BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 29, 1946 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER W E ST SLOPE N E W S Brut-nt Busy Mrs. G. W . Bruer o f Canyon R oa d had a s her guest recently, a form er school friend whom she hadn't seen since they were both little girls. T he guest, Mrs. John K akkakes o f Spokane, W ash in g ton, had flow n up from San Fran cis c o where she had been visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Bruer o f VALLEY VIEW Antique and Gift Shop FOR XMAS GIFTS Old and New INTERIOR DECORATING See my New Samples of d rapery and u ph o lstery F A B R IC FRO M N EW YORK Canyon Road at W est Slope A T 6951 Seattle were recent guests o f the P ortland Bruers. Joe Bruer, w ho is a student at O regon State College was home fo r the T han ksgiving w eekend and was a guest at the fam ily reunion given by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Bruer, on Sunday. • • • K.ntertained Mr. and Mrs. W . W . Hauser of R idgew ay D rive entertained Mr. [an d Mrs. R upert Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. M eyer, Mrs. Peter W ick, and Miss T elm a Farrugin at T han ksgiving dinner. | Visit Parents M r. and M rs H K 1'rU have returned to their home on F airw ay D rive after a tw o weeks' trip to T acom a w here they visited Mrs. De W eese’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Scotney. • • • Gives B ridge Luncheon E ight ladies w ere entertained at a luncheon at the hom e o f Mrs. Charles J. H unter o f B irchw ood R oad on M onday. B ridge was played with honors g oin g to Mrs. G eorge H. B utterfield and Mrs. Lloyd Jackson. • • • T hanksgiving W ith Parents Mr. and M rs. G. B. Cam pbell of C anyon Lane drove to Kalarna, W ashington, on Thursday to spend T han ksgiving w ith Mr. Cam pbell s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. N Camp b e ll T his w eekend the Cam pbell s have as their guest. Mrs. Camp bell's sister. M iss M arion Stam, of Seattle, w ho is a student at the U niversity o f W ash in gton . Miss Stam will attend the W ashington- O.S.C. gam e on Saturday. W EST SLOPE Grocery and Market SHAFER & HEER Our Delivery Service includes W est Slope, Benz P ark, Sylvan W est Dale and Beaverton Districts BR 9998 BE 0733 _ WE DELIVER — S. W. Canyon Road WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Portland 1 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Phone BRoadway 6122 Fix That Leaky Roof SPECIAL 69c 43c $1.00 Fibre Roof Coating, per gallon Plastic Cement Roof Brushes ................................... Flys to New Y ork Mr. and Mrs. L ofton T atum o f C anyon Crest R oa d have returned from a ten day trip to New Y ork. T hey made their trip by plane. • • • Visiting Mr. and Mrs. F rancis B arn ek off spent last w eekend in Seattle as guests o f Mr. and Mrs. R oscoe D rum m ond, w h o live on Lake W ashington. The B a rn ek offs spent T hanks giving w ith their cou sin ’s fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christenson. • • • lla v o Guests Mr. and Mrs. F red erick Arpke had as their guests for T han k sgiv ing dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Arpke, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Quen- ton Cox. Miss Diana A rpke has as her guest over the weekend. Miss Y vonne Hiatt, a student at Ore gon State College. • • • Cause fo r R e jo icin g David B utterfield, recently cele brated the rem oval o f the body cast he had been w earing ever since an a ccid en t he su ffered in the arm y, w hich resulted In n broken back on August 2. • • • K ntrrtalns Sym phony Mr. David B utterfield entertain ed thirty m em bers o f the P ort land Junior Sym phony O rchestra at a party at his hom e last Satur day night. • • • Hom e from C alifornia Mr. and Mrs. A rthur H. R aasch o f C anyon Crest R oad, have re turned from a w eek 's m otor trip to C alifornia. • • • Goes H om e Mrs. Sidney R asm ussen has re turned too her hom e in C alifornia a fter a visit w ith her daughter, Mrs. E dw ard L. Casey o f Canyon Crest R oad. Mr. C asey recently spent tw o w eeks In New Y ork W hile he was East he saw the A rm y-N otre Dam e game. Cuhel Day School To Have Exhibit On W edn esday and Thursday, D ecem ber 4 and 5, Gabel Country Day School is having a book and toy exhibit from 2 to 5 o'clock . T here will be a talk on books by the head o f the Children's D e partm ent o f the Portland Public Library, and recom m ended toys and book s will be on sale. T he public is invited. This would seem to be a good ch ance ('.oloivtl F ilm for all you w ith children on your lligrbliulit O f StN'ial C hristm as list to see an exhibit o f such great interest The largest attendance the V al T he first grade pupils put on a ley C om m unity United P resbyter T h an k sgivin g program for the ian Church has ever had for a so sch ool's W ednesday assembly. cial function turned out for the pot luck supper last Friday, N ovem ber 23. One o f the highlights o f the eve ning w as the colored m ovie Mr Bryan C. W alker showed o f a trip a group o f H illsboro Boy Scouts Mr. and M rs .