Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1947)
! » WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER books and organizing recreation | Holiday Guest Xmas Eve Party al facilities for the camps. He be Miss Elinor I'almer of Novelty, came acquainted especially with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Spencer Missouri, spent the Christmas holi officers in Stalegiuft 3, Oflag 64, had a family gathering in their days as a guest at the Clem Stalagluft, 344, Stalagluft 6 and home Christmas Eve. with the I i C a v e s following present: Mrs. Emma Stalagluft 4. Blakney family. Larsen. Mrs. Spencer's mother • • • A special meeting of ex-war Rev. L. P. Putnam left for Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lewis prisoners is being arranged by j Chicago and New York City Mon \ ¡siting in Vancouver, It. ( daughter and son-in-law; Mr. and day evening. December 30, to at Grandma Wilde is visiting at the the Portland YMCA on the even Mrs. J. J. Mitchoff and son. tend an important conference of home of a daughter in Vancouver, ing of Januury 2nd at 7:30 p.m., Jack. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Mit the Presbyterian Board of Mis B. C., having gone there some time inviting all men of the “ Barbed choff are sisters. la«fore Christmas with her grand Wire Legion’’ to meet with Mr. sions. • • o While in Chicago he will see daughter. Ina Foy.Mrs Wilde is Sodeiberg for the purpose of re Christmas With Haughier his sister, Mrs. Howard Mort, expected home in early January’. newing acquaintance with him, and Mr and Mrs. Olin Hamlin. S. fellow war prisoners. Relatives who is head of the business de W. McChesney, entertained Mrs. and friends of ex-war prisoners are partment of the University of Hamlin's mother over Christmas. urged to pass this invitation or Chicago Clinic. • • • to notify Mr. T. W. Badley o f the On his return, Mr. Putnam I Christinas In Eugene Portland YMCA as to the where Mr and Mrs. Harold Johnson. plans to come by way of San about of ex-prisoners o f war. Jose. California in order to con- : S. W. McChesney, spent Christ ! fer with national leaders in a : mas day in Eugene where there Henry Soderberg, head of the was a family reunion at the meeting for the final check-up FOR T H A T on the great Restoration F\ind, W ar Prisoners Aid work of the home of Mrs. Johnson's fnther. with which he has been helping. • • • YM C A during World War II will • • • be In Portland, January 2nd for School Friends Visit a brief visit with YMCA officials. The Karl Hobsons o f Sheffman Mr. Soderberg is a member of Way had as their guests on Tues the YM CA staff in Sweden. He day, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bert- served as Senior Secretary of the ner and Victor, from Richmond, Mrs. Marvin L. Taylor intro W ar Prisoners Aid throughout Eu California Mrs. Hobson and Mrs. duced her mother. Mrs. Truman rope from March 1943 until June Rertner were school friends. M. Godfrey, who is visiting her 1945. Being from a neutral coun go to • • • from Winchester, Mass., to her try, he » ’as related to serving Cocktail Party West Slope Beauty Shop Dr. and Mrs. George H. But neighbors with a dessert tea on British and American W ar camps terfield entertained at a large l Saturday a'terr. n, December 21 in Poland, Germany and Selesia. 8717 S. W. Canyon Rood cocktail party at their house be j at her home • n S. W. McCehs- In his visits to prisoners of war e Mrs. Herbert camps he visited over 50,000 A- Phone BEocon 9492 fore the annual dinner dance at ney. Present the University Club on New Stratton. Mrs. Harold G^nness merican boys furnishing them with and mother, Mrs. Don Hood. Mrs. clothing, musical instruments, Year’s Eve. iC. E. Brockman, and Mrs. Fred • • • Mathis. Open House Mr. Truman Godfrey arrived at IM M EDIATE Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Cornell held home of his daughter to open house on New Year’s Day the spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. from 6 to 12. A buffet supper APPOINTMENTS Godfrey plan to leave soon for was served. LaJolla, California, where they • • • for hope to reside. Seaside For Week End But we will • • • Mr. and Mrs. Neii Whisnant Death Of Mrs. Fred Kitmni RE-OPEN spent Saturday and Sunday at Former neighbors of the Fred Seaside visiting Mrs. Whisnant’s at soon parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Mul Karam, Juniors, will be shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. ler, going on to Tillamook Sun day where they had dinner with Kanim in Walla Walla on De HELEN'S BEAUTY cember 21 Funeral services were friends living there. held in Walla Walla on Dec. 28 SALON