BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 29, 1946 STOP! AND S H O P "ALOHA R I C H A R D S SPECIAL Barber Shop Hond made, imported Personal Attention Leather House Slippers Owned and Operated by Fur trimmed and hond beoded Mr. W e have Assorted Colors in and Mrs. Alfred Aloha, Ore. Richards Phone 6332 all sizes ALOHA PERSONALS Krivnds Gather Mr. and Mrs. J. K. D am ron are having Mr. and Mrs. G len D ay, of Portland, spending T h nak sgiv- ing D ay w ith them. • • • Arrive« H om e R obert K lingspore arrived hom e recently from Yokaham a, Japan, and is now discharged from the U. S. Arm y. i • • • Portland V isitors F urch ase Shop Mr. and Mr*. K lingspore of S. Tom H eitzm an.B ud W ilson and j W heeler A ve and fam ily w ill v isit G eorge Mull have purchased the in P ortlan d over T hank sgiving. body and paint shop of the Spen­ « • • cer Motor Co., in H illsboro. F leeted D ecturer • • • Mrs. Lannie Thom as w as elected Spend Day W ith R elatives lecturer for A loha Grange. She Mrs. D ale Jones' brother and his accepted. • • • fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam W es- enberg and daughters, Sharon and T h ank sgiving W ith Friends M arlene o f Canby sp en t a day at M iss W innie E p plett is spend­ th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. D ale ing T h an k sgivin g day w ith friend s Jones. at Salem . • • • • • • V isitin g Make Im provem ent Mrs. E lean or H erzon and son, T he Golden W est M arket and G rocery has ju st in stalled a new Terry, o f M cM innville, are v isitin g w eather strip door w ith a wide her sister, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. D on Ehrlich. brass threshold. • • • T h is is com p letely wind and ) H u ntin g w ater proof. R aym ond A. R ein k e and C lar­ ence P razeau have been duck h un t­ ing sev era l tim es recently on Sau- vies Island. • • • P L U M B IN G and V isit B rother A PPLIAN C E Mr. and Mrs. R. F. M cCarney Phone Aloha 6411 Aloha, Ore are h a v in g T h a n k sg iv in g D ay w ith h er brother in Portland. • • « A ttend Luncheon Mrs. E m m a Sprague and Mrs. IS H ERE L innie T h om as w ent to a luncheon of th e D augh ters of U nion V eter­ Come in ond See U s for ans, g iv en In honor o f th eir Dept. In spector In Portland. GAS FLOOR FURNACES • a • A tten d W edding $74.00 and up Mr. and Mrs. D ale H o tch k iss A lso w en t to th e w edding at Tigard of Mr. and Mrs. H arold Godfrey. T he bride w as M iss L esta G llla- ELECTRIC SPACE han, la tely o f Seattle. HEATERS The w ed ding w as a t the Sunny- side M ethodist Church. $5.95 and up The groom is well know n in and See O ur around B eaverton. • • • E n terta in Christmas Decorations Mr. and Mrs. Cal D ore of P o rt­ land and som e friend s of E u gen e had T h a n k sg iv in g dinner w ith Mr. and Mrs. R oy Carlson. Butterflies Aid Scientists in Drug Discovery of New Vitamin Big Flan» Made T he H om e E conom ics Club of the A loha O range m et at the hom e of Mrs. E lm er LaR ue. T here w ere tw en ty present, the aftern oon w as sp en t planning m ore th in g s fo r en tertain m en t at the A nnual G range dinner D ecem ­ ber 7. T h ey have big th in g s planned be­ sid es th e lovely dinner. • • • FOR HIM 10(1% Pure Virgin W 04 »1 Shirt it. Ehrlich N O R A ’S W e have Ignition Parts, Points, Condensers, Brushes and Switches D ressm aking Shop Aloha Ore. L A LO H A BEAUTY SHOP W o rk Done By Appointm ent Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 Aloha Super Service SUNSET PRODUCTS We Give S4 H Green Stamps I f you w an t to buy—se ll—trade, TR Y A C LA SSIFIE D . The Merchants of Aloha Have a lot of Good M erchandise and Service to offer you. Chet BakkeiTs Roy's Radio Service CLE6FUL0S0PHUS Oregon A loha Dr. S. M. Hardy, Medical Director, Lederle Laboratories Division, American Cyanamid Company, points to spot on world map where macrocytic anem ia is prevalent. Lederle scientists recently synthesized a new vitam in known as folic acid, which contains a “p terin” com­ pound, and is being used