BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE I in ■■ Friday, December 27, 1946 ■— - ' —• M a k e S u c c e s s fu l Hunting Trip Recently R. B. Denny, his broth er Bruce, and his sons Bob, Bill and FeUding, went on & hunting trip into northern Alberta, Canada. They succeeded in getting four mooee and one grizzly. Since the Canadian law require« one guide to each hunter they emassed a party of ten which re quired a pack train of 17 horses to carry their equipment. Due to Canadian restrictions the Dennys were allowed to bring out only one moose. The rest they do nated to the Red Croes. In getting the moose that they were able to bring home the hunters detoured around several miles to put the wind in the right direction from where the animal stood on the heights some distance off. They crept up on him and used a 30-06 cartridge for the kill. He weighed 1400 pounds. The horns are at the taxidermist’s at the present time and will adorn the wall above the fireplace in the new house which the Denneys are building just beyond their present home. S T O P ! and S h o p '"ALOHA j=IU—M|=|||_|||_ in _ H ili = in ¡RO Y'S RADIO SERVICE = in ID m llj ill a Wishes Each am! Every'One A — M rs. ill III ill HAPPY NEW YEAR Aloha, Ore. S M ille r % -+= VI V HUL t . ..... r. ir a » In 1 ftioSpisioui 1947 ''•dll. N EW Y E A R / TO EACH AND ALL W hen W e Count O ur B lessin g s we fin d H o s te s s Florence Miller was hostess at a k m any we had not thought about. A m on g Hi s recent Christmas party for the Oregon Asociation of Beauty Shop = Owners and Operators. This was in lieu of their regular monthly meet hi ing. A Buffet dinner was served and l games of various kinds we I played. III th e outstanding blessings in our list is the g ood w ill o f th e p eop le o f tips community\ •? lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll"lll= lll= lll= lll= IU = IU = lll= lll= lll= 1 ll5 U I£ U I= lll= n ii The Mini-Max batteries used to day In personal camem-aized ra dios are identical with the batter ies which powered the Navy’s famed Sonobuoy for detecting submarines during the war. Happy New Y ear! from RICHARD'S BARBER SHOP Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 Aloha Super Service SUNSET PRODUCTS W« Give SAH Green Stomp« W E T H A N K Y O U most cordially fo r this g ood w ill and assure you o f our deep appreciation. • • • A woman pricing a hat gasped when told It was $75. “Why, there Isn’t anything on that hat!” "You are paying for the re straint," the saleswoman replied quietly. W e wish fo r you a pleasant holiday\ and a N ew Year that is th e harbinger o f m any blessings to com e. My Most Sincere Wish— B. T. WALTON Merchant Tailor A HAPPY AND HEALTHFUL NEW YEAR FOR EVERYONE ______________ ALOHA, ORE. IN IN GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at the ALOHA PHARMACY FORBES Larry Chamberlin Portrait Studio SHOE REPAIR IN N O R A ’ S Dressmaking Sho/i \ Aloha Ore. W A L K E R ’S We Give S & H Green Stamps DEPARTMENT STORE yy Phone Beaverton 3461 “ The Complete Shopping Center lb Ait Our Business & Financial Outlook for 1947 0 ~riendA (Continued r ± v j f>Y i U SE W YEAR 194^7— GOOD 1 C C I TO Y O U ! ★ OU fr ie n d s Fear auld long syne w e bring you thir cheery New Year message. J. B. IMLAY & SON Hardware and Feed ALOHA, ORE. Phone 6311 7 S E P T IC T A N K S ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP W ork Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ora first Happy page) New Year To AL1 Our Friends Old and New EHRLICH Plumbing & Appliance OU .Lyi mtmosoPHtes OU ★ ★ from to disarmament. 34. The safest stocks to buy— considering value, income and safety— will continue to be “ chain-store” and “ recrea tion” stocks. 35. 