BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER ' on S. W. M urray A venue Tuesday evening, N ovem ber 26. T he ladies have alm ost com pleted the stu ffed anim als on w hich they have w orked fo r several m onths. These A g ood representation o f the . will be given to som e baby hom e W estdale M others Club m et at I fo r Santa to distribute th e hom e o f Mrs. H. W . M cK enzie 1 Mothers Club Assists Santa T he president, Mrs. R . W ebster, read a letter from M adame LeB loc, The Voice of the Church w h o is organ izer o f the nursery "I C R E A T E spiritual values that endure and the priceless ideals in F rance to w hich the club is by and fo r w hich they die. are sending a package bi-m onthly. Ma treasures out o f my storehouse. dam e B loc stated that all types of right living, justice, cloth in g and food s are desperately "I T E A C H brotherhood. I f men rem em bered needed and gra tefu lly received. me and p racticed my principles, Mrs. E. E. M atson read an ar then hatreds enmities and wars ticle fro m H ygeia and led the in would cease. teresting discussion that follow ed. Guests fo r the evening w ere Mrs. | “ I S P E A K w ith assurance in the B. H. W ilson and Mrs. E. A b b o tt,, m idst o f the strife o f tongues. My callin g is to proclaim eter w h o en joyed the m eeting as well nal truth and give ideals lo r ev as the excellent refreshm ents o f ery day living. deep apple pie and c o ffe e along w ith the m em bers. "I B R IN G g ood news, fo r my g os pel is the on ly rem edy fo r the ills o f the world. My essential m essage is love for G od and love fo r m y fellow men. "I G U A R D the public peace and strive to con serve its abiding in terests. W ithou t the thread o f m y w eaving, no fabric would en Dr. and Mrs. A lva W . Graham, dure the test. prin cipal o f the Duniw ay school, held open house at their hom e on "I P R O T E C T and afford the ins H ow att A venue Friday, N ovem ber piration fo r every enterprise. D e 29 from 4 to 6 p.m. fo r the fa c prived o f my influence, the laws ulty o f the sch ool. Miss F rances o f the land would becom e the L each o fficia te d at the tea table. law o f the jungle. O thers present were Mrs. A. “ I P R O D U C E noble sons and beau V incent, M iss Lillian Skurdell. tifu l daughters. Nurtured and M iss L ouise H enderson, Mrs. L . cared fo r by me, they go forth B row n Mrs. E va Mae H olm ead. to serve hum anity and m ake a Mrs. B ertha Crane, Mrs. M ary Jo better w orld In my name. A lbright, Miss Hazel H enkle, Mrs. "I M IN IS T E R to the' sick and the M arjorie L eonard, M iss Louise desolate, the sorrow ing and the Calouri, Mr. and Mrs. Charles stricken, to the bewildered and W righ t, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Thl- the cast dow n. I give m yself in beau. , love to others. •‘I ST A N D , and for tw enty cen tu r ies have stood, with the Bible m y M agna Charta o f liberty, w ith the Christ who is my King, and w ith a K ingdom enterprise w hich has the only adequate p rogram fo r the human race. I W ork ers C onference am hopeful and dauntless as I T here will be a w orkers co n fe r fa ce the future. ence o f the V alley C om m unity U. “ I C A L L you to m y heart I plead P. Sunday S ch ool sta ff M onday fo r you r love and allegiance. I evening, D ecem ber 9, 7:45 at the w ait fo r you r return with m y al manse. tar fires brigh tly burning, to H ow ard F oster will preside. J. com e on hom e. K enneth R iley will lead in the "I SUM M ON you to enlist in an study fo r the evening. unbroken, m ighty arm y that F riday evening, D ecem ber 13, shall m arch breast-forw ard, thru there will be a general building the portals o f a daw ning day com m ittee m eeting, also at the in to a P rom ised Land. manse. G eorge C. P ickard, ch a ir C haplain P. M. B lenkinsop m an o f the com m ittee, will pre side. • • • I T han ksgiving Guests Guests at the H. W . M cK enzie hom e over T h an k sgiving w eek end w ere F lorenz B reitm ayer, senior in en gin eerin g at O regon State college, and Ted B reitm ayer, graduate student at W ash in gton State. A s a service to veterans in the • • • Mr. and Mrs. Hill T em pleton had com m un ity, this newspaper will as guests fo r T han k sgivin g D ay publish a w eekly colum n o f ques Mrs. R . P. K ueneke and L arry tions m ost frequently asked con Blunck. ta ct m en o f the Veterans A dm in istration in this area. F or m ore detailed in form ation , veterana are to con tact or w rite to the nearest V A con ta ct unit at 1019 S. W . 