BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 27, /Toots o í C u ltu re Tualatin Valley 1946 Knlries Win In G o o d T a s te 7HE/V and/ZOW Hunt Club Series • A A/AT/OWS' O X A fA M /LYJP CU LTU RE H A ? ALW AYS SEEM /A/P/CA7ED S / /7S JE W E L R Y . OC/ff/V A / ffE R t/ ft W /tH EGYP7/AA/ ‘COLLAR^ A/ECAT- LACE ; /LLUStRATES THE S t AU7y AA/D TASTE O f A COfTy C/Y/L/ZAT/OA/. r-. DUR/KG THE M/DPc f AGES, *&L tS S tD "B SA CE LE T S WERE P fU T tD BY THE DAY 70 WARD O f f V |B % 7UE PLAGUE. TH£ SR/LL/AMf fREA/CH o f eraa / c / s / s v / a / t / l - of BEA/YEA/U70 CfU/A// S/XTEEA/TU CEA/7URY MASTER JEWELER. court íS \ \ 1 / I V l a t e d w / t h t h e j e w e l r y ton’s Duke .owned by Mrs. Logan Ferry, ridden by Mary Hurgett; 3rd, Goldie, owned and ridden by Bill Tull; 4th, Sally B., owned and ridden by Grace Karns. Pairs: 1st, Miss Tulip, owned and ridden by Joan Bohmann; Miss Fossil, owned and ridden by Mi chael Bohmann. 2nd, Nifty Miss .owned by Port. Rid. Acad., ridden by Kim Stew art; Mamie, owned by Port. Rid. Acad., ridden by Eleanor Bradley. 3rd: Creeper .owned by Port. Rid. Acad., ridden by Catherine Young; Masquerader, owned by Port. Rid. Acad., ridden by Cor- inne Mackin. 4th: Tommy Tucker, owned and ridden by Bernice Hansen of Bea verton, Duke of Hampton owned by Bob Ferry ridden by Gladys Ferry. Open Jumpers: 1st. Kitty Foyle, owned by Nicol Riding Acad., rid den by Mrs. Kenton Palmer; 2nd, Cactus Lass, owned by Nicol Rid. Acad., ridden by Bill Gosselin; 3rd, Playboy, owned by Nicol Rid. Ac. ridden by Mrs. David Meyer; 4th, Sun Ray, owned by Nicol Riding Academy, ridden by Barbara Rus sell. 44 King’s Singers” Coming lo Metzger The “King's Singers", a talent ed group of young people from Pacific College at Newberg will be in Metzger on Sunday, January 12th, at the Metzger Community Methodist Church at 8 p. m. in a special evening service. The ser vice will include quartet numbers both vocal and instrumental, and congregational singing of the old favorite hymns. At a recent meeting of the Offi cial Board it was decided that a special "Singspi ration” service would be held on the second Sun day of every month, under the di rection of Rev. D. M. Bowers. A special invitation is extended to everyone in Metzger and vicinity to come to these services. Youth Fellowship P a r t i e s The Youth Fellowship groups of the Community Methodist Church enjoyed parties recently reflecting the Christmas spirit The senior group held its party on December 21st at the home of Willard Westfall. The intermediate group held its party on December 23rd in the basement of the church. Gifts were exchanged and a good time was enjoyed by all. At Sunday School There were twenty-two in at tendance at Sunday School last Sunday and a collection of $10.61 to make a total of $43.45 for five weeks. This week the Sunday School is sending $21 to the China Inland Mission in Costa Rica and $21 to I Sudan Interior in P. A. Mrs. Frances Ferguson won first place with a total score of eight een points in the second of a ser ies of competitions for the Boh- mann. Perpetual Trophy at the Portland Hunt Club in Garden Home December 15. Grace Karns Deduct PCIC Premium • • • of Orenco was second with 15 Returns Home From Ineome Tax points and Gladys Ferry scored Mrs. Charles Clayton returned Income tax time will soon be third with 14 points. last week from Weatherford, Ok here again. In filing their Janu Results are as follows: ary 15 estimates, farmers are re lahoma, where she had been on a Green Jumpers: 1st, Peroxide minded to list premiums paid for visit to her parents. Pricess ridden by Joan Waters, federal crop insurance as an op owned by Nicol Riding Academy: erating expense deduction. 