Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1946)
BONNY SLOPE NEWS Recovering He is a member of V.F.W. Post Harry McClean cut hia thumb 8247 and holds the office of Sur on a circle saw He ia doing nice geon. The comrades of Post 8247 ly and will be able to go back wish him the best of luck. to work very soon. • • • • * • Visitors Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howard of Birthday greetings go to Jack Portland, spent two days with Batke. He celebrated hia 21at birth the M. H. Hansons. day, the 1st of December. _ • • • • • • Xmas Party Guest There will not be a meeting Leila Neitirt was a week end of the P.T.A. for the month of guest o f Mrs. McLean. December as they are going to • • • give a Christmas party for the Stop Sign school children. There la a atop sign at the in The party will be given Decem tersection o f Thompson and Mc ber 21st at 8:00 p.m. in the Bonny Daniel roads. Slope community club. • • • The entertainment will be fur New Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. F E. Blunt have nished by the school children. Everyone is invited to attend. moved into the Ft. YV. Hanaon • • • house. Merchant Marine • • • Edward Coon Is on hia way to Fence Put Up A fence has been put up at the South Africa. He sailed out of intersection o f Thompson and Cor Houston, Texas a few days ago. • • • nell roads. It should relieve the situation of motorists driving ov ()<*utli o f er the bank, on the bad curve G . l{oh«*rt Burnt** that la there. • • • Mr. G. Robert Barnes passed from this life early Saturday morn Ushers The Boy Scouts have been ush ing, November 23. Mr. Barnes came to Bonny Slope ers at football games In Portland. They had very large appetites about fifteen years ago. being one when they returned home. of the first to settle in this dis • • • trict. For twenty-two years he has Boy Scouts T o Act The Boy Scouts of Bonny Slope been In the employ of the S.P.S. will have an act at the Pacific railroad, for several years past he International Livestock Exposi has been personnel clerk In their Portland office tion, on December 7th. Pallbearers were members of the • • • S.P.S. office force. Joins Army Robert Harrington has Joined Services were held from Find- the Army and expects to leave lays Rose Room, Fourth and December 4th. Montgomery, Wednesday at 11:30 a. m. Vault entombment at River side. Left to mourn his Ions besides his widow. Alta, Is a slater, Mrs. Mamie Hatfield o f Portland and a brother, Mr. Wilbur Barnes of New York. Mrs. C. C. 1-aughery o f Three Forks Montana, arrived Sunday night to be with her sister, Mrs. Alta Bernes for a few days, also a nephew, Mr. Robert Hamilton with Mrs. Hamilton and daughter Janet. • • • Arrive* I I o iik - Mrs. Elizabeth Steele, who has been visiting a daughter in Can ada, arrived home this week. • • • Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. Don Loomis of Mc Daniel Road, are the proud par ents o f a baby boy, Michel Allen bom November 18. • • • mas operetta to be given Friday, night, December 20 . Mrs. Abbott ia the directtor. Mr. Becker will help with the speak ing and acting. Selling Tickets To Scout Circus Several o f the boys have been selling tickets for the Boy Scout Circus that Is to be held Dee. 6 and 7, In Portland at the Pacific International Exposition arena. Harry Hendrickson has sold $10.20 worth of tickets. New Student We pave a new student in the sixth grade who just came from Beach School In Portland. Her name is Patricia McCam- tey. Her brother, Myron, 2nd grade, came one week sooner. Xmas Exchange Cedar Mill Extension Unit will hold its December meet at the home o f Mrs Ellen Johnson. To coincide with the plans o f Miss Faye Nichols the meeting will be held on December 12. Miss Nich ols will instruct the group on "New Materials.” Each person attending is asked to bring an article plus a gift for the Xmas gift exchange. • • • Lei the Men Work Cedar Mills Community Clilb will meet Wednesday evening, De cember 11 at the Grange Hall. Election o f officers will be held during the evening. Men have been designated to act as hosts for refreshments. • ’• • Mr. and Mrs. Tracy M Metcalf of Aloha are receiving congratula tions on the birth of a little girl. Marcia Ann, who was born on No vember 18. Lee A., is the name chosen by the Lindsey C. Walkers, of Bea verton for their new son. who first saw the light of day on November 16. • • • Felicitations are in order at the Tigard home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Wallaert on the birth of little Gary, who arrived Novem ber 11. COOPER MOUNTAIN Curiiivul \itilit Vi*lting Relatives Mrs. Charles Clayton left Nov Planned tor Saturday evening, Dec. 