THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH M U S T A C C O M P A N Y ALL O A S S in iO AOS Count #Q«h word, including Mom« and oddr« » --O N L Y 2 c A WORD N o Phono Orders Token M I N IM U M 2S c a n i s s u e W o Publish the BE A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U L T N O M A H PRESS A LO H A NEW S Complete Eostern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coveroae FOR SALE F O R S A L E : 12 one year old ch ic k ens, SI.80 each. A. Kam esh. House left side o f H ighw ay on V leto Ave., Aloha, Oregon. 47p n fS U U M C I- R O Y A L P O R T A B L E typew riter: clean, new ribbon, case, $40.00. Apt. 5. corn er F arm ington, W ashington St., Beaverton, O regon. 47p 255 Pitteck Bleck CH-3640 Res. 10*k ft Washington AT. 2777 Partie ad 5 Pay er Nito) VETERINARIAN L ow ra t*« A l Risks • An* Coverage GLENN I . MINGLE r. a H A GO F O R S A L E : T w o b oy s’ overcoats H auling C ontractor and dress suit, sizes 6 or 7, three slipover sweaters. Call T igard 314ft. I C oncrete. Sand. Gravel, Masons Mrs. A. E. Y oung. 47 Sand. Crushed R o ck and ----- ---------------------------------------------------- - * R oad Gravel • W AN TED a i Route 1. B ox 28. Tigard, Oregon _________________________________ W P hone T igard *44d tf IN SU R A N C E M AN W A N T E D T o Sell A L L K IN D S O F IN SU R A N C E Start now with Old L ine L egal R eg. Ins. Co. Est. in Oreg. 25 yrs. L ocal o ffic e In T ig a r d —free rent and phone. Exp. m an pref, but not necy. A ge no h andicap with us. W rite or call In person at 205 B IC Y C L E , R E E D D O L L BUGGY, P a rk Bldg., P ortlan d fo r appmt. 47 collapsible baby buggy, circulating W ANTED: E xperienced w ood and coal heater. E lectric H E L P train, also toys. P hone CH 1479. stenographer. Perm anent em ploy ___________________ « p ment. A pply First Security Bank. B eaverton. 47 W O O D F O R S A L E : 4 ft. slab- A G O OD H O M E F O R T H R E E w ood, green o r dry Haneon Fuel clean men. T w o yea r’s w ork. Call Com pany, B eaverton. P hone 2828. B eaverton 2321. 47p 34 tf R A B B IT FRYERS W ANTED: CO M M U N ITY AUCTIO N SALE W ill also butcher you r rabbits fo r and lunch every Saturday 10:30 the hides. D. P. M acD onald, R u b y a.m. C lackam as Stables on 82nd Avenue. P hone B eaverton 2260. 33tf Ave., 314 m iles south Foster Rd.. P ortland, J. L. W alters, ow ner and tioneer. tf AUTOMOBILES WANTED O P E N SU N D A YS F or S tove and Diesel Oil Call A re you having trou ble selling H a rry Barnes. Ph B eaverton 3231. you r c a r ? I f so. I'll sell It fo r you at you r price fo r a sm all percen 4 F T . W O O D , 3 C O R D LOTS, $22 tage, o r pay you cash fo r it. See deliver anyw here. Give location B ob at B ob 's Used Car L ot. East w ith ord er. S tan ford Laughlin, B eaverton and Canyon R oa d J u n c Carlton, R t. 1. t f tion. 46tf H O L L Y — — E nglish green, 75c lb. V arigated 8ftc lb. W reath- 14” , $2.00; 18” , $2.50. W ill pack ant. ship if desired, p ack ng and postage ex tra. C om e to nursery or phone Bea verton 2614. D rew ’s Ilex Nursery, 1-8 m ile w est o f Beaverton on m ain highw ay. 47 CA R P E N TE R W O R K C on tra ctor and Builder Finish — R em odelin g — R epair A. H A R R Y M ac IN T Y R E R oute 1 B ox 435 P hone Beav. 2828 A fte r 6 p. m. — L eave Order, tf D E A D or W orth less Stock picked up Free o f C harge Anyw here P rom pt Service. Call aollect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. W estern States R endering Co., N. C olum bia Blvd. A H urst Ave., Portland. (S u c ce sso r to D enley R endering C om pany.) Stf POW ER S P R A Y IN G — PH O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188. tf P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rates. First Class. F ree estimates. Call B E acon 3546, R . W H IT L O W , 019 SW H am ilton. P ortland 1. Ore tf W E C U R E A N