in the treatm ent of certain anemias. Over 10 years ago scientists isolated these pterins from the wings of butterflies, but were prohibited from continuing experim ents by H itler’s order. Cold Weather TRY TH EM FIRST W eek E nd A t Grand R onde Mrs. C harles B u ffu m sp en t the w eek and w ith friend s in Grande R onde. • • • V isit N iece Mr. V ictor Larsen, h is son, Don, and w ife, H elen, of Mollala, spent a day recen tly w ith h is niece, Mrs. N ora Carlson. • • • D inner B ig S uccess T he m em bers of St. C ecilia Church had a very su ccessfu l din­ ner at th e A loha G range H all on la st S atu rd ay evening. T h ey served n early 900 p lates o f dinner. T h ey sold cak es, pies, and ham s. A lso fa n cy work. T h ey cleared $1600.00. E veryon e had a good tim e. • R eturn To Gold B each Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turner have gone back to Gold Beach. • • • Poster Contest Winner The A loha G range held th e pos- i ter con test for the p osters tellin g 1 about the annual turkey dinner and bazaar, D ec. 7. The prize for the best poster w as a large red hen w ith blue rib- ; bon around its neck. Mrs. J ew el Lorenzon w on the hen. Mrs. G ertrude A ndross and Mrs. E m m a Sprague w ere runners up. There w ere tw en ty four very good posters. M ake a deposit on PERFECT . . . f»»r SPORTWEAR or JUST LOAFING AROUND For Your CO N VEN IENCE open every nife til 9 p. m. M e r­ chandise to hold it until Mt. Hood And Zig Zag Mr. and Mrs. R o y B rig g s and fam ily sp en t the w eek end w ith friends a t Zig Zaf and also at Mt Hood. B. T. W ALTO N MERCHANT TAILOR Shoe Repair Christm as Quality Leather and Neolite Sole and Heels JUST RECEIVED New Shipment of Wotches Thomas J. Lukas C H A M B E R L IN 'S All Work Guaranteed Bring Us your Hams and Bacons Smart Buffali» Plaid» or Plain Hit'll S«»lid Colors Sizes 14 to 17 Jeweler - Service While You Saturday Afternoon We give S & H Green Stamps W ok in in TO BE CURED A N D SM O KED W atchm aker at FO R F IN E F L A V O R W ALKER W«> use the DRY SUGAR CURE GOLDEN W EST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon 7 know we're alone, Janie, but you sbouldnt’ have told me about We Give S & H Green Stamps File Complete Shopping Center** BEAVERTON PERSONALS P e e a ii F l o o r in g P ly w o o d S lie u t iii" a m i Birthday H onors A rm istice D ay Mrs. W illiam H eil had a b irthd ay party for her daughter. Mrs. Joan L indsay. • • • V isit D aughter Mr. and Mrs. H enry M ayfield left Thursday. N ov. 21, for A rling­ ton, Ore. to spend a few d ays w ith their d augh ter and son-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Snider. Ij iiit e x T e x t u r e P a in t GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at the A LO H A PH A RM A CY ALOHA, ORE. S e lf fu rrin g S tu eco W ire and F u rrin g N ails FULL LINE BUILDERS HARDWARE KINGSLEY BlAVinON C A G le a m in g 2 OLORFUL K I T C H E N . . . 3|jjj3 * SEPTIC TANKS lUmtR Co. ALOHA ! aunt, Mrs. T. Mast in Portland on I W ednesday. T he occasion w as the [ D e f f s w edding anniversary. • • • F or S to v e and D iesel OH Call Visit* Friend Harry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. Mrs. Em ory V an K leels o f P leas­ ant Valley, sp en t the w eekend with her friend Mrs. P. Pederson on H en in sey w h o h as ju st returned from the hospital in Portland. O. E. BERGLAND wMf« Courteous Treatment * Q U IC K SERVICE Opposite Post Office L*4 wt help ye« wwt # « t y t « t c e le r F IS H E R - T H O R S E N P cU ett See our Selection before you buy your KITCHEN W ARE and W e have o Toble Model Sparton Radio YOU MAY H AVE YOUR CH O ICE FIRST PREFERENCE TO BUY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY An ELECTRIC A RANGE W A S H IN G M A C H IN E or An ELECTRIC W ATER HEATER With Any Pureha»e F ilial ling # 2 0 0 J. B. IM L A Y and SONS Hardware and Feed A Limited (,>i|anlity BUY NO W FOR XM AS Phone 6311 Aloha, Ore. Mother And F ath er V isitin g Mr. and Mrs. H arvey D. Cook, of Jerom e, Idaho, are v isitin g their