CEDAR MILL NEWS Garden Club Plans | Students Prese nt ifear's Activities Ynias Program Cedar Mill G arden Club met W ednesday in the dining room of the G range Hall. A m on g su b jects discussed during the business m eeting were ideas fo r program s in com in g meetings. V arious w orthw h ile suggestions were made by the m em bers. Mrs. R ush in g and Mrs. Foege are appointed to the Year Book com m ittee and Mrs. Laura Hohn- stein is ch osen as bird chairm an. T he p rogram planned fo r the January m eeting will include ‘ How to con stru ct a hot bed," "Care o f R oses” and "B ird s.’’ F ollow in g the business meeting a pot lu ck noon luncheon was en joyed. Mrs. L. F erry very aptly in structed the grou p in the art o f m aking evergreen pieces. A holly wreath, a sw ag o f cedar, an ever green table cen terp iece and a door sw atch w ere dem onstrated. Num bers w ere draw n fo r the various pieces, w h ich she made, by the m em bers present. • • . Students o f the Cedar Mill school very apUy presented their Christm as program at the Grange Hall Thursday evening. A very large crow d was in attendance. A fter a special Christm as lunch eon served in the cafeteria Friday noon the school children enjoyed parties and g ift exchanges in their various rooms. Teachers and children presented Mrs. Cover, the cafeteria cook, with a lovely lamp. School was dismissed early to be resumed Thursday, January 2. Children are asked to bring bag lunches on Thursday and Friday. Leedy Grange Installs Officers Leedy Grange held its installa tion o f office rs W ednesday eve ning at the Grange Hall. T he in stallation cerem ony was very im pressive. Each lady o ffice r was presented with a corsage and each < man with a boutiniere made by D on ’t fo rg e t the Com m unity Mrs. M aggie Stark. Club’s N ew Y ear's E ve dance at Mrs. R obinett entertained with the G range Hall. vocol solos. M em bers o f the grange enjoyed their annual Christmas party and pot luck supper Saturday evening. * • • Leave« F or Canada Miss Barbara W alters spent W ednesday night at hom e upon her return from O.S.C. She left early on Thursday m orn in g by train fo r T oronto, O ntario where she will attend an Inter-V arsity Christian C onference and visit friends du rin g the holidays. WE W ISH YOU • * « Fishing A Jam es W alters spent the w eek HAPPY and PROSPEROUS end fishing at Nehalem. • • • NEW YEAR H APPY NEW Y EAR A happy New Y ear is wished to you all from your corresp on dent. . . . Hom e F or Holidays The Misses L orna Cover, M ari HOWARD W. SMITH lyn French, Joan Cote and P a tric 388 Conyon Rd. ia H einrichs are spending the hol idays at home from U niversity o f Oregon. M iss Phillis T horne is at hom e from O regon State College for the holidays. • • • Open House O f interest Sunday was an open house at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Stevens. T he occa sion was in h onor o f their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Stevens. New Year's Dance Beaverton Transfer Co. HAPPY NEW Accept our hearty thanks for the pleasant associa Holiday Guests Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Crisp o f San F rancisco. Calif, are spending the C hristm as holidays with Mr C liff H. R a dloff, father o f Mrs. Crisp. T heir arrival was also in the nature o f a surprise to F. C. R a d loff, gran dfath er o f Mrs. Criisp. who has just celebrated his sev en ty-fifth birthday. • • • Baby B oy Mr. and Mrs. A lbert J. Bleizef- fe r are very proud o f their baby boy. A lan Jay, w ho arrived at W il cox M em orial Hospital, D ecem ber 17. H e w eighed 8 lbs., 13 oz. • • • V isiting H ere F or X m as Mike and Pat M cC loskey o f Los Angeles are here visitin g their fa ther, W . E. M cC loskey and sister. Mrs. Ted W ilson over the holidays. G ood Fishing H enry N elson and som e others went over on the T rask river fish ing, h aving v ery good luck, each ca tch in g one and tw o lovely sal mon. • • • Cheerio Club Meets The C heerio Club m et at Mrs. Edna Schelles’ fo r their C hrist mas party on Friday. T h ey had a beautiful tree loaded w ith nice gifts and a lovely lunch was ser ved. • • • X m as Guests Mr, and Mrs. A nderson o f Sea side are spending Christm