Friday, December 13, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE S T O P ! ' IW < 1 S » AND S • W H O P “ZE R O ” BECOMES TRAFFIC FATALITY OF TH E W E E K ’’Z e ro ” a black cock er spaniel be­ longing to Mitz A lexander was stru ck by a passing autom obile on F a rm in gton R oa d in Beaverton. ’’Z ero” w as a highly trained and faith fu l pet. M any have doubtless seen him on his w ay to the bank with the day’s deposit tucked firm ly betw een his jaw s. H is nam e— well, you see, “ Z ero” was a g ift and was the first o f a long li n e „ o f pets w ith no initial Investment. Dr. N orm an E. Johnson w as the attending physician. " A L O H A for ever y m e m b e r o f t h e f a m il y IVsnurr biMtker or Pan Electric Iron Mexican Vases or 0 . Baskets <: Vasets Silver Seal Ironing 0 . Pad__________________ 0 0 For the 0 0. Home 0 XmaH Decoration* <: Sparton Radio Xmas Table O n te rp » ec*! 0 0 0 , 0 0 * » » ». ». ». ». ». ». For the Children 0 . 0 ». ». Earvin# Set All Kind* of Tools Fishin# Tackle 0 0 0 0 0 » For Father For Mother Toy Wheelbarrow Jiin#al Drum Pi##y Bank ». Pedal Car ». » ». ». Svout Gun Baseball Mit Archerv Set ». J. B. IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. Much Improved B enny McCue, w ho had an ap­ pendicitis operation is much Im­ proved and able to be home. • • • Past M atron s’ P arty T he P ast M atrons' party will be in the M ason ic Tem ple next Sat­ urday evening. • • • C orporal Z ane M atney is hom e on term inal leave from A nchorage, Alaska, w here he has been sta­ tioned w ith the U. S. A rm y fo r the past eight months. M atney will report to F ort Lew is January 1st fo r his discharge pa­ pers. • • • W eek E nd V isitors Mr, and Mrs. Lym an W ebb (M ary E llen N ash) and Carolyn Nash, all o f Eugene, were hom e fo r T h an k sgivin g and remained ov er the w eek end w ith Mr. and Mrs. V an Nash o f Scholls F erry R oad. ». ELBERT W . MoMANIS ». F uneral services will be held on M onday, D ecem ber 16, at 11 a.m. in the C hapel o f P c g g ’s M ortuary, B eaverton, for E lbert W. McManis, late o f N am pa, Idaho. Mr. M cM anis died D ecem ber 12 in a P ortlan d hospital after a sh ort Illness. H e was born In A f- ton, Iow a, D ecem ber 16, 1875. Mr. M cM anis was a retired fa r ­ m er and well know n In a g ricu l­ tural circles in Iow a and Idaho. Surviving are three broth ers: J. N. McManis o f B eaverton; Dr. J. E., o f K ansas and Ellsw orth, o f M issouri. ». ». ». ». » » Phone 6311 0. OTTO S H I U RETT It NI M i TO ACTIVE Ht'Sl.N ESS LIKE; BUYS eOKTEA.NI» PLUMBING SHOP O tto Shulz, resident o f C ooper M ountain fo r m any years, ha* re­ cen tly purchased the J. B. L ew is P lu m bin g & H eating Co., in P ort­ land, with V ance Lum pkin, P ort- land man. T he firm will be know n as the Shulz-Lum pkin Plum bing & H eat­ ing Co. Mr. Shulz' tw o sons, H arry and R ob ert will be active participan s in the business firm . SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED LINES CHECKED ADVANCED ESTIMATES Phone 6521 Aloha R I C H A R D S Hate A Costume . . . Barber Shop C U STO M M A D E Personal Attention by Nora Owned and Operated by M r. To and Mrs. Alfred Aloha, Ore. Bring Out Richards O. E. BERGLAND msmt ■«I OBI am « * « Aloha Represented On Radio Program j Mrs. J. C. Sm yser w ent to P ort­ land D ecem ber 4 to the opening o f the new K E X studio and was called on to take part in the p ro­ gram o f "W h a t’s D oin g L a d ies?” She had a very en joyable tim e besides w inning a pair o f H olly V ogue Nylon stock in gs and several cans o f H unt’s T om ato Sauce. Oratorio to Be Giveu at Auditorium The P ortland prem iere p erform ­ an ce o f Johann Sebastian B ach ’s greatest choral work, the “ Christ- m as O ratorio” is scheduled for the C iv ic A uditorium on F riday, De­ cem ber 20th with the 120 selected v oices o f the P ortlan d Sym phonic C hoir plus an im pressive