Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1946)
| BEAVER THEATRE Phone 2482 i 5 BEAVERTON SUNDAY SHOW runs continuous-—Time: 1:30 to 11:30 EVENING SH O W .-.7:30 to 11:30. Two entire shows ^ ^ Friday and Saturday, December 2 0 - 2 1 x It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog—7 and 9:20 P M í / 4 T / l r - A C&S i ^ Corole Londis and Allyn Josiyn k Navajo Trail— 8:10 - 10:30 P M Johnny M ack Brown C u s to m s ^ News fc Sunday - Monday - Tuesday, December 22 - 24 \WE C JG .O M O F HANGING ORNAMENTS ON 7UE OJRIST/MS T R E E CAN BE TR A CED TO AN ARABIAN (SEOGRAP+4ER WHO &KOU6MT TO EUROPE THE LE6EHR THAT ON THE N16HT OF THE NATIVITY T R EES RURST FORTH WITH RlPEM'-'p FRUITS ANP BLOSSOMS w The Searching Wind— 1 :30 - 3:35 - -5:30 - 7:40 -9:50 j Sylvia Sidney - Robert Young b News and Cartoon — "Dotty & Egghead" — NO C H R IS T M A S EVE SH O W — Wednesday - Thursday, December 25 - 26 Continuous Show Christm as Day --- 1:30 - 11 : 30 S k k k Naughty Nanette—3 :00 - 5:05 - 7 :1 0 - 9:15 P. M. (In T e ch n ico lo r). % k A Param ount Picture Dakota— 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:40 - 7:45 - 9:50 John W ayne - Vera Ralston Cartoon—"Hare Remover" NEWS j UW hM i •-k »HE PLEASANT CUSTOM OF PLACING A CANC7LE IN THE WINPOW AT CHRISTMAS TIME OOES BACK TO AN O IP IRISH BELIEF THAT THE CHRIST CHIIP, OUT ALONE IN THE COL? NEE P E P LIGHT TO FIN P HIS WAV ON CHRISTMAS E V E Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ■ Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the Voce of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized in 1894 W A LKER and NELSON, 52 Years of Reliable Service Agents New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. » --- FIRST CHRIJTMAS CARD? UNTIL RECENTLY, IT WAi THOUGHT TO B E J C N O R 5 E L E / AN ENGLISHMAN WHO DESIGNED THIS CARP IN i8 4 6 -H O W E V E R A CHRISTMAS GREETING CREATED B y W.M EGLEy, AN ENGLISH ETCHER, IN 1842, HAS BEEN DISCOVERED, AND NOW A TH IRD ENTRY HAS BEEN UNEARTHED WHICH WAS PUBLISHED By R H. PEASE, AN AMERICAN, WHO LIVED IN ALBANy, N.y. AROUND lS ? 9 Phone 1732 "Every Form o f Protection" i W. HO ORI6IMATEP W E Hillsboro, Oregon PES/G NED B y J.C. H O RSEiy~/846 HERE ARE F e S inging o f C hristmas CAROLS ALWAYS PLAyS A VITAL PART IN THE CELEBRATION O F CHRISTMAS... : Q U fi, 1 m 1 ! Æ FOR THE CHILDREN Scooters FOR THE GROWN-UPS All Kinds of Auto Accessories Dolls 1946 CHRISTMAS GARDS DEPICT MAN/ INTERESTING yU LETlD E CUSTOMS AND LEGENDS — GAYER AND BRIG H TER THAN EV ER B E F O R E ,T H E Y REFLECT OUR HOPES ■ . * FOR A M ER R IER CHRISTMAS IN A BR IG H TER WORLD Ping Pong Sets Pandas Radios Baby Walkers Baseballs Aluminum Wore (The heavy kind) Doctor* and Nurse Sets Fog Lights BARNES SCHOOL ¡Rehekah Needle NOTES And Social Club Elects Officers Grille Guards Skates Breakfasters Trucks i Circus Books Travel Iron with stand Boats Tennis Balls Tennis Balls Seat Covers Magic Slate Auto Horns THE FIRESTONE STORE j •Formerly Poppert and Welch) Hancock G as and OH Complete C a r Service West end of Y in Beaverton Phone 3961 ■»«» W a ftm ta n tw au m t un qgnU Mn fce'twm » ja » m twa Etta s an » I Operetta to Be Given T he B arnes School C hristm as program this year w ill be an op Club Member» eretta, “ The N ight B efore Christ Have Xnub Party m as.” It will be presented T hu rs day at 7:30 p.m., D ecem ber 19. T he Past Noble G rands’ Club m et at the W ill H art hom e at Ma • • • plew ood on D ecem ber 11. There M a k e A n n o u n ce m e n t T he big room also m ade an w ere 16 m em bers and one visitor nouncem ents o f the op eretta in present. T here w as an exchange of the shape o f little fa t snowm en w h ich were taken hom e to the C hrlrtm as gifts, also a surprise Christm as raffle. Mrs. Sanford parents. R ogers drew the lu ck y number. A rlene M ruphy T he next m eeting is to be at the hom e o f Mrs. Ellen L a Rue on Johnson R oad at R eedville. | l O ld q - J^ (ihri»tma» Program Sunday * * ree tin tó J V 7 Merry ' Folks makes up Christmas— memories of the old days when grandma man ☆ aged the C h r istm a s fe a s t, and Thr m ou m an u Ui fade os the W e are happy to say that among it rather uarm t, and to o soon our most treasured memories are ire forget the /tret o f Christmas the manv Chri«1ma« ejehrations and in m ellow ing effect upon our lite i. we have seen come and go. and the ih n It is our h op e that Christmas o f 1946 wall friend« we have kept with us dur bring you many a blessing in ing all the year«. A Merry Christ the 'tecks and months ahead. mas to all of you’ R. S. Welsh, M. I). C a rr Lee Thompson, M. D. Chevrolet Co. Rosst P .ld ir v j Beaverton, Oregon R obert A. P eabody o f W estm ont C ollege brought a m essage on Palestine at the Cedar Mill church Sunday evening. It w as illustrated on a screen with pictures which Mr. Peabody took while on duty In N orth A frica. T he service was well attended. T he Sunday School o f the Ce dar Mill Church will present Its annual Christm as program next Sunday at 4 p.m. T he public is Invited. T here will be no evening services. PAST M A TR O N S A N D P A T R O N S H O L D C H R IST M A S P A R T Y For u* oldster*, it is memory that friends dropped in for a chat. BEAVERTON PERSONALS Carnival S u ccessfu l T he B arnes Carnival held last Saturday night was well attend ed. T here w ere gam es, prizes, m o The R ebekah Needle and So vies, and g o o d things to eat. ie ial club m et at the hom e o f Mr. • • • and Mrs. Sam T aylor on A lexander Street, near Aloha, Friday, D ecem Enlarge Stage ber 6. T h ere was a good atten dance. For Xmas Program A pot luck dinner was solved at T he upper grade b oys w ere very busy M onday a ftern oon w ith ham noon follow ed by the m onthly bus mers, nails and saws. T hey were iness meeting. T he follow in g o ffice rs were el en largin g the stage fo r the C hrist ected fo r 1947: President, Mrs. Jay mas operetta. F rost; V ice President, Mrs. Clara • • • S m ith; Sec., Mrs. Jack Jones; M ake X m as D ecoration s T he upper grades have been Treasurer, Mrs. M innie Hedgpath. T he reports show a very pros m aking w in dow d ecoration s to m ake the room look Christm asy. perous year and plans are to w ork harder this year to put aw ay for • • • a new hall. Automatic Iron Ping Pong Sets f & i- « » ^ . . . . BACK. IN GRANDFATHERS PAy, A CHRISTMAS CARPOFTHAT ERA vVAS ILLUSTRATES WITH THREE ATTRACTIVE CAROL SINGERS . Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 Bahson Discusses Strikes W ashington, D. C., Dec. 20. E v P oliticians eryone is now discussing the coal tim e and manhood. strike and planning fo r anti-la have tried to solve both by legis attempts have bor legislation next m onth. But lation and m ost the problem is far deeper than failed thus far. 1 know o f w hat I “ John L. L e w is ’’ He might die to speak because I have both served as Assistant Sécrétai y o f Labor night; but severe labor troubles and as Presidential Candidate of would still be with us. the P rohibition Party. Strikes Very Cosily O f course, when w rong legisla It is true that strikes are very ! costly, to labor, em ployers, and tion has been passed, as was the ito the public. As a rule, it takes case with the W agner Act, m ore wage w orkers about sixty m onths | legislation is required to correct to m ake up what is lost in wages , it. le g is la tio n should he fair to both em ployers and wage-workers, tin a 100-days strike which wins treating all alike. Sickness is also with a 18Si per cent increase. I This means that a 30-days strike a great national loss o f m any bil leg isla tion can requires twenty months to catch lions each year. up; and that with the average prevent em ployers from operating strike em ployees must w ork about under bad w orking conditions but legislation cannot make people tw o years at their average in take proper care o f