THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET Ili Schools \|>|>lv For Driver Train inn; ( 'ourse ' CASH M U ST AC C O M P A N Y C LA SSIF IED AOS ALL BEAVERTON Business execu tive wishes to re n j furnished or C o u n t eoeh word, in clu d in g Name unfurnished house or apartm ent or what have y o u ? Best o f refer o n d a d d r e s s - O N L Y 2c A W O R D ences W rite P. O B ox 487, Bea N o Phone O rd e rs T o ke n verton, O regon. 1 M I N IM U M 2Sc A N ISSUE W e P u b lish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T I G A R D S E N T IN E L M U L T N O M A H PRESS A LO H A NEW S C om plete Eostern W a sh in g to n C ou n ty ond W e ste rn M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o ve ra ae FOR SALE W O U L D CU T W O O D on shares or buy stum page fo r 25 cord s or less. Phone T igard 3496. J. F. Brooks, R te. 1, Tigard, Ore. 50p L I V E P O U L T R Y W A N T E D : Any size lot. T op ceiling prices. W rite or phone C larence Hunt, W E b- ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th P ort- i land 13, Ore. 29 tf W O O D F O R S A L E : 4 ft. slab- w ood, green or dry H anson Fuel AUTOMOBILES WANTED C om pany, B eaverton. P hone 2828. O P E N SU N D A YS 34tf j A re you h aving trouble selling you r c a r ? I f so. I’ll sell it fo r you C O M M U N ITY AUCTIO N S A L E at your price fo r a small percen and lunch every Saturday 9:30 tage, or pay you cash fo r it. See a.m. C lackam as Stables on 82nd Bob at B o b ’s Used Car L ot. East Ave., 3H miles south Foster Rd., B eaverton and C anyon R oad Junc 4fltf Portland, J. L. W alters, owner and tion. auctioneer. tf rJ Sills I LOST ond FOUND F or S tove and Diesel Oil Call Harry B arnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. L O ST : N ear S pring Garden R oad and 39th, tw o brow n and w hite 4 F T . W O O D , 3 C O R D LOTS, 322 thoroughbred springer spaniel deliver anyw here. G ive location puppies, 3 m onths old. One is with order. S tan ford Laughlia, m ostly brow n and the other has Carlton, R t. L tf a w hite "c o lla r ” R ew ard fo r their return. P hone C H erry 3186. SA W D U ST , L igh t Slab, Cull lath, 49 easonable prices. Y ou r haul. Call H erry 1682, o r Beav. 2465, eves. LOST: Y ellow box con tain in g C edar Mill sch ool room lunch re F O R S A L E — 16-in. green slab w ood ports. P u t in w ron g ca r by mis- 2V4 co rd loads $8 cord delivered. t a l » D ecem ber 18 at B eaverton. R euben Johnson, N ew berg phone Please wri|te M argaret Stroeve, 193-J. tf R t. 3, B ox 74, B eaverton. 49p f £ [ [ fl [j ñ o [l [l n lì, M l\ j? E III: X T R A G O O D B urbank spuds, $2 A BUSINESS SERVICES * per 100. W ill deliver 3 sacks or m ore at 32.25. W e buy burlap sacks. Schuepbach Bros. H mile B U L L S E R V IC E b y a rtificia l in west o f B eaverton on Farm ington sem ination. N o m em bership or re P hone B eaverton R oad. 50 taining fees. 3511 or P ortlan d C o m m e rce 9924. 49tf W O O D : 12 or 16 inch old grow th block and slab. A lso clean straight and ch ip - m ix sawdust. W ilson B U IL D IN G : Cabinets, all kinds, Fuel Y ard, B ox 398. Beaverton. and landscaping. L. H. Brawand, P hone B eaverton 2491. 50 M etzger, Oregon. P hone C H erry 2929. 49tf S H A V IN G S m ake good bedding B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L fo r stock and scratch for poultry house floor. T hey are free at "B O O K O F R A F T E R L E N G T H S " R eedville Saw m ill. 47tf — H ow to cu t com m on or hip ra f ters etc.— useful and needed by FOR SALE: 1 - 2 V centrifugal every carpen ter, lum ber dealer, pum p w ith 6 horse air cooled en con tra ctor, builder, etc. C opy on ly 50c—three cop ies 5100 post gine, 385.00. 