D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K CUTS 25 years E xperience ALDER M ARKET Lew is B ros Coe. 1st and W ash in gton 8 t PORTLAND. OREGON tf H ID E S A W OOL, C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., 96 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf SA W D U S T , L igh t Slab, Cull lath, W A N T E D : Cateress fo r Tuesday, R easonable prices. Y our haul. Call D ec. 24, 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. $1 per D E A D ST O C K picked up free o f 47 charge— H ighest prices paid for CH erry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. hour. Call B R 6728. old live horses. D ay and night O R S A L E — 16-in. green slab w ood LOST and FOUND service. P hon e U N lversity 1102. 14 cord loads $8 cord delivered, E ven ings M U rdock 4361 or T R . euben Johnson, N ew berg phone L O ST : B row n billfold con tain ing 6137. P h on e collect. P ortland 48 >3-J. tf d riv er’s license, electrician license R en d erin g Co. and other papers and card. R e KTRA G O O D B urbank spuds, $2 ward. H. C. Sayles. P hon e B ea P A IN T IN G A P A P E R H A N G IN G >er 100. W ill deliver 3 sacks or verton 3293. W ork Guaranteed 47p n ore at $2.25. W e bu y burlap W o rk D one P rom ptly tacks. Schuepbach B ros. H mile C A I A C H erry 2176 BUSINESS SERVICES vest o f B eaverton on F arm ington 46tf itoad. M ETAL W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN O . Insulation H r n in F O R T O W C A R caU V E R M IL Y E x 4's and shlplap, $30 a thou- R o c k w ool fo r free estim ate w rite R . Ell- M O TO R CO.. P hon e T igard 3881 tf ind. W est Slope L ock er Plant. 47p son and Son, R t. 2, B ox 285, T i :O R S A L E . D ark 4-poster bed- gard, O regon. P hone T igard 2197. KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. tf tead. On M cD onald Ave. near W e Speclolize In lig h w a y 217. G uy H. Selby, R t. 2, A T T E N T IO N : Lodges* orga n iza lox 165A. T igard, Oregon. 47p Rem odeling and Recovering tions or private parties w an tin g a 2TCH EN HEATER fo r sale: pleasing entertainm ent, including - All Furniture Custom Made - urns coa l and w ood. 50 gal. oil sound pictures, m usic, m agic and 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 rum and 3 oil drum fau cets fo r com edy. Call Jim m ie Hahn, T igard Beaverton, Oregon 3486. 47p Ue. 9 x 12 Unoleum rug fo r sale. L. P atterson, B eaverton, R t. 2, C A R P E N T E R w ork. L A N D C L E A R IN Q A E xcavatin g Ox 90. On E ast B roadw ay oppo- G E N E R A L H our o r con tra ct basis. P hone CH W ork done by hour or contract. te T ex a co Oil Station. 47p 4079. 48p P hone P ortla n d UN. 3395 fo r es IAN’S 17 J E W E I Gruen Verithin 51tf Y O U R SM A L L house needs a gate- tim ates. W o rk guaranteed. a tch ; 14 ca ra t gold case. Good leg o r d rop lea f table. W ill m ake ynditlon, $25. P hone B E acon 2236. A lso odd tables _____________________ 47p In any finish. and furniture repaired. T iede O R S A L E : Piano, K im ball, up- m ann S pecialty Co., 8908 S. W . 50p ght, and bench. E xcellent condt- P a c ific H w y. ion, $200. R t. 1, B ox 294 (Allen K IT C H E N B U IL T -IN S A N D C A B ,ve.\ B eaverton. 47p IN E T W O R K : ch ests o f draw ers J a ck ’s C abinet O R S A L E : Large w ood heater, made to order. GARBAGE SERVICE BY sed tw o m onths. 337 W 7th St., Shop. P hone B R 5295, 6347 S. W . 49p leaverton. P hon e 3293. 47 Capitol H lw ay. CRUSHED ROCK L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Reaverton 2881 O R S A L E : W hite enam el trash urner with coils and tank. A -l ondition. A lso iron bedstead, ood spring and feather mattress, all T ig ard 3486. Jim m ie Hahn. Walnut A ve. 47p L IV E P O U L T R Y W A N T E D : A ny size lot. T o p cellin g prices. W rite or phone C larence Hunt, W E b - ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th P ort land 13, Ore. 29 tf O R S A L E : Sawdust burner like ew, $5. Call C H erry 2609. 