and at the Portland Crematorium Medford Visitors S.W. Canyon Rd. BR 7988 A T 1486 Mr .and Mrs. Ray C. Maust and on December 30. • • • sons spent Christmas in Medford = iii IS III3 III= III5 III= III3 III s IH s III5 III3 III3 III= III3 III3 III s I II3 II,3 III3 III3 III3 III3 IU 3 III3 III3 where they visited both their par Visiting Parents m Mrs. H. M. Montgomery and ents. • • • daughter, Pamela Ann, of Spo m kane, are visiting Mrs. Montgom ill Friends Gather The Robert Carrolls, new resi ery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. dents of Ridgeway Drive, had Dearing. Mr. Montgomery was jjj open house on the Monday before here for Christmas but returned i T i to Spokane the day after. He Christmas. spent New Year’s in Portland and m T H A T W E W IL L T R Y EVEN H A R D ER TO took his family back with him. i T i • • • SER V E OUR C U STO M ERS JU S T T H E K IN D i T i Xmas At Home OF S ER V IC E A N D Q U A L IT Y OF M E R C H A N Doug Ball, son of the H. C. jjj Ball's of Canyon Crest Drive, ar DISE T H A T T H E Y W A N T A N D D ESERV E, rived from Fort Knox, Kentucky m in to spend Christmas with his fam i T i See Our Complete Line of Unfinished Furniture, D U R IN G TH E C O M IN G Y E A R . 1 ily and then reported to Camp ili Such as Stoneman. California. ë k • • • m Guests Coffee Tobies, End Tobies, Stools, 3 sixes of Chests, Choirs, The C. E. Bergs had as their jjj Magozine Racks, Writing Desks ond What-Nots. Christmas dinner guests, Mr. and ID W EST SLOPE GROCERY & M A RKET Mrs. Francis T. Barnekoff and i S. W . Canyon Road Mr E W. Harvey from Gabel H BEacon 0733 — School. m • • • = !B One Mile Eost of Beaverton on Canyon Roed New Year's Day Open House =lll=lll3lll5lll=lll3Mt£IH5Ht3IM3IB3IHSIH3HI3 H 3 in3 Nt3ltl5lll5lltSIII3 IH3M3 nt3 B lf The Charles F. Hunters enter tained several of their friends and neighbors at a New Year’s Day open house from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Hunter left Saturday for a month s stay in I,os Angeles, SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS where she will visit her parents and her sister. Roll Roofing Brick • • • Rev. Armitage Speaker Sewer T ile Shingles Friday evening, January 3, Rev. Drain T ile Outside Paint H. A. Armitage gave the sermon Are Pleased to Announce They are now at the Kenton United Presbyter- Inside Paint Lum ber ] ian Church, Portland, at their N ails preparatory to communion ser vice. • • • K<*\. !>. I\ Putnam Bible Group Meet« The regular mid-week Bible study and prayer meeting of the congregation of the Valley Com munity United Presbyterian! Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klug, S W. Ridgeway Drive, Wednesday, January 1, 7:45 p.m. • • • California Visitors Harry Smith and daughter, Joanne, of Burlingame, Califor nia, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grant and family since Monday. December 23. They plan to leave for their home Fri day’, January 3 (today). • • • Former Residents Visit Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hendricks of Rrookings, Oregon visited the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Armitage Saturday, December 28 Mr. Hendricks was an elder of the Valley Community church before moving to Brookings. Son Dies Friends of the George Teufel family on Barnes Road were very LEACH & BUCK saddened to learn of the death of their son, Martin Teufel, on Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Monday, December 30. Martin had ;Ei been 111 from an unknown tropi li Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt B ra s s cal disease ever since his return from the service about a year O RD ERS T A K E N at ago. • * • E I W est S lo p e P lu m b in g Have Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin (Betty Brockman) and baby have Service been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. I. 8903 S. W . Canyon Rood Brockman of S. W. McChesney Portland 1, Ore. Phone B E u ro n 7 5 1 2 Road during December. They left for their home in Palo Alto, Cal. E M I= lll= lll= lll= IM = lll= IN = lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= IH = m = lll= H I= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll Wednesday, January 1. ■ Miss Wanda Brockman of Se attle spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ill Brockman. = • • • M Sunday Guests 'I ” 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Powne, 111 of Multnomah Club Road, had as their dinner guests last Sunday, 'I — 1 Mr. Powne's mother, Mrs. Charles Ill Powne, and his brother, Mr. and By the half-day, day or week Mrs. Clark Powne and three HÌ children of Banks. 