2— S tora g e tanks 8’ x 8’ x 4’ ap paid. M ayw ood News, M aywood, 51 prox. 1800 gal. w ith 2” outlet, 3150 Illinois. each. W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . 3— N ew 2” G lobe valves, 56.00 M E T A L R o c k w ool insulation blow n In each. 4— N ew 2” G ate Valves, 36.00 ea. fo r free estim ate w rite R . E . Ell- ••4 mile beyon d R eedville on C herry son and Son, R t. 2, B ox 285, T i St. P hon e B eaverton 3861. H. V. gard, O regon. P hon e T igard 2197. tf Johnson. 44tf F O R S A L E : ’36 B ulck coupe, ex Y O U R SM A L L house needs a gate- cellen t tires and m otor, $395. B ea leg o r drop le a f table. W ill make A lso odd tables verton F urniture Co. Beaverton in any finish. T iede 3535. 49 and furniture repaired. mann Specialty Co., 8908 S. W. F O R S A L E : New Schilling g a r P a cific H w y. 50p den tra ctor plow and disc attach m ents; also filberts fo r lale 20c K IT C H E N B U IL T -IN S A N D C A B M R oute 3, B ox 505. Bwverton, IN E T W O R K : chests o f drawers J a ck ’s Cabinet F arm in gton R d. 49p made to order. Shop. P hone B R 5295, 6347 S. W . FOR S A L E : T w o large boxes Capitol H lw ay. 49p scrap m aterial all kinds, $3.00, R t. 1, B ox 294, B eaverton. 49p V IN C E N T LUM BER CO. F O R S A L E : M onarch Wood and Coal circu la tor heater. Cost $99.50, used on ly 1 week. Sacrifice at $70. 50 N orth L om bard, Beaverton. 49p "A C om plete L um ber Y a rd ” W e D eliver A nyw here P A IN T S — SASH — PLU M BIN G P hone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf LOANS F O R S A L E : 10 gallons white lead R E A L E S T A T E H E N R Y II. J E F F R IE S paint; several single window sash and one double run window; also on H ighw ay at Short St., B eaver tf few electrical sw itch boxes W es ton. P hon e B eaverton 3981. tern W ood P roducts. On Canyon G arbage C ollection Service R oad m ile east o f Beaverton. B y m onth or con tract 49 H O H N S T E IN & S C H A F E R 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. F O R S A L E : N ew gas, air cooled P hon e M U rdock 2805 engine 3% H.P. Cost $96.00, sell for $85. Also, tw o 16 b y 600 tires W est Slope, B eaverton, M eadow- tf and tubes suitable fo r good spare hurst and C edar Hills. or > trailer. T igard 2899. 49 L A N D SC A P E , P runing, spraying, F O R S A L E : C lover hay, $20 ton, graftin g. N ew law ns and rock er string baled, no deliveries. C. E. ies. Call W . A. Green, B eaverton 44tf Stretcher, Scholls R oad, Rte. 1, 2967. B ox 776, B eaverton, P hone Scholls 8328. Oregon. 1 C E S S P O O L -S E P T IC T A N K O W N E R S A T T E N T IO N — Added equip We F O R S A L E : P h ilco radio. Model ment allow s faster service. 116, 10 tube. E xcellen t condition. pump & wash septic tanks, com m l. Call C H erry 1406. 49p or residential. Guar, w orkm anship. Sewers con nected. C esspools and O R D E R S T A K E N N O W fo r New septic tanks {Constructed. Schulz H am pshire baby chix. Hatching Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, every Saturday. P hone Beaverton TA. 3235. 2tf 2940. 49tf F O R S A L E : Used G lenw ood wood 1 circu latin g heater, excellent con dition. E lm er R. W est. Rte 2. B ox 26, B eaverton. 49p Phone Beaverton 28 81 WELL PUMPS INSTALLED - REPAIRED Leathers Replaced a n d General O verh ou l R. B. EDMONDS C H e rry 2 8 5 7 - Rts. 1, B o x 107 Tigard, Ore. PRUNING TREES A com plete N U R SE R Y W rite for N ew line of STO CK C atalogue. Villa Ridge Nursery 1 1 3 3 3 S .W 6 4 th on B orb u r Blvd Portlan d 1, Ore. Phone C H 2 9 2 8 W E C U R E AN D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K CUTS 25 years E xperience ALDER MARKET Lewis Bros. Co*. 