? Attention Ladies BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE The V. **. W. Valley Post 8247 _ _ u i-s i n u will have an open meeting Jan- Friday, D ec em b e r IJ , I t 4 o Community Club New* Remember Date u.u y -’ 1, 1M7 it 8:00 p.m. in the * The Bonny Slope Community The Christmas party in the com­ Syracuse, N. Y., were guests last Club meets Saturday, December munity club house will be held on club house. ladies are asked to be pre- weeg Qf Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lam- 14 at 8.30 p.m. in the club house December 21. Everyone is welcome sent if they would care to Joln *«*" berger. - This is the annual meeting for the to attend. the Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Frank Lamberger enjoyed • • • election of officers. Ladies eligible are as follows: visiting her former home and Pot luck dinner will be served Celebrated Birthday« mothers, wives, or sisters, of a friends. with dancing afterwards. Miss Yvonne Thomas and Miss veteran who has seen overseas Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lamberger Everyone come and be prepared Helen Rainey recently celebrated duty. The ladies are cordially in­ will return soon to make their vited. their birthdays. to vote for your candidate. home in Beaverton. Pot luck lunch and entertain­ ment. • • e Upturned Home Mrs. C. C. Laughery, sister of Mrs. Alta Barnes, has returned to her home in Three Forks, Mon­ G R A N D F A T H E R PASSES A W A Y Arthur A. Schneider, Suzanne tana. Phone 2482 BEAVERTON • • • Templeton’s grandfather, passed away Saturday night. His death Wed Friday and Saturday -- Dec. 13 and 14 Robert McLaughlin and Miss Ed­ was caused by a stroke which he Double Feature na Lee Rainey were married De­ had Friday ntght. He Is survived by Mrs. B. L. STARTING TIME cember 8, in the home o f Mr. and Templeton of Beaverton. Mrs. Murl jj: ^ " S t r a n g e T r i a n g l e “ Mrs. C. L. McLaughlin. 7;00 and 9;25 of Oregon City, Elmer A reception for the bride and Smith, • Signe Hasso and John Sheppard Schneider of Woodburn, Wilbur groom followed the ceremony. STARTING TIME Schneider of Canby, Mrs. Elnora • • • " A V A L A N C H E " 8,05 and 10;30 ». $ Livingston o f Woodburn. Mrs. W il­ l i v e ly Shower ». Bruce Cabot and Roscoe Karns A wedding shower was given on ma Meyers of Portland. Mrs. Ber­ tha Beck of Canby and two young­ December 7 at the Club House for Sunday — December 15 er daughters, Maxine and Roberta Robert McLaughlin and Miss Ed­ ■■ STARTING TIME Schneider and his wife, Mrs. A r­ na Lee Rainey. 5 " T o E a c h H is O w n thur Schneider. The funeral was 1;50, 4; 10, 6;30, 8,50 A large crowd attended and ». held Wednesday in Canby. many nice gifts were given. Olivia De Hovilland and John Lund New» and Cortoonr • • • ». Tables were decorated with pas­ Seventh £ Eight Grade Poster« Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 16 and 17 tel colored dishes and bronze and ». The seventh and eighth grades yellow chrysanthemums. have been making posters to ad­ ». " T o E a c h H is O w n " % » ' ™ 4o Ice cream, cake and coffee were vertise the Barnes Carnival that served. News and Cartoon — Olio for Jasper is going to be at 7 30 p.m. this Music for dancing waa played Saturday, December 14th. ». by Frank Snyder, Mr. Marvin and Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 18 and 19 Arlene Murphy M. Batke. ». Barnes School il A very nice time was had by Sth grade ». C O L O N E L B L IM P " V .Y o '^ T is all. bo n n y slo p e n ew s m « « « m < < *: :«: :«: :<: * BEAVER THEATRE * SUBSTANTIAL YEAR 'ROUND PLEASURE FOR THE ENTIRE FAM ILY . . . SHOP THE FIRESTONE STORE . . OPEN 18 HOURS A DAY . . . 7 DAYS A WEEK. « m H O U S E H O LD A U T O A P P L IA N C E S « A C C E S S O R IE S M E le c t r ic m m m * » » Iro n s Travel Iron with Stand....... $6.45 Automatic Iron $7.90 Automatic Iron ............ $6.45 C O V E R S . S E A T Preserve the upholstery and add "New Car Appearance to the old Bus" from ......................................... $8.65 3 R A D IO S Firestone Air Chief See them today, from..... $45.80 * »: A L U M IN U M Fo g W A R E « ». L ig h t s ». ». ». ». ». For Safer Driving Installed ...................................