Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, January 3, 1947 SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES 8T. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz. Minister Sunday, January 5, 1947. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Divine Service 11:00 a.m. Monday, January 6, 7:30 p.m. Church Council, Missionary Guild. Wednesday, January 8, 7:30 p.m. Annual meteing of church. Saturday, January 11, 9:30 a.m. Catechism institution for Jun-i iors. Fit A. OTi: to Handle Farm Con*!ruction Farmers and ranchers who need Information, priority assistance or authorization to begin construc tion should now take their prob lems on dwellings to the Federal Housing Administration and non- dwelling construction to the Of fice of Temporary Controls, both agencies have offices in Portland. Transfer to the authority on con struction programs from the coun ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday School 10 a. m. ty Triple-A offices was made for 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. mally on Decefber 24. USDA of Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. fices concerned with the farm con Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo struction program throughout the war have worked with KHA and ples service. Rev. Rllla Mae Stephens, pastor OTC in setting up procedure to handle agricultural applications and requests along with non-farm VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN applications. S. W. Gabel Lane and Fairway Dr. Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor 10:30 a.m. Sermon topic "A Specializing . . . . Look Into the New Year.” in West Side Properties CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Phone 3691 The Sunday School meets at 9:45 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m. H. N. Y. and N. Y. P. S. 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 7:45, Mid-week pray Rte. 6, Boa 121« Portland 1, Ore. er meeting. PHONE CHerry 3727 LATTER-DAY SAINTS American Legion Hall Main St., Hillsboro. Ore. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch Priest ST CECELIA CHURCH Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— 10 a. m. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Farmington at Menlo Beaverton, Oregon Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Divine service 10:30 a . m. A cordial welcome to all. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 4th & Watson Sts. Rev. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor Res. 1002 S. Watson St. Tele: 3405 9:45 A.M. Church School for all age levels. Mrs. Nan Bourquln, Supt. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Rev. Randall Crawford. South American Missionary, will be the pulpit guest. 6:45 p.m. MYF and Adult Round Table groups meet. 8:00 p.m. Showing of the film. Army Chaplaiii". The Congre gational church our guests. Rev. Sturtevant will tell us about the Navy Chaplaincy. Monday Evening, 7:45 p.m. Of ficial Board meeting. HIGHWAY CHAPEL i Farrell said he has observed Services will be held in the Odd 1 over a period of years that the Fellows hall in Beaverton. traffic death rate swings up dur Orville J Poulin, Minister ing the winter months due to Sunday School 10:00 a. m. poor visibility and slippery Morning Worship, 11 a. m. streets. This year he fears in ad- Evening Service 7:45 p.m. 1 dition an increased number of carbon monoxide cases. Asked how to guard against carbon monoxide, Farrell cited three main dangers: (1) warming up cars in closed garages; (2) leaking exhaust systems and floor boards; and (3) faulty manifold Carbon monoxide poisoning has type car heaters. been warned against by Secre Twenty-two hundred American tary of State Robert S. Farrell lives were claimed by poison gases Jr. Noting the cold weather, he last year. Of these, approximately £ said, “The average car has been one-fourth were taken by carbon J in service much longer than any monoxide. Contrary to frequent one ever expected, and it may opinion, this gas is completely easily have developed leaks since odorless and cannot be detected last winter.” by any of the senses. f I BEAVER THEATRE Phone 2482 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BEAVERTON Friday and Saturday— January 3 and 4 DOUBLE FEATURE Safety Hints T o Drivers Home On