as at the hom e o f their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G uy Carr. • • * Entertain Mr. and Mrs. R ob ert Sum m ers entertained a large group o f rela tives on C hristm as Day. • • • Open H ouse Mr. and Mrs. L a rry D ay held open house In P ortland Sunday in honor o f Mrs. D ay’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl B each and Mrs. P inder o f Om aha, Neb. Mr, and Mrs. Beach lived here at one tim e and the P enders had a g rocery store here. Mrs. M cK erch er and son, George and Mr. and Mrs. B yfield attended from here. • • • Students H om e F or X m as A m on g the you ng people who are hom e from college a re: Floyd C arlson, D avid Cady, E lw in Pax- son, Janet F elsher and W ilbur Jansen, w h o w as m arried Sunday at the hom e o f his parents to a you n g lady fro m Eugene. • • • V isitin g D aughter Mr. and Mrs. Shellenberger left fo r K lam ath Falls F riday eve ning to spend the holidays with a daughter and fam ily. • • • R osehurg V isitors Mr. and Mrs. J ack Osfleld and J an ice left M on day even in g to spend Christm as with a sister o f Mrs. O sfield in R osehurg. • • • X m as In Portland Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Blasser spent Christm as in P ortlan d with relatives. Alex-Lewis .Nuptials Miss Jeanne Lewis, daughter of Mrs. Mamie Lewis and H ercules Alex were m arried D ecem ber 7 in a candlelight cerem on y at the C hurch o f Christ in Beaverton. Rev. S pringer officiated. Miss Lewis was given in mar riage by her uncle, D. B. Moore. She wore a white satin dress with a long train and full veil o f tulle held in place by a tiara o f orange blossom s and carried a white prayer book with orch id corsage. Mrs. Jean Calhoun was m atron o f honor in a frock o f pink net. G eorge Alex, brother o f the groom , w as best man. Little Linda Mae Lew is was flow er girl and B obby Lew is was ring bearer. Miss C harlotte Gallow ay played the w edding m arch and Mrs. Ruth Z im brick sang, "B ecau se" and “ At Daw ning." Ushers were Jerry Painter, Ju- lien P eterson and Gene Springer. Mrs. O tto Keil cu t the bride’s cak e at a reception held in the ch urch parlors. Mrs. Carl Heisel and Mrs. D. B. M oore poured. A ssisting were Mrs. Earl Lew is Mrs. Lee K ing, Mrs. Gordon L aw rence and Mrs. Gene S pring er. A fter a short w edding trip the couple will make their hom e on Al len A venue in Beaverton. I BONNY SLOPE New Y ears Party A New Y ear’s E ve Hard Time party will be given by the Bonny Slope C om m unity Club in the club house N ew Y ear’s Eve. The fun begins at 8:30 p.m. A pot luck lunch will be served. • • • H om e F o r X m as Pvt. K ieth D. C oon o f the P ara troopers, spent C hristm as with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R| Coon. Pvt. C oon expects to be sent to K orea very shortly. • • • F arew ell P arty A farew ell party was given Mrs. G. H iggins at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. J. L. S tau ffer D ecem ber 21. Mrs. H iggin s received many nice gifts. • • • A nniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. W es Magill cele brated their first anniversary Dec. 21. Best w ishes go to them. • • • A ttend* F uneral Mrs. Ora M. B ates was in A s toria to attend the funeral o f her aunt. • • • In A ccid en t Leon D. Stewart was in an a c cident w hile com in g up the hill on T hom pson R d. Mr. Stewart su ffer ed m inor cuts on his face. • • • D og Owner* It has been called to m y at The advertiser—Tell him yoa tention that dogs are running read his m essage In the paper. loose, and creatin g disturbances such as ch asin g cars, catch in g LANDSCAPING EVERGREENS ch ick en s and running live stock. CAMELLIAS --- AZALEAS A little cooperation from dog ow ners cou ld easily rem edy this situation. • • • BEAVERTON 2614 Card P arty 1-8 mile West o f Beaverton A card party will be given at the B onn y Slope C om m unity Club A sk fo r you r free classified House D ecem ber 28 at 8:30 p.m. P in och le and cribbage will be "S u b scrib er Ad C ards” w ith each Compare new su bscription o r renewal. played. A lunch w il be served after the G. E. APPLIANCES T h ey’ll pay you real dividends. playing. ILEX NURSERY YEAR I BEAVERTON PE