Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1946)
THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET M IG H T G E T S IN G E D ! - -i f r V . MUST ACCOMPANY ALL N E W STOCK T R A IL E R 600 x 16 CLASS) FI SO AOS tires. First rock road to right past to tJ h word, including Nam« Bethany Baptist Church. Rte. 5, a d d r s s s - O N L Y 2c A W O R D Box 340, Portland. 46p No Phon« Orders T a k e n FOR SALE: Three pure bred MINIMUM 25 c AN ISSUE brown and white springer span-j We Publish the iels. CHerry 3186. 46p B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T I G A R D S E N T IN E L M U L T N O M A H PRESS A LO H A NEW S xnplete Eastern W a sh in g t o n C ounty W e ste rn M u ltn o m a h C ou n ty C o ve ra ae FOR SALE FOR SALE: Fairbanks - Morse shallow well pump with 30 gal. tank and well pipe, $60.00. Mrs. W. J. Vineyard, Aloha, Oregon. 46 FOR SALE: Baby Buggy, good condition. Phone Beaverton 2764. 46 M EN W A N T E D to cut and peel poles, $.03 per ft. A. R. Mattson. Rt. 1, Beaverton, Box 979, Beaver ton. 46 W A N TE D : Baby sitting work in Multnomah week ends, exper ienced. 15 years old, 7611 S. W. 31st. Phone CH 4177. 46p IN SU R AN C E M A N W A N TE D To Sell all k in d s of in s u r a n c e Start now with Old lin e Legal Reg. Ins. Co. Est. in Oreg. 25 yrs. Local office in Tigard—free rent and phone. Exp. man pref, but not necy. Age no handicap with us. W rite or call in person at 205 Park Bldg., Portland for appmt. 47 FOR SALE: Beckwith concert H > i x V -------English green, 75c I itrand piano. Very good condition. lb. Varigated 85c lb. Wreaths, 14” , ' Phone Beaverton 2764. 46 m ,.., is ” , $2.50. W ill pack and ship if [desired, packng and postage ex FIR, CEDAR and Holly wreaths W A N TE D —Musician with good tra Come to nursery or phone Bea- and garlands made to order. Phone knowledge of popular music to IU U iq 2614. Drew’s Hex Nursery, Tigard 2186. 47 play for tap classes Tuesday af l-g mile west of Beaverton on ternoons in Tigard. Helen Wick highway.___________________ 47 FOR SALE: Good washing ma Walters. Phone Tigard 2485 or 38tf chine and Westinghouse electric A T 3402. W > R SALE: 1933 V -8 engine just roaster. Phone Beaverton 2591. 46p r*j ured, Inside in fair condition. BUSINESS SERVICES Phone CHerry 2912 or call at cor- FOR SALE: Gas range, 4 burner and broiler, circulating fuel box |r of Oak and Grant St., Metz- L IV E PO U L T R Y W A N TE D : Any ir, Oregon. Ask for Richard A with coils, all white, built to floor. size lot. Top ceiling prices. Write lick. A fter 7 pm. 46p Phone Beaverton 2631. Rt. 1, Box or phone Clarence Hunt, WBb- 318, Allen Ave. Beaverton. 46 ster 3540. 3000 N. E. 44th Port ■ r IB A N K POTATOES, You dig, 29 FOR SALE: 1-2 V4" centrifugal land 13, Ore. L50 sack; also Bred N. Z. W. tf pump with 6 horse air cooled en Ees, $3.50 ea.; 4 compartment gine, $85.00. Ire hutches, $10.00. O. J. Munden, 2— Storage tanks 8' x 8’ x 4’ ap VINCENT LUMBER CO. 1 1 Box 370, Phone Tigard 3366. “ A Complete Lumber Yard” 46p prox. 1800 gal. with 2” outlet, $150 We Deliver Anywhere each. 3— New 2” Globe valves, $6.00 PA IN TS — SASH — PLUMBING )R SALE: 40 N. H. Red pullets, Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf no. old $1.75 each. A. W. Thomp- each. 4— New 2” Gate Valves, $6.00 ea. 7609 S. W. 33rd Ave. Phone R E A L E S TA TE LOANS Jerry 2210. 46p \ mile beyond Reedvtlle on Cherry H E N R Y H. JE F F R IE S St. Phone Beaverton 3861. H. V. [>R SALE: 6 year baby crib; used Johnson. 44tf on Highway at Short St, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 3981. tf el furnace with jacket and hood; FOR RENT a R O T O TILLIN O by hour or con by high chair; new 30-gal. heavy • |ty water tank with fittings, tract. Geo. Charneskl, R t 1, Box hone CHerry 3906. Roland B. FOR R E N T : Heated room, on bus 423, Beaverton. 38tf line, board optional. Write P. O. Janey. Rt. 2, Box 438, Tigard. 46p Garbage Collection Service Box 118, Beaverton Oregon. 