1st and W ashington S t PORTLAND . OREGON POW ER S P R A Y IN G B E A V E R T O N 2188. PHONE tf P A IN T IN G A P A P E R H A N G IN G W ork Guaranteed W ork D one Prom ptly C A L L C H erry 3175 46tf KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. We Specialize Remodeling and In • All Furniture Custom Made - 118 N W B ro ad w ay P h on e 3 7 6 2 Beoverton, O re go n DEAD or W orth less Stock picked ip Free o f C harge Anyw here ?Yompt Service. Call collect UN F O R S A L E N ice beef cow voting 1R1 or UN. 4502. W estern Stater an d fat $110. F*hone T igard 2190 49 tendering Co., N. C olum bia Blvd * Hurst Ave., P ortland. <Suc- W ANTED *Xs*or to Denley R endering • • 0»mpany.) *tf W A N T E D : O ffice girl, part time w ork Call CHerry 3717. ____ 49 PEPERINO A PAINTTNO— 10 R A B B IT FRYERS W ANTED r»i-s experience, reasonable rates W ill also bu tch er you r rabbits for Unit Class Free estimates. Call the hides P . P M acD on ald. R uby *L icon 3546, R WHTTT.OW 01# Avenue. P hone B eaverton 2280 IW Ham ilton, P ortland L O r« tf SStf PHONE W ool Melton ( 'loth \\nr Surplus Beaverton 2871 Start the New Year Right Install a brand new Stainless Steel Sink in or RUPERT Flying Service your kitchen Either single or double Available today at McCready Lumber Co. Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 George F. Gordon Beaverton FUEL C O . I. P. Finley & Son MITY MIDGET Riverview Cemetery Immediate Delivery CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Demonstration on your Place RT. I. B O X 102, L A K E B E A V F R T O N , O RE. ROAD C om plete Funeral Service In New C athedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverside is a co-op erative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,0011 for D rivew ays Tigard 3206 J. H. Sim pson, Tigard , Ore. ENGER BROS. Building Contractors See us w hen you P lan to Build Free Estimates G uaranteed 6 2 0 S H all St tf A sk fo r you r free classified 'S u bscriber Ad Cards” w ith each n ew subscription o r renewal. T hey’ll pay you real dividends. rubbing on som e salve, but to j cure the scourge the d o c to r s get 1 down to fundam entals v a ccin a tion. A nd gettin g along to m ore fig ures and one case where m y slide rule kinda fails me, it is what will ftie Suprem e C ourt d o with the dinero put up as bail by the m iners. At a hore-race we know what would happen. You put 2 bucks and som e bob-tail nag and he com es in in last place, you get no m oney back. Y ours with the low down, JO S E R R A W . E. P E G G Dealer in SCRAP METAL T te m Primroses. itk m ek O lH M t B S + rw» A BMHMrv DMHWIon * Y** A • t V t S IVTWING VDONO M EAD'S NURSERY 1 m ile East of B eaverton on B e rth o -B e ave rton H ig h w a y -> D A I w R Y v ) h a n T m ; ! i - . f f t W i f o e it amo Cae - I ait L a m ( it * AT. «441 G en eral lla n liii" Low Cot* Automatic Coal Heat HOUSEHOLD M O VIN G CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Special Introductory Offer 2 Tens of coal FREE with each Stoker H o s 3 yeor G uarantee Free Estim ates given Call U N 1174 or U N S711 W e also d ea n ond repair stoves, furnocts & oil circulating heaters *Rf { ( o vatio ns W F IK WATER ; Beaverton 2497 -- Bertho Beaverton H iw ay WELL DRILLING PAUL E. ROSS Route 1, Aloha, on Stacey Avenue Aloha. Oregon BrOIU DAYS Phone; 3 -1 1 OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 10 WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO STOKERMATIC O n e D o y Service - Im m ediate D e live ry » Cu ^ HIGHEST PHICES PAID N e a r U n io n O il Depot « m S T F A K V Brass, A lu m in u m , Copper Lead a n d Z in c C H t C K f W H B P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S FOR THE D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y Fruit Trees; Strawberries Azalea; Cam ellia and Radiators, frri De Laval IS THE TIM E TO PLANT Batteries, / e ù Beoverton, Ore. NOW 14» O. R. NICHOLSON & SON M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. O regon E S T A B L IS H E D 1910 P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 W o rk m a n sh ip 46tf C ontractor and Builder fin is h — R em odeling — R epair A. H A R R Y M ac IN T Y R E Route 1 Box 435 P hone Beav. 2828 After I p . m. — Leave Order, tf Oil Co. PORTLAND, (S pecial) O ver a million yards o f new wool m el ton cloth, valued at about $3,800,- BEacon 6555 L A N D C L E A R IN G & E xcavatin g 000, was put up fo r sale through W ork done by hour o r contract. sealed bids w ithout priority to P hon e P ortland UN. 3395 fo r es dealers here and over the nation tim ates. W ork guaranteed. 51tf C lassified ads alw ays bring today by the P ortland W ar Assets adm inistration. qu ick sales. GARBAGE SERVICE BY W A A suggested that the m ate rial described in P ortland textiles list No. 523 is ideal for m an u fac M ONTH OR CONTRACT ture o f overcoats, ja ck ets and heavy outer w ear clothing. The ALOHA GARBAGE CO. m aterial com es in 20, 34 and 36 ounce weights, and olive drab, BERNARD'S AIRPORT G. C. M ILL E R , Owner black and oxford gray colors. P. O. Box 2 5 4 , Aloha, Ore. 4 6 tf C E D A R STREET A T W A L K E R RD. O ffers will be accepted for m in Phone B eaverton 3 8 4 0 imum lots o f 5,000 yards. Sam ples m ay be inspected at the Swan Is FREE FIRE INSURANCE land W A A cu stom ers’ service dl- I vision. T he inventory is stored at 5 Y e a r C o v e ra ge for a the Um atilla ordn ance depot, 3 Y e o r P rem ium 1 where entire lots may be inspected GLENN E. PRINGLE 'T h e o ffe rin g is being sold f.o.b. Piano Tuning, Cleaning 255 Pittock Block C H -3 6 40 Ret. Ordnance. 10th & Washington A T - 2777 D E M O T H IN G , R E P A IR IN G Portion«! 5 (Day or Nite) T IIE LOW DO W N Rt. 1, Aloha Phone A L O H A 6612 FRO M H IC K O R Y GROVE* I am not too much o f a hand at braggin', but you konw, I have al CENTRALLY ways been more or less alert on J | LO CATED figures figures. I mean, like in N Close to bus trans arithm etic. Been that w ay ever port a t i o n a n d since F elix C oggeshall used to walking distance pick me out to go up to the an from downtown. nual cou n ty exam s there at Cham For OIL or SERVICE paign to represent H ick ory Grove. So today I still sum up m ost of my deductin ’ via my slip-sticks. BEAVERTON 3861 or 3931 H ave tw o o f them that keeps a cool one handy. But enough pre 388 S.W. Canyon Road lim inary gas and down to real H. V. J O H N SO N Beaverton, Or. figures. My con clu sion on union m em ber W e G ive S & H Green Stam p s ships is that they would drop a- round 12 or 14 million to less than half, if it was not a legal requirem ent to join up and pay MORTICIAN dues and if thu ggery was rubbed SW F O U R T H AT M O N TGOM KK out. And to prove if I am w rong GARDEN TRACTOR A Tw nter 2181 or right, C ongress can fix it so ---- f—---------------- that every A m erican can be free Crawler Type - S.H.P. to join or not join and Uncle Har and Implements ry will not veto it this time. And I then we will know if it is 12 or I W E S T EN D 14 m illion or on ly one half. W ith ! SK L L W O O D B R ID G E