1946 saw a large decline in certain stocks compared with the averages. Switching will be the outstanding market Work Done feature during 1947. Especially watch for bargains in airline stocks. By Appointment 36. The stock market will continue to witness creeping Aloha, Ore. Phone 6125 general inflation and no evidence yet exists as to whether the “ communistic break” in 1946 was the beginning of a real i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = m = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = bear market or only a reaction o f a bull market. BONDS Chet Bak ken's 37. Although bank loaning rates should continue a slow ly upward tendency, interest rates in general will remain low through 1947. The money supply is now 25 per cent above normal and Government financing demands continued low rates. 38. Anticipating an expected reduction in Federal taxes, 1947 should see a further falling o ff in the prices o f most municipal and other tax-exempt bonds. 39. Some high-grade corporation bonds may hold steady, but sooner or later will decline considerably. The Federal Government’s 2 1-2’s. which once sold above 106, will sell down to par or new 2 1-2’s will be offered at par. Investors will give more attention to diversification and staggered maturities during 1947. 40. More public utilities will be taken over by Federal and other “ Authorities” during 1947. Wise investors will consider this possibility when selecting public utility securi ties. O f course you can have as many REAL ESTATE nights out as you scant, now that 41. Suburban real estate will continue in greater demand you've resolved to always go to with still higher prices during 1947. 42. City real estate may hold its own due to less avail T o Get your able space caused by pulling down structures to save taxes provide parking spaces,— also to disinclination to build Building Material and t_. due to the present high inflationary building costs. The fear of l>ombing— in case of a re-opening o f World War II— Needs. may also be a factor. 43. Small subsistence farms will continue to increase in Shingles. Shakes. price; but large commercial farms may sell for less in 1947 than in 1946. Siding. Bireli. 14. Building will show a considerable increase. Contracts will be up with advancing prices. The present scarcity of Flue Liners, lumber, cement, bricks and labor should begin to ease up in 1947. Thim hlo. 45. Office and residential rents during .1947 can be ex pected to increase. 46. 1917 will see the beginning o f the real building boom which should have started in 1946. Sash Doors. POLITICS AND POSTWAR PEACE 17. President Truman now has lost control o f Congress Garage Doors, and both parties will he playing politics in anticipation of 1948. and Build« *rs 48. Our foreign headaches will become worse and more frequent during 1947. What we are going through to re Hardware organize Germany will be repeated in other countries. 49. The Latin-American honeymoon has passed it* peak. Kitchen Cabinets The attitude Argentina will extend to other countries. Our South American troubles will continue to increase in ! 1917. >0. 1947 should see more religious interest. Including more church-going, than did 1916. People gradually are ifAVI MON IUMBIR C. realizing that without a Spiritual Awakening no peace or PMONC BEAVERTON 3201 other plans will he much good. Nations cannot he denended upon to cooperate and stick to their agreements unless thev 3— S W Farmington recognize God as their real Ruler and Guide. Hence, what ‘ good are agreement* with Ru**ia? Phone 6125 CLEANED LINES CHICKEO ADVANCED ESTIMATES M ibbb 6S2I Atoka 0. E. BERGLAND Inside Doors Accept Our Thanks for Past Favors And Our Good Wishes for A Happy New Year i GOLDEN WEST MARKET L GROCERY Aloha Oregon A M m «¿SI of KIN G SLEY ALOHA Phone 6411 W m5m=ni=iii=m=4ii=in=iH=m=ni=ni=Mi=iii=in= A HAPPY 1 and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FROM TH E BOYS AT B | ill = & T M A R K E T FAST BEAVERTON JUNCTION ond CANYON ROAD ¡‘ f in 5 1 ~ llH = lll=H t=H r=in=lll=lll=lll=lll=)n=IH =IU =H I=IU =U I=IN eiU =W =U ISIi(SU I=IIISin S«l'-i * SPECIAL War Surplus Available Bunk Beds . . . . $15.95 Complete with Springs Blankets . . . . $3 to $6 Kitchen Chairs . . . . $3.95 each BEAVERTON Jwuulwie. v e 'iu ih in p . th e Warns. P hone 3 5 3 5 B e a v e r t o n ^