14 at the Barnes School is a ember 19 for Weatherford, Okla., carnival. Co-sponsors of the even to visit with her folks. She will be I’ urent* Guest» ing is the Barnes P.T.A. and the home in time for Christmas. Mr. Clayton is the Sunday School Sympathy Cedar Mills Extension Unit. The Pack 591 Cub Scouts met at Our deepest sympathy goes out the community club house Friday Booths, games and refreshments teacher at Cooper Mt. They now evening, Nov. 22. Mrs. McLane Is to Mrs. Ellen Johnson who lost her as well as movies are scheduled live at Cornelius. • • • Mrs. Ruth Worlstad for the evening's enjoyment. Cup leader. Bobby McFarron, den cousin, Birthdays Honored through a sudden illness last week. chief. • • • There were twenty two in at The Cubs put on a short skit, tendance at Sunday School last "The First Thanksgiving.” Three Remember the Date Sunday and a collection of $7.58. Remember the carnival to be new cubs were added to the pack Three birthdays were honored: Parents o f Cuba were preaent to given at the Grange Hall, Satur that of Lloyd Wold, 12 years old; be entertained and enjoyed the day night, December 7 by Leedy Teddie Price, 6 years and Calvin Grange. evening with the boys. Interesting California Trip Clayton, 4 years old. • • • Refreshments o f pumpkin pie Mrs. Josiah Oilray, who lives • • • and coffee were served. Students Entertained on Canyon Crest Drive, has re Following a special Thakegiving turned from Thanksgiving In Portland a California trip. lunch o f creamed turkey and Mrs. Gllray spent two weeks in Sandra Stichley spent the pumpkin pie in the school cafe Los Angeles visiting Miss "Skip” Thanksgiving holiday with her mo teria last Wednesday the Cedar Bookwalter, who used to live with ther in Portland. Mill School Students were enter her, and who has gained promin • • • tained by a program. ence in radio work. From there, Recuperating Mrs. George Sipe is Ijome from Each room participated by put Mrs. Oilray flew to San Francisco O p e re lla Start«*«! ting on part o f the entertainment. where she spent a week before the hospital and is much Improved. The Barnes School children School was dismissed early, not to she took a plane home. have been given parts in a Christ be resumed until Monday. • • • LEGAL NOTICE Have Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hobson of NOTICE OF H E A R IN G ON Sheffman Way, entertained at a STRE ET O PENING Thanksgiving dinner last Thurs NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN day. Guests included Mrs. Hob son’s sister, Miss Edith Walstra. That the viewers appointed by the Mrs. Henry Stlppler and her neph City Council of the City of Bea ew, Gary and Chris Stocksteadt. verton to view and assess the ben efits and damages resulting from i • • • the opening o f a street have filed Gives Birthday Party their report with me; said street Little Allan Stuhr, son of Mr. being described as follows, to-wit: and Mrs. E. T. Stuhr, of Canyon Beginning at a point on the Drive, celebrated his ninth birth northerly right-of-way line of day Friday by having a party for the Tualatin Valley (State) some of his friends, including Highway, which point bears Donald, Roger and Susan Peck. north 384.2 feet and N. 81 de- Nancy and Ted Locke, Michael i grees 2T W. 30.3 feet from the Madden, David Ward and David southwest corner of the W. F. Sonne. Hall D. L. C. No. 44, in T1S, • • • R1W, W. M., and running Bridge Luncheon At Golf Club thence north parallel to and Mrs. Ray C. Finch, of Parkview 30.0 feet westerly from the Lane, entertained twelve ladies west line o f said Hall D. L. C. at a bride luncheon last Tuesday a distance of 891.2 feet to the at the Portland Golf Club. Honors north line of Lot 4 of Ladd at bridge were won by Mrs. Ray and Reed’s Addition to Bea C. Maust. verton, Oregon, which point • • • bears N. 89 degrees 54’ W. 30.0 To Be Breakfast Guest« feet from the northeast corner At 7:30 next Sunday morning o f said lot. the young people of the Valley N O TIC E IS F U R T H E R G IVEN Community United Presbyterian church will Join with the young That the City Council will on the members o f the Centenary Wilbur 18th day of December, 1946, at Church for a breakfast at the the hour o f 8:00 p.m. o f said day latter church. MMrs. Martin Nle- at the City Hall, consider said re moeller will be the speaker. Trans port and all persons Interested portation to Portland will be pro therein are hereby notified to pre sent their objection to the report, vided. if any they have, that they may • • • be heard and determined by the Newcomers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll and City Council at the time herein small son and daughter have