46 S r SALE: Good circulating heat- By month or contract [ $12.50. Phone Beaverton 2259. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE H O H N STE IN & SCHAFER ' 46p 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. Phone MUrdock 2806 FO X—3 bdrm home. Approx. 4 F r SALE: Newly refinished wal- acres, 160 filbert trees, 250 nectar West Slope, Beaverton, Meadow- Jt dining room table and six berries, well In berry patch. Also hurst and Cedar Hills. tf lairs. Phone Beaverton 2607. 46p well and elec, pump at hse. Nice LANDSCAPE, Pruning, spraying, IC YC LE , RE ED DOLL BUGGY. view from house. One mile from grafting. New lawns and rocker Tigard. House is modern, has fire Illapsible baby buggy, circulating ies. Call W. A. Green, Beaverton Tod and coal heater. Electric place and all conveniences. $12,500. 2967. 44tf \>n, also toys. Phone CH 1479. Terms. Make offer. Call Mrs. Ens- 47p ley, Tigard 2523. E X P E R T HORSE SHOEING W rite Frank Mangan AR, SALE: 10 acres, all in cul- FO X—Business lot right in Bea P. O. Box 7032 Jation, fenced and cross fenced. verton, between Brdwy and Can Multnomah, Oregon Fell built, modern 2 bedroom yon Road, 50 ft. facing each St. 47p [me with full basement, electric W ill divide or sell together. I f jiter system, good barn and other sold as one lot would be 50 x 182 GOAT BUCK SERVICE. 1 mile I t buildings, family fruit, nuts, for only $5,000 with your terms. South of Beaverton on Highway rid berries, some equipment, on Make offer on your terms. Call 217. R. H. Besmehn. 44tf Ihool bus and mail route, $8500. Mrs. Ensley Tigard 2523. Immediate possession. 3H miles CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K OW N Juth of Beaverton on Davies Rd. ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip We t. 1, Box 583. Rudy Don. Call FOX—41 A. now sowed In oats, ment allows faster service. ny day except Monday or Fri- buyer get V4 crop. Barn for 25 pump A wash septic tanks, com ml. hy afternoons. 46 cows. Bsmt. for hse., well, 12 wal or residential. Guar, workmanship. nut trees, several apple trees near Sewers connected. Cesspools and R SALE: Darling black Span- Tigard. Excellent terms with small septic tanks constructed. Schulz puppy. Good Christmas present down payment. Price $20,000. Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, r some child, only five dollars, TA. 3235. 3tf hone Beaverton 2601 from 4:00 FO X—10 A. on hard surfaced rd. clock on. 46 Portland bus at door, creek across SURVEYING OR SALE: Odd pieces of furni- one corner, owner has new Tropi PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING re. Call Tigard 2462. 46 cal hut 20 x 54 feet. W ill sell for ORCHARD LAYOUTS $1200 cash. Price of land reason K IN D L IN G able to $575Q. Terms on balance H. E. COX, U N IT E D BUILDERS, INC. after small down payment. Call RagiMwad Land Surveyor and Hall Phone 3071 Bert Miller CHerry 3626 or Tigard 42tf 2523. Phone Beeaverton 2592 ,’OOD FO R SALE: 4 f t slab- ood, green or dry Hanson Fuel FOX—5 Rm. house in Multnomah. impany, Beaverton. Phone 2828 Living Room, Dining R „ Kitchen, 34tf 2 bdrms., bath, garage, 50 x 80 lot. Vi blk. to bus, % blk. to school. j M M U N ITY AUCTION SALE Price, $5350. Call Jeremiah CHerry id lunch every Saturday 10:30 4034 or Tigard 2523. n. Clackamas Stables on 82nd FO X e., 8*4 miles south Foster Rd.. R E A L T Y & ACCT. SERVICE irtland, J. L Walters, owner and ineer. tf Branch Office No. 2, Tigard, Ore. On Main Highway In Tigard Stove and Diesel Oil Call Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231 )R SALE: 12 or 16 Inch green ck and slab, mill run, $20 load cord loads) $20 load In Bea- rton, Multnomah, Tigard, and 7150 In Aloha and Reedvllle. Also inch dry, mill run, block and ►b (2*4 cord loads) $12 cord, trold Keller. Rte. 1, Carlton, Ore bone Portland BRoadway 1986. Jve delivery directions). tf B U ILD E R A C A B IN E T maker— Store