RSONALS Kpgistruliou Oppii* Jau. 6 For Sewing (J u * h Series The Adult Sewing Class w hich Is instructed by Mrs. Mildred Hailey, itinerant adult teacher, and spon sored by the local school district in co-operation with the division o f vocational education ended the first series o f m eetings Thursday, D ecem ber 19. A bout tw enty five ladies registered at the first meeting. Much good was derived from the classes by those who at tended. T he next series o f classes will be organized Thursday, January 16, 1947 at 9:30 a.m. in the Bea verton grade school. R egistration fo r the next class will be open January 6 at Bea verton grade school o ffic e o r by phone Beaverton 3565. If enough beginners register a special class for them m ay be arranged. R egu lar attendance is desirable. LEGAL BEAVER THEATRE Phone 2482 at DOUGHTY'S and prosperous 1947 with Bert Gordon, "The Mod Russian" Swamp Fire— 8 30 P. M ■with Buster Crabbe, Johnny Weismuller News Sunday, December 29 Black Beauty-— 2 30 - 4 45 - 6 :5 5 - 9 :0 0 P. with Mono Freeman, Richard Denning Comedy, Cartoon and News NOTICE N O T IC E O F S T R E E T V AC ATIO N N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G W E N T hat the City Council o f the City o f B eaverton by R esolution duly passed on the 2nd day o f D ecem ber, 1946, has instituted proceed ings to vacate the follow in g de scribed portion o f a street within the City o f Beaverton, to-w it: AH that portion o f F ron t Street lying west o f the wes terly boundary o f what is now know n and designated as Ce dar Avenue or Cedar Street, w hich Cedar Avenue or C edar Street was an old cou nty road. N O TICE IS F U R T H E R G IV E N That all persons interested In and a ffected by said vacation m ay file ob jection s or rem onstrances, which m ay he made In w riting and filed with the City R ecord er prior to the tim e o f hearing, and that a hearing will be held thereon on M onday, the 13th day o f January, 1947, at the hour o f 8:00 p.m. o f said day at the City Hall in the City o f Beaverton. D A T E D T his 2nd day o f D ecem ber, 1940. R. C. D O TY, City R ecord er o f the C ity o f Beaverton. Date o f first publication Decern her 13, 1946. Date o f last publication January 10, 1947. Monday and Tuesday, December 3 0 - 3 1 Black Beauty-— 7 :5 0 - 9 :5 5 P. M. Comedy - Cartoon - News HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR NEW FRIENDS M AY Washington Machinery & Storage Co........ 7329 E. Marginal Way Seattle 8, Wash. Canyon Road Highway WE CONTINUE TO SERVE YOU 4 IN 1947 The FIRESTONE STORE -Formerly Poppert and Welch- WEST END OF Y IN BEAVERTON PHONE 3961 Let IJs (get and Put On Your 1917 License Plates for w you JUST LEAVE US YOUR REGISTRATION CARD WE DO THE REST iCARR CHEVROLET CO. * ^ ''Let Us Fix It Up" 5 Beaverton, Oregon 6 ^ Phone 3333 2 2 8=iii=iii=msiii=iit=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii= iii=msiii=iiiEm=iiiEiii=iii=iiiEiii5iii=iii3iii=iii Pinafores are really most at home on the very young. Excellent dress for children’s Yule is the pinafore shown above as pictured In the De cember issue of Good Housekeeping magazine. ifi «I jjj HAPPY NEW YEAR! NOTICE! In stock for Immediate Delivery Portable Sawmills, Edgers, 54" Tilting Band Resaws, Motors, Logging-Sawmill Machinery. Jimdon's Cafe BEAVERTON Friday and Saturday, December 27 - 28 B U D G E T H E L P E R S F O R THE H O U S E W I F E S.W. Canyon Rd. at Ellis Ave. our best wishes for a happy I How Do You Do — 7 :0 0 P. M. - 9 30 P. M. Sporting Goods and Cutlery tions of the past year, and Friday, December 27, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE ifi hi = IN ifi in ID »H I IN ifi IN in = jjj Ground Meat Meal Cups-Creamed Potatoes Mcol and Potato Roll HI Meat-Potaloburgers hi ifi We Wish For Each and All of You I fit A Most Happy and Prosperous IN jjj SUNKIST ORANGES Small Size 5 Dozen . . 98c ■ U w Chop'Cuey Liver Spoon Cokes’^ Liver Loaf New Year N S ■ Ml I . CASE ....................................... $2.39 ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT Dozen . . 