sm allpox you get a little relief by [ 7 '/ 2 ' Spread CARPENTER W O R K [Grave To lit* Opened McCALL F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO.. P hone T igard 3881 tf ROAD ROCK P A P E R IN G — P a ln 'in g A Kalso- mining, neat, experienced w ork man L. L. Seeley, R 2. B z 180-A Beaverton. P hone B eaverton 2516 40tf Friday, January 3, 1947 ( !arc of Hornes If w ork horses are to be freed Your G r a v e — Christ is to raise of t'bots'* before next sprin g's Dr. Norm E. Johnson w ork season arrives, they should back to life all that are in the Nineteen O regon high schools Veterinarian graves. The saved. He is to raise treaetd fo r these parasites have made form al application for be up to glory and later He will Kam o f B eaverton tliw ay 6 the state’s new driver training now, says a report issed by the raise the lost for judgm ent. T w o B eaverton Portland course, it has been announced by A m erican Fopiindatton fer A ni resurrections—the saved and the 3511 COM. 9924 Secretary o f State R obert S. F a r mal Heulth. lost. "B y elim inating these parasites rell Jr. Many m ore applications Proved His P ow er —The third have yet to be filed by schools now, the ow n er gives his horses day after His cru cifixion and bu which have declared inform ally a ch an ce to recover from their rial, Christ proved His power to their intention to o ffe r the course. effects before spring," the report raise you up out o f the grave. He Designed alon g the lines o f states. “ H ow ever, if horses are H im self cam e forth from am ong m ilitary flight training, the new not treated this winter, the re ............ ‘ proxV'fm Itegtns with ’■grourv# sult m ay be a serious loss o f the dead, the v ictor over death sch ool" units, and w orks up thru con dition by the tim e the w ork and the grave. For the next forty D R . O L I V E R ’S [ J l actual days. He proved H im self by m any behind-the-w heel coaching. season begin s.” a sign and mircale, to be Christ Any high sch ool w hich w ants to Bots are the larvae o f bot flies. H im self w hom they had crucified. teach scien tific drivin g m ay apply The fly lays its eggs on the First R esurrection— May you be to the secretary o f state's o ffice horse's legs in the summer. They there. In that great hour, Christ fo r teacher's manuals. are licked o ff, hatched and even is to descend from heaven with Im m ediate requests for the tually reach the stom ach. The "Ttitttlly St* n « course w ere received from E u parasites fasten themselves to the a shout and the dead In Christ gene, K lam ath Falls, Pendleton. stom uch wall, sapping the horse's will rise first and afterw ard, we 7 7 2 3 S. W C apitol H igh w a y R eedsport. Springfield, Redm ond. vitality and often puncturing the o f His w ho are alive, will be Ch. 1 6 0 7 M u ltn o m a h , Ore caught up together with them Dallas, N ew berg. Lebanon, Clat- stom ach " A c r o s s from G rode S c h o o l" lining causing severe skanie. M yrtle Point, Mt. Vernon, dam age. Veterinarians now use a into the clouds to m eet the Lord. Hubbard. Enterprise. Sabin, Park- safe type o f chem ical in bot er And so shall we ever be with the I Lord. rose, C rook County, Adrian and adication one which not on ly G od Nam es T erm s — Believe A rlington high schools. elim inates the bots but also aids Because o f teacher and time ini the con trol o f som e other God, that he counts your sins ¡blotted out by the blood o f Christ, shortages ,the training program . parasites. His on ly born Son. God proved has been laid ou t to fit into the T he F oundation also suggested his love for us