line-up o f the N orthw est’s finest p rofes­ sional soloists to assure critics and con cert-goers an all-tim e high in artistry and m u sical entertain­ ment. C. R obert Zim m erm an, director o f the Sym phonic Choir, has an­ n oun ced the selection o f Louise T uttle N orcross, sop ran o; Iris O ak­ ley, con tralto; W alter Miesen, ten­ o r; and M ark D aniels, bass, fo r the solo assignm ents. Lauren B. Sykes, well know n P ortlan d organist, and M argaret N otz Steinm etz, a ccom ­ plished con cert pianist, will serve as accom panists. Joh an n Sebastian B ach designed the “ Christm as O ra torio” fo r pre­ sentation in six parts: one part for each o f six special C hristm as days. C om m on con cert usage has, h ow ­ ever, divided the entire w ork in half. It is P art I, or the Feast of C hristm as portion, d ep ictin g the first three days o f the C hristm as F estival, that will be presented d u rin g the D ecem ber 20th concert. In this religious m asterpiece the G ospel narrative o f the incidents the m u sic glorifies is assigned to the ten or soloist. T he narrative is broken with “ reflective passages” by voices, ch oral o r solo, represent­ ing the persons in trodu ced in the story course. Dressmaking Aloha TO CLASSIFY $1.00 MERCHANT TAILOR CHAMBERLIN'S FORBES Service While You Saturday Afternoon GUESS WHAT ? Phone 6332 i j Aloha Super Service im We give Green Stamps on i oil Purchases STORE “The Complete Shopping Center” IGNITION PARTS BATTERIES U N TIL 9 P. M. department We Give S & H Green Stamps BA Many items priced lower OPEN EVERY NIGHT in WALKER’S No increase in Prices For your convenience Portrait Studio Woit in we ast are awi teaw rm W Christmas Gifts for all the family Child's Picture Taken Shoe Repair All Work Guaranteed With loads of Have your F O R S A L E : M odern W ed gew ood Gas R ange, $100. A lso R uu d W a­ ter H eater. 426 Allen Ave., B eaver­ ton. 46p B. T. WALTON NEW TIRES ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 TOO L ATE WE ARE BULGING Sat., Dec. 21 and Neolite Sole and Heels FOB SAIJ*: NOW Ore. Mrs. M arie Stier has purchased a hom e at 325 S. E. Franklin St. M ich igan w as the form er hom e and we hope B eaverton will prove i a happy place In w hich to live. '. • and Toys will be here in this store Quality Leather It you w ant to buy—sell—trade, T R Y A C L A S SIF IE D . Shop SANTA N E W RESIDEN TS PURCHASE HOME IN BEAVERTO N talking to SANTA for Your Best Points NORA ’ S W E HOPE T H E “TROOP CURE»' LEGAL NOTICE ISN’T NEEDED— IT AR R IV ED IF CUSTOMER W IL L CALL NOTICE OF STR EET VACATION NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N “ Save T he B aby” croop m edicine, an unknow n m edicine in these T hat the C ity Council o f the City parts, was ordered recently fo r a o f B eaverton by R esolution duly lady recen tly m oved from the East. passed on the 2nd day o f D ecem ­ D ean’s ordered the preparation ber, 1946, has instituted proceed­ im m ediately and It has now ar­ ings to vacate the follow in g de­ rived, but in their e ffo rts to get scribed portion o f a street within p rom pt action in secu rin g the rem ­ the City o f B eaverton, to-w it: A ll that portion o f F ront edy the lady’s nam e w as not se­ Street lying west o f the wes­ cured and so they have been un­ terly boundary o f w hat is now able to locate the person w h o was know n and designated as Ce­ in need o f the m edicine. She m ay dar A venue or C edar Street, have up to tw o cases by m aking w h ich Cedar Avenue o r Cedar her w ants know n at D ean ’s. Street was an old cou nty road. N O T IC E IS F U R T H E R G IV E N VACATION IN S. CA LIFO R N IA; T hat all persons interested in and 1 a ffected by said vacation m ay IT RAIN S T H E R E — TOO file ob jection s or rem onstrances, | J. J. M cM ahon recen tly returned w hich m ay be made in w riting and from a three w eeks vacation in S. filed with the City R