Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE STOP! w S IH O P '"ALO H A liÄAÄÄÄ A A Ä Ä Ä A Ä Ä A A Ä A A A A A A A # ». Ä < < < < < < < < < < < < « < * « < < < * < :< :« :< :< « < See Us for XMAS » GIFTS ». » ». ». ». t ». ». For Mother For the Children ». Dishes ». Pressure Cooker ». Harmax Griddle Grill ». ». Sparton Radio Photograph Frames Plastic Mirror Whatnot ». Decorations Go-Devil Coaster Wagon Scooters Kiddie Cars Tricycle » For Father ». For the Home ». Fishing Tackle Winged Mirror Totlite High Quality Tools ». Bells for the Door Santas Table Centerpieces ». ». ». ». J. B. IM L A Y and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. ». ». ». ». ». ». ». Phone 6311 Barber Shop Hand made, imported Our attention haa been called to a notice on the door o f the "Top Notch" at Aloha stating it will be closed for ten day*. The cause Is unknown, could be a beer short age, who knows? We are under the impression that this will leave several home Aloha is growing, wny don't less, while on the other hand it our sidewalks? will give the “ hoimeless” a ©hance Yours, for some rehabilitation in getting (until we get a theater) acquainted with their families and TH E S K IP P E R . homes during this period. Aloha di essmaker, spent a large portion of a rainy day afoot on the heels o f one she so dearly loved. The story goes something like this; It was told she chased the old boy through mud and rain, over hills and across the neighbors orchards. Every persuasive mea sure in the book to get him to re turn home was used but no soap. It was all in vain. Unsuccessful she Journeyed home a very unhappy woman to be sure. Just as things looked the black est for Nora, a friendly neighbor, Mr. Reiner, stepped into the pic ture, recovered "Blue Boy" and brought him home to Mrs. Carl son. Blue Boy is her grandsons horse. John I„ On The Pan Owned and Operated by Fur trimmed ond hand beaded Mr. We have Assorted Colors in ond Mrs. Alfred Aloho, Oro. Aloha ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP Work Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Or« Phone 6125 A signet belt for any bo1 your Christmas list! What a thrill, getting one o f these i vidually-designed-for-his-sc signet belts! Man-size beii top-grain bridle leather Roi eel safe-edge signets o f hi polished, solid cast bronze ented loops allow signet t worn as part o f the bell school wear or for dress. $; • Safeguard of a margin • Double Printed Cutting Line 2ZZ2 £ m 7TTTTT tor Sale Exiluiioel) by; • Sev/ing instructions printed right on the pattern pieces. S H O P W A L K E R ’S Open Every Night till 9 pm The eyes of the world here and abroad are focused on the govern Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Farlow and ment vs. John L. in Washington. family spent Thanksgiving with A lot of midnight oil is being Mrs. Farlow’s parents, Mr. and burned by both parties Involved. Mrs. E. E. Mathews at Gresham. Recent activities in the court room show signs the light Is burn ing low for John L. Lewis and his 400,000 coal miners. The final outcome or decision in all probability will be decided by ME1CHANT TAILOR the highest court of the land. Whatever the Supreme Court de All Work Guaranteed cides you can bet your bottom chip it will be a fair and just Saturday Afternoon conclusion. It is generally believed Lewis will eventually receive a prison term and possibly a heavy fine, thus giving labor its first major set back. This would be all well and good if decided by the Court. However, the sixty four dollar question still rem »1" " unsolved. W ill such action help to clear up the fight between labor and man- agmement? We Give S & H B. T. W ALTO N chandise to hold it until Shoe Repair Christmas Quality Leather and Neolite Sole and Heels JUST RECEIVED C H A M B E R LIN S Service While You W ait Richards Phono 6332 GUESS WHAT ? Aloha Super Service SUNSET PRODUCTS W | Give S 4 H Groan SH m yt I f you want to buy--»ell T R Y A C1ASSIFIED. trade, Jeweler - at the "Complete Depa Store" — See the sue gift lists on pages 5 am i ideas, then come here Watchmaker ¡them W e give H Thomas J. Lukas S & to offer you. TRY THEM FIRST j f . Oregon ** I'll give you a hint . . 've been shopping ot EHRLICH COMPLETE LINE OF in in DEPARTMEN STORE Green Stomps Phone Beaverton 3461 Merle Wagner phoned from San Diego to give Thanksgiving greet police patrol from 7:00 p.m. until A T T E N T IO N CAM P FIRE ings to his mother, father and morning. Something new for our Our annual County Ca town. brother, Richard. Girls skating party will tomorrow, Saturday, Dec at Shute Park, Hillsboro. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stubbs Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Anderson The girls will meet at had her sister and husband, Mr. Ridge, verton grade school at 1:1 and Mrs. Putney and family for and family of Pumpkin formerly of Aloha, were visiting in A high school bus will Thanksgiving. the community Sunday. 