tw o sons. Marble and Morgan Cook and their fa m ilies In B ea­ verton. P rior to com in g to B eaverton they had a p leasan t visit w ith Mrs. C ook’s sister, Mrs. Joe K rivanek, in L ongview , W ash. • • • N ew com ers Mr. and Mrs. G lenn Long and fam ily have m oved in to the C hurchly hom e. T h ey are from H illsboro and form erly from N e­ braska. • • • Job's D augh ters G uests Job's D augh ters o f B eth el No. 20 w ere g u ests o f the B eth el Con­ g regation al church la st Sunday at the m orning w orship. • • • G athering F or T h a n k sgivin g Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H ardy, of A shland. Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph N elson and fam ily, o f Ver- nonia, Mr. and Mrs. H arvey D. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. M organ Cook and son. o f B eaverton, are sp en din g th e T h an k sgivin g h oli­ days at th e Marble Cook hom e on M enlo D rive. S ounds lik e a lot o f turkey and a m igh ty good tim e. Se e P ic t u r e s It has been decided th a t th e Old H eidelberg restaurant w ill be the regular ev en in g m eetin g place o f th e B eaverton Junior C ham ber of Com m erce. A t th eir la st m eetin g held there W ednesday. N ovem ber 27, th e group w as entertained by p ictures show n on a RCA m ovie cam era. c a r d of t h a n k s I w ish to thank our m any friends and neighbors for their thou ghtfu l a ssistan ce and sym pa y th y during th e illn ess and death of m y beloved w ife. G eorge H ughson CLEANERS T A IL O R IN G ond PRESSING mmé G uest Speaker The W om an's Society o f Chris­ tian Service o f th e M ethodist Church m et for th eir regular busi­ ness m eetin g W ednesday. N ovem ­ ber 20th. Mrs. Frank Taylor of the Good­ w ill Industries, w as the gu est speaker. She had m any oddities and sev­ eral an tiq ues on display. There were 14 ladies present. • • • Move Building Howard S m ith and crew are busy m oving a building from F arm ington Road and Oak Street to South W ashington street. CLEANED U inner Guests» L IN E S C H E C K E D j Mr. and Mrs. H arry D off were A D V A N C E D E S T IM A T E S Phone 6S21 Aloha | dinner g u ests at th e hom e of her P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3201 For a Beautiful, M o d ­ ern, W a s h a b le finish for Interior W o o d w o r k ond Furniture, use TH O R-O -LAC Phone Beaverton 3461 S t a in e d S h a k e » Aloha , 6 5 5 / Eo sy to o p p ly a n d dries perfectly sm ooth DEPARTMENT STORE the 3/onte B e a v e r t o n A LO H A * * * Initiation B eaverton B ebekah Lodge No. 248 m et at th e H all on Tuesday even in g and in itiated four m em ­ bers. T here were 30 visitors pres­ ent from other lodges, Sherwood. C entral Point and M ultnom ah Re- bekah. A cm e and M ountain View of Ministering Friends' .11 at the B E A V E R T O N C H U R C H OF T H E N A Z A R E N E T his Sunday, December 1, at 9,45 and 11 A. M . P ortlan d • • • Xm aa Program Planned B eaverton M ethodist Sunday School board m et on M onday even ­ ing and plans w ere m ade for a | C hristm as treat and program • • • G u ests Mrs. L. W eidm an and M ra A. Sullivan from C entral Point. Ore­ gon. w ere g u ests at th e hom es o f ■ Mr. and Mrs J a y Froet o f Aloha and Mr and Mrs Bert H edgpath | on R oute 2. B eaverton Tuesday i and W ednesday o f last week. • • • C elebrate A nniversary Mr. and Mrs Tex Salkelt were h osts at a dinner party Friday. N ovem ber 1 5 . at the Bam boo Inn j in P ortland given in com m em ora- j tlon o f their first w edding an niver­ sary and the fifth an niversary of I Mr. and Mrs M lts Alexander. 25 g u ests attended. i From Middle H eat H elen H a slsn d . o f Hendrum. | V in n Is v isitin g h er m other and | N th er v r and Mrs. John Haal- 'd o f vert on She w ill he here I fo - so*»« tim e “ T h e y M e l B e h in d P r is o n B a r s ’’ H e a r these three transform ed women from the underworld silfi Complete Line of Fancy Groceries ond Meats A T REASONABLE PRICES s l B & T M ARKET East Beaverton Junction and C anyon Rood