CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS C o u n t eoeh word, in clu d ing N a m « and a d d re s s-O N L Y 2c A W O R D N o Phone O rd e rs T a k e n M INIM U M 25c AN ISSUE W e P u b lish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T I G A R D S E N T IN E L M U L T N O M A H P R E SS A LO H A NEW S t C om plete Eastern W a sh in g to n C ou n ty and W e ste rn M u ltn o m a h C ounty C overaae • FOR SALE SURVEYING m WOOD FOR SALE: 4 ft. slab- wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel [Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. _______________ 34tf i CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K O W N ­ ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip­ ment allows faster service. We pump A wash septic tanks, comml or residential. Guar, workmanship. Sewers connected. Cesspools and septic tanks constructed. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, TA. 3235. 3tf PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING ORCHARD LAYOUTS H. E. COX, Registered Land MITY MIDGET Surveyor 46tf .F O R SALE*. 10— 1 yrs. old Phone Beeaverton ,2592 [W hite Leghorn hens. $150 each. Axel Nordin. Rt. 1, Box 341, Bea­ PA PE R IN G — PainMng A Kal so- verton, Oregon. 48 p mining, neat, experienced work­ man L. L Seeley. R 2. Bx 180-A 18 M IX E D COLOR BANTIES, 2 Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 hens and rooster, $1.00. 1 mile out 40tf Farmington Road, G. Martin. Phone Beaverton 2452. 48p B U ILD E R & C AB IN E T maker— Store frents; school, restaurant FO R SALE: Six does, four young and store fixtures; school furni­ rabbits, one buck. One 12-compart­ ture; unit cabinets of all kinds, ment rabbit hutch. Phone CHerry including kitchen cabfciets. Of­ 3d20. 48 fice furniture rebuilt, refinlshed and completely renovated. All FOR SALE: Combination wood kinds ef building and remodeling. and gas stove. A good baker, Woodworking of all kinds. price $10.00. Telephone Beaverton Also Landscaping, dirt moving, 343: 3431. Stove« is at the H. C. Miller terracing, plowing, discing, harrow­ k home hon on Second Street. Mrs. E. R. ing and concrete mixed on the V § h heets, e Beaverton, Oregon. 48p Jeb. L. H. Brawand, Metzger, Oregon. COMML’NJTY AUCTION SALE tf and lunch every Saturday 9:30 Phone CHerry 2929. a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd Ave., 3V4 miles south Foster Rd., FREE FIRE INSURANCE Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and 5 Y e a r C ove ra ge for a auctioneer. tf 3 Y e a r Prem ium GLENN E. PRINGLE For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 deliver anywhere. Give location with order. Stanford Laughlin, Carlton. Rt. 1. tf SAWDUST, Light Slab, Cull lath, Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call CHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. FOR SALE—16-ln. green slab wood 2 % cord loads $8 cord delivered. Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone 193-J. tt 255 Pittock Block CH-3640 Res. 10th & Washington AT- 2777 Portlond 5 (Day or Nite) P. B. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf CA R P E N TE R W O R K GARDEN TRACTOR Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements Immediate Delivery g i l b a r c o o il Demonstration on your Place RT. 1. B O X 102. L A K E B E A V F R T O N , O RE. BURNERS ROAD J WBmmääm R I*li M A « I l Only five hours from Tokyo. Army Rogulert »revel to picturesque Nikko Netionol Pork during their eff- duty hours. To reach this vantaga point, those occupation soldiers ride a coble eor up the meunToin-eide. Travel, education, and a career are iusf a tew ot the advantages ottered young men between 16 end 34 year« ef age, inclusive. ROAD ROCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Delivered Anywhere 7 V i' Spread for D rivew ays Tigard 3206 H. Sim pson, T iga rd , Ore. tf ENGER BROS. Building Contractors See u s w hen you P lon to Build Free Estimates G u aran te ed 6 2 0 S H all St W o rk m a n sh ip Beaverton, Ore. NOW IS THE TIM E TO PLANT Fruit Trees; Strawberries Azalea; Cam ellia and Contractor and Builder Finish — Remodeling — Repair Primroses. X T R A GOOD Burbank spuds, $2 A. H A R R Y Mao IN T Y R E per 100. W ill deliver 3 sacks or Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 M EAD'S NURSERY more at $2.25. We buy burlap A fter 6 p. m. — Leave Order, tf sacks. Schuepbach Bros. H mile 1 m ile Eost of B eaverton on west of Beaverton on Farmington DEAD or Worthless Stock picked B e rth a -B e a ve rton H ig h w a y Anywhere. Road. 50 up Free of Charge Prompt Service. Call collect UN. FOR SALE; Sawdust burner like 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States new, $5. Call CHerry 2609. 