fronts; school, restaurant and store fixtures; school furni ture; unit cabinets o f all kinds, including kitchen ctibfciets. Of fice furniture rebuilt, refinlshed and completely renovated. All kinds ef building and remodeling. Woodworking of all kinds. Also Landscaping, dirt moving, terracing, plowing, discing, harrow ing and concrete mixed on the Job. C AN YO N ROAD L. H. Brawand, Metzger, Oregon. Garage and Service Station near Phone CHerry 2929. tf Beaverton. Living quarters. Lease basis. Net about $450 per month. IN S U R A N C E - Low rates Price $2750. All Risks - Any Coverage V p T . WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 Jiver anywhere. Give location BEAVERTO N Ith order. Stanford Laughlin. New home, 2 bedrooms. «Large lot, brlton. Rt. 1. tf 50 x 7**0. 3 blocks off Canyon Rd Price $5200. LWDUST, Light Slab, Cull lath ^asonable prices. Your haul. Call TOBIAS lerry 1682. or Beav. 2465, eves. New home, 2 bedrooms, elec. W.H. , SALE—16-in. green slab wood One acre, bus transport. Price, cord loads $8 cord delivered, $7000. luben Johnson, Newberg phone V j . tf B EA V ER TO N I ' R A GOOD Burbank spuds, $2 Side-by-side duplex. 3 room rented, M r 100. W ill deliver 3 sacks or 5 room for owner. Large lot 64 Space to build another K>re at $2.25. We buy burlap x 125. K :k s. Schuepbach Bros. % mile home. Price, $8000. K s t o f Beaverton on Farmington ■ad. 50 B E A V E R TO N New home, electric heat, 2 bed TENTION: People who need 12 rooms, fireplace, attached garage. fch wood. We have it now, at $8 cord In 3 cord loads. Also 16 Terms. Price $8950. ^h. This is block and slab. Wil- F O X Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea R E A L T Y A ACCOUNTING ti on, Oregon. Phone 2491. 46 State-Wide Service Canyon Road At Ellis t ESS ES. SW EATERS. Skirt- BEAVERTO N sale. Sizes 14-16. Slightly worn. If price. Boy’s Balloon tired bi Homes § Farms § Business ble. 26 in., $15. Philip Olsen, Phone Beaverton 3795 fard, Oregon, Rt. 2, Box 46 2 HOUSES FOR SALE mile south o f grade school on Highway. 46p In Beaverton $8950, just complet ed, 1H story, all-modern home con bBBITS FO R SALE 3 does taining a host of features attrac d one buck. New Zealand 'White, tive to every housewife. ■ l l Tigard 1272 any day before On Canyon Road—$9500. 4-bed in Mrs. A. O. McMurry, Box room home. Just reduced $1000 Tigard. Oregon. 46p for quick sale. Thurlow Weed. Can 46 kSTURE for heifer. For Sale yon Road at Walker. j White Leghorn laying hens, W ANTED # one Beaverton 3741. 46 • f FRYERS W AN TED : $R SALE New 55 gal. oil drum R A B B IT |h 40 gal. oil $600 Rt. 1 Box W ill also butcher your rabbits for Beaverton. Oregon. 46p the hides D. P. MacDonald. Ruby Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. ^R SALE: Montag wood and 33tf >1 range; green enamel excel, bd. Beaverton 2592. $50. 46tf \l l o M o m i >> W W TFJ) O PE N SUNDAYS ►R SA LE ' Two boys’ overcoats Are you having trouble selling p dress suit, sizes 6 or 7, three aver sweaters Call Tigard 3145 your car? I f so. I l l sell it for you i A. E. Toung. 46 at your price for a small percen tage, or pay you cash for it. See ^ SALE Monks sawdust burn Bob at Bob s Used Car Lot East e d sawdust hot water heater, Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc *8tf "onable. CHerry 3441. 46p tion. G. C. MILLFR, Owner P. O. Box 254, Aloha, Ore. DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) 3tf PO W E R S P R A Y IN G — PHONE B EA V ER TO N 2188. tf CONCRETE WORK We Can Furnish the Cement Inc. 4 Iff WF, CURE AND HMOKF. YO U R PO RK CUTS 25 years Experience AI.DER M A R K E T Lewis Rroa 1«t and W a « h l n r * ‘ >n M F*ORTLAND, OREGON u ÍN 7b. KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. We Special ize .jo McCALL In Remodeling and Recovering - All Furniture Custom Made • 118 N W Broadw ay Phone 3 7 6 2 Beaverton, O re go n Kitchen built-ins and cabinet work, chests of drawers made to order. Jack's Cabinet Shop. Phone BR 5295, 6347 S. W. Capitol Hiway. 