Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1946)
> t No Discrepancy IS THERE STILL A Few To Remember? WE SUGGEST: For Dad LEATHER JACKETS HOUSE SLIPPERS A FLANNEL PAJAMAS PLAID WOOL SHIRTS i FANCY LEATHER BELTS NECKTIES SOX HATS BRIEFS Special For Mother HOUSE SLIPPERS Wallets, Cases, Etc. Values to $4 95 For the Kids now $1.00 HOUSE SUPPERS ANKLETS Plus Tax Wool or Cotton We will remain open till 9 o'clock FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY We close at 6 o'clock Xmas Eve W E I B Y ’S XMAS SPECIALS Cranberries No. 1 Coos County per . 2 39 176 size per doz. Oranges, S. K 1 lb. bunches each Turkeys Grade A Select Hens and Toms MILLER'S Phones WE DELIVER Beaverton 3661 Harold E. Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota, has been given the Parents’ Magazine annual Award for Outstanding Service to Children. George J. Heeht, Publisher of the Magazine, in announcing the award, cited Stassen’s efforts "in bringing to the people of the country a keen realization of the fact that they can build a peaceful world for their children only by supporting the efforts of the United Nations to outlaw war.” The photo shows Hecht, at the left, and 4-year-old Linda Cassin. Magazine cover model, presenting the award to Stassen. With the Purchase of Community 4lini» Elects Officers Radios We will give you FREE— Best wishes fo r a M erry C hrist mas are sent your w ay by V. F. W. Post 8247, the B onny Slope The B onn y Slope Com m unity C om m unity Club and the P.T.A. Club had a m eeting Dec. 14. M erry C hristm as! T w o new m em bers were sw orn • • • in. T h ey are Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Oil Fire O fficers elected w ere: P resi The B onny Slope C om m unity dent, F ran k S n yder; vice presi Club had a m inor oil fire W ed dent, Mrs. E d B artelsky; secre nesday evening when the oil stove tary, A. E. B artelsk y, treasurer had a flare back. Mr. Sm ith; 4 Y ear Director, Mrs. N o one was injured, som e dam M cL ean; 2 Y ear D irector, Noel age was done to the floor where C oppinger; Sgt. at Arm s, Maurice oil burned. Hanson. Fire fighters were Bob Polette, T he d oor prize, an electric heat H erb T raschel, B uck M cFarren, pad, w as w on by Mr. Marvin. Mrs. Mr. M cFarren, Mr. T ay lor and Art M arvin w on the second prise Bartelsky. w hich was tw o tick ets to the B ea • • • ver T heater in B eaverton. V isitor A C om m ittee w as appointed to John Barnett o f the U. S. N avy audit b ook s— Mr. Sheddy, M i. was the w eek end guest o f Mr. Olsen and Mr. H eck er. and Mrs. N oel C oppinger. B udget C om m ittee— Mrs. H an Mr. B arnett Is stationed at son, Mrs. H arvey and Mrs. Butke. T ongu e P oin t N aval Base. L unch w as served and dancing • • • follow ed. In A ccid en t F rank B ecker o f A laska showed E rnest R ogers or B onny Slope m otion pictures he had taken was forced into the ditch on C or there. nell R oad W ednesday, by a car A good tim e w as had by an. that was on the w ron g side o f A sin cere vote o f thanks goes the road. to the past o ffice rs o f the club, V ery fortunately neither Mr. R o fo r the fine jo b they did while gers or his son was injured in in o ffice . the m ishap. « • • • • • V. F . W . B oy Scouts T he V eterans o f F oreign W ars The Boy Scouts had a court o f V alley Post 8247 m et at the hom e honor, D ecem ber 19th. A fine o f Mr. M cF arren D ecem ber 17 on tim e was had by all. The Boy accou n t o f the fire In the C om Scouts m eet every M onday at 7:30 m unity Club. p.m. in the club house. D ave T orb ett w as elected as a New S tove • • • fou r year direotor. V alley P ost 8247 mCets the first The B onn y Slope C om m unity and third T uesday o f each m onth Club has purchased a new circu at 8:00 p.m. in the club house. lating oil heater. a a a The V. F. W . wishes to thank Mr. M cF arren fo r the use o f his New Y ear’s Party house for our m eeting o f Dec. 17. The B onny Slope C om m unity Club will give a party N ew Y ear’s • • • Y ellow Line Eve. D an cing and gam es will be A yellow line has been painted high lights o f the entertainm ent. on T hom pson Hoad. It Is a big Pot luck lunch will he served. help on these fo g