‘ W ill T K irk an took this last sum m er to Y’ ellow- nounce the m arriage o f their stone Park. E veryon e enjoyed taking part in daughter, B etty Doris, to A lbert o f hym ns and folk Kenneth Hustad, son o f Mr. and the singing were led by John Mrs. A ndrew H. Hustad, on Nov. songs w hich Doubt. 16. Fred M oore presided during the The R everend Laurence E. Nye m eeting during which perform ed the cerem ony w hich business took place in the hom e o f the $3,000.00 w orth o f certificates of bride’s parents on B irchw ood Rd. the total o f $5,000.00 needed to help T he bride w as dressed in a gold build the Mansp, were sold. The wool dressm aker suit and w ore a trustees feel certain that the b a l corsage o f bird o f paradise flo w ance will he sold within a few days. ers. The com m ittee appointed by Mrs. A gnes Hustad Gibson, the brid egroom 's tw in sister. was Mrs. J. \V. T ice to organize the w as M rs. F r e d M oore, m atron o f honor and the groom 's su p p er brother, Sigm und Hustad. was best ch airm an ; Mrs. M. O. Stroup, Mrs. F W . R alston, Mrs. J. Kenneth man. A reception w as held after the R iley, Mrs. R uth K err, Mrs. J. O. cerem on y w ith Mrs. W . Dunne H olem an, and Mrs. A. Lodahl. T hey w ere kept v ery busy fin d Kirk, Mrs. Keith Smalley and Mrs. ing m ore tables fo r the crow d. Joel T. W ard serving. Mr. and Mrs. W . Duane K irk were hosts to a dinner dance for Television R e d or the new lyw eds at the R ose B ow l F. M. o f the M ultnom ah Hotel. The new lyw eds are at hom e in V anport City w here Mrs. H ustad is assistant at the College library service by • a • and Mr. H ustad is attending I-cavc fo r Canada CENTURY ELECTRONICS school. Mr. and Mrs. E m il G A m m er of Mr. and Mrs. K irk entertained Beaverton Hordwore Phone 3921 Crestdale D rive left W ednesday the bride and groom at T h an k sgiv with V ancouver, B. C., as their ing dinner at the Portland G olf destination. Club. CLEARWATER PLUMBING T hey plan too stay in the G eor gia Hotel at that Canadian City Gas Water Heaters and w ould g o on to Victoria, rul»«. Attund w eather perm itting. Fairbanks Morse Pumps In N ow Y ork Junior Sympliorn Beaverton, Ore. Ph 2925 The H yron B. H aim os o f Canyon T he Cub Scouts o f Den 5 spent Lane are in N ew Y'ork City and their den m eeting time Saturday are expected hom e D ecem ber 5. • • • m orning, N ovem ber 23. attending Guests the P ortlan d Junior Sym phony HEMSTITCHING Mr. and Mrs. Lee R . H ubbard o f program . T hey were particularly Im mediate Service their form er L aurelw ood D rive had as their interested because F L O R E N C E G A R R ISO N T h an k sgiving guests, Mr and Mrs. Den Chief, I^auren Hedeen, is play Rt. 3, Box 39 5 Earle M iller o f Joseph, Oregon, ing F rench horn in the orchestra. 8eoverton, Orefon and Mr and Mrs. J. J. Campbell. The Cubs also visited the Ore On Farm ington Road approx. Mrs. M iller and Mrs. Cam pbell are gon H istorical Society exhibits in 2 3/ i m iles west of Beaverton daughters o f the H ubbards. the auditorium . All Indian designs • • • and exhibits had their attention Spend Day at SUverton this time, because they are busy Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard H urgett m aking things fo r the big Scout spent T h an k sgiving in Silverton as Circus. LEACH & RUCK guests o f Mrs. H u rgett's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H U SBAN DS H O N O R E D Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel E lm er Lorence. T he m em bers o f the F ir G rove • • • Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt Garden Club carried out an an Dinner Guests nual tradition o f th eirs by enter The W illiam M. Cake fam ily o f taining their husbands. Sunday ORDERS TAKEN ot Canyon Lane were T han ksgiving evening. N ovem ber 24. guests at the S ch ool's Kerry hom e C ocktails were served at the o f M r and Mrs. H arold H. Cake IT oM S lope d u m b in g home o f Dr. and Mrs. H arm on • • • H arvey, a fter which the 24 coup Attend "le e C ycles" Service les went to R edm on d s fo r a de Dr. and Mrs. G eorge G. Butterfield lectable dinner. The m anagem ent entertained at a fam ily dinner on had put forth special e ffo rt in dec P h on e HEnron 7.>I2 T h an k sgiving at the U niversity orating the table fo r the Garden Club, the group later goin g on to Club, with excellent results. the Ice Arena to see the "Ice The Best o f the evening was Cycles ” spent at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs Dr. Butterfield has Just returned A. W . Graham , playing interest from a trip to San F rancisco ing games. where he attended the annual m eeting o f the R iggs Optical C om pany. Choice Pansies SW ISS and JU M B O G IA N T S PRIM RO SES C A R N A T IO N S W E ET W IL L IA M S EED LIN G P E R E N N IA LS Pyron & Son Nursery Farm ington Road to Lang Ave. 4 Blocks South on Long Avenue from M ain Highway BEAVERTON FLORISTS - Fresh Flowers Always - Beaverton 29 65 ff est SlofM" PLUMBING SERVICE " E rn ia " Leech Plumbing: ä THE GