, November 29, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE BONNY SLOPE NEWS The Bonny Slope C om m unity Club had a card party Nov. 23. The prize for Cribbage wan won by Mrs. H ecker, Pinochle prize by A. E. Bartelsky, and the door prize by Mr. H ecker. Sandw iches and c o ffe e were served, with dancing afterw ards. The m usic was donated by Mr. F rank Snyder and Mr M arvin. • • • B ingo I’ arty Make a date for Nov. 30 at 8:00 p. m. to be at the Bonny Slope C om m unity club for a B ingo P ar­ ty. ' • • • Open Meeting The V .F.W . Valley Post 8247 will have an open m eeting D ec. 3, at 8 p. m. The purpose o f the m eet­ ing will be to see about form in g the Ladies Auxiliary. E veryone welcom e. P otluck and entertainment. • • • New N eighbors Mr. and Mrs. Jessen are our new neighbors. T hey have bought the Farrier home. • • • Discharged Lt. G ordon H eck er has been dis­ charged from the U. S. N avy and is at hom e now. He intends to go to college In Portland. S tork Shower A n unusual S tork Show er was given N ov. 18 by Mrs. H ead and Mrs. Thom as, fo r Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. T he ladies gathered at Mrs. H ea d ’s home while the m en went to the T hom as' hom e to play cards. T hen they all m et at Mrs. H ead's hom e fo r lunch. Shortcake and whipped cream was served. T he Johnson's received m any nice gifts. • • • K itchen Shower Mrs. Ed Bartelsky had a kitchen show er N ov. 22 fo r Miss Arm ida T opia, o f Portland. T able d ecora­ tions were m iniature umbrellas. Miss T apia and P ete Misye, her fi­ ancee received som e very nice gift Cards and gam es were played, and a nice lunch w as served. • • • Cub Scout News T h e Cub Scouts had a pack m eeting Nov. 22. The Scouts had their T -P ees up and put on a P il­ grim play. T he Cub Scouts m eet every T hursday at 7:30 p. m. in the club house. T he Cub Scouts are selling tick ­ ets to the B oy Scout Circus. Let's help the Scout« ou t by buying tickets. Call Us By P h on e F or FREE G R O C E R Y & M EAT D ELIVERY W edding Shower A w edding sh ow er will be given fo r Miss E dna Lee R ain ey and M r. R ob ert M cLaughlin, at the B onn y Slope C om m unity Club, Dec. 6 at 8 p. m. E veryone Invited. Ik* waned Mr. G. R . B arnes passed away Nov. 22. He was one o f the oldest residents o f B onny Slope. Services to be held at the J. P. F inley and Sons, o f Portland. T he Old T im ers express their deepest sym pathy. • • • A* W ork Mrs. Carl V ester is w orking at J. K. G ill’s in the T o y Dept. • • • E xpected Hom e Pvt. Keith D. C oon is expected to be home on fu rlou gh very sh ort­ ly. He was in trainin g at Fort Knox, Ky. hi S orry to hear Mr. T hom as is at hom e with a bad cold . W e hope to see him up and around real soon • • • H F J .P F l'L T han ksgiving is here. And C hristm as is near. N ew Y ears will soon be along. I^et’s give som eone a lift, Or even a gift, And cheer them alon g with a song B y Mrs. E. Bartelsky. EN G A G EM EN T A V N O l'N C E D Mr. and Mrs. E rnest F. R ainey announce the en gagem en t o f their daughter. E dna Lee R ain ey to R obert (B ob ) M cL aughlin, son o f Mr. and Mrs. C. F. M cLaughlin, o f the B onny Slope Store. The w edding will be held In the near future. O R D E R S. Barnes School Notes Phone Order* Not Loter Thon 1 p. m. W E SERVE — Cedar Hill , Aloha , W e»t Slope , and the Entire Heaverlon Area. Floor* Need W o *in 9 ? W e hove two eo*y to bond I e Electric Floor W o it r * for rent THRIFTY MARKET PHONE BEAVER I ON 3261 Leave F or G iuld’s L ak e T hree o f our B arnes School children left us to m ove to Guild’s Lake. T hey were Jim Forrest, o f the seveneth grade, G eraldine F or rest, o f the fifth grade and their brother, David, o f the first grade. . . . l^ itvc F or V an p ort T hree o f the ch ildren in the low ­ er grade room left fo r V an p ort T hey were E lsie K ra sn off, Michael K ra sn off and Joyce Lippi. • • • F orestry Club C hooses Name The forestry club near Barnes S ch ool finally decided on a name Beaverton Hardware “THE HOUSE OF SERVICE” I UNIVERSAL J 1 Gas Range With 1 i UH - I Trash Burner USED (But you can't tell it) one only 1 !