BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 13, 1946 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER W EST SLOPE N E W S Guests of Honor New Reeidente Mr. and Mrs. E. F. D ouglas of Buy Hom e Dr. and Mrs. Sid Wolfe have Mr. and Mrs. E lvin P . Saur Canyon Lane left D ecem ber 11 for bought the Stickney house on have bought the new house on Bethesda, M aryland, to visit their Wyndmere Circle, and plan to be S h effm an W ay, w hich w as built I son. Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. in it for Christmas. Jesse S. Douglas. T hey plan to by R ob ert Miller. stay until January 1 and then g o south. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge K in g en tertained at a farew ell dinner for the D ouglases last Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barn- ford, Junior, their son-in-law and daughter, gave a dinner in their h on or on Sunday o f last ween. W ork in g In B eaverton R. D. K ilbourn o f C anyon Lane is w orking as a pharm acist in the B eaverton D rug Store. • • • G ive B ridge Party Mr. and Mrs. Neil W hisnant, w ho live on F airw ay Drive, enter tained at tw o tables o f bridge last Sunday night. H on ors w ere w on by Mrs. Bert H enry and Charles F Hunter. Turkeys FO R CHRISTMAS « i If 8 not too early to be thinking about that XMAS TU R K EY Place your order now for the exact size you need. We will have it for you. ^ e will handle nothing but Grade 'A' Select Hens and Toms These will be personally selected and every care taken to secure mature, plump, tender birds. LOWEST MARKET PRICES FOR GRADE WILL PREVAIL Miller's For Better Foods PHONES - Portland, BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 WE DELIVER a a C elebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. W hisnant, follow ing a custom they observe every year, are spending the w eek end at 'lim b erlin e Lodge, w here they will celebrate their tw elfth w ed ding anniversary. • • • H osts F or R eception P a rrw a y D rive residents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A scheim , cele brated their recent ninth w edding anniversary by having a reception at their home. T o Attend W edding Mrs. J. J. W 'oods o f B ertha-B ea- verton H ighw ay left last w eek for C alifornia where she will attend the w edding o f her niece. • • • Attend Gam e Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Stoll o f B e n i P ark spent ten days in B er keley and San F ra n cisco when they w ent south to see the Stan- ford-C aliforn ia game. W h ile they w ere in San F ra n cisco they stayed at the Clarem ont Hotel. Mr. Stoll, w ho is a graduate o f the U niversity o f C alifornia, fo r m erly played in the R ose B ow l gam e in 1938. • • • N ew A rrivals F rom Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Y o u n g and sons, R onald. Bill and A lfred, have recently m oved here fro m P enn sylvania. T hey are n ow livin g at A loha. Mr. Y oun g is an experien c ed dairym an and they plan to locate som ew here in the W illa m ette V alley perm anently. • » • Corvallis V isitors Mr. and Mrs. R . R . B loom , Mr. and Mrs. W illiam L. B loom , Mr. and Mrs. L ester Y oun g and sons and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. S cott and son w ere w eek end visitors at the A. K. W ilson hom e, in Corvallis. • • • Attend C hurch C onference R everend and Mrs. L. P. Putnam attended the bi-%nnual Federal C ouncil o f Churches C onference at Seattle last week. Gifts Kxeli;in«£e<l At Fir Grove Meet The g ifts exchanged at the Fir G rove Garden Club meeting, T ues day evening, D ecem ber 10. were very fitting, being choice cuttings, bulbs, and the like from the ga r den o f each mem ber. Mrs. A lva W . Graham, at « n o s e hom e the m eeting was held, was assisted in decorating by Mrs. Don Denison, w ho arranged a m in iature w inter scene within a shad ow box fo r the m antel; and fig urines skating