10th Ave., P ortland. “ Open House For Faculty PERSONALS Notes Above is tbe new MAYTAG DLTGII OVEN gas range, added this year to the Maytag line of home appliances. Ollier products of the company include washers, ironers and home freezers. On Display N O W at Qn&ueSi & AcJzeSunan HEATING - - APPLIANCES On S. W . Canyon Road Beaverton 2699 WEST SLOPE Grocery and Market SHAFER & NEER When you get just o little tired of Turkey Leftovers T r y some LUSCIOUS T-BONE OR SIRLOIN STEAKS from well aged A A Grade Steers BR 9998 BE 0733 — WE DELIVER — S. W. Canyon Road THE BOSS MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT Missiouarv Society Holds Meeting T he M issionary Society o f the V alley C om m unity United P resb y terian Church met a t the hom e o f R ev. and Mrs. H. A. A rm itage, W ednesday, D ecem ber 4, starting at 11 a.m. Mrs. C. B. W a lk er led the pray er circle, w hich w as follow ed by a special study on India, under the d irection o f M rs. D oroth y W a l ters. M rs. J. K enneth R iley and Mrs. H. O. L aw rence, assisted Mrs. H. A. A rm itage in orga n izin g the pot lu ck dinner. F ollow in g the dinner, a sh ort business m eeting w as con ducted b y Mrs. J. K en n eth R iley, with the m issionary to p ic led by Mrs. G eorge Stroun T he m eeting w as com p leted with a C hristm as g ift exchange. “ H eavy w om en com m and m ore attention than thin ones and us ually have m ore friends. T h ey ’re not so apt to be p reoccu pied with clothes. W om en w h o think o f not-h ing but clothes bore men because th ey haven’t tim e to be nice to them .” — E lsa M axwell. “ T h ere’s only one thing w ron g with me, Blondie. I ’m c o lo r blind.’’ “ Y ou-all sho m ust be, m istah.” A s rare as hen’s teeth — a p ol itician with an in feriority com plex. VA Claim s Service Is Big B usiness W h ile m ost W orld W ar II vet erans are con cern ed prim arily with ben efits provided them by the G. I. Bill, guaranteed loans and edu cation and trainin g prepaid, the V eteran s A dm in istration has ano ther big jo b - the traditional fu n c tion o f p rovidin g com pensation and pension for disabled veterans and dependents o f veterans o f nil wars. A bout one-third o f veterans o f W orld W a r II In the N orthw est have filed claim s with the V A for disability benefits. A pproxim ately 53,000 are receiving paym ents for disabilities incurred during W orld W ar II. Paym ents range from $13- .80 to $360 m onthly based on the degree and type o f disability. A l m ost h a lf o f ail claim s filed and LEACH & BUCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt O RD ERS T A K E N at B est Slope Plumbing Service Phone HEaeon 75-12 W e Have GIFTS TH A T ARE ILEX NURSERY DIFFERENT BEAVERTON 2614 1-8 mile West o f Beaverton From 50< up BROWNIE’ S SHOPPE $903 S..W . Canyon Rood Portland I , Ora. P. M. THE G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T with D octo ! > otf oiUk r ° o co o • i . mm mtr ti f oovorod. It's S C A L E D with « «■I cop . . i nr-tight, dmtpnnad. M y w proa£ A m i n w p i a t , i i t H r p o w c u a a lo t M ■Ah th a t i l Izot«» the dairy. Lm oo* aia m t tamammm The I TvUvimnn R A D Radar I O servie« by 93 3 N . W 23rd A v s .— B E » 0 « « For VAIJ.EY VIEW Immediate Appointment ~ for RHJfHELD tu u i Mo. W. Canyon •an* N«w Owners IZLKJrS BEAUTY SALMI 1. STATION REPAIR SERVICE CALL BR. 7468 BAUT S .w . SH A TTU C K RO A » CMnwy 2424 1 Vs mi. Eost ck > B f^>o-B<ovpftoo MI wav fo Sfcottuck Rood Ign oran ce o f the law m ay be preventing som e eligible W orld W ar I w idow s fro m receiving pen sions, says the V eterans A dm inis Conj(re**niuii Norblatl tration. The law requires that: Leave» for W ashington DC 1. T he veteran served ninety PHONE Rt«. 6. Box 121B C ongressm an W alter X orblad CH«rry 3727 days or had a service-conn ected Portland 1, Or«. iR ) o f O regon and his fam ily left disability. 