the Range, in Magnacolor Monte Hole ond Adrian Booth Joe Palooka, Champ Sunday, Monday and Tuesday---January S, 6 and 7 Monsieur Beaucaire I Bob Hope ond Joan Caufield I __________Cartoon — Short — News_________ I I I I I Wednesday and Thursday— January 8 and 9 Diary of a Chambermaid Paulette Goddard ond B. Meredith "Come I n . . . Let's Talk Homebuilding ! _________ Cartoon --- Short --- News__________ I it ★ I r riday ond Saturday-—January 10 and 11 I I I I DOUBLE FEATURE Claudia and David Dorothy McGuire, Robt. Young Colorado Pioneers r\ Western A western Picture ricxure F or R esults T ry O u r C lassified Ads WATER IN YOUR BASEMENT? Let us tell you about = iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= m = iii= n i= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= n i= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= I AQUELLA 1 • ■ For Top Quality Meat < CHURCH OF CHRIST •1 E T H E L jjj = Second and Main Sts. The scientific mineral surface coating that ' CONGRF.GATIONAL CHURCH in Georga W. Springer, Pastor 6th and Watson Sts. Phone 3385 IN WIDE V A R IETY really waterproofs and damp-proofs Morning worship and preaching Rev. Francis Sturtevant, pastor service at 9:45 a. m. By Vacuum,. Work Guaranteed by 9:45 a.m. Church School, Miss Hj Sermon topic, "Why I Am Licensed Operator. Cover Territory Amarette Barnes, Supt. Drawn to Jesus.” jjj from Reedville to Portlond. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. Bible School class session,. 11:00 STA N LEY ANDERSOM 8:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship jjj Phone Beaverton 3552 48tf Hour. Welcome to our returning a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m. jjj A LW A YS A T THEIR BEST students. Evening worship service, 7:45 in p. m. RKKDVILLK COMMUNITY = Mr Earl Chandler, missionary m PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH H to Ketchikan, Alaska will be a BEAVERTON Phone 3951 Rev. Hampton, Pastor iji Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E guest speaker at the evening Call jj service and will show pictures of jjj Geiger. Supt. Beckett Truck Line, Inc. jj SHOP W ITH COMPLETE SATISFACTION Alaska. Worship Service 11 a. m. Midweek Bible Study nad pray i N = i H = i i i = i n = i i i = i H = m = H i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i u = n i = H i = M = i i i = i n = m = m = i i i = i H = m = n i = m ili Hillsboro 542 Portlond EAst 3727 ñ Young People’s C. E. 7 p. er service will be Thursday, 8:00 i T i H I jj pm. The study topic will be at CEDAR MILL i T i "Prayer” jjj F. M. Tela vision Radar [i COMMUNITY CHURCH jjj N.W. Cornell near Barnes Road I o ALOHA COMMUNITY ili Simon K. Forsborg, Minister BAPTIST CHURCH jjj jj 8318 S.W. Canyon Rd., BE 8698 jjj Grayden D. Loree, Pastor. i T i Sunday Bible School, 9:45 a. m. service by l] Church School, 9:45 a.m. Miss i T i Monthly Communion: 11:00 a.m. Mary East Beaverton Junction and Canyon Road jjj Antrim, Superintendent. CENTURY ELECTRONICS "An Ü Untried Path.” "T H E R EX A LL STORE” jjj Morning Worship, 11 o’clock. Ñj Beaverton Hardware Phone 3921 Junior & Senior Hour—7:00 p.m. 'The Price is right” Teens Club and Junior B.Y.F., jjj Evening Gospel Hour, 7:45 p. m 6:30 P.M. jjj “The Voice of Prophecy." iTi Evening Service 7:30 P.M. jjj =lll=lll=lll=IH =IIIEIII=lll=IH=lll=IH=HI=IH =lll=lll=lll=IH=IH =IH=lll=lll=lll=lll=HI=lllI Thursday—Prayer and Bible CLEARWATER PLUMRING Sturdy First John 8:00 p.m. iTi LEG A L N OTICE A welcome Awaits you. COME, 1 ---- Gas Water Heaters i T i Bring your Bible. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION NOW GOING ON Fairbanks Morse Pumps jjj NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN Beaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 That the City Council of the City jjj of Beaverton by Resolution duly jjj passed on the 2nd day of Decem SWISS and JUMBO GIANTS ber, 1946, has instituted proceed LAN DSCAPING EVERGREENS ON POPULAR ITEMS HI PRIMROSES ings to vacate the following de C A M ELLIA S — A ZALEA S CARN ATION SW EET W ILLIAM jjj scribed portion of a street within SEEDLING PERENNIALS the City of Beaverton, to-wit: 'I1 Colognes and Perfumes s Lipsticks and Rouges All that portion of Front SIDE-BY-SIDE DUPLEX Street lying west of the wes = BEAVERTON 2614 BEAVERTON— 5 room apt. owntr; 3 