in that while we required curriculum in safety and a dental inspection for horses were yet sinners, Christ died for physical education. and m ules during the winter. us. Believe and G od gives you Although this thorough driver "T h e h o rse s mouth is so co n life from that instant. Y ou pass training system has never been structed that its teeth w ear o ff from eternal death to eternal life. used in O regon before, it is not irregularly,” says the report. “ If Believe and count you rself saved. entirely new. It is patterned after very successful courses used In this irregularily is not corrected W hether you have feelings or not, the anim al cannot chew properly life begins then and there. N ow MOBILHEAT other parts o f the cou n try fo r several years. T he acciden t record and digestive upsets develop. In is the day o f salvation. o f neglect, Burner and Stove Oil o f several thousand Cleveland, O- an advan ced state teeth can also hio graduates o f a sim ilar course i these irregular S. W . M cChesney R d., Portland has been cited often to illustrate dam age the horse's cheeks, result- its effcotieness. These trained , ing in serious and painful injur- 1, Oregon. T his space paid for by i ies.” GILBARCO OIL a Seattle fam ily. drivers have averaged on ly h alf the num ber o f auto acciden ts ex BURNERS perienced by their fellow students w ho are taught at home. Recovering C A L L FOR E ST IM A T E Phone Beeaverton 25 9 2 tf H ID E S M W OOL, CAST A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., 35 SW CUy Portland. AT. 5SS4. tf » Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Delivered Anywhere FOR SALE: N ew M ontag oi range, D uo-T herm w ater heater D uo-Therm circu lator. E hrllcl P lum bing and A ppliance, Phone P. B. HA GO Aloha 6411. Aloha, O regon. 49 H auling C ontractor FOR S A L E : L ight tw o wheel Concrete, Sand. Gravel, Maeone trailer, n ew tires. $35. P hone Bea Sand. Crushed R o ck and verton 2533. 50p R oad Gravel Route 1. Box 28, Tigard, Oregon F O R S A L E : 16 inch old and sec Phone T igard 2444 tf ond grow th m ixed. $15 cord deliv ered P hone B eaerton 2764 . 4» H IG H C H A IR A N u rsery chair fo r sale. H igh chair has no tray needs varnish. N u rsery chair veneer finish. Both fa ir condition $5 fo r both . Mrs O scar Brown. R t. 2. B ox 24. End o f School A ve back o f T igard grade school. T i gard. 49f L. H. Cobb Co. PAINTING F O R S A L E : 20 gallon automatic Phone - Webster 2571 Portland g a s w ater heater with fittings, 9 h 10; apartm ent size gas range, $35; electric steam heater, $ 15 ; tennis racket, $3; fen d er skirts SURVEYING fo r ’39 F ord, $10. P hone Beaver ton 2281. ttp PROPERTY LINES, S U B D IV ID IN G ORCHARD LA Y O U T S C E M E N T ; H ave 80 sacks cem«»t fo r sale. Call at con cre te home. H. E. COX, 3rd and M enlo D rive. W est ef Registered Land Surveyor high sch ool. B eaverton. 49p F O R S A L E : 4 year old Guernsey cow , m ilking, gentle. A F. Ridder- busch, M enlo Drvie, near Allen Ave, B eaverton. 49; VETERINARIAN CRUSHED ROCK BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Animal Health STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Metered Oil Service D E L IV E R E D B e a v e rto n Transfer Co. HOW ARD W. SMITH 3 8 8 C o n y o n Rd Beav 2 9 3 1 or 2 4 6 2 ¡ HILLCREST GROCERY 111*2 * « B Capitol Hlway CH R. S T E V E N S 1313 DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION RECORDINGS MADE Have a Heron! Made of Your Singinff or INayinjr R t 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or on Canyon & Howatt Rood P H O N E BRoodway 4702 Phone 6 3 8 9