$3.00 GRILLE GUARDS "Flavor Seal" Kinney Aluminum Cooking Utensils • s in Technicolor ». ». D O LLS Beautiful New Shipment All sizes . . . All prices < ». P an d as Adequate Selection to please the younger generation ». ». COFFEE ». « On Broadway in Miss Wanda Coppinger is at home ill with the flu. Hope to see you up and around soon. CUP — Trailer House Burns Mr. Olsen's trailer house burn­ ed to the ground Wednesday af­ ternoon. shortly after the Olsen’s had left home. The trailer house was located on the Old Marcott Road. The Olsen family had some of their belongings in the trailer house. None of them were saved. Thanks to the help o f the neighbors, the house ten feet away from the burning trailer was saved. The fire fighters were Bill Snyder, Dick Sterns, Ed Bartel- sky, Dad Hanson and A. E. Bar- telsky. Beaverton a • S C O O T E R S 2 and 3 Wheels for all ages From ........................................ $3.69 S K A T E S See these fine, top-quality roller bearing adjustable ........... $3.98 R A I N B O W ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, Inc. W I R I N G COMMERCIAL «: :< - HOUSE WIRING Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly FRANCHIZED DEALER FOR THERMADOR & MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES (Formerly Poppert and Welch) HANCOCK GAS and OILS COMPLETE CAR SERVICE West end of Y in Beaverton Phone 3961 f t INDUSTRIAL Estimates Gladly Given TH E FIRESTONE STORE :«•: • For Service Call Beaverton 3071 or 2481 LEA ▼ C VAVCH) rlAKV W ARE LEAVE ORDERS Al AT AIVniLJ RICHIES HARDWARE ^ • The Bingo Party given Nov. 30 at the club house was very suc­ cessful. The Bonny Slope Community Club wishes to thank everyone for their attendance and cooperation. • • • In The Army Cpl- Robert Harrington is now in training at Ft. Lewis. C o m p le t e Lu n ch es Fast Service . . . . Tasty Cooking » « • BEAVERTON PERSONALS ! Successful Party Y o u r G if t L i s t . . . over "Coffee and" Enjoy the friendly atmosphere of our newly Decorated Restaurant ». TO YS - TO YS - TO YS News and Cortoon P o n d er ». < < Barnes School Notes ^ Former Resident Visits Lodge Phillip Holshimer, a resident of near Beaverton at one time but now of St. Helens, visited Mason­ ic Lodge here and attended the turkey dinner Thursday evening. . . . Masons Entertain The Masons entertained tha members of the Masonic Lodge and visitors last Thursday evening with a turkey dinner which was much enjoyed by everyone. There was a large crowd present, many from other lodges. • • • Entertains Cheerio Club Mrs. Robert Summers enter­ tained the Cheerio Club at her home Friday. A lovely lunch was served and decorations were love­ ly. Mabel Goyt was a guest. • • • Home From Hospital Mrs. Anna McDonald, who has been in the hospital for a couple o f weeks Is bsm s. • • « New Car Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beeler are driving a nice new car. • • s Married Iteeently Former Resident Visits Miss Doris Llngman of Aloha Mrs. Frank Lamberger, a for­ mer resident, from Oakland, and was married recently to Mr. Gran- her son and daughter-in-law from um of Reedvllle. * ; *Wl ». » » WEIBY’S ». ». ». ». » . » . » . CH R I S T M A S GIFT g r e e t i n g s ONLY 10 SHOPPING DAYS T ILL XMAS A A V I I V / A J L V B U Y G I F T S T H A T STORE! ». ». ». ». ONLY 10 SHOPPING DAYS T ILL XMAS ». E N D U R E » . m Van Heusen and Tru-Val Shirts, Van Heusen ami Beau Bruniniel Ties, Chippewa Ealls 100% Wool Shirts and Stag Jaekets, Society » . Club Hats, Men’s, Women's and Children's House Slippers, T ex Tan Hand 'Fooled Belts, Fancy and Plain Anklets, Pure Silk Hose, » . Men’s Athletic Shirts and Briefs, Men’s Cotton and Part Wool Underwear, Band Shoes, Poll-Parrot Shoes, Star Brand Shoes, (gym » . » . Shoes and Tennis Shoes. » . » CHOOSE C A R EFU LLY ......... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED............ COMPARE 100% Wool LEATHER Chippewa Men's Women's B e a u B r u m m e l N e c k t i e s Shirk FALLS VA N H E U S E N • «DEA GIFTS JACKETS Children's HOUSE SLIPPERS PRICES » . » . » . » . » . » » » » . . . . ». All Leather Wool Tops » . ». ». ». BLACK AND W HITE RED AND W HITE GREEN RED *7.50 VAN HEUSEN A LL FLANNEL PARAGON CAPESKIN ZIPPER STYLE FINEST Q U A LITY $17.95 • Sixes 36 to 46 ». » A LL LEATHER V an AN UNUSUAL VALUE All sizes *3.98 //■ EXTREME ond CONSERVATIVE Romeos *3.79 S P O R T S H IR T S ». ». ». • • PATTERNS ». VARIETY of COLORS Stfl 00 $ 4 50 ». ». $ A SO ». ». H eu sen Flannel Pajamas $2.98 FINEST QUALITY Limited Supply ». ». ». TRU-VAL W H IT E * Limited Quantities S H IR T S 2 50 Little Store With The Big Values" Sendee $ ¿ . 3 9 ». ». ». ». ». ».