ecord er prior C alifornia, with trips also into the to the tim e o f hearing, and that southern part o f good old N evada a hearin g will be held thereon on where he reports real estate prices M onday, the 13th day o f January, w hich m ake som e o f the values 1947, at the hour o f 8:00 p.m. o f here in the V alley look like out- said day at the City H all in the and-out gifts. City o f Beaverton. T he w eather, M cM ahon reports D A T E D This 2nd day o f Decern- I is m uch like that we have been ex­ ber, 1946. perien cin g con trary to som e o f the R. C. D O TY, City R ecord er o f prom otion literature and advertise­ the City o f Beaverton. m ents lu ring the tourist dollars to Date o f first publication Decern- j ber 13, 1946. "th e sunny sou th lan d” . M ak in g the trip by autom obile. Date o f last publication January Mr. M cM ahon also visited with 10, 1947. his son fo r the first tim e since the war. Phone Beaverton 3461 V isitor Mrs. D arell E llis o f P ortlan d spent last T hursday evening at the hom e o f Mrs. F red Goyt. Mr. Ellis attended the M asonic din ­ Duck Hunting ner. Guy Carr, P at M urphy and E l­ • • • m er Stipe w en t d u ck hunting A ttends Dinjwv near K lam ath F alls ov er the w eek A. M. K ennery, w h o has not end. been too well fo r som e tim e is • • • better and w as able to attend A ttend N lem oeller M eeting the turkey dinner given by the Mr. and Mrs. G eorge B lasser a t­ M asons T h u rsd ay evening. tended the N iem oeller m eeting • • • held in the A uditorium in P o r t­ land Sunday evening. H e w as v e i"’ B ridge Club E dna Schelles entertained the j interesting and hundreds w ere turned aw ay as every seat was S orren to brid ge club and other frien d s last W ed n esday at her taken. • • • hom e near R eedville. E th el H an ­ sen had h igh score. E ntertains Sorrento Club • • • Mrs. A lbert Johnson on F arm in g- ton R oad entertained the S orren ­ Operation Sam L aw ren ce has had an op ­ to Club at C am pbell C ourt in P o rt­ land last T uesday afternoon . Mrs. eration but is hom e and m uch im ­ Jay Gibson w as a guest. proved. BEAVERTON PERSONALS Skyles Grocery AND SERVICE STATION Now Open 7 A. M. 'til 9 P. M. Weekdays SUNDAYS 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Cor. Wheeler Ave. ot Farmington Rood Che! Bakken’s GuemosoPHies SUNSET PRODUCTS Wa Giva StH Green Stomps WHY NOT Get the Family Radio Fixed Up FOR CHRISTMAS Sewing Cabinets AT Wool O' the West Blankets Roy's Radio Service Aloha Oregon I've been shopping with Retho ond Don ot H I give you a hint p 100% Wool E H R L IC H Don't Forget To PLUMBING AND APPLIANCES Do Your Xmas —(h-m-m-m-) I know they are headquarters for RCA . . . PACKARD BELL . . . ZENITH and have all models for delivery—Portable . . . Table . .. . Console and Complete oil, gas and electric heat . . and wrappings galore —but whot she hadn't seen was the new line of Grocery Shopping Early, Too! While You Can Still Get What You Wont GOLDEN WEST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon BOUDOIR ALOHA PHARMACY AI.OIIA. OHK. Book Case Walnut or Mahogany - Adjustable Shelves Cosmo Bedroom Rugs Rose, Beige, Blue and Green in convenient Bedroom Sizes New Davenport and Chair Sets TA BLE . . . PIN-UP Plimihing & Appliance ALOHA Phone 6411 Kingsley's and look over their full line of BUILDING MATERIALS COMMON BRICK and TERRA COTTA FLU LINER GLASS - WOOL INSULATION SHINGLES - SHAKES Boudoir Chairs or Swing Rockers STAINS and PAINTS Table and Floor Lamps NAILS with LUMBER STOP AND S E E _____ E H R LIC H at the Assorted Colors and Sizes All Plastic I ¿imp* A loha. 6."».*» I GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FIIJ.FI) Hassocks or Footstools That's old stuff, Ltdu! You go ahead and I’ll meet you later at I KINGSLEY 1 V U S \ M X J r v m m m tm Vt'ujihina. fin the Wone P h o n e 3535 B e a v e r t o n UAvmoM lumai u M O N I BEAVERTON 3 2 0 * »