65c 'A CASE A LL Frankfurters $1 79 CIGARETTES . . carton $1-39 POPULAR BRANDS TILLAMOOK CHEESE LB • f 70 Size SEEDLESS • WHITE ROCK MIXERS LEMON, LIME and GINGER ALE qt. Bottles 15c each, plus bottles THRIFTY MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON 3261 jjj jjj Frankfurter Spaghetti i l i l Start the NEW YEAR Right and list* your food dollars for the HIGHEST QUALITY Available Its Economy In The I*ong Run i Frankfurter-GreenBeon Casserole Barbecued Frankfurters Although more meat is available today, Mrs. Housewife can continue to make good use of the meats she relied on during the period of scarcity. There are a number of these which offer many opportuni ties for variety and at the same time are easy on the budget The meats pictured above are ex eellent examples. Most housewives include them in their family meals, but more often than not the ways in which they are served are very lim ited. As a matter o f fact there are al most endless possibilities for using these meats in preparing dishes that are different A few suggestions are given here. Frankfurter Spaghetti Meat-Potalnburgors Combine 1 pound hamburger, 2 Slice 1 pound frankfurters in 14- cups coarsely grated unpeeled po inch pieces. Brown frankfurters and tato, 1* cup grated onion, 1*4 tea '/i cup diced onion in 1 tablespoon spoons salt and 1« teaspoon pepper. lard or drippings. Add 1 teaspoon Mix we-U. Shape into 8 patties and salt, 1 teaspoon allspice, ’ 4 teaspoon broil or panbroil slowly until done. cloves, *4 teaspoon pepper, l 1,4 cups tomato juice and 3 cups cooked spa Liver Chop Suey ghetti. Simmer until thickened. Cut 1 pound liver in 1 ' x Brown *4 pound whole frankfurters. strips. Cook in 4 tablespoons lard or Serve around spaghettL drippings 5 minutes. Add 1 cup sliced celery, 1 cup sliced onions. Frankfurter — Green Rean Cook 5 minutes. Add 1 can Chinese Casserole vegetables and liquid and 4 tea Slice 1 pound frankfurters, 14- spoons soy sauce. Simmer until meat is thoroughly cooked, about *4 hour. inch thick. Brown in 3 tablespoons Season, thicken. Serve over hot rice. drippings. Stir 5 tablespoons flour into drippings, add 2 cups milk and Liver Spoon Cakes 1 teaspoon salt. Cook until thick Cook 1 pound sliced liver in 1 ta ened. Add 1 tablespoon Worcester blespoon drippings in frying-pan Meat Cups — Creamed Potato*« shire sauce, % cup grated cheese Combine 1 pound ground beef, 1. i about 5 minutes Grind liver; add 1 and 2 cups green beans. Combine r»ip dry bread crumbs, 14 cup milk. | teaspoon salt, V* teaspoon pepper with frankfurters. Bake in moder 1 teaspoon salt and *4 teaspoon pep- j and 2 eggs, well beaten. Mix well. ate oven 40 minutes. per. Line ungreased muffin pans with Drop by tablespoorfuls into hot meat mixture to a thickness of V»- shallow lard or drippings. Brown Rarberued Frankfurters inch. Fill with creamed potatoes and well on both sides. Arrange 114 pounds frankfurters bake in a slow oven 45 minutes. Liver Loaf in shallow pan. Pour Barbecue Cook 1*4 pounds sliced liver In 2. Sauce over tbc>.i. Bake uncovered Meat and Potato Roll tablespoons drippings 5 minutes.! for 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Combine l ’ j pounds ground meat Grind liver. Combine with 1 cup| To make Barbecue Sauce: Brown ’ a cup cracker crumbs, 1 egg, *i bread crumbs, *« cup milk, juice of I 1 medium onion, chopped, in 2 ta AJd cup milk and H teaspoon pepper. *4 lemon, 2 tablespoons tomato cat blespoons margarine or butt Spread on waxed paper to *4-inch sup, *4 cup pork sausage, Mi tea 2 tablespoons vlnegcf, 2 U-’;k poons thickness, making a rectangle about spoon paprika, 1 small onion, finely brown sugar, 4 tablespoons lemon 6 x 10 inches. Spread with 2 cups chopped, 1 egg. beaten, 1 teaspoon juice, 1 cup catsup, 3 tablespoons mashed potatoes fuse sweet pota- salt, and 14 teaspoon pepper. Mix Worcestershire sauce, 14 tablespoon t if meat is pork). Roll like a jelly well. Turn into a loaf pan lined with prepared mustard, 14 cup water, *4 i d. Place in roasting pan and bake bacon. Place bacon strips on top. cup chopped celery, salt and red pep per. Simmer 30 minutes. 1 4 hours in a moderate oven. I Bake in moderate oven, 1 hour. We Garrv Nothing Rut The Rest $ Miller's for BETTER FOODS Phones; ! Portland • BR 7960 i Beaverton 3661 mi in llEIIIEIIIEIIIEtnEMISHlEH HEIN: IN IN jjj jjj fil 3