48p Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. Ask for your free classified Portland. (Suc­ "Subscriber Ad Cards" with each /OOD: 12 or 16 inch old growth & Hurst Ave., to Denley Rendering new subscription or renewal. block and slab. Also clean straight cessor 3tf They’ll pay you real dividends. and chip - mix sawdust. Wilson Company.) | Fuel Yard, Box 398. Beaverton. PO W E R S P R A Y IN G — PH O NE iPhone Beaverton 2491. 50 B E A V E R TO N 2188. tf ’ SHAVINGS make good bedding P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G — 10 for stock and scratch for poultry years experience, reasonable rates. house floor. They are free at First Class. Free estimates, Call Low Cost Automatic Coal Heat Reedville Sawmill. 47tf BEacon 3546, R. W H ITLO W , 019 O n e D a y Service - Im m ediate tf .F O R SALE; 1 -2 V centrifugal SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore D elivery ;Jump with 6 horse air cooled en­ W E CURE AND SMOKE gine, $85.00. Special Introductory Offer YO UR P O R K CUTS 2— Storage tanks 8' x 8’ x 4' ap­ 2 Tons of cool FREE with each 25 years Experience prox. 1800 gal. with 2” outlet, $150 Stoker AI D ER M A R K E T each. Lewie Bros. H o s 3 year G uaran te e 3— New 2” Globe valves, $6.00 Coe. 1st and Washington St. Free Estim ates given each. tf PO R TLA N D . OREGON Coll UN 1174 or UN 5711 4— New 2” Gate Valves, $6.00 ea % mile beyond Reedville on Cherry HIDES A WOOL. CASCARA—A W e also clean a n d repair stoves, St. Phone Beaverton 3861. H. V. specialty. fu rn oce s & oil circ u la tin g heaters LEE BROS., Xfi SW Jounsin. 44tf Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf F O R '4 A LE : Cull potatoes, 50c per DEAD STOCK picked up free of sack, delivered. L. T. Brown, Rt. 1, charge—Highest prices paid for W . E. P E G G Box 425, Tigard. 48p old Uve horses. Day and night M O R T I C I A N service. Phone UNlverslty 1102. Beaverton, Oregon W ANTED Evenings MUrdock 4261 or TR. ESTABLISH E D 1910 6137. Phone collect. Portland PH O NE B E A V E R TO N 3411 R A B B IT FRYERS W A N TE D : Rendering Co. 48 W ill also butcher your rabbits for the hides. D. P. MacDonald. Ruby P A IN T IN G A P A PE R H A N G IN G W ork Guaranteed Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. PRUNING TREES Work Done Promptly 83tf A com plete line of C A L L CHerry *175 NURSERY STOCK 46tf AUTOMOBILES WANTED W rite for N ew C a ta lo gu e . O PE N SUNDAYS Are you having trouble selling FOR TO W C AR call V E R M IL Y E Villa Ridge Nursery your car? I f so, I ’ll sell it for you MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3681 tf 1 1 3 3 3 S .W 6 4 th on B a rb u r Blvd. *£t your price for a small percen­ Portlond 1, Ore. Phone C H 2 9 2 8 tage, or pay you cash for It. See KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. Bob at Bob’s Used Car Lot. East Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc­ W e Sp eciolize In tion. 46tf Remodeling and Recovering STOKERM ATIC M BUSINESS SERVICES • - All Furniture Custom Made - 11 8 N W B ro ad w ay Phone 3 7 6 2 Beaverton, O re go n M E TA L W E A T H E R S TR IP PIN G . Rock wool Insulation blown In for free estimate write R. E. Ell- son and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285. Ti- LA N D C LE A R IN G A Excavating Work done by hour or contract. Lgard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 2197. Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es­ timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf GENERAL C A R PE N T E R work. Hour or contract basis. Phone CH 4079. 48p CRUSHED ROCK YO U R SM ALL house needs a gate- leg or drop leaf table. W ill make in any finish. Also odd tables and furniture repaired. Tiede­ mann Specialty Co., 8908 S. W Pacific Hwy. 50p IT C H E N ^ jc K rr BUILT-INS AND CAB- E T W O R K : chests of drawers e to order. Jack's Cabinet Phone BR 5295, 6347 S. W. M W o op. f pltol Hlway. 