» BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 13, 1946 Junior Chamber Sponsors Beaverton Christmas Decorations \nvw Program All the grades are practicing for GENERAL MOTORS pro­ the Christmas program which will The merchants of Beaverton un­ Mahon-Real Estate, Weiby's Shoe be given Thursday, Dec. 18 at 8 duction of passenger cars der the auspices of the Junior Store, W. E. McClosky-Real Es o’clock in the Grange Hall. tate, Benson Grocery, Coffee Cup Chamber of Commerce, will deco­ is on a steady upswing. August Poege is in a Hillsboro Cafe, Dr. R. S. Welch, Dr. Dee rate the main streets of Beaver­ Thompson, Dr. A. J. Rossi, First hospital recuperating from an op­ omens Fellowship Heaviest production is in Security Bank, Dr. C. E. Mason, eration last week. Christian Worship Service ton for Christmas. . . . Strings of lights will be put up West Coast Phone Co., Deonard's CHEVROLETS The Women's Fellowship o i ths from Beach's Store east to Watson A Ernest's Radio, Florence Beauty l*ink And Blue Shower Mrs. Helen Friesen entertained Bethel Congregational Church will street, and up Watson to Deonard’s Shop, Beaverton Hardware, Colum- with a pink and blue shower last hold its regular evening meeting and Ernest’s. bia Food Market. Pat & Frank Saturday evening in honor of her Tuesday, December 17 at 8 p.m. The fir tree growing at the w est 1 Moore—Barbers, Greyhound Res­ The last week in November daughter, M's. Chester Blosick. in the church sanctuary. end of the Coffee Cup will also be ‘ taurant, Miller’s Grocery, Dean’s The Christmas worship service decorated. Many lovely gifts were opened af­ Drug Store, Highbe’s Variety. Da saw the production of 16,- ter which refreshments were serv­ will be a candle lighting ceremony, The Junior Chamber plans to | Portone, Beaverton Electric, Peggs "If I Were a Shepherd" written hold a party for the children Mortuary, Carr's Garage, Richey’s ed. 231 CHEVROLETS, an in­ by Miss Virginia MacKenzie. around the tree, at which time fa­ Hardware, Safeway, Walker's Dept ■ • • Those participating will be Mrs. crease of over 1000 over lip And Around Store, Holland Feed Store, Beaver vors will be given out. Mrs. Benton, who has been 111 M. Metcalfe, Mrs. E. Masters. Mrs. Rasmussen’s Garage The following donated to Xmas Theater, the week before for three months, is able to be M. Madsen, Mrs. J. Stowe, Mrs. A. Decorating Fund: Beach's Grocery, Doy Gray—Insur J. Hageman and Mrs. Herbert Ma­ out again. Cooks Cleaners, Eunice Beauty son. • • • Shop, Thrifty Market, Marshall can—Insurance, Richard C. Doty, Mrs. Maxine Cady Barnes, who X m as P arty Dec. 18 Wells, Beaverton Pharmacy, I.*on- Bailey’s Ice Cream, Rainbow Elec This continuous increase in The Priscilla Club met last is in charge of music, plans to ard Adams—Insurance, J. J. Mc- trie Co. Thursday at the home of Mrs. have *Jesu Bambino” and “O the number of new CHEV­ Jack Irvin. Next meeting will be Holy Night" sung as solos with Mrs. Earl Bolliger as soloist and held Dec. 18 at Mrs Dick Kings­ illl= lll= lll3lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIS III=lll=lll=lll=lll=IN =lll=IIIEIIIs ROLETS will soon be felt by participation in many bury’s. This will be the Christmas group Christmas carols. Mrs. Frank the consumer. party. Sturtevant will talk on traditional . . . Christmas music. Attend Funeral Refreshments will be served fol­ Sam Smith attended the funer­ al of his brother, James Smith, lowing the meeting in the Sunday Before long now you'll be in Hood River. Mrs. Sam Smith, School auditorium. able to buy that new Gyle and John Smith and Mrs. Dorothy