«*■ WATER HEATERS Electric 40 gallon two only GAS - 30 gallon two only Famous Youngstown Kitchen Wall and Floor Units For Delivery WHILE THEY LAST! 1947 Model Ecko Pressure Cookers 10 Only LET US DEMONSTRATE WE NOW HAVE SEVERAL Beautiful Sets of DINNERWARE ALL SIZES A LL PRICES for their club. It, is 'The Term ite R angers.'' Darrell Molash took I the place, o f Jim f^ rre s t w ho has ¡m oved. ‘ Fell In Creek Jerry H aley was a victim o f a fall w hich resulted in a good soak ing, in the creek just west o f Barnes School. Hts friend and schoolm ate. V ictor Schwan lost his lunch pail in the creek at the sam e time. Arlene Murphy 8th, Barnes School SELF INSTALLED SHOWER $5 95 Wicker Clothes HAMPERS All Sizes Story Hook People Portrayed Hv (»rade Students m w P.T.A. met Nov. 21 at the school with a good attendance despite adverse weather conditions. T he top ic was "R ead in g Is F un " and the fifth and sixth grades were responsible for part o f the program . G loria Smith had charge o f the announcem ents and Sally P eter­ sen and Donna Jackson had charge o f the contest. The rest o f the children p or­ trayed characters from literature: R aym on d E diger and Sherron Schm idt were Hansel and G retel; Joyce P arm er was H eidi; Elaine E ltzroth was T opsy; Melvin H en­ son w as H uck leberry F in n ; David G ilbreth was Tom S aw yer; David P eterson was Casey at the B at; Douglas Ketel was the Pled P ip er; H arlene Katterm an was Old Mo­ ther H ubbard; Lynette C over was Betsy R oss; T ony B eovich was A laddin ; Marlene M itchell was Clara B arton; Billy R yd er was John S ilver; Jim m y Saunders was R obin H ood ; Helen Adam s was A lice in W on derlan d; Judy Sharpe was Puss-In-B oots. B lanks were handed to those In the audience to be filled in with the nam es o f the characters repre­ sented. Mrs. F lorence Cover won the prize o f a book for the m ost answ ers correct. Mrs. M utchler gave a short sy­ nopsis o f books, w hich should be particularly interesting to children. The m em bership contest ended with 122 m em bers obtained. The $5 prize w ent to the 7th and 8th grades fo r having obtained the largest num ber. R oom prize went to the 5th and 6th G rades for the most m others present. R efresh m en ts con sistin g o f c o o k ­ ies and tea were served by the Girl Scouts. T he girls had made the cook ies previous to the m eeting at the hom e o f their leaders. Mrs. Ann E d iger and Mrs. Jackson. COOPER MOUNTAIN Parking Holly A. G. Sorbet is pack in g holly fo r the C hristm as season. H e expects to ship a large am ­ ount. M esdam es Thom as, Moore. Clausen, H endrickson and Pugh are em ployed helping get the beau­ tiful holly on its way. • • » Friends V isit Mrs. L aura Clausen had M es­ dames Johnson, W old, Pierce, Hart, Mohr, Mix, Davis, Cavaness and Bany help celebrate her birth­ day W ednesday, N qvem ber 20th. T hey each rem em bered her with a lovely gift and the aftern oon was one o f pleasure. • • • Celebrate B irthday The birthday o f Mrs. Christine P ierce w as celebrated Tuesday, Novem ber 19th. She received m any lovely gifts from her frien d s who dropped in to wish her m any happy returns. A delightful afternoon was spent I ited her daughter's fam ily, the Ed with M esdames M ary Cavaness. 1 Tessians. The two boys contin- Louise Clausen, Christine W old, ued their m otor trip to Southern L ouise Johnson. Bessie Morris, Nel- \ C alifornia points, lie B arron and Mrs. H aneberg, o f Grange Club Meeting Portland, present. , . . j Grange Hom e E conom ics Club New H om s \ will meet W ednesday of next week Mr. and Mrs. Seidel are living at the hom e o f Mrs. F rances W alt- in their new hom e w hich is know n ers. as the Glen V ining place. • • • • • • : Guest A ttendano« G ood A guest at the home o f the P A. In spite o f inclem ent w eather Thornes has been Mrs. Ethel there were tw enty three present Bricth o f Pasadena, Calif, at Sunday S ch ool last Sunday. The , • • • collection was $5.90. X m as Party Coming The Brownie troop has been bus- R ecu iterating ily engaged as helpers w herever F riends will be glad to learn need m ight arise. T hey are look ­ that Mr. and Mrs. O scar Morris ing forw ard with much interest to are m uch im proved from their re- their X m as Party r ent illness. • < « • • Injured A t I’ lay R em em ber T he Date Duane Simshouser broke his leg R em em ber to keep Saturday, F riday while playing at school. D ecem ber 7 open so you can at First Tim e Out O f School tend the C om m unity card party to Keith M itchell is absent this be given at the school house. week for the first tim e since school started. CEDAR MILL Garden Club News Cedar Mill School New Face« W e have three new pupils in our school. T h ey are; Mary Alison, N ichol in the seventh gra