48p V IN C E N T LUM BER CO. O R S A L E : N orge oil burning rculator, 2 barrels. Call CHerry 182 evenings. 47 “ A Com plete Lum ber Y a rd ” W e D eliver A nyw here P A IN T S — SASH — P LU M BIN G P hone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf REAL ESTATE LO A N S O R S A L E : Used 4 burner gas H E N R Y H. J E F F R IE S ove, oven con trol and trash bur- on H ighw ay at Short St., B eaver sr. Call C H erry 1682 evenings. 47 ton. P h on e B eaverton 3981. tf )R S A L E o r trade: 1936 R e o 4- G arbage C ollection Service or sedan, good condition, good B y m onth or con tra ct bber; also 9 x 12 blue rug, like H O H N S T E IN A S C H A F E R w. B eaverton, Rt. 1, B ox 102. 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. ike R oa d . 47p P hone M U rdock 2805 )R SALE: One good counter W est Slope. B eaverton, M eadow- tf lie, reasonable. Some extra hurst and C edar Hills. airs, one bedstead, kitchen table L A N D SC A P E , P runing, spraying, d chairs. $10. 6475 S. W Capitol graftin g. N ew law ns and rock er way. Portland, O regon. 47 ies. Call W . A. Green, B eaverton 44tf O O D : 12 or 16 inch old growth 2967. >ck and slab. A lso clean straight d ch ip - m ix sawdust. W ilson lel Yard, B ox 398. Beaverton, lone B eaverton 2491. 50 E X P E R T H O R S E SH O EIN G W rite F rank M angan P. O. B ox 7«S2 M ultnom ah. O regon 47p A V IN G S m ake g ood bedding stock and scratch fo r poultry G O AT B U C K S E R V IC E . 1 m ile lse floor. T h ey are free at South o f B eaverton on H ighw ay edville Sawm ill. 47tf 217. R . H. Besm ehn. 44tf R S A L E :. M odern W edgew ood C E S S P O O L -S E P T IC T A N K O W N i R ange, $100. A lso Ruud water E R S A T T E N T IO N — Added equip iter. 462 Allen Ave., B eaverton We 47p ment allow s faster service. pump A wash septic tanks, comm L EL C E D A R and H olly wreaths or residential. Guar, w orkm anship. I garlands m ade to order. Phone Sewers connected. C esspools and fard 2186. 47 septic tanks ctm structed. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, FOR SALE: I-2 H " cen trifugal T A 3235. 2tf pum p with 6 horse air cooled en gine, $85.00. SURVEYING 2— S torage tanks S’ x 8’ x 4’ ap LINES. S U B D IV ID IN G prox. 1800 gal. with 2” outlet, $150 PROPERTY ORCHARD LA Y O U T S each. 3— N ew 2" G lobe valves, $600 H. E. COX, etch . 4— N ew 2” Gate Valve#, $6 00 ea Ra«t«tora4 Lend Surveyor ’ 4 m ile beyon d R eedville on Cherry 46tf St. P hon e B eaverton 3861. H. V Phone Beeaverton 25 9 2 Johnson. 44tf P A P E R IN O — P ainting A Kalso- F O R S A L E : 4 ft second growth mtntng. neat, experienced w ork cord wood. $8.00 cord B oy’s 24” man L. L Seeley. R 2. Bx 180-A bicycle. V ery good condition, $25 Reaverton. Phone B eaverton 2516 Inquire B eaverton E nterprise 47 40tf F O R S A L E M odern Gas R ange Sm ooth top W hite enamel. E xcel lent condition. $65 Phone C H errv 2225. 47p F O R S A L E ' 1 gray tweed *bat. fu r collar. $8 00; 1 rose fitted coat. $3.00, both size 16 R ed reversible coat size 8. $2 50 T old v «eat 50c Doll houses $6 00 D. L. W h itford 7512 S. W 27th Ave. Portland. 1 O regon 47 F O R S A L E ' Cull potatoes, 50r per sack delivered L T B row n R t 1. B ox 425 T igard 48p I)r e 8 8 M O NTH OR CONTRACT 46tf PAINTING Portland Beaverton Transfer Co. G E N E R A L H A U L IN G O F ALA. K IN D S A N Y T IM E CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K P O R T A B L E G A S W A T E R PUM P TO R E N T Phone H O W A R D W . SM IT H 388 C A N Y O N R O A D P hone B eaverton 3931 o r 24*2 W H o lid a y s Part o f the fun fo r Christm as U dressing up the house to give the gay and festive look. H ere are a few suggestions that you may East o f Beaverton I t i » ay g want to use about the fireplace, for B eaverton Portland i table and w indow decoration, or J ill COM. 99Î4 in trim m