2nd, Happy Seymour, owned and REGISTERED AN IM AL ridden by C. I. Eastman of Gar Albert Meier, a Brown Swiss The first hospital in what is now den Home; 3rd, Goldie, owned by the United States was founded in breeder of Beaverton, has recently Bill Tull, ridden by Gladys Fer 1612 at Henricopolis in the Colony sold the bull Arbor Rose Mac- ry. 79333 to Walker Bros., of Virginia. It was known as Domino Scurry Race: 1st, Sir Windsor, "Mount Malady, a guest house for Rainier, Oregon according to a owned and ridden by Frances Fer report from Fred S. Idste, Secre sicke people”. guson; 2nd, Duke of Hampton, tary of the Brown Swiss Cattle owned oy Bob Ferry, ridden by • • • A fine program was given at the Glady Ferry; 3rd, Prince William, Halving the amount of solar Breeders’ Association, Beloit, Wis Metzger Grade School on Friday consin. owned by Portland Riding Acad night. It was very well attended radiation on the earth would bring emy, ridden by Grace Karns of by a very appreciative audience. even equatorial temperatures be Orenco. low the freezing point. • • • Seat and Hands: 1st, Doris Mr. and Mrs. James R. Clark of Garden Home on Nifty Craughan left Monday for Pull Miss, owned by Portland Riding man Washington, where they will Academy; 2nd, Eleanor Bradley spend the holidays with Mrs. on Creeper .owned by Port. Rid. The Metzger Sunday School pre Craughan’s sister and family. Acad.; 3rd, Myrnella Meyer on • • • Playboy, owned by Nicol Riding sented its annual Christmas pro gram Sunday evening. Choral The Rev. and Mrs. Bowers and Entertain Friends Academy; 4th, Kim Stewart on Mamie, owned by Port. Rid. Acad. numbers were given by young son Donny spent Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart enter- 1 Horsemanship: 1st, Grace Karns singers, with a candle-light pro with Mrs. Bowers’ sister and fam tained twenty-five neighbors at a cessional. Clifton Bartlett was ily, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hedgecoke, pot luck Christmas party on Sat- i on her own horse, Sally B.; 2nd, A group of in Lafayette, Oregon. Joan Windolph of West Slope on the accompanist. urday. • • • • • • her own horse, Random Harvest; small children sang a Christmas carol. Miss Kathleen Miller who has 3rd, Bill Payne on his own horse, A play was presented by five been the guest of Mrs. Clara Rhea Sunday School Xmas Harvest Billy; 4th, Irma Vaughn young men of the Young Peoples' is spending the Christmas holiday on her own horse, Sassie. Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Van Brug- Teams of Four: 1st, Tommy Bible Class, and the program con in iSan Francisco. gen of the Central Bible Church • • • Tucker, owned and ridden by cluded with Ohristmas songs, ac of Portland were visitors at the | Bernice Hansen of Beaverton, companied by the Westfalls play The Whitman family moved to Cooper Mt. Sunday School last ing the acoordian and guitars. Sally B., owned and ridden by Oswego last week. The home was Sunday. The message they brought SHOPPING CENTER Grace Karns, Duke of Hampton, Mrs. W. A. Elliott and Mrs. J. L. sold to Mr. John Tobin. was much appreciated. • • • owned by Bob Ferry, ridden by Westfall were directors of the pro A short Xm as program was giv Progress, Oregon