d e; John N ichol in the sixth grade, and Elizabeth N ich ol in the fourth grade. T hey drove to O regon from M innesota last week, encountering snow storm s and bad roads on the way. I f you w ant to buy—sell—trade, T R Y A C LA S SIFIE D . W ork All Done The first graders have finished * their W ork and Play B ooks and are reviewing the stories. Cedar Mill G arden C lub met W ednesday aftern oon in the dining room o f the Grange Hall. Mr. D. Peterson, o f the newly established C edar Mill N ursery on C ornell R oad and M cD aniel R oad gave in form ation to the grou p on the “ Care o f E vergreen s.” He also presented the club with a copy o f the Sunset G arden B ook. The C onstitution was accepted as it had been drawn up by the com m ittee. Mrs. R ose H ohnstein gave an en lightening talk on "B erried Shrubs in R elation to B irds.” Mrs. Hazel Y ou n g dealt with the su bject o f "C uttings". T he D ecem ber 18 m eetin g is planned to start at 11:30 a. m. with the business m eeting in the m orn­ ing. A pot lu ck luncheon will be served at noon. Mrs. B ennett and Mrs. Johnson are too teach the group the art o f m ak in g wreaths E ach person is asked to brin g a sam ple o f their soil for a soil test­ ing analysis. Little Ones Do Their Part The first and second grades are going to present the T hanksgiving letters fo r their part in a small T hanksgiving program . • • • P lace Cards T urkey place cards will help dec­ orate the tables In the lunch room W ednesday. • • • H ere Is H oping It is hoped that Mrs. G ustafson will be able to return to her first and second grades after Thanks- giving. BRADLEY'S p<£&- ' Now is the time to get your motor turved-up G urim al Big Success Those attending the P.T.A. C ar nival F riday evening spent an en­ joyable time. Children were especially attract­ ed to the fishpon d and food was the main attraction fo r the adults. Over $64 was cleared during the evening. • • • Dinner I’ arty Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W alters en­ tertained F riday evening with a dinner party fo r seven guests. The evening was spent in playing pi­ nochle. • • • Sounds Chilly T hu rsd ay’s wind, rain. Ice and snow storm m ade drivin g In this area extrem ely hazardous, partic­ ularly in the h igh er altitudes. By F riday m orning drivin g conditions were som ew hat better. • • . W eekend at Nehalem Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W alters spent the w eekend at Nehalem vis­ iting the Lee Mead fam ily. Mr. Mead is Mrs. W alters brother. • • • For Winter Driving WE New and Rebuilt Dodge & See us for Plymouth Motors in stock and are equipped to WE Bright Beauty DO Car Greasing and all types of shop work including and Protection Brake Lining RASMUSSEN GARAGE C arr OPEN Chevrolet Co. Shop 8-5 Station 8-6 "Le t Us Fix I» Up" PHONE Beaverton 3251 Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 or after 6 p. m 3632 NOW! t Space for you on S.P. trains to First Methodist Church EV ERETT L. BOWERS, Res California! Pa «for 1002 Watson St. 11 A A NICE G IFT ITEM M Telephone: Morning Worship Service, featuring TH E KANSAS C IT Y GOSPEL SINGERS 7 45 P. M Evening Service, featuring; "YO U TH FOR TH E KIN GDOM " Many Xmas Toys (stirring, 16mm motion picture) To oil of our activities you are cordially welcomed TABLE SIZE RADIOS SEE and HEAR REYNOLDS LIFETIME ROCKET PENS *3" See Us for Service on Your Buick now there ia space available on Pacific trains to California. You can't always get a room on short notice but if you 11 make your reservations as far in advance aa possible we’ll do everything we can to get you exactly what you want Next time, try the train to California. Ride the fast all-pullman Cascade (two dining cars and a lountfe car now) or the thrifty Beaivr. Two other trains daQy. Bradford - Streitwieser MOTORS SP Buick Sales and Service The friendly Southern Pacific Complet« Service - Body ¿ad reader Work E very day Southern WE FEATURE FINE TOOLS Visit Our New Store GET YOUR 1947 CALENDAR 1st And Watson Phone 3921 re­ build any motor. New Color 111 Mrs. E lla Little has been con ­ fined to her bed due to illness. • • • Move Into New Hom e T he A lfred G reathouse fam ily have m oved into their new home west o f the Cedar Mill School on C ornell R oad. Visiting In Oakland Mrs. Charles W est accom panied Charles W est and Irw in W uthrlch to Oakland. Calif., where she vis CARRY HILLSBORO, ORE 330 E Lincoln Phone 4 4 3 1 Painting — Radiator Repairing