ing the Christm as tree. Here is one idea. P repare pine cones, sticks, or saw dust with a solution that m akes them burn to give o f f delightful colors in the fireplace. A basket o f orepured con es also m akes an attractive C hristm as gift. The solution fti.d preparation for pine con es to burn with color is as follow s: A few chem icals ore needed. C ones soaked in a solution o f li thium chloride will give o ff a red color. Those prepared with cop per chloride have a green'-ih hue. B arium ch loride gives gceen and calciu m ch loride gives an orange color. Dissolve about a pound c f each chem ical separately in about a gallon o f water. T ie the cones In a cheese cloth bag. Soak them in the solution a few m inutes -or an hour. T he m ore salt the cone absorbs the brighter the color. SERNARD'S AIRPORT Spread them out to dry overnight. C E D A R STREET A T W A L K E R RD. F or decorating the house use Phone Beaverton 3840 m aterials available—evergreen, WE'LL TEACH YOU HOW the holly, Ivy, or m istletoe. Make use o f cones, nuts, berries, and seed pods. F or a d ecorative help, touch up the cones or evergreen with silver, gold or white paint. Make garlands, sw ags or w rea 'h s. F or garlands w ire the evergreen ind c o lo r to a rope. F or a d oor sw ag evergreen can be w ired to a stick o r sm all hoard. I f a C hristm as w reath is desired use a w ire cra t- h anger or a heavy card board rir- cle as a base and wire on each part until the right e ffe c t is ob tained. Then touch up the d ecor ation with artistic arrangem ent o f M OBILHEAT holly, nuts, paint o r ribbon. Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian PAYS TO F L Y RUPERT Flying Service o r ld S t a g e BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE R e u e t Friday, December 20, 1946 Scene One — Bethlehem. Y ou •ee the cam els dressed in all the and you meet his term s— faith In gay trappings o f the East. They Christ as L ord and Saviour. God had brought the Magi to worship now gives you new birth and into the B abe that had God as Father. his fam ily. He makes him self Scene T w e —The Babe, grow n to your eternal Father. Now step m anhood, is out healing the sick, ahead and prove the new life. Live giving sight to the blind and rais by the Bible and look utterly to ing the dead which on ly God Christ, d ark days or bright to could do. IM M ANUEL, God be hold you up and see you through. w ith us. He Saves— K eeps Satisfies. Scene T hree— Jerusalem. T hey nail Him to the cross to die for our sins. Jesus, the SAV IO R . S. YV. M cChesney Rd., Portland Scene F our— In the days before 1. Oregon. This space paid for by Christ, G od had promised all rich a Seattle fam ily. es to his people o f old if they w ould but serve him and keep his Buy and Use Christmas Saals holy law. T his they did not do and G od now resets the stage to bless sinful m en w h o put their trust in Christ. Scene F ive— 1T his Christmas can be you r birthday into eternal life. I B elieve that C hrist's Blood, shed Low Cast Automatic Coal Heat at C alvary, washed your page i clean o f sin. By that you answer One Day Service - Immediate G od ’s love In giving us a Saviour . Delivery STOKERMATIC Special Introductory Offer 2 Ton« of coal FREE with each Stoker Has 3 year Guarantee Free Estimates given Coll U N 1174 or U N S711 W e also clean and repair stoves, furnaces & oil circulating heaters PRUNING TREES A complete line of N U R SER Y STOCK Write for New Catalogue. Villa Ridge Nursery 1 1333 S.W. 64th on Barfour Blvd. Portland 1, Ore. Phone CH 2928 M 4W MdMSUMi McCALL O. R. NICHOLSON & SON Oil Co. Batteries, Radiators, Brass, Aluminum, Copper I><-ulvr in S C R A P M E T A L Lead and Zinc HIGHEST TRICES PAID Phono; Burner and Stove Oil T h e ( ,0 1111110 11 Beaverton 2497 Near Union Oil Depot C o ld — Bertha-Beaverton Hiway GILBARCO OIL T he com m on cold is Just that - -com