth d ay which Cedar Avenue or Cedar Jimmie Hanson celebrated his Street was an old county road. 13th birthday January 6th. NOTICE IS F U R TH E R G IV EN 9 CORRECT in every feature, 'T h e Complete Electric Store" That all persons Interested in and 5 Hurts Knee affected by said vacation may m * R a n D * - Has eye oppeal os well. See ut for Mrs L. D Stewart was con- file objections or remonstrances. ■ fined to her bed, when she fell which may be made In writing and s and hurt her knee. She is feel- filed with the City Recorder prior Ifit Coffee Makers Electric Churns Iron Cords and Plugs In plain brown - prime leather soles - Rubber heels ing much better now. j t0 the time of hearing, and that | Heaters Electric Fence Control Auto Aerials * * * a hearing will be held thereon on S F T. A. Meeting Monday, the 13th day of January. I M Toasters Record Players Electric Water Heaters There will be a P.T.A. meeting 1947. at the hour of 8:00 p.m. o f ! * Table Lamps Radio and Record by Seidelhuber January 17 at 8:30 pm. In the said day at the City Hall In the I g club house. City of Beaverton. 11 Lighting Fixtures Combinations Planet Hot Plates Featured at Lunch will be served with en- D ATED This 2nd day of Decern- I tertainment afterwards. ber, 1946. = (.ont pi ftp lino of ro/niir /tori* for W nsliinfi Mutilinoti. Everybody welcome R C. DOTY. City Recorder of HI RALEIGH HILLS FURNITURE M OVING 1 Attention, Housewives! CARL’S REPAIR SHOP FEEDING D A I R Y COWS BOJNiW SLOI L ILEX NURSERY \ HALF-PRICE SALE Call Aloha 6349 Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. DAIRY TRIANGLE TUSSY tVind & Weather Lotion ANNOUNCES Electric Water Heaters BEAVER PLUMBING CO. O LD HEIDELBERG • • • OPEN For Lunches ★ Featuring 75c Merchants Lunch R an d ^/ioe DEAN'S Drug Store s LEONARD'S & ERNEST S Radio Electric *8.95 WEIBY'S • • • the City of Beaverton. Recovered Date of first publication Decern- Mrs Frank Snyder Is up and ber 13, 1946. around after being 111 since Date of last publication January Christmas. 18, 1947. Unti i its anil Toaslors = All ro/Htir trork dono Itoro in our shops. ¡g S 109 Watson St BEAVERTON - =III=IM =III=IM 5H I=IM =III = UI=III=III=III=III=|||=M |=I|I=III=III=M I1IH*IM *IM =IH=IM =III = 5111=111=1115111=111=1113