49p tf Oil Co. W' X k MOB ILH EAT A - Burner and Stove Oil HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A specialty. LEE BROS., 2ft SW CUp Portland. AT. 3334. tf GILBARCO OIL DEAD STOCK picked up free of charge— Highest prices paid for old live horses. Day and night service. Phone UNlversity 1102. Evenings MUrdock 4361 or TR. 6137. Phone collect. Portland Rendering Co. 48 BURNERS V ... MAX. a«X X Ia.^ Beaverton 2871 .-4 P A IN T IN G A PA PE R H A N G IN G A M o t h e r A t 90 Work Guaranteed Work Done Promptly A son is promised to Abraham, C A L L CHerry 2175 46 tf aged 100 and to Sarah, his wife, who is 90. Yes, they were both FOR TO W C AR call V E K M IL Y E dead as to child-bearing but God MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3881 tf had promised it and Abraham be lieved God. that what he had | VETERINARIAN * promised, that God would do. And so in due time, Isaac, the son, Is born to them. Abraham’s faith says that GOD BRING S L IF E Dr. Norm E. Johnson OUT OF DEATH. Veterinarian Christ tells us how Abraham East of Beaverton Hiway 6 came into that faith In God. Said Beaverton Portland Christ—Abraham leaped for joy to 3511 COM. 9924 see My day. A fter Christ had died for our sins, God showed Christ to Abraham, as lifted out of death and the grave. Abraham sees God bring L IF E OUT OF DEATH. You are dead to God. From your CALL FOR ESTIMATE first sin, you are dead to God for —The wages of «in is death—eter Phone - Webster 2571 Portland nal separation from God. So, you are dead and God is not the God of the dead. You must be born a- gain, said Jesus. Born of God, born from above For God so loved you that he offered up a sacrifice G E N E R A L H AU LIN G for your sins, his Only-Born Son. OF A L L K IN D S A N Y T IM E Believe in Christ as having paid CUSTOM TR A C TO R W O RK the penalty for your sins and P O R T A B L E GAS W A T E R PUMP right then God gives you eternal TO R E N T life. Phone You are not saved by your feel HOWARD W. SMITH ings but by Christ’s death for your PAINTING Beaverton Transfer Co. 388 C AN TO N ROAD Phone Beaverton 3931 or 2402 George F. Gordon Piano T n n iig . Cleaning DEM OTHING, R E P A IR IN G RL 1, Aloha Pbona ALOHA 6612 GARDEN TRACTOR Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements tf Building Contractors See us w hen you P lan to Build Free Estimates G uaranteed W o rk m a n sh ip 6 2 0 S. H a ll St. Beaverton, Ora. Beaverton FUEL CO. Demonstration on your Place For OIL or SERVICE 1, B O X 102. L A K E B E A V F R T O N . ORE. ROAD Buy and Ut« Christmas Saals CENTRALLY 'j LOCATED *1 Clot« to bus trans- _ ï port o t i • n a a d walking distance from downtown. S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland 1, Oregon. This space paid for by a Seattle family. Protect Your Homo from TB NOW 388 S.W. Canyon Road Beaverton, Or. W e G ive S & H G reen Stam p s Land Surveying Farms, Subdivisions, Lots Acreage, Orchard Tracts Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Com petent, Registered P rofessional L a n d Surveyor Office and Residence Phone CHerry 2365 RICHARD R. PFEIFER Surveyor 8000 5. W. Capitol Hill Rood (N e a r 19th & S.W . Bartour Blvd.) Portlond 1, O re go n BERNARD'S AIRPORT MEAD'S NURSERY ]. P. Finley & Son Riverview Cemetery W . E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon ESTABLISH ED 1910 PH O NE B EAVER TO N 3411 1 m ile East o f B eaverton on Bertha-B eaverton H ig h w a y Phone Beaverton 3 8 4 0 WE'LL TEACH YOU HOW R o m where I sit J o e M arsh , A Grand Am erican Tradition Big and little Cappers came, by ear and train, from as fa r weat as Nebraska and as fa r east as Vermont. They crowded Dee and Jane’s house, set up quarters in the bams, or stopped with neigh bors— and a jollier gathering you couldn’t have imagined! I was asked to their final Satur day night supper, when they sang old songs, drank beer and