Gladys Ihtrry, Wildfire, owned by gram. As a climax, treats of can Sergeant and Mrs. William A. en by the Sunday School young Clare Wiley , ridden by Doris dy were distributed to everyone Boynton are spending the Christ people and at the close of the Beav. 2389 Clark of Garden Home; 2nd, Hi- present. mas holidays with Sgt. Boynton’s services Mr. Clayton presented W e deliver C, owned by Dorothy Farley, rid parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Christmas candy to each person Classified ads always bring den by Frances Ferguson, Sweet Boynton. present. quick sales. heart, owned and ridden by Mary Hurgett of West Slope, Miss Tu lip, owned and ridden by Mrs. Michael Bohmann; Brown Emp ress, owned and ridden by Mi chael Bohmann. 3rd: Nifty Miss, ridden by Cath Oí erine Young, owned by Portland Riding Academy; Mamie, ridden by Eleanor Bradley, owned by Port. Rid. Acad.; Patsy, ridden by Kim Stewart .owned by Port. Rid. Acad. Sunshine, ridden by Corrine Ma- SAFEW AY 03078372 ckin, owned by Dorothy Weil. 4th, Fair Wyndham, owned and ridden by Myrnella Meyer; Kitty Foyle, ridden by Mrs. Kenton Pal mer, owned by Nicol Riding Acad. When you consider that nearly 1100 meals will Sir Windsor, owned and ridden by be prepared in your kitchen next year, buying Joan Menefee; Sun Ray, owned food for the family takes on new importance. by Nicol Riding Acad., ridden by Barbara Russell, S. W . Howatt Rd. Even a small saving on each day’s purchases Road Hacks: 1st, Harvest Billy, can add up to worthwhile amounts. Your owned and ridden by Bill Payne; Safeway offers you an opportunity to make the 2nd, Hi-C, owned by Dorothy Far kind o f regular savings that will do wonders for ley, ridden by Frances Ferguson: your bank account. And you ’ll enjoy the finest 3rd, Fitzhampton’s Duke, owned I The secret of a successful New Year’s by Mrs. Logan Ferry, ridden by in foods—guaranteed to please. t party is to plan a menu that can Mary Hurgett. • fa d u a id ! a stand a little waiting. Here’s a menu Mary Hurgett; 4th, Kitty Higgins, a I I a m AW* 5-lb- Millers 1- P « c owned by Nicol Riding Acodemy, a that will be good to look at and good n o n e y Valley pail U Or. bios. lb.vS l ridden by Joan Waters. a to eat any time you choose to serve it. Full No. 2 «flfì C it lasts! • Paper Chase Horses: 1st, Sir O' Gold can IV While CAROL DRAKE'S NEW YEAR’S EVE IUFFET Windsor, owned and ridden by FYances Ferguson; 2nd, Fitzhamp Cups of Hot Consomme with METZGER Annual Christmas Program (given 70DAy'S EASH/OA/ABLE, MESHED *SA/AKE ’ AfECKLACES AA/D BRACELE7S BR/A/G UP-TO- DATE 7HE AA/C/EA/7 SERPEA/7 SYMBOL fO R W/SDOM AA/D GOOD P0R7UA/E. Good Attendance COOPER MOUNTAIN To All Our Friends! PHIL’ S Coerw cm r /ate j vci*ft«e ProgresH - Kinton union and Christmas dinner party at the Weik residence In Hills boro, family home of Mrs. Kef F a m ily R eu n ion fer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowie Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sands of Se and daughter, Jean, also Mr. and attle and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nell- Mrs. H. L. Weik and family of aon, parents of Mrs Sands, were Beaverton attended. present at a family reunion and Christmas dinner party at the home of R. E. Lletz on Scholls Rd. Mrs. Neilsen is a sister of Mrs. Lletz and a daughter of John E. Haggerty who makes his home with the Lietz family. • • • H om e F o r llo lid u y s The Girl Scouts of Troop 28 ga e Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eliander, Jr. a potluck dinner for their mothers arrived home Friday from Corval and dad's on December 13th at lis and will remain with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Haryr Eliander, the Metzger Clubhouse. The troop presented a lovely Sr. until after the holidays. candle light investure ceremony. • • * I>oris Wegener explained the Tre l e a v i n g F o r M on tan a Ed Lauretsen left Monday morn foil by lighting three candles. Dar ing for Missoula, Montana, where lene Anderson gave the new girls their pins, and the older girls he will operate a filling station. The Lauretsona are selling their their year pins. 10 girls represented home here and Mrs. I^uretson the laws by lighting candles. Songs will follow as soon as business de were suug at intervals, accompan ied by Mrs. Elof Anderson at the tails can be arranged here. piano. • • • Awards were given to girls who V isits H u sba n d In N ew V ork Mrs. Edward Jones recently re sold the largest number of Christ turned from Brooklyn, N. Y.. mas cards; Linda Speight follow where she spent a few weeks with ed by Darlene Anderson and Ro her husband before his departure berta Westfall, also to Doris W eg ener and Darlene Anderson for for overseas duty. best postures, followed by five oth • • * D in n e r P arty er girls. Mrs. Elmer Wegener was Mr. and Mrs. W. I* Keffer nnd awarded her diploma as a trained son, Denny, attended a family re- assistant leader. IVlelsger Girl Scouts Entertain WR foodi F fortlseven You’ll get more for ; New Year’ s Entertaining In T he WEEKS NEWS G O P LEADERS MEET—Thr** lop Republican Sen at* leaders. Senators W hite (Me.). Robert A. Tail I (Ohio) and Arthur H V andenberg IMich.) (lell to ] right) discus* plans lor next C on qress at Republl can Steering Committee session in W ashington I T R IE S O U T F A - M O U S BIK E— Eve Arden, m ovie star w h o Is aiding the fight against can cer, tries out the famous b icy cle of M i t c h e l Sadew lts of Brook lyn w ho distributed a million pieces ol l i t e r a t u r e for the A m e r i c a n Cancer Society during a re cent 2.000 mil* ten I tour. Crisp Crackers Molded Avocado Ring tilled with Shrimp Salad Casserole of Scalloped Potatoes ■ and Oniontt Relish Plate of Carrot Sticks ■ Celery Curls, Pickles and Ripe Olives • Apricot Jam a Toasted Hard Rolls a ♦Graham Cracker Koek topped with a Whipped Cream or Ice Cream a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a • • I fortune „« . >0y t ' **y Brother Wh Ï - T -ow ^ fo a v*’ "• *' ... M not The j g m °* / T° Worse! P„ »«*» a choir F a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ♦GRAHAM CRACKER KOEK — Combine 1 cup finely rolled graham cracker crumbs, 1 cup sugar, and 1 teaspoon baking powder in a large mixing bowl. Add 2 slightly beaten egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Stir in H cup walnut meats and 1 tea spoon vanilla. Fold in 2 stiffly beaten egg whites. Spread into a well greased and floured square cake pan ( 8 x 8 x 2). Bake in a moderate oven (350° F.) for 25 minutes or until done. Cut in squares to serve. Serves 6 to 8. Another gracious New Year’s party is an At Home on New Year’s after noon. It’s a hospitable way to wel come the New Year. Tray of Homemade Cookies, Papier Thin Slices of Fruit Cake, and Circles of Brown Bread Spread with Cream Cheese Hot Chocolate Salted Nut« CoJlof £)oaJrt_ Director ORANGE JU ICE Redwood No. 2 Empire can ‘ We reserve the right GRAPEFRUIT JUICES Town House — Natural No. 2 4 4 C 0£c con S ■ 46-0 z. can A W TEXA S T IP — No. 2 can 11' BLENDED JU ICE Blend 0 ' Gold No. 2 sfltfe con 1 1 W hile it lasts! to limit quantities. FOR MEATS /R FORTS-SEVER Hen Turkeys v g * / p i u u k l b . 