1:30 p.m. Admission will and bus fare 15c round t Thanksgiving dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boros were Guest Ruby Rose Boros was an over Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sabo and fam Seems a great pity night guest of Carol and Jeral- ily of Orenco. dine Thompson in Hillsboro last humans are so constitut it is 40 times easier to Saturday night. Just Tliree emote than to think. Little Betty Jane Ott, her par ents and two brothers of Forest Good Old Santa Many of the children ot the j Grove celebrated her third birth day with a dinner at the home of community attended the Santa SEPTIC, TANK! her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus parade In Portland Friday. [ CLEANED Lon Kinnaman, South Wheeler LINES CHECKED Ave. ADVANCED ESTIMAI Social Evening Phone 6S21 A very enjoyable social evening Honorably Discharged was spent at the home of Mr. O. E. BERGLAN Bobbie Mathews has received and Mrs. Graydon Loree last Sun his discharge from the Army. day after the evening service. He visited his sister and her family, Mrs. L. H. Farlow last Appropriate Monday. Spencer Jones, while working on He will be remembered in Alo the plumbing in the basement at ha as he worked In the drug store the Aloha Baptist Church fell In to about three feet of water. one summer. Nothing more serious than hav Recuperating ing to change clothes. C. J. Stickney went to St. Vin cent’s Hospital last Friday for a Aloha In Pictures check-up. He is improving. There has been a Mr. Hagge of Hollywood taking airplane pictures Improved for Universal studios over and Mrs. John Erlcson was out rid around Aloha for two weeks. We ing lately for the first time since hope he gets good ones. her illness. Nuptials View Gardens Lon Kinnaman. Jr„ known Mrs. Howard Weed. Mrs. Putney around Aloha as Chuck and Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Jarnigan of Beverly Sears of Tigard were mar Canada drove to Ellensburg. Wash, ried recently. recently to view the Iris Gardens. For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Better Be Good Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. Aloha has police protection by ! AND Meats GOLDEN W EST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon — (h-m-m-m-) I know they ore headquarters for RCA . . . PACKARD BELL . . . ZENITH ond hove oil models for delivery--Portable . . . Table Console ond Complete oil, gas ond electric heat . . . ond wrappings galore - but what she hodn't seen was the new line of All Plastie I-im ps BOUDOIR A l o h a . <>:>:» i AVAILABLE NOW i ? | j Thor Automatic Washing Machine I i and Dish Washer { 5 II GIFTS FOR YOUR HOME TABLE . . . PIN-UP Dovenpoit ond Choir • Colorful Swing Rockers STOP A N D S E E ___ CHROME DINETTE SETS EHR LICH your p r e s c r ip t io n s F iu m i at the ALO H A PH A R M A CY _______________ALOHA, OR E. Ps-s-s-t! Tell the boys i uant to make a real b. burry doun to PLUMBING A N D APPLIANCES Fresh Vegetables Groceries ctrr If you need assistan friendly clerks will he GlllFOlOSOPl Have a lot of Good Merchandise and Service Aloha Green Stamps Chet Bakkei The Merchants of Aloha Roy's Radio Service j E N T IR E F A M New Shipment of Watches The Complete Shopping Center” There has been much local com ment on the recently Installed Am- F o r the Make a deposit on Mer tt1 Safety Firn! HE F O R G IF T ! Mr. and Mrs. Red MacNamara of South Wheeler had dinner Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. Cly de Maggerett, formerly of Aloha. Let us replace yours with □ new 24-month guaron- teed battery. O re . BUT for SI Exclusive M cCall Features: There was a family Thanksgiv ing dinner held at the Jim Hig- ginns home on South Wheeler, i Those present were parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pentarich, Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Higgins and family of Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Higgins and family of Toledo, Ore. They had a grand get together. Having Battery Trouble? Dressmaking Shop N ow w e have a complete stock of smart new McCall patterns Easier, faster sewing and better fit are yours with McCall fash ions Com e in and look at the lovely designs in the new McCall catalogue. Mr. and Mis. David H. Tobey and two children of Pendleton, | Oregon spent Thanksgiving with | Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stickney. all sizes NORA’ S IN O U R PATTERN DEPARTMENT Celebrate Thanksgiving Personol Attention Leather Heute Slipper* /fas/H ^ûÆ P a t& iK é WALKER’S R I C H A R D S SPECIAL -&te ». ». f T«*ni|H»r»rily (lotwd '/ ifclûw é t/f- 7 » . I)r«‘**inuk«‘r (.liases B m Aloha Kesi«|<*iits ». Mrs. R. N. Carlson, the local F O R E V E R Y M E M B E R O F T H E F A M IL Y iß ber Caution light at Canyon Road Hi way and Wheeler in Aloha. This light has a purpose and should be observed by all drivers passing through this intersection. Traffic has slowed up a great deal however, there are a few who fail to let up on the gas accelerator, consequently endangering the lives of our men, women and children of Aloha. Those who are the violators should cooperate with the State Highway Dept, and citizens of Aloha and slow up when passing through please» Be cautious, be careful, be thoughtful, we want our children alive, not dead! Friday, December 6, 1946 I'liimlmi«: & Appliance ALOHA Phon« 6411 J 3 | i I Kingsleys and get so their first grade cc 2 x 4's and shiplop They also have som< dow and door frame don't miss their knott boards Outside white prime outside white point Nails with lumber k in g s l \ b \ ^1 ^ v z ' ia ih in a . ’ mone 3 5 3 5 y BUVlItTON U M B th e W om L B eaverton PHOMl BEAVERTON