2. T he w id ow 's in com e does this w eek by autom obile for W ash will a n iv e not exceed $2500 if there are m i ington. w here they sh ortly before the first o f the nor children or $1000 if not. CLEARWATER PLUMBING 3 m arriage date w as pri year. Gas Water Heaters or to D ecem ber 14, 1944 and that T he R epresentative has closed the w idow has not since rem ar his Salem and Astoria offices and Fairbanks Morse Pumps ried. during the session o f Congress I f a w idow m eets these eligibil com m u n ication s should be address Beaverton, Ore Ph. 2925 ity requirem ents, she m ay receive ed to him at 1518 House O ffice $42 per m onth fo r herself. $12 for Building, W ashington, D. C. one child and $6 each for any oth C ongressm an N otblad was re er m inor children. cen tly reelected by i large m ajor For A n Ideal Xm os G ift The V A em phasizes that these ity. we suggest rates and incom e lim itations npply on ly to w idow s w hose husbands* A Frilly Blouse or Dickey deaths were not caused by d is a b il-1 ities incurred in m ilitary service. Handbags In com e is not a fa cto r in deter-1 Lingerie m ining com pensation In service- incurred deaths and • the benefit Sweaters rate is higher. To get Your Permanent for • • • Costume Jewelry Christmas and the Holidays P arents Getting M ost N S U B en efits Now Is the Time P arents are sole benticiaries in 65 per cent o f the cases and w id ow s in 23 per cent o f the 18,000 N ational Service L ife Insurance ben efits now being paid ir. the P a cific N orthw est. M onthly paym ents average about $50 and m ore than 75 per cent o f the ben eficiaries will receive menta fo r life. Elite Dress Shop West Slope Beauty Shop 220 S. W. First St. Beoverton Oregon Where parking is easy 8717 S. W. Canyon Rood Phone BEocon 9492 F or S tove and Diesel Oil Call H arry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. ........... $10.25 ca ...... 8.25 ca .............. 9.75 ea Rods, w hite.... .15 ca Disston Saws ....................... 4.75 ea Kitchen Cabinets Question O f T he W'e.'k M edicine Cabinets Ironing Boards su p p ort? Obtain a F orm 535 from local V A con ta ct office. |. As a w idow er o f a W orld II vt'9*ran, am I eligible to re- l . Curtain Bath Room Fixtures Chrome ............................. Choice Pansies SWISS and JUMBO GIANTS PRIMROSES CARNATION SWEET WILLIAM SErDLING PERENNIALS 3.50 up W EST SLOPE LUMBER YARD 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Portland 1 Phone BRoadway 6122 Pyron & Son Nursery » » m » ¡w «un ten ten »unten ten ten l un ten »m»MiHim » mi mi te n » te te n» » Farmington Road to Long Ave. 4 Blocks South on Lang Avenue from Main Highway Attention West Slope W est Slope Residents PLUMBING SERVICE W e have a PORTLAND Phone "Ernio" Leoch BRoadway 7960 Plumbing & Appliance* For your convenience in placing orders Phone BEocon 7542 8801 S.W . Canyon Rood W e Specialize in fillin g orders for highest “ Plumbing— Better Homes" Q uality M EATS... GROCERIES VEGETABLES VALLEY VIEW ANTIQUE and GIFT SHOP Open 10 A M.-8 P. M. Mon. thru Fridoy Sot. open until 9 :0 0 P M. W e Deliver Gone W ith the W ind Lam ps M iniature Lam ps M ilk Glass C o ffee Grinders Picture Plaques Copper and Brass Spinning W heel and M any a ttra ctive g ifts as well. O rders may be phoned until 2 P. M. MILLER'S BEAVERTON'S QUALITY M ARKET PH O N ES Portland BRoadway 7960 Beaverton 3661 modern W e Give S & H Green Stamps n » m» i » t e » t e »t e » DOUGHTY’S Phone T R in ity 8039 FOR XMAS GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOM ATIC PHONOGRAPH - RADIO COMBINATIONS with electronic reproducers $74.45 to $124.9$ Immediate delivery SPORTING GOODS Permanents i i l 4« W e just purchased Don Hkk's Sport Shov ia Boo verton and hove moved itock to my location in Portfond W o oro overloaded with plenty of fin# bargaino— euch os mod«! oirplenao, toys, bi cycle parts, etc. Beoverton i é t Dot»® C o # io o , ALPEHIOSE Remodeling Georgie'ssJZ'SL Phon« 3921 p*'ciali*ing in Weal Sitie Properties Canyon Road at E llis Ave. We Are CENTURY ELECTRONICS H ardw are processed by the V A result in an I A. No, the term “ w idow ” does 5 award. not include a widow tr with re f eren ce to paym ent o f couipen- sat on or pension based on the W orld W ar 1 W idow s May Be Eligible death o f a W orld W ar II vet- Canyon Rood at West Slope AT 6951 LANDSCAPING EVERGREENS CAMELLIAS --- AZALEAS Friday, December 6, 1946 Road ^ r b lr y •703 A TTtom pson 3. W. CANYON RD. Phono—ATw#t#e 4 9 3 1 South Bend, Shakespeare and Beldon Fly ond Steel Heod Poles and Casting Rods REELS AND A LL TYPES OF T A C K L f Specially Priced Aluminum Kitchenware ond Pressure Cookers Inspect the New G. I . DISHWASHER, SINK AND DISPOSALL