Braniff also attended. Library Notes CHEVROLET you've been • e e If you do not have a library S ch ool P rogram card, please apply for one at your waiting for. Plans are being made at Mc­ library. There is no charge for a Kinley School for a Christmas card and new patrons are wel­ program to be held Thursday eve­ comed. ning, December 19th. New books of non-fiction include Come in and talk to us "Hiroshima” by John Hersey about it. Club Meets which is a story of six hu­ The Community Club met Tues­ man beings who survived the ex­ day afternoon at McKinley School. plosion of the atom bomb over “ Hiroshima”. Also Pierre Van Passen’s new book "Earth Could Be Fair,” the eternal story of man­ kind as reflected in a Dutch town against the background of the tur- bulant history of the twentieth century. Mystery fans will enjoy the 17th Take Part In Scout Circus The Cub Packs from Cedar Mill letter by Disney; Death Strikes at School took part in a war dance Herron House by O’Neil and The Dark Street by Cheyne. at the Boy Scout circus. Children's books Include “Toby • • • and Sue” and The Funny Noise by Return* To School "Lot Us Fix It Up" David Peterson returned to Gay; The Birds Christmas Carol school after several days absence by Wiggins. A Garland for Girls by Alcott and Bowser the Hound Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 due to illness. by Burgess. New Pupil Marilyn Keller is a new pupil in the first grade, transferring ★ Fashions ★ here from Pendleton. • • • Absent Billy Ryder of the fifth grade BEAVERTON FLORISTS is absent this week. . . . - Fresh Flowers Always - Spelling Contest Donna Dee Jackson's spelling WILL SPONSOR A COMIC STRIP Beaverton 29 65 group lost to Harlene Katterman's group in a nine-week contest. The FOR ALL THE KIDS, OLD AND YOUNG first group is planning to enter­ tain the winners Thursday after 9 Junftm fr« nun in , W recess. McKinley- Minion ica JIMDON'S CAFE Eat At We w Specialize In MERCHANT'S LUNCHES CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS Chicken Southern Style On Request f f f i » 18 W IBgHlgm gtH £Rl^lH SM =tH =lll=lll=m aili=lll=H I=IH =H I=lll=lll=lll—III—IU=I FOX REALTY CANYON ROAD A T ELLIS ONE-HALF MILE EAST OF BEAVERTON Uj ili We have clients who want 2 and 3 bedroom homes with or without acreage in West Slope, Beaverton, Mult­ jjj nomah, Garden Home, and Glencullen. W ill pay from m i $5,000 to $25,000. C arr iTi If you have a property that you wish to sell, see 1 T 1 us at our Beaverton branch office, HI CANYON RD. AT ELLIS m or phone Mr. Steuble, ATwater 9635 m Chevrolet Co. IÏÏ B ir t h d a y C e le b r a te d jjj jjj jjj FOX REALTY & ACCOUNTING STATE-WIDE SERVICE • FARMS • BUSINESS jjj jjj G ì 1 ll= lll= H I= l)l= lll= lll= IH = lll= lll= lll5 lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= IIIS III= lll= lll= |||= i||= |||= u i= ||l HOMES XMAS GIFTS INSIDE VISOR VANITJY MIRRORS REAR VIEW MIRRORS CHROME TAIL PIPE EXTENSION For the round of Yulrtlde holiday parties, the rayon taffeta and velvet shown above as pictured In the De­ cember issue o* Good Housekeeping magazine, is ideal. Canyon Road Appliance XMAS TOYS — LARGE SELECTION Dremel Moto Tools. Burgess Vibra-Tools KELVINATOR Home Appliances, R.C.A. VICTOR Radios, FOWLER Electric Water Heaters Pressure Switches, Cal rod Strip Heaters Electric Space Heaters MANY OTHER ELECTRICAL ITEMS BEacon 4433 On Canyon Road at W ait Slope, 8907 S. W . Canyon Rood OPEN EVENINGS U N TIL 9 AND OPEN SUNDAY gtesmatamu t t aWiiH atit aesiani awsawi araarsiawiaas mi aBsiani aesi Chrome Hub Caps Flash Lights Fog Lights Organised in 1S94 S2 Years at Reliable Service W ALKER and NELSON, A «»at* New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection” Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon BACON. . . . lb. 69c By the Piece . . . While It I^i8t8 NO SOAP? - 1 1 " 11 — PORK ROAST PEACHES. can 33c Shoulder Luts Ideati and Tender 2 l«r. rant PUMPKI N. . . . 