5 5 e Tom Turkeys u . ^ p h i m b l b . 3 9 c Tom Turkeys w a s t e lb 4 9 c P IE C E B A C O N ___ H C W cs I . . lb. 5 9 c FIGS, Tropic Treat No. 2 4 con 29c Blackberries, Blue T°g N® 2 ««" 35c Cherries, Sun p°c R°yai Annes 39c No. 2 4 con BEEF ROAST Juicy Blade Cut l b ib " 45c I 3 9 ' PORK ROAST Shoulder cut lb. 39c — Fresh Frosted Eviscerated Chickens — FRYERS I Roasters *2 Edwards Coffee 1-lb. can 43c Nob Hill Coffee bag 39clb 77c Airway Coffee 37c ,3b 51.10 M.J.B. Coffee SS- 44c£n b-87c Chase & Sanborn Coffee <Lbn44c lb . 7 5 « I 75« cuu; lb . 59«, Mixed Huts,intheirsheiislb. pkg. 39c Large Pecans,bleached 1-lb. pkg. 45c Preserves, Hunt’s Raspberry lb. jar 5 9c Plum Preserves,, lbby,.l-lb. jar 23c Chopped Olives. Ubby y4 tin 13c Cheese Spreads, ^ ^ ffUaB25c Pio Crist Mix genii 17-0 «. pkg 35c T h e H o m e m a k e r s ’ B ureau Ao Ever* S o ftw o j Sendee FOR PRODUCE /R FORT/-SEVER Art Yot» Planning Year 1947 Budget? Although we feel that every budget is a personal matter, we have pre pared 2 leaflets on the subject that fflav be of help to you in planning >ours. ' PLANNING YOUR BUD G E T " and "F A M IL Y BUDGETS’* will be mailed upon request. Writ« Carol Drake, The Homemakers’ Bu reau, Box 2110, Dept. BL, San Fran cisco 26, California. Kitchen Craft White Flour Spdrry’» Cane Sugar • 44c Be*t Sugar 5-lb 3 0 c 10-tb 6 8 c 10-lb. K O c bog D O 10-lb pap«r B / c sack 9 0 10-lb. cloth 5-lb. bog 4 3 c * TOM1C SCIENTISTS OPEN CAMPAIGN Harold U y fletti Professo* of Chemistry University of Chi c a g o renter* with Prof Albert Einstein (right) at I Princeton N J at opening e l a cam paign to raise SI.004.000 to finance a natioa w ide educational cam paign en the social implication* el atassie energy $039 Dill Pickles w£o“tr 3£229c Cheddar Cheese ” k V 59‘ Grapefruit *, > HJ=‘ n,5v 20‘ 20 Apple Sauce CAROL DRAKE'S MENU FOR AN AT HOME ON NEW YEAR'S AFTERNOON Whife Flour FOX FOR COES THE WEASEL — Vox „11 „ . a Porks Johnson On cenlerl assisted by K e g * « ock ett and Suss W illi* a i * ' « •>»*» eoundvd oft lor eir Tuesday night Y s i f o p bvoodrast ever CSS which igtnated f r o « C levelan d. The o cca s io n w a s a get together Horthern O h io * b a rb er shop quartet* Vo* P oo is on sored b y Lipioo Tea a nd Llpton s Soup* Fru it J u ic e P ric e s Miner's § LANDLADIES PICKET WHITE HOUSE — Six D* trail landladies m o** pat* lh* Whit* House. co t ryinq placards in th*lr light against r*nt controls. Som* signs rood: "O ust Rent Control.” and "V*t*rans want housing, not dictatorial control.' SAFEWAY 85e " A ” Size Deschutes APPLES Extra Fancy and fancy Borne Beauty lb. 12c Winesaps lb. 121 >c Red Emperor G R A P E S 1 5 -p o u n d ^osk 59c * ixcittNo Nfw starts * CmiDSCN-t FIATURIS * M| A ST.WAS MINO FICTION CABBAGE L o c a l- —G roen AVACADOS C a l« * « « — K i ported BROCCOLI Fam t-F ro sk TURNIPS N o tops Po pay CARROTS N o top« to pay Frosk Apple Rings 8 - 0 * A re Empir«— Dried pkg d J Dried Pears Empir« U. S. N O 1 P O T A T O E S 12-OI pkg end Sweet n. 22C 25‘ /OU O il MORI FOR YOUR YAMS From Pit« South Prodoce A M eot tro te ro * s r v tor Fr. A Sot ‘ T m sura you won’t mind waiting Th«y “ V it just take« a jiffy to do your shop- ping at Safeway.