49p Capi L IV E P O U L T R Y W A N TE D Any size lo t Top coiling price«. W rite or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- ■ter 2540 3600 N. E. 44th Port­ land 13, Ore. 29 tf V IN C E N T LUM BER CO. “ A Complete Lumber T srd ” We Deliver Anywhere F A IN T S — SASH — PLU M BING Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf R E A I. E S TA TE LOANS H E N R Y H. .IF.FURIES on Highway at Short St. Beaver­ ton. Phone Beaverton 3981. tf Garbage Collection Service By month or contract H O H N STE IN A SCHAFER 3 N E l«th Ave. Phone MUrdock 2*n5 West Slope Beaverton. Meadow hurst and Cedar Hills. tf L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Reaverton 2881 GARBAGE SERVICE BY M O NTH OR CONTRACT ALOHA GARBAGE CO. G. C. MILLER, Owner P. O. 601 2S4, Alshe, Ore 46tf PAIN TIN G I. P. Finley & Son M ORTICIAN SW FO URTH A T MONTGOMEK A Tw otrr 2181 Riverview Cemetery A T. 66B1 Metered Oil Service n n .iv r .K M ) — — 6 HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR S a tis fa c to r y business relations rest upon past perform­ ance. It has been our aim during all the years to ju stify your confidence In us and to merit your continued friendship. pleasant associations o f INSURANCE PAUL H. RISING the past year, and our best wishes for a happy and prosperous 1947. McCready Lumber Co. Old Lun ton Houd Beaverton Phone 3821 O. R. N IC H O LSO N & SO N Drulrr in SCRAP METAL Batteries, Radiators, Bross, A lu m in u m , Copper Lead a n d Z in c HIGHEST I’ KICES PAID Phene; N '« r Union Oil Depot Beaverton 2497 — Bertha-Beaverton Hi way M b W ATER WELL DRILLING PAUL E ROS! 1 Route 1, Aloha, on S tacey Avenue Aloha. O ra fo « W w «a 6388 W IS T SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO FIRE and AUTOMOBILE the Accept our hearty thanks fo r If T B. Strikes Romane - Krai E»tatr Lime Bills Asked For ' ‘L7 Program The reward Is in keeping the commandments, not for keeping Thirteen northwest limestone them. suppliers have been invited to sub­ —Lydia Maria Child mit bids on furnishing lime to farmers under the 1947 agricultur­ More than 900 veterans o f the al conservation program. Bids will Indian Wars that ended 48 years he opened at the state PM A office ago were receiving Veterans Ad­ in Portland, January 9, 1947. The ministration pension on September state PM A committee Is hopeful 30. that increased supplies of lime will be available next year, and has Invited all known suppliers to No man has a right to do as submit bids. Although two new he pleases, except when he pleases limestone plants started production to do right. this year, supplies Have fallen far Simmons short of needs. W E ST END SKLLW OOD BRID G E HAPPY NEW YEAR! STOVE AND DIESEL OIL GEMS OF TH O U G H T S EH VICE OBEDIENCE County To Vie For Honor ifíorne kCrifell Beaverton Transfer Co. 388 CAN YO N ROAD Phone Renverton >11 or 2462 w 0 e Laval 116 NW Park H O W A R D W . SMITH George F. Gordon Land Surveying Portland G E N E R A L HAUIJ.NO O r A id. R IN D S A N Y T IM E ( I M O M TR AC TO R W ORK PO R TA B LE GAS W A T E R PUMP TO R E N T Phone RUPERT Flying Service PO R TLAN D , Dec. 20—Washing- ton county will vie with Umatilla county, in Eastern Oregon, for the honor of organizing the first of three battalion headquarters of the CREM ATORIUM Oregon National Guard's famous MAUSOLEUM old 186th Infantry regiment, which is now being restored to activity CEMETERY as part of the postwar 41st In­ Complete Funeral Service In New fantry division. Colonel C. A. Fertig of Astoria, Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverside Is a co-operative asso­ commanding officer of the 186th ciation with assets of over $800,00« Infantry, said this week that he had asked the state's adjutant general’s office to apply to the National Guard bureau for au­ thority to organize headquarters and headquarters company of the I f a member of your family con regiment’s Third battalion at For­ tracts tuberculosis and goes to a est Grove. sanatorium for treatment, you At the same time he said au­ want to know what you can do to thority was requested to organize help him get well. The Important headquarters and headquarters thing to remember ia that he needs company of the Second