their health. creased wages befoie they gain a E ducation And Religion penny. T he solution o f the labor prob Certainly, in nine cases out of ten, labor would be far better lem, the liquor problem and the ■ o ff to accept a com pany o ffe r of health problem lies with E du ca ¡10 per cent without striking than tion and R eligion. F-ducation teach ‘ to strike and get more. This is not es what we should d o; but we need also R eligion to have the will ligurin g the loss to em ployers in pow er to do what we ourselves which labor should also be very k n ow that we should do. One is m uch interested because every the lock and the other is the key; strike delays and postpones the — neither is m uch good alone. tim e when em ployers can again m ake a voluntary wage increase. Som e labor leaders are surely mis F R IE N D L Y C IR C L E leading their union m em bers and L U N CH E O N G T E S T S robbing them o f their m oney Just On Friday, Decem ber 13. Mm. for the sake o f collecting dues. H arry J. W right entertained 12 The Public Suffers Also m em bers of the Friendly C ircle T he innocent public which is at luncheon in her new home on largely made up o f wage w orkers P arkview Lane in the West Slope also su ffers as consum ers fear District. every strike. As production is re Christm as decorations were used duced, prices must rise or hold up in the living room and dining room longer. The nation gets richer on and an exchange o f gifts w as en ly by producing more. Strikes are joyed by those present. The m em the ch ief cause o f today’s high bers o f the Club are sending a prices. Strikes are ch iefly to blame Christm as basket to a w orthy fam for inflation. The real d ifficu lty is not with w age increases per *e ily. as this m oney quickly goes into circu lation and there m ay be no loss to the nation as a whole from a reasonable wage increase o f 10 per cent. B ut this is not true in the case o f strikes. Strikes mean a loss in produ c tion w hich m ay never be m ade up. Strikes mean a waste o f time w hich can never be recovered. I-ost production is more serious than lost m on ey; while lost time is fa r m ore serious than the loss o f both production and money. H ence, both labor and m anage ment com m it a hideous crim e n- gainst the nation when they per mit a strike. Both are traitors when they stop work nnd refuse arbitration. W hat Is The Solution Y et the solution o f the strike evil lies not with legislation. The labor problem is like the liquor problem in m any ways. E ach costs the Am erican people about $15,000,000,000 per year. A lm ost everyone agrees that both strikes and liquor are a waste o f m oney. A ttend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Miller drove to Dallas, Ore. on last Tuesday to attend the fu n eral o f T aylor Dunn, an old tim e friend o f the fam ily. • * • H ospitalized T he m any friends o f Mrs. Olga Bieldm an are sorry to learn she is at the G ood Sam aritan hospital in Portland, where she underwent an operation. T he latest report is that she is doing as well as can be expected. "GETITAT" H er husband had a garage In B eaverton not m any years ago. • O • Home of the Broiler Visit Purents Mrs. B. Mast and tw o sons of 2 Doors So. of P. O. Beaverton P ortland visited at Mrs. B. Mast's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H arry D eff on F arm ington R oad last Friday. # 9 • E xchan ge G ift« T he W om a n ’s S ociety o f C hris tian Service had a wonderful m eet ing on last W ednesday. A pot luck dinner and exchange o f C hristm as gifts. A surprise C hristm as g ift fo r the pastor and JUST ARRIVED his w ife w as presented and a spe cial present for Mrs Don Frazer who leaves soon fo r C alifornia Carload 2“ Glass Wool where she expects to live. T here w ere tw enty six prejent. e e e Mneh Improved Mrs. J. O. A nderson, w ho has been recu peratin g from her op eration at the hom e o f her friend, Mrs. L aw ren