_________» . MaiHBIIH W WIB W W W O T O T W IM IMRllni III C A K E OF YO t'R M A C H IN E = 11 IH = lll = lll=,l,= ll,_l fiiiaiii3iii=iii=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii. m =111=111=1112111= 2 Let your washing machine do an IH ill efficient job for you by keeping s HI K E E D V 1LLK C O M M U N IT Y ST C E C E L IA CH URCH it in good repair, says Miss Faye Fellowship To Hold Meeting = t'U E S U Y T K K IA N CH UH CIl Masses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. a Home Demonstration m III The Women's Fellowship of the Nichols, = Rev. Hampton, Pastor 10 a. m. Bethel Congregational church will ■ £ ? < ,,f Washington County. Miss THREE CHANGES A WEEK NOW IN i Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. hold its regular meeting Wednes- Nichols suggests the following care Geiger, Supt. ill C H U R C H OF CHRIST Sunday Show runs continuously from 1:30 to 1 1:30 jfl day, December 4. at 12:30 in the tor washer: Worship Service 11 a. m. Second and Main Sts. church social room. The meeting ^ eeP t*le machine oiled, ij Evening Show, 7 to I 1.30. Two entire shows George W. Springer, Pastor Young Peoples C. E. 7 p. m will be a bring-your-own-sandwlch 2 Check bolt8 f " d. BC™ wa tr e ' m are Morning worship and preaching Children (under 12) 20c; Adults, 50c; Students, 40c, IH lunch with Mrs. Sackett and Mrs. 'luentl>r to see that they P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CH UR CH service at 9:45 am. E. G. Webb, hostesses. Mrs. Nor- 1 Uffht. Farmington at Menlo Bible School class session, 11:00 3. Wash by the clock—saves Loges, 60c. ton Peck will be in charge of the Beaverton, Oregon AM . clothes, the machine, time, and IH SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY discussion on “India." Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Christian Endeavor 6:45 p.m . fuel. iñ December 1, 2, 3 Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Evening worship service, 7:45 4. Wash the right clothes load P.M. Divine service 10:30 a. m. for youpr machine Avoid over­ IN Midweek Bible study and prayer A cordial welcome to all. loading. im ¡H 5. After washing clothes, wash service Thursday, 8:00 P.M. The I in A L O H A C O M M U N IT Y study topic will be “Elders.’’ inside of machine with a soapy HI B A P T IS T C H UR CH water, rinse and dry. Remove ¡ü l| Grayden D. Loree, Pastor. In Technicolor stains with a fine scouring pow­ F IR ST M E TH O D IST CH UR CH der. Flush drain thoroughly to see Next Sunday—November 10, 1940 Hi 4th A Watson Sts. Starring Fred MacMurroy Church School, 9:45 A.M. that it is free from lint. Rev. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor IH Mrs. Floy Thompson in charge. Res. 1002 S. Watson St. Tele: 3405 6. Wipe wringer rolls with damp SHORTS - CARTOON - NEWS ÎÏ1 Morning Worship, 11 o’clock. cloth. If tension is adjustable re- lit 9:45 A.M. Church School for all H =H I=lll=lll= lll= H I= H I= lll= H I=H I=H I=H I=lll5 H I= lll= H I= H IS * H = H lgll»=IH = IH = IH = IH = h i ; Sermon: "The Final Work of | age levels. Mrs. Nan Bourquln, I lease pressure. 7. Keep lid propped up an inch Salvation in Us.” I Gen. Supt. Though our classes are or two to let machine air when Teens Club and Junior B.Y.F , fast filling up, you come and we’ll not in use. Leave drain open. 8:30 P.M. f(n