room apt rented. terly boundary of what is now Perfume Bottles Ü¡ Hand Lotions & Creams 1-8 mile West of Beaverton known and designated as Ce Large lot, 64x125, frontage 3n 2 streets. Can bui# dar Avenue or Cedar Street, Leather Picture Frames Face Powders another home............................... .................................. $6500 which Cedar Avenue or Cedar m Farmington Road to Lang Ave. BEAVERTON FLORISTS Street was an old county road. 4 Blocks South on Long Avenue Leather Billfolds Talc, Dusting Powder Ü1 ON HI WAY NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN = from Main Highway That all persons interested in and i1 - Fresh Flowers Always - BEAVERTON— At edge of town room home, 3A MANY OTHER VALUES affected by said vacation may acre Future business site $5500 file objections or remonstrances, Beaverton 2965 jü which may be made in writing and We give S & H Green Stamps filed with the City Recorder prior BUNGALOW jjj to the time of hearing, and that MAPLEWOOD— 3 bedrooms, one floor* plan. Cement j (And Double Stamps on A ll Prescriptions) a hearing will be held thereon on Monday, the 13th day of January, basement, 100x100 lot.............. $8950 j LANDSCAPE 5 1947, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. of yj Corner First and Tucker Streets said day at the City Hall in the CONSTRUCTION City of Beaverton. Beaverton jjj i DATED This 2nd day of Decem All Types of Landscaping FOR SERVICE jjj W ELDIN G— OF A L L KINDS Canyon Road at Ellis ber, 1946. i Complete Automotive Service It. C. DOTY, City Recorder of jji Phone Beaverton 3795 i tho City of Beaverton. RICHARD R. H0LM B0E Specialists In Re-Boring H I } HOMES FARMS Date of first publication Decem BUSINESS I and Motor Re-Building Canyon Road at Walker Rd in ber 13, 1946. Date of last publication January Phone - Beaverton - 2981 10, 1947. = lll5 lll= lll5 lll= H IE IIIH III= lll= lll= IIIE = IIIS III= lll= lll3 ll= lll= lll= H I3 M I= IH = lll5 lll= IIIS IIli Beaverton FURNACE & CHIMNEY CLEANING For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Homebuiders Supply Co. FURNITURE MOVING Far Staple Groceries Sale! R A D I Sale! B Dean's Drug Store fir T M ARKET li Pre-Inventory Sale Choice Pansies FOX REALTY 30% to 50% Reduction State - Wide Service ILEX NURSERY Pyron & Son Nursery ! Logan's Welding and Supply I Phone 3774 Sale! Phone BR 6777 V/ SALE If You Haven't HOUSE DRESSES formerly $5 00 Yet now $ 3,00 I We'll take out those dents ond Scratches | 0 Where parking is easy l i t « Muían Signal I I h a lim ii Service Station Presents REG’LAR FELLERS » I CARR » Chevrolet Co. ! Beaverton — Oregon Phone 3333 I I I <*OS m - - i IT S S O N N * SHOWS«.- J » Phone 2699 HOME APPLIANCES À. ■ * Si P 3 ID 0 cunos w «ton Ft* ait* S M i CMkntnvn » ita»H in § »¡s* »* 1. Stas Jtta Ctasott We take good care of your car Canyon Rood at Hall NORCO hos o complete line of softeners, filters, iron removers, etc. NORCO water conditioners can solve your water probem. _ _ Phone 201 1 Beaverton, Oregon ^or *u '"formation fill out Coupon and rncil with one Pint (16 oz.) of water b Norco-Stewart Co., 426 N. E Prescott, Portland 11, Oregon. By Gene Byrne* - s \ I’LL OUST A0OUT MAKE ( NOODLE*AOOLeS a * » 1« » ' ~ 'r ~ Circulators Floor Furnaces On Canyon Rood — East of Beaverton HEATIN G • AIR CONDITIONING Oregon j Ranges Circulators Qn&uesi Si AcheSunatt WHISMAN & GREGORY And make it look like new Washers - Gas Ranges - Home Freezers Washer Repair First St. Beaverton REPAINT IT NO SOAP? Ranges, Refrigerators, Home Laundry, Dishwashers - Disposals - Cabinets RADIOS Elite Dress Shop 220 S. W | Wj T I 1^ I Bendix - Gilfillan - Stewart-Warner All other dresses reduced accordingly LET US FIX UP YOUR OLD ONE ^ Vr MAYTAG MONARCH COLEMAN Of All Dresses \ Your New Car I p 1 i Beaverton Office = Sale! Rt. 2, Bo* 154 j v ' ** \ ! )'« / NAME................................................................................ ADDRESS............................... L ..................................... Water Supply (Check or* City..................... Well. Pond..................... Sfreotr ....................... Spring .. Characteristics Hard ............. Rusty.............. when drawn, colored.............. Clear Turns brown^ \ on standing.....................0**«r Drow sample os close ft source as possible BE