29c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 cans 29c "For Them Cold December Days” LEAVE YOUR ORDER ,\f>U YOUR XMAS TURKEY Sunkist Navel ORANGES For full information fill out Coupon and mail with one Pint (16 oz ) ot water to Norco Stewart Co , 426 N E Prescott, Portland 11, Oregon. Size 28«. 2 doz. 49c Arizona Seedless ^ tw o u so sr NAM E.............. .............................................................................................. g r a p e f r u it FROSKIST ADDRESS................................................... .................................................. "OREGON’S Q U A LITY ICE CREA M " Water Supply (Check one) City.....................W ell...................... 5 for 19c Sold exclusively ot Pond.......................... Stream,.......................... Spring___r.____ ___ MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON :*2hl Hard ..................... Rusty..................... Clear when drawn..................Highly colored................. Turns brown on standing ................... Other............................................................... Draw sample os close to source os possible BE » lb. 45c Del Monte Soliti Puck Characteristics: — Sliced WATER !■ i , Try it in a Loaf Size 2 1 « o e n e w r iw w e e t s o e s o e w o am anaawiwq anawe wsi ansanaaa« m u - i . . lb. 35c FLOTILL CLING NORCO has a complete line of softeners, filters, iron removers, etc. NORCO water conditioners con solve your water problem. ■ ■ ■ ■ Lean and Tasty Mokes loads of Cleansing Kush ¥ Water? * —1 ■' GROUND BEEF A LITTLE SOAP B UB B L E S i CHOICE MEATS USE PET Mine IN A ll YOUR COOKING l=lll=IH=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIEm =lll=U I=lli=lll=lll=lll=lll=M I=M IEIII=in=lll=ll »pan Mutual Palicia» aro N O N - A H M A I L L You N EVER pay maintain« n a n than thro. tima* tho surplus required by 0 * * f°n more than Hta premium an tka face at the policy. Orapon Mutual Insurance Lews. M c M i n n v i l l e * $ f) ROSS F. WHISMAN • HAROLD GREGORY ijj S. W. Canyon Road at Hall Beaverton S§ Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Y O U R , FO O D D I L I PRICES GOOD for December 13 to December 16, inclusive STORE HOURS - Week Days 8 A . M . to 7 P. M. SU N D A YS, 9 A . M . to 6 P. M. SIGNAL STATION atH tm aHiaWi aB>uW|aWi aet »eia uea uea eea aet awi ur!uw>s»s>0> TH RIFTY § PHONE ~ BEAVERTON 3795 See Us Today for Norma Foege celebrated her birthday Tuesday, with everyone For Stove and Dlosel Oil Call singing “Happy Birthday’’ at the Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. m lunch time. of ÜI We have openings for salesmen in Beaverton office jjj and other branch offices. THE SIGNAL STATION Still Absent Duane Simshouser is still absent due to a broken leg. • • • l.unch At School Mrs. DeYoung, Mrs. Ediger, Mrs. Skeeis and Mrs. Krause, room mothers of the 7-8, 5-6, 8-4, 1-2 grades respectively had lunch at school on Tuesday and made plans for decorating the Christmas tree at the Grange Hall. • • • Road Open 7 A .M . to 1 p.m . Every Day Escept M onday CEDAR MICE School We're Going to Be Santa To All of You All Next Year On Canyon East Beaverton Junction P U B LIT Y ^ A S I^ B E A V E R T O N M A R K E T J U N C T IO N C u u d C A N Y O N O O A D FOR f j \