on a pond o f blue glass gn one o f the living room tables. F ollow ing a brief business m eet ing. m ovies were shown w hich had been taken throughout the year by the various m em bers o f everything from hikes to Mt. H ood, birthday parties o f their children, wild flow er hunts, exhibits at the club's garden show. All attending found the film s extrem ely Inter esting. T able decorations carried out the C hristm as feeling. A shiny paper Christm as tree covered the table cloth, with Chenille can dy canes, vesper lights and m iniature San ta and sleigh d ecorating the tree. At each place at the table w as a star shaped salad, w hich also decorated the branches o f the “ tree” , but which didn't re main there to o long, as it w as a perfect accom panim ent to the roll ed tuna fish toasted sandwiches, and the C hristm as cake and coffee. Valley Community Annual Xmas Program Logan's Welding and Supply VALLEY V IE W ANTIQUE and Gin SHOP Open 10 A. M -8 P. M. Mon. thru Friday Sot. open until 9 :0 0 P. M * Corner First and Tucker Street* Beaverton W ILD IN G — OF A LL KINDS Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. FURNITURE MOVING Call Beckett Truck Line, Inc. Hillsboro 542 Portland EAst 3727 LAN DSCAPING EVERGREENS CA M ELLIA S ---- A ZALEA S ILEX NURSERY Gone With the Wind Lamps Miniature Lamps Milk Glass Coffee Grinders Picture Plaques Copper and Brass Spinning Wheel and Many attractive modern gifts as well. S W IS S a nd J U M B O Telovision C ARN A TIO N SEEDLING Farmington Rood to Long Ave. 4 Blocks South on Lang Avenue from Main Highway Radar West Slop*> Phone 3 9 2 1 PLUMBING We Are Remodeling CLEARW ATEB We jutt purchased Don Hick's Sport Shov in Beaverton ond have moved stock to my location in Portland. We ore overloaded with plenty of Fine bargain*— such as model airplonos, toys, bi cycle ports, etc. SERVICE PLUMBING Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks Morse Pumps Beaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 "Ernie” Leach Plumbing & Appliances Phone BEocon 7542 8801 S. W. Conyon Rood “ F or S tove and Dleeel Oil Call H arry Bam ea. Ph. Beaverton 3231. Plumbing — Better Homes'* W EST SLOPE Grocery and Market SHAFER & NEER In The Long Run — THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST — and We Hove Only the Best REPAIR SERVICE BR 9998 BE 0733 IX ebley ¿í Thompson 8703 S. W. CAN YO N RD. Phone—ATwater 6951 WE DELIVER — S. W. Canyon Road FOR XMAS GIVE Our $10.25 ea Pr. Antique Amber Ivy Bowls Pr. Blue rjiinu Fish Medicine Cabinets . 8.25 ea or a Ironing Boards ......... 9.75 ea Milk Glass Dresser Set Curtain Rods, white .15 ea BROWNIE’ S SHOPPE Disston Saws .............. S..W . C a n y o n Road Portland 1, Ore. T h irty two cubs o f P ack 517 w h o have spent the last few weeks m aking shields, tom ahaw ks, tom tom s and Indian rattles and head dresses, took a how lin g part in the Scout Circus held at P acific International Building, Saturday, i i f Cern^er ^ s one cub said, “ This was lots m ore fun than I thought it would be, playing In- alan." m m < 4.75 ea 8903 Bath Room Fixtures 3.50 up Cub Packs At Scout Gircus SW EET W ILLIAM PERENNIALS Pyron & Son Nursery CENTURY ELECTRONICS Beaverton Hordwore Guinea Mission G IA N T S P R IM R O S E S A T 6951 F. M. Rto. 6, Bos 1218 Portland 1, Ore. Choice Pansies Canyon Rood of West Slope Richfield Station The m em bers o f the M issionary Guild o f the St. Matthews L uther an C hurch observed the Christm as season at th eir D ecem ber meeting, held W ednesday evening, D ecem ber 11, at the church, with their husbands as special guests. Instead o f bringing gifts for each other, each brought a gift fo r the N ew Guineau mission. Mrs. L. W ebster and Mrs. G. B ittner w ere responsible fo r the interesting decorations. Mrs. R . Paul, Mrs. F. Funston and Mrs. H. R asm ussen served the tasty re freshm ents. Mrs. F. Krieske, Mrs. 0 0 • A. H