battalloon all the paUence he can muster to at Milton-Freewater. get through the long hours when Lieutenant-Colonel) Charles W. he has nothing to do but get well. Hash of Portland, who commanded It is up to you to convince him the Third battalion in the South­ that the months in the hospital are west Pacific, again will have the a fair price to pay for health. Third. Lieutenant-Colonel R. R. Farms, Subdivisions, Lots Bed rest, as prescribed for the Carey, of La Grande, infantry vet­ Acreage, Orchard Tracts cure o f TB, Is of little use If the eran of the European theater, will Accurate, Reliable, R e a son a b le by patient is constantly tossing command the Second battilion. a Com petent, Registered around and fretting about the wel­ Professional L a n d Su rv e yo r As soon as authority is granted, fare o f his family, about the course Colonel Fertig and the 186th regi­ Office ond Residence Phone of his disease and about his fu­ ment’s executive officer, Lieuten­ CHerry 2365 ture. Mental as well as physical ant-Colonel Garlyn Munkres of repose is a vital feature of bed Forest Grove plan to push re RICHARD R. PFEIFER rest. crulting as rapidly as possible. Surveyor This is the point where the re A fter the headquarters units are 8000 5. W Capitol Hill Road habllitation worker of the sanitor- formed organization o f the bat­ (N e a r 19th & S.W . B a rb u r Blvd.) ium steps In to help the patient talion's four combat companies Portlo n d 1, O re go n adjust to the cure. Without the will follow. cooperation of the family, this Company “ I " will be at Hills­ effort may be meaningless. The boro and Beaverton, company " K ” seeds of rehabilitation must be at St. Helens and company " L ” at planted at the very beginning of Astoria. They will have 195 men the treatment, and the patient and officers at full strength. Com­ must be helped to gain a philos­ pany "M ” at Tillamook, will have SE PARATO R S — M ILK E R S ophy which will permit him to CO M PLETE EQ U IPM EN T AND accept the disease with equanim­ 157. The Third battalion’s head­ SU PPLIE S FO R TH E DAIRY ity and to submit completely and quarters unit at Forest Grove will have 78 men and officers at full IN D U STR Y cheerfully to the rigid discipline strength. necessary for cure. Trained workers, under doctors' I f you want to bay sell trade. supervision, will plan activities to T R Y A C LASSIFIE D CALL FOR ESTIMATE - Webstar 2S71 keep him busy and interested with­ out overtaxing his strength. I f he is unable too return to his former occupation as soon as he Is ready for it, the worker will start home on the road to new skills for the new type o f Job he may need when he leaves the hospital. The TB patient should think about the fu­ ture and plan for it, but not start living in it or brooding about It. His family can help with cheerful letters and visits and confident BERNARD'S AIRPORT plans for the time when he comes CEDAR STREET A T WALKER RD. home. Phone B eaverton 3 8 4 0 The TB patient cannot afford to worry about his family, but that does not mean he should be cut o ff from home news. You should spare him financial worries and the details o f every minor family upset. He has so much time to Piano Toning. Cleaning worry and so little opportunity to DEM OTHING, R E P A IR IN G help, that he may take your trou­ Rt. 1, Aloha Phone ALOHA 6612 bles too hard. The less you com­ plain about missing him and wait­ ing for him the less he will mind it. CENTRALLY LOCATED Thousands of patients become Close to bus trans­ restless with the long, slow pro­ port a t i o n a n d cess of treatment and want to walking distance leave the hospital against the ad­ from downtown. vice of physicians. But haste may lead to breakdown and another longer and costlier illness. Family encouragement and cooperation with the sanatorium medical and rehabilitation program will help to make a wise and contented patient who lives one day at a time, never begrudging a minute of the cure. In the next article, migraine headaches will be discussed. BEacon 6555 DICK KOKICH teacher of M O O fRN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION MFGOHMNGS M ADE Have a R rro rd Made of Y ou r Sin gin g nr IMaying Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Rood P H O N E BRoadw ay 47 0 2