m on to alm ost everyon e in the country. Few people are able BURNERS to avoid at least one bout with the highly infectious virus in the cou rse o f a year. In itself, the cold is an u n com fortable disease, PHONE but its worst feature is the crop o f com plications that m ay com e Beaverton 2871 as afterm ath. It is for this rea son that colds should not be ig or nored or regarded as a m inor nui sance. T he best way to avoid cold BEacon 6555 germ s is to keep aw ay from peo ple w h o have them. Stay out o f crow ds, if at all possible. W ash the hands frequently and thor oughly. especially before touching food . Build up resistance to in fection by eating a well-balanced diet, avoid in g sw eets and rich pastries, except as dessert, keep ing feet dry, dressing com forta b IS THE T IM E TO PLANT ly a ccord in g to the w eather and gettin g plenty o f rest and sleep. Fruit Trees; Strawberries I f all these precautions fail, as Azalea; Cam ellia and occasion ally they will, go home, take a hot bath and go to bed. Primroses. S tay there until the cold Is cured, If possible. P rom p t and sensible action m ay mean the d ifferen ce M EAD 'S NURSERY betw een a five-day cold and one 1 mile East o f Beaverton on w hich m ay hang on all winter, brin gin g serious com plications in Bertha-Beaverton Highway its wake. Unless properly cared for, a cold m ay lead to in fection o f the na sal sinuses, ears, larynx, bronchial tubes, lungs and som etim es the M O R T I C I A N eyes. Such secon dary in flam m a R eaverton, O regon tions may result In pneum onia, E S T A B L IS H E D 1910 tonsillitis, diseases o f the ear lend ing to im paired hearing o r other P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 serious disorders. A large percen tage o f deafness in children is the direct result o f ch ron ic colds. R e m oval o f adenoids often results in children's cold s becom ing less frequent and severe. In som e cases, secon dary in fe c tions can be prevented by use o f For OIL or SERVICE the sulpha drugs or penicillin. H ow ever, seif-d osin g w ith these Of substances is unwise and m ay even Second Growth Wood be dangerous. Small doses give a BEAVERTON 3861 or 3931 false sense o f secu rity and som e tim es produ ce “ drug fastness” so, that later Infections cannot be co n 388 S.W. Canyon Road trolled by the drug. T h ey should H. V. JO H N SO N Beaverton, Or. be used on ly as prescribed by a W e Give S&H Green Stomps physician, w hen the patient with a cold is acu tely ill. It Is also Im portant to rem em ber that early sym ptom s o f som e co m m unicable diseases are so like the com m on cold that they are often disregarded until the disease has made considerable progress. V al * uable tim e 1s wasted on hom e rem edies which d o no good. A physi D E L IV E R E D cian should alw ays be consulted if even a slight fever accom panies the sym ptom s o f a cold. In the next article, fam ily help fo r the T B patient will be dis 11102 SW Capitol lllw y OIL 1313 cussed. WATER WELL DRILLING PAUL E. ROSS R o u te 1, A lo h a , o n S ta c e y A v e n u e Aloha. Oregon Phone 6388 NOW Metered Oil Service Pièno Tuning, Cleaning HILLCREST GROCERY D E M O T H IN G , R E P A IR IN G Rt. 1, Aloho Phone A L O H A 6612 B. R . S T E V E N S MITY MIDGET CARDEN TRACTOR Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements CENTRALLY LO C A T ED d o e s ta bas trans sort a t i * a a a « walking distance dawntawti. Immediate Delivery Deni on it retie« mm y w r Piece RT. I, BOX 102. LAKE ROAD BEAVFRTON. ORE. Land Surveying Forme, Sobdivieioot, Lots Acreage, Orchard Tract« Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Land Surveyor Office ood Reetdeoce Phono CHorry 2365 tf B U IL D E R a C A B IN E T m a k e r - sto re frenta; school, restaurant and store fixtu res; school fu rn i ture; unit cabinets o f ail kinds. Including kitchen cfcbfciets O