g y nights. F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call LEGAL NOTICE Harry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. G et Two Gifts for One And Merry Christmas To You Leonard's fir Ernest's 109 Wot son BEAVERTON Phone 2 A rbor R ose D airy 102851 has recently com pleted a R egister o f P roduction record o f 14,293.2 lbs. m ilk and 596.86 lbs, fa t in 365 days on tw ice a day milking. This record was m ade as a Sr. 3 year old. A rbor R ose B arbette’s I^assie 114074 has recently com pleted a R egister o f P roduction record o f 11,798.7 lbs. m ilk and 466.43 lbs. fat in 365 days on tw ice a day milking. This record was made as a Jr. 2 year old. T ru e liberty consists in the privilege o f en joyin g our own rights, not in the destruction o f the rights o f others. — P inckard ' iS * 1» ■HI — i m a m s — I t Cologne Compacts Perfume Hand Mirrors Hair Ornaments Cosmetics Manicure Sets Cosmetic Cases Nail Polish Sparkle Combs Lipstick Ear Rings Florence Beauty Shop Three Operators . . . FLORENCE M ILLER - M ARJORIE W ENDT GENEVIEVE SUNDBY Phone 3241 First and Watson BEAVERTON How to itane a merry Xmas Trip Christmas Greetings To All Our Friends Elite Dress Shop 220 S. W. First St. Beaverton Oregon Where parking is easy — I— I— I—I — — I— I— I— NOW OPEN TO SERVICE AND SUPPLY Your Worn-out Washing Machines and Smol! Electrical Appliances (Formerly Carl’s Fixit Shop) 25 Years of Mechanical Service on Household Appliances — A LL WORK GUARANTEED — For Prompt, Courteous Service Call Aloha 6349 On Highway between Aloha and Reedville — For solid comfort and weatherproof safety make your holiday trip via Southern Pacific train. You can relax and have fun . . . arrive really rested. Four fine trains daily to California in clu d in g the deluze Cascade and economical Beaver. Low pre-war fares. B R IN G T H E R E L A TIV E S to viait you for Christmas. Bring tha child ran homa from school. Simply pay for tha tickets. Tall ua where you want thorn delivered. We attend to all details. T h a n ’* no charge for this service. S’P The Tiierdly Southern Pacific We P k A Up ond Deliver ) — H) — Certificate for Permanent Wove or Other Beauty Service OLD FASHIONED from * Friday. December 20, 1946 l • « * « th e fa ith fu l ta r In tha g a r a g e . h e a r d a t o t y , » te a m -h e a te d 5. P. train. ■ • la x a n d ta k a It maty w h ile tha an glna ar driven y o u a w lftly an d ta fe l y ta y o u r d e itin a tio n . CARL'S REPAIR SHOP TOASTERS, HOT PLATES ond ELECTRIC MOTOR KITS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Xmas Greet mgs Lamps Heaters CATTLE BONNY SLOPE NEWS There's a Gift For YOU at Leonard's & Ernest's i M A K E F IN E SH O W IN G A ccord in g to a report received from Fred S. Idtae, S ecretary o f ¡The B row n Swiss Cattle B reeders’ A ssociation, Beloit. W isconsin, the | follow in g registered B row n Swiss | cow s ow ned by A lbert Meier and ¡son o f B eaverton made a fine showing. A rbor R ose B obbie’s Pansy 99- 185 has recen tly com pleted a R e g is t e r o f P roduction record o f 12- 675.8 lbs. m ilk —512.30 lbs. fat in ‘ 305 days on tw ice a day milking. | This record was made as a 4 year ; old. R am ona o f A rbor R ose 91170 | has recently com pleted a R egister [o f P rod uction record o f 15,816.6 lbs. milk. 667.97 lbs. fat in 365 days on tw ice a day milking. T his record was made as a Sr. 4 year old. G od Is Father, infinite, and this great truth, w hen understood in its divine m etaphysics, will estab lish the broth erh ood o f m an, end wars, and dem onstrate "on earth peace, g ood will tow ard m en.” N O TIC E O F S T R E E T VACATION- ------ M ary B aker E ddy N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T hat the C ity C ouncil o f the City A State to prosper, m ust be o f B eaverton by R esolu tion duly built on fou n dation s o f a m oral passed on the 2nd day o f D ecem ch a ra cte r; and this ch a ra cter is ber, 1946, has instituted proceed the prin cipal elem ent o f Its ings to vacate the follow in g de perm anence and prosperity. scribed portion o f a street within — Jazeb C urry the City o f B eaverton, to-w lt: All that portion o f F ron t Street lying