i w w ‘oued Yuletide ■^V CLAUS ta TO I Í C OAf T O W ,A/G n ♦MERRV* Ctf ftlSTMAV* SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS • It isn't always stylish to be old A SPECIAL TRIP FOR ST. NICHOLAS FAITH.... % fashioned, but there are times when faith in ou r h om e* aiui co m m u ­ nity . . . . faith in th e fu tu re . . . . faith in m en o f g o o d will, eternally— this is th e es­ sen ce o f th e Christm as season, it's very genuine— and Christmas is one of them. Yes, folks, we wish you sh ou ld b e a tim e o f ftty, and we h o p e that this Christm as o f ¡ 9 4 6 will b e rich in gtnul c h e e r and true happiness f o r all who read this m essage. * * THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR YOU * * • . . the best one of them all! Highway Tire Service RADIO ELECTRIC Sound Service — Motor Rewinding Home Appliance Repairing 109 Wotson Avenue Phone Beaverton 2621 BEAVERTON, OREGON H arold C u n n ess * * * * Hob M attecheck I t )- trr ■*- -*■»1 laden with merry Christmas wishes Leonard's & Ernest's BEAVER THEATRE BEAVERTON'S ONLY COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE and he's coming direct to your home from us to you. CHRISTMAS an old fashioned Christmas this year Santa is making a special trip this year, *■" FRIENDS ft** A CHRISTMAS IS A TIM E WHEN OI.D LOYAL­ TIES ARE NOT ONLY STRENGTHENED BUT REM EM BERED. W E WANT YOU TO K iu l rem em bran ce* at 4 'hriM lm aN tim e. WISH FOR YOU A VERY JOYOUS * thia year, with a full nark. So Christmas of 1946 aweep out your chimney and get ready for the jolly viaitor, be am ong 1 i who haa had apecial order« from CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. * may go bat Santa Claua ia with ua forever. He’s coming again M a y the WE X A Yearn may come and year» KN OW H O W MUCH W E APPRECIATE YOUR CONFIDENCE IN US, AND HOW EARNESTLY X M E R R Y C H R IS T M A S To YO U H ra pp ed in Christm as Star-Dust and H olly Iterries, fix», (.tunes th e H appiest, M erriest Wish T he O ld II <»r/i/ E ver K n ew • the most joyous ua to bleaa your home with a you have ever known. very Merry Chri«tmaa. X JIMDOM’S CAFE FLORENCE MILLER - MARJORIE WENDT GENEVIEVE SUNBY Canyon Road Highway Phone 3241 First and Watson THAT A LL O F Y O U R F O L K S W IL L S P E N D A M IG H T Y X On Main Street Columbia Food In Beaverton Beaverton, Ore. THE PLACE TO EAT BEAVERTON F O L K S A R E H O P IN G (^ h r is tm a ó CITY MARKET Florence Beauty Shop A LL O F OUR Cedar Mill Lumber & Hardware BUILDING MATERIALS HARDWARE Phone -- Beaverton 3081 Cedar Mill - Oregon TO OUR MANY FRIENDS m v w i kV M m 1,^5 V* y A t f t r , 6 Folks % W Glad thoughts Christmas W ISHING A LL OUR ☆ And special wishes M AN Y FRIENDS AND PATRONS Is A . TU Are happily combined To make this Time of Joy wm targai IU fay* W Ckrutm a* A and it* m rthuw rmg •#«■* upon Christmas Greeting awr limm. I l ta « r U p a a U t IAu CAniaim The warmest kind. VERY MERRY 1944 ariti Arial you m u rr a UauM | m CHRISTMAS by the ' THOUSAND wa send to all our friends this Yule Season of 1946. May yours be indeed a MERRY CHRISTMAS Lambert’s Drive In ONE M ILE EAST OF BEAVERTON ON CANYON ROAD S e a so n G r e e t i n g Canyon Lodge BEACH'S M ARKET ond R A ILW A Y EXPRESS Canyon Rood West Slope ALOHA CLEANERS . McCready Lumber Co. Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821