f Building Contractor« fice furniture rebuilt, reflnlshed and com pletely renovated. All See us when you Plan to Build kinds o f building and rem odeling Free Eftimotes W ood w ork in g o f all kinds. Guaranteed Workmanship A lso Landscaping, dirt m oving, Beeverton, Ore. 620 S. Holl St terracing, plow ing, discing, h arrow Ask fo r you r free classified "S u b ing and con crete m ixed on the >b ___ . _ ____ ________ scriber A d C ards’* with each new L. H Brawand. Metzger, O regon subscription or 'renew al. * T hey'll Phone C H e r ry 2929 tf pay you real dividends. Riverview Cemetery MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra root R iverside Is a co-op erative asso ciation with assets o f over $800.000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * le ««H m I s F m B. I « p e t Cleilw m i Me*ai Ce» In A ddition l o Column One • t I h « R i g h t : 2 0 % I n create for Servite Over • c u . 50 % Incraaaa, up to $50 Max imum Par Month, if Member o f Fljring or O l i d a r C ratv s. SSO Par M on tb fo r Paracbutiata (Mot ia Plying pay Statua) W h ila Engagad upon Para ebuta Dutr 1 % Incraaaa in Pay for Bach 3 Yaar t of Sorvico. Par Moot* Master Sergeant or First Sergeant $164.00 $107.25 $185.63 Technical Sergeant 1)5.00 87.75 151.88 Staff Sergeant , . 115.00 74.75 129.38 ★ YOUt RIGIRAR A R M Y i, ita ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION RECORDINGS MADE Have a Record Made of Your Sinking or Haying Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on C anyon & Howott Road P H O N E BRoadway 4702 Fork 65.00 58.50 52.00 48.75 a co^o 10 a for 112.50 10125 90.00 84.38 you U. S. A r m y C HOC F I N Ì p se T H • s RO F t 5 SI ON 0 De Laval 188 N W 100.00 90.00 80.00 75.00 Sergeant . . . • Corporal . . . . Private Fitst (la u Private . . . . 614 5. W. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon NKPARATOKM — MILK ERA COMPÌ.ETE EQUIPMENT AND 1 SUPPLIED FOR THE DAIRY INDI DTR Y iïknropk (mH M ONTHLY RfTIR CM IN T IM COM I APT IR: 20 Taora' 20 faora* Smrrlt» Sareica Storting •aie Pay N O W SSR VMS THf N A T IO N A N D M A N K IN D IN W A R A N D PEACE W E ST E N D SKI.I.W O O D B R ID G E CREM ATORIU M * W IS T SLOPE MOITICIAN SW FO U R T H AT M ON TG O M K B A T v s t e r 21S1 * NEW, HIGHER FAY FOR ARMY MEN ★ I. P. Finley & Son Tigard 320« * Lieta« le Gvy U ntata, Sound Off.” ■'Warriort of Paaca,” “Polca of fto Army,“ “Proodty W » Ho!/, ond Pootboii froodcaafi OO yew radio. Surveyor 8000 5. W. Capitol Hill Rood (Near 19th & S.W. Borbur Blvd.) Portland 1. Oregon Crushed Reck, Send, Grerel Delivered Anywhere 7 V i’ Spread for Driveways r hen somebody says to you, “ Good jobs are hard to find” — D O N ’T YOU BELIEVE IT —if you’re a physically and mentally fit young man from 18 to 34 inclusive 1 In your new Regular Army, 40,000 good jobs a month are opening up . . . interesting jobs that pay well that offer advancement, career opportunities and training and experience in many useful skills and trades. New higher Army pay . . . food, clothing, quarters, travel, at no extra cost . . . GI Bill of Rights educational benefits for those who enlist before the official termination o f the war and serve at least 9 0 days . . . and the oppor tunity for early retirement with a life income . . . add up to a career you can’t afford to miss. A 3-year enlistment permits you to choose any branch o f service and overseas theater which still have openings. Go after one o f these good jobs now! You can get all the facts at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station and EN LIST NOW I * * * * * * * * * * * * * RICHARD R. PFEIFER ROAD ROCK ENGER BROS. e STOVE AND DIESEL OIL George F. Gordon J. H. Simpson, Tigard, Ore. H o m Beaverton FUEL CO. C A L L FOR E S T IM A T E Phone - Webster 2571 th e ih e W . E. P E G G ALOHA GARBAGE CO. G. C. M ILL E R , Owner P. O. Box 254, Aloha, Ore. F o r U p AT. 8481