fixed fo r considering said report. D ATED This 30th day of Novem moved Into the recently complet ed home on Fairway Drive, next ber, 1946. to the A. H. Klug home. R. C. DOTY, City Recorder of the City of Beaverton. • « e New Family Member Date of publication December Mr. and Mrs. Sid Rasmussen, 8, 1946. Junior, of Benz Park, are being congratulated on the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce baby daughter, last Wednesday, November 27. The baby, who arrived at St. Vincents Hosnital, has been named Dana Ardis. • • • Home For Thanksgiving Barbara Thorn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W alter R. Thorn, of Ridgeway Drive, spent the Thanks giving week end with her parents. Barbara is a Junior at the Univer sity of Oregon. On Sunday she and a group o f girls, including Shirley Gray, of Schools Ferrv Rd„ went skiing at Ttmberllne Lodge. • • • Have Guest» Visiting at the Claude J. Brock man home on McChesnev Road are their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin, of San Jose, California and the Mar tin's infant daughter. Melane Zer- ilda. Mr and Mrs. Martin olan to stav In Oregon until after the hol idays. Mr and Mrs. Rrockman recent ly entertained Miss Verna Patti- son. soprano soloist of the First Presbyterian Church in Portland. • • • Right her* on the highways of Western Oregon, these big. safe Green-Lit Thanksgiving In McMinnville pile up enough mileage every day to equal the distance of four-fifths of ; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bamford. Junior, and family, o f Birchwood circumference of the globe— without ever once having a passenger fatality I Road, and Mrs. Bamford's par Your# S A F E when you ride Oregon Motor Stage Green-Liners. Our ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F Douglas, of Canyon Lane, spent Thanksgiv drivers hold coveted National Safety Council awards, and Oregon Motor ing with an aunt o f Mrs. Ram- Stages has one of the very highest safety records in the country. ford’s. Mrs. E. L. Ketchum of Mc Next time, ride the Green-Linerst Minnville. • • • CEDAR MILL NEWS Dinner Gue»ta Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Price enter tained a group of friends from Portland for dinner Thanksgiving Day. • • • Murphy’s And More Murphy's Willard Livermore and Lawrence Davis are digging their potatoes this week. • • • Happy Birthday Lloyd Wold was honored with a birthday party Sunday. Lloyd was 12 years old and his mother gave him a very fine birthday party. WEST SLOPE NEWS Harm's School Notes have QUÌI* BEAUTY PREPARATI ONS ! So many of you have been asking us for Dorothy Gray Preparations . . . we are proud to say that we now have them! Such dressing- table necessities as those listed below, as w ell as all other Dorothy Gray Preparations. G reat news Dorothy Gray Cleansing Creams for the three skin types: Dry Skin Cleanser for dry skin. Liquefying Cleansing Cream for oily skin. Salon Cold Cream for normal skin. Each ft, plus tax. Special Dry-Skin Mixture ... A richly lubricating night cream that helps your skin to soft smoothness. $2.25, plus tax. Orange Flower Skin L o tio n ... Fragrant, non-drying lotion to use after your Dry-Skin Cleanser. $1, plua tax. Dorothy Gray Portrait Face Powder, Lipstick, and all other ■aakaup. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to KRAMIEN'S Drug Store 2 Registered Pharmacists L. C. KRAMIEN RAY W. MEADOWS HILLSBORO, OREGON YEAR AFTER YEAR WITHOUT A PASSENGER FATALITY! FOR SCHEDULE & TICKET INFORMATION B. C . STEELE Beaverton, Oregon E n jo y D an cin g A group of Multnomah Club Road neighbors including Mr and Mrs. Norman Powne. Mr. and Mrs. J O. Holetnan. Mr and Mrs. lawrence T Johnson Mr and Mrs. Arthur Holmen and Mr and Mrs. Karl Holoon enjoyed a dance last Saturday night at the sunken ballroom of the Masonic Temple. • • • California Trip Mrs. Lew D. Nichols of Aloha. formerly of Bent Park, has re turned from a two week's trip to Los Angeles Mrs. Nichols made her return trip by plane STORK C IT R NEW S Mr and Mre. Francis E. O’Brien of Reaverton announce the arrival of a daughter. Nina, on November 24. e • • Tualatin residents. Mr. and Mrs John S Green, announce the | i birth o f Nancy, who was born on 1 November 30 e e e Mr and Mrs. Leo N Meagher of Canyon Lane, are heralding the birth of a daughter. Mary S who 1 was horn on November 22 I'll stop by the SIGNAL STATION ond help doll if up CHROME FOG LIGHTS TA IL PIPE EXTENSION CHROME MIRROR HYDRAULIC BUMPER JACK ELECTRIC LOCK GAS CAPS STEERING GEAR KNOB DUAL HORN . . . IFLASHLIGHT SIGNAL STATION ROSS F. WHISMAN S W Conyoo Rood at Hol I HAROLD GREGORY Beaverton Ore = m=in= Miîtits 'irsiMsmSnistiisiifsiu