3 Do it the easy way, let the m achine do it for you • • • III Salem Visitors i T i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huling TH E COST IS V ER Y LOW it! and children of Sheffnmn Way, spent Christmas in Salem as guests of Mrs. Huling’s parents, ill Mr. and Mrs. George L. Pro. Taylor«» Come Home Mrs. George N. Taylor returned to her home on S. W. McChesney N. T.Vrs Mrrt The T. N. T ’ers spent a friend Road Christmas Day from Chica evening together Friday, De- go where she had been since mber 27, at the home of Mrs. November taking care of the fam ily o f her son, Rev. Kenneth N. F. Spencer. Taylor, while his wife, Margaret, was in the hospital during the birth of their fourth child, Pe West Slope ter Waldo Taylor. Lyman Taylor, the son of Rev. and Mrs. George N. Taylor, reached home Christmas morning SERVICE also. He returned to Camp Lee. Virginia Thursday, January 2. "Ernie" Leoch • • • Xmas At Home 1*1 ti miti nu: N A p p lia n c e s Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mitchoff re Phone BEocon 7542 turned to their home on S. W. 8081 S. W. Canyon Rood Howatt Road from an extended visit in Los Angeles Friday, De “ P lu m b in g — cember 21, just in time to greet son. Jack, who came from Belter H om es" their Fort Dix, arriving December 24, ito spend the holidays with them. WEST SLOPE PLUMBING Antiques Chi ma BROWNIE'S SHOPPE i FO R R E N T Electric Floor W o xer I I T h rifty M arket iTi = in Phone Beaverton 3261 I *IIISIII=lll=lll=MI=lll=lll=lllslll2lll3lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IM£lll=lll3lll=lll=lliaW RAINBOW ELECTRIC CO N STR U C TIO N , Inc. W I R I N G CO M M ERCIAL • IN D U STRIA L Estimates Gladly • HOUSE W IRING Given Service Calls Token Care of Promptly « I FRAN CH ISED DEALER FOR PRESTLINE HOME APPLIANCES A UTH O RIZED DEALER FOR W ESIX HOME HEATING The only Range with 3 Style Top For Service Call Beaverton 3071 or 2481 Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SU RA N CE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. of M c M i n n v i l l e Organized in 1894 W A LKER and NELSON, 52 Years of Relioblc Sctviee Agents Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protectin'' K x-W ar Prisoners To Jan. 2 Natural, Lustrous Permanent IVa Honors Mol her We Have to Move Permanents \;ill«*> \ ii‘i> \ntiqui* k\ Gift siiop R E S OL V E D HilGboro, Oregon THE BOSS MAOS AI MIOMICEMENT FURNITURE SHAFER & NEER Canyon Hoad Trading Host SCH U LD & SW ETLA N D Chevron Gas Station OPEN FOR BUSINESS i F r ie n d s V is it at X m a s The L. L. Lindley family, their niece and nephew, Noel and Mabel Olsen and Joanne Lawson ypent Christmas Day with friends at St Helens. 355 T u a la tin V alley Highw ay, Beaverton, Ore WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Portland 1 9049 S. W . Canyon Road Phone BRoadway 6122 SLASHED In their new and modern building, Located at $16.20 Room H e a te rs . . $ 9 .9 5 100 TO CHOOSE FROM - K? t ' - Electric, 1320 Watts, unconditionally guaran teed for one year, backed by General Electric Supply and Doughty's • . ¡X CHEVRON Other m akes of Heaters include 30 00 W a ll W esix and Burham Steam Heaters with Therm ostat, for immediate delivery DOUGHTY'S Canyon Road at E llis Avenue GAS STATION Announcing the Re-Opening of Every consideration has been given in the con THE GENTLEMAN IS R I G H T • ; . and we re s**ting his demands with Dacro Pro* tected M ilk ... tit safest package of milk you can buy. The bottle is •"merely covered. It’s SEALFD with a sturdy metal Cip . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tanroet* proof. There • deplete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaw, t(,e Let one of our routemea ahow you frV, ctstu protection means to ln<j you* family. :r[S T n B cc . ii «* ,h« Cap if * aenuin* »«»I, it must the first tim« with ñn < r ' m t ^ftef ,j it lt may be snapped *¡«*•},* bottle as a r«-»eal ■mJ retn o^ etj*^ atKj M a.a. t*eo without an o g tfe *555? I - M A L *l N R 0 S E *1 4 9 S.W S*»TTUCK r o a d | W h y Stop Building? LEAVE ORDERS A T RICHIES HARDW ARE New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, Ja n u a ry 3, 1947 AI E Y C H erry 2424 IV* " l lost on Bertha-Beaverton Hi way to Shottuek Rood struction of our modern building for the proper care and m aintenance of your car W e W elcom e our Old Friends and Friends to Be W est Slope Radio A p p lian ce and at 8830 S. W. Canyon Drive In the form er H ille r Bros Real Estate O ffice Authorized Philco Dealer W e have in ita lle d the latest and most modern radio servicing equipment to render you even better radio repair service thon before ^ SU PREM E e : sc vi Pick Up and Delivery Service PHONE BROADW AY 2069 For your Radio Repair W ork