cider, reminisced. D ark Cuppers and Meade ansa Tennant accent« and Alabama drawl*—doctors and form ats . . . all with their differences mt taste and politics, yet aa close and harmonious in spirit as a group coaid be. From where I sit, it’s a great American tradition— not just fam ily reunions, but the ability to get along as one harmonious family, regardless of differences of taste— whether it’s taste for politics or farming, beer or cider. Copyright, 1946, United Statt lirewert Foundation W ATER WELL De Laval HRPARATOR8 — M il.KERN COM PLETE EQ U IPM EN T AND SU PPLIE S FOR TH E DAIRV IN D U STRY Monro? k Crifell tVIRYTHINO o a ir Y m a n * Complete Funeral Bervlre In New Cathedral ( ha pel at No Estra root Riverside Is a co-operative as*r> 1 elation with aaseta of over $800.000 { 136 NW Park DRILLING PAUL E. ROSS Route 1, Aloha, on Stacey Avenue Aloha, Oregon Phone 6380 Buy for Tomorrow... TODAY Get Your M O NEY'S WORTH WITH GOOD LOOKING EFFICIENT, LONG SERVICE Steel Mail Box Posts AND Steel Clothes Line Posts AT Old (.union Koad Beaverton WEST SLOPE W E S T END AEJ.I.WOOD B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY CEDAR STREET AT WALKER RD. McCready Lumber Co. K -- tTi IT PAYS TO F L Y RUPERT Flying Service IS THE TIM E TO PLANT Fruit Trees; Strawberries Azalea; Camellia and Primroses. Protect Your Homo from TB |Ml •V5- or Second Growth Wood H. V. JOHNSON Meteied Oil Service BEacon 6555 sins. Receive Christ as your own Lord and Saviour and God gives you life eternal. Now is the day of salvation. The Capper« had • p a d eM (t a lly running last week—far the ftrmt Unto since the war. Tigard 3206 J. H. Sim pson, T iga rd , Ore. Immediate Delivery RT. or ROAD ROCK Crushed Rock. Sand, Gravel Delivered Anywhere 7 V i‘ Spread for D rive w a ys ENGER BROS. MITY MIDGET PHONE V» > M E TA L W E A T H E R S TR IP PIN G . Rock wool insulation blown In for free estimate write R. E. Ell- son, Tigard, Oregon. tf P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rates First Cías». Free estimates. Call MORTICIAN BEacon 3540. R. W H ITLO W . 019 SW F O U R T H A T MONTGOMF.R SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf A Tw nter >181 • ... i 46tf HILLCREST GROCERY Contractor and Builder Finish — Remodeling — Repair A. H A R R Y Mac IN T Y R E Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 After 6 p. m. — Leave Order, tf Fire Pump« Twenty-six pumps, designed for fire-fighting on cargo ships but suitable for Irrigation and other stationary operations, were put up for sale today by the Portland of fice of War Assets administration for $3.362.67 each, on special offer ing J-493. The sets, unused, are powered by General Motors six- cylinder diesel engines, a type popular in s a w m ills . Spare parts sets are offered also. ALOHA GARBAGE CO. STOVE AND DIESEL OIL CARPENTER WORK / • _ ,t< - “'L . J cn DF.LIVF.KKI) P. B. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel C IL 1313 Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon 11102 SW Capitol Hlwy Phone Tigard 2446 tf B. R. STEVENS Phone Beaverton 3071 * BEAVERTON 3861 or 3931 LAN D C LE A R IN G & Excavating Work done by hour or contract. Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf BUILDERS, * ...» V s . \ J M ONTH OR CONTRACT GLENN E. PRINGLE 255 Pittock Block CH-3640 Res. 10»h & Washington AT- 2777 Portland 5 (Doy or Nife) UNITED • r -•»* \ GARBAGE SERVICE BY 46tf P A P E R IN G —Painting A Kolao- minlng, neat, experienced work man L L Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf 7^ CRUSHED HOCK L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Beaverton 2881 " BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 13, 1946 AT. MCI ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN A N D CLASSICAL ACCORDION R E C O R D IN G S M ADE Have a Keeortl Made o f Y ou r Singing o r 1’ lavinff Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howott Rood PHONE BRoodway 4702 IMione 3821