ce Gillm ore at Aloha, KINGSLEY'BEAVERTON returned to her hom e in B eaver ton Sunday evening, Dec. 15. LUMBER CO. e e e F loren ce G ray Passes Away Phone -- Beaverton 3201 Mrs. F loren ce G ray o f St. H el ens, w ife o f Von G ray and sister- in-law o f D oy Gray, passed aw ay w saa t an t y t uns »» t an s aas mswi »unseen D ecem ber 13 and services were held W ednesday. D ecem ber 1H in R ogers-C olm an Chapel, St. Helens with vault entom bm ent at L in We hove a few Gifts left' coln M em orial Park. • • m Go H unting They ore different. A. E. H ansen and Tom M aloney have gon e hunting in Eastern Ore Come See for Yourself gon. • • • E ntertains- B ridge fl u b Mrs. M yrtle Nelson entertained the Sorrento B ridge club on Tuea- day with a luncheon at her hom e H er guests w ere Edna Shelles, Better Hurry! May Blasser and Mrs. Margarett Scott. • • • PATS SHAKE SHOP A sk fo r your free classified "S u b scriber A d Cards” with each new subscription or ’renewal. ' T h ey’ll pay you real dividends. S p e cia lizin g . . . . in West Siti»* Properties PHONE CHerry 3727 Insulation Prices 50% O ff * ! E asier w ere If fr> hurl fhe root- j rd m ountain from Its base, th ar force the yok e o f slavery upon men determ ined to be free. j — Southey Rto. 6. Box 121» Portland 1, Or*. Choice Pansies SWISS and JUMBO GIANTS PRIMROSES CARNATION SWEET WILLIAM SEEDLING PERENNIALS Pyron & Son Nursery Farmington Rood to Long Ave. 4 Blocks South on Long Avenue from Main Highway CLEAHWATE1 PLUMBING Got Water Heater* Fairbanks Morse Pumps Beaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 Photo Tinting Investigóte the CH RISTM AS SP EC IA L SPECIAL T he Past Matron and Patrons o f B eaver Chapter held a C hrist mas party in the M asonic Tem ple last Saturday evening and a moat en joyable time was had. Each one brought a gift. C e le b ra te Birthday Out o f town m em bers present Mr. and Mrs. G eorge T hyn g were Mrs. M cCorm ick, Mr. and spent M onday evening at their Mrs. John Huntley, Mrs. Alice daughter's Mrs. Jack Cole’s hom e S cott and Mrs. Garrtsh. in P ortland. It was Mr. T h y n g ’s — birthday. E A S T E R N S T A R H O LD S E LE CTIO N O F O F F IC E R S L ive you r life so that he w ho w rites or selects the Inscription The Order o f Eastern Star No fo r you r tom bstone will not be 1106 m et W ednesday evening and looked upon as sn unm itigated held an election o f o ffice rs fo r the liar. » ensuing year. T hose elected were: Louisa Mc- T he com m andm en ts o f God are j G eorge, W orth y M atron; H enry the bread o f life for the nations P fenning, W orthy P a tron ; E rn es — R osw ell P H itch cock t i n e Beeler, A ssociate M atron; Mr M cG eorge, A ssociate P atron ; Myr- H e Is the freem an whom the ■tle Nelson, secretary; M argaret truth m akes free. and all are 1 Scott, treasurer; and Nellie A ck slaves beside. erm an, A ssociate Conductress. -C ow per F IL L E R S An2mpdh dm v tT9 A m ining city in the U r a l Moan- tains has been named M olotov in honor o f the Soviet Foreign Min bU r. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 20, 1946 Tinted photogrophs make a Beautiful Christmas Gift for those you want to remember, MRS. J. R. RANDS Phone 6541 ALOHA Corner Alexander & Hunter Sts. BEAVERTON FLORISTS - Fresh Flowers Always - Beaverton 296 S Logan's Welding and Supply Camar First and Tacker Street« Beaverton WELDING— OF ALL KINDS Complato Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring ond Motor Re-Building Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. Beaverton Gift Shop Across From Express Office R A I N B O W ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, Inc. W I R I N G CO M M ERCIAL . INDUSTRIAL - HOUSE W IRING Estimates Gladly Given Service Colls Taken Cor# of Promptly FRANCHISED DEALER FOR P R fS T LIN i HOME APPLIANCES The only Range with 3 Style Tag For Service Call '»' -ertön 3071 LEA V E ORDERS A * C ’ U or 2481 IARDW ARE