west o f the w es terly bou ndary o f what is now know n and designated as Ce dar A venue or Cedar Street, w hich C edar Avenue or Cedar Street w as an old cou nty road. N O T IC E IS F U R T H E R G IV E N T hat all persons interested in and a ffected by said vacation m ay file ob jection s or rem onstrances, w hich m ay be made in w riting and filed with the City R ecord er prior to the tim e o f hearing, and that a hearing will be held thereon on M onday, the 13th day o f January, 1947. at the hour o f 8:00 p.m. o f said day at the City H all in the C ity o f Beaverton. D A T E D T his 2nd day o f D ecem ber, 1946. R. C. D O TY, City R ecord er o f the C ity o f Beaverton. Date o f first publication D ecem ber 13. 1946. Date o f last publication January IS. 1947. FOR BETTER FOODS Portland BR 7960 B> li r u r jr S pringer J r . W hen was Jesus Christ born ? There seem s to be con tu sion in the m inds o f som e as to the scrip tures that give accou nt o f our Saviour's birth. M atthew says, "H e was born in the days o f H er od the K ing.” L uke says, "h e was born when Cyrenius was g ov er nor o f Syria.” Then M atthew turns right around and indicates that Cyrenius becam e governor o f Syria a fter the govern orship o f A rchelius ten years after the death o f H erod. A cco rd in g to som e this would seem to indicate at least ten years discrepan cy in time. The cause fo r con fu sion here, lies in the m eaning o f the w oid "g ov e rn o r". It has now been sat isfa ctorily dem onstrated that, stangely enough, this Cyrenius (w h o ten years later was certain ly g overn or llegatu s) o f Syria) a l so held high o ffic e in Syria, eith er as praeses (g o v e rn o r) or quaes tor (im perial com m ission er» at the tim e o f the birth o f Jesus Christ during the reign o f H erod the Great. The G reek w ord rendered by the E nglish "g o v e rn o r" would have been used fo r cither o f these im portant o ffices. In fa ct an Inscription exists, w hich nil auth orities agree refers to Cyrenius, stating that he govern ed Syria tw ice. On the whole question o f these alleged historical in accu rac ies o f the scripture it m ay be ob served: (1) N O N E o f the early opponents o f Christianity, such as Celsus or P orp h yry, im pugn the a ccu ra cy o f the scriptures ui on this point. Surely, if there had been so m arked an error on the threshold o f the gospel o f Luke, these distinguished adversaries c f our faith, livin g com paratively soon after the events in question, w ould have been the first to hit so con sp icu ou s a blot in the story they hated so ^rell. A nd (2) n oth in g is more Im prob able than that St. Luke, a m an o f education, and w riting, too, evi dently, fo r people o f thought and culture w ould have ventured on a definite h istorical statem ent o f this kind, w h ich would, if wrong, have been so easily exposed, had he not previously thoroughly sat isfied h im self as to its com plete a ccu ra cy. Generally, the above con clu sion s are now adopted late ly, a m on gst others, by Godet, F ar rar, P lum ptre and B ishop E lliot (in his H ulsean L ectu res). Godet has an especially long and ex haustive note on this subject. The con clu sion s are m ainly draw n from the researches o f such sch ol ars as Zum pt and M omm sen. Christ w as born "d u rin g the reign o f H erod the G reat". H erod the grea t died on M arch 5th, 4 B. C. A nd as our L ord was born at least fo rty days earlier, for the p u rification in the tem ple must have taken place b efore H erod ’s m assacre o f the innocents, he ca n not have been born later than the very begin n in g o f B. C. 4 or the end o f B. C. 5. A s we d o not kn ow the exact date o r hour o f C hrist’s birth (the law did not require birth certifica tes in those days) the people o f G od have set aside the 25th day o f D ecem ber to cel ebrate o r to com m em orate It. Y ou m ay be sure that to those w ho took a part in the founding o f this com m em oration pagan G ods and pagan religions meant nothing, fo r they not on ly w or shipped Christ as the saviour o f men, but they heralded him a s ’ the crea tor o f all mankind. Given Award for Service to Chi'dren W W W W W