aaland and Mrs. W . Fritz planned the program , in which Court W h ist P arty M r. and Mrs. C. M attsson en the special sign lfigan ce o f Christ tertained a few o f their friends mas custom s and traditions was Saturday, D ecem ber 7, w ith an brou ght out. evening o f C ourt W hist. ^ All took part in the singing o f • • • C hristm as carols and hymns. T o Spend X m a s H ere Mrs. Samuel G old fin ger arrived last w eek to spend the Christm as holidays with her parents, Mr. and M rs. W . A. Tischer. PHONE CHerry 3727 R A service D by I O BEAVERTO N 2614 1-8 mile West of Beaverton The Sunday School o f the V al ley C om m unity United P resbyter G e o r q i e 's s , : : ; ? ^ , ian C hurch will hold its annual 933 N. W. 23rd Avo.— BE 9066 Christm as program at Gabel School F riday evening, D ecem ber 20, 7:45 p.m. H ow ard Foster, super intendent o f the Sunday School T R Y A C LA S SIFIE D . I f you want to b u y —sell—trade, has appointed the follow in g co m m ittee to plan the program : Mrs. J. O. H olem an, Mrs. L. R . Joh n son, Mrs. W . A. Walters, Mrs. VA LLEY VIEW G eorge C. P ick ard and Mrs. John J. Doubt. Gifts For New Specializing . . . . iu West Side Properties FOR XMAS GIVE HER A WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD FAREL DESTIN'S Cosmetic Overarm Bag 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Portland 1 Phone BRoadway 6122 THE BOSS MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT West Slope Beauty Shop 8717 S. W . Canyon Rood Phone BEocon 9492 m < m < M « « < « « « QUALITY TOYS---FIGHT ORDERS TA KEN at at Helen's Beauty Salon Canyon Rd BR 7988 B’est Slope Plumbing Service I*hoTU‘ HEaeou 73 12 Complete Home Furnishings YOU W ILL FIND: FOR THE LITTLE "HOMEBUILDER" AND "HOMEMAKER" < Strollers m m « m m m See HELEN Bring Hie Kiddies to see Our Selection. Quantities are limited, but we ore proud of our Quality and Volues Scooters .......................... 6.15 to 11.95 < Crushed Rock, Sand, Grovel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt No Crowds . . . Ample Parking < m m m «: Finger Waves s w Wagons < LEACH & BUCK PRICES Which will give long hours of pleasure to the little folks to whom the spirit of Christmas is the Jolly Old St. Nick. « « « < For INDIVIDUALLY STYLED Tricycles Kiddie Kar $21.50 ...................................... 16.65 .................................. 10.75 5.95 Guns 2.00 Erector Sets ...................................... 3.00 Sewing Machines Toy Plastic Dishes Toy M ixm aster........................... Toy Ironers ......*.................... Boats .......... Trucks Rocing Autos . Airplanes . 6.85 Good Prewar Merchandise 2.25 1.25 We Deliver 1.25 1.25 3.60 2.00 1.25 Canyon Road Tradiii" Post ~ p T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T W1 wg » 0 WO are r n —I organs an* wai mu WU wu »<1 Beoverton The bottle is not merely covered. It's S E A L E D with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, taorptn proof. There's complete, scientific protection for o w m ilk after it leaves the dairy. Let one of our routetnea show you what (trie protection meant to you and your family. mu WU ong Y IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Homebuilders Supply Co. • i i and we're meeting his demands with D acro Pro* tected M ilk . . . the safest package of m ilk you can buy« One Mile East of Bcovcrton on Canyon Road 12 Rangettes - $25.70 each 1 THÍ SttjfLn \ P A O tW ~ BROIL, BAKE and COOK with 3'speed Standard Range Elements Phone, Beaverton 3951 P S.—After you hove mode your selection, "Let s Talk Homebuilding" DOUGHTY'S S W V if ALPENIOSK DAIIT I f i l 49 S.W. SH A TTU CK ROAD CHerry 2424 I Vi mi. Eoet on Sortho Beaverton Hi way to Shottuck Rood Conyon Rood ot Ellis Ave. ■ e Bacaaaa i U Darre C a » Is s t anuía« m l il swat ba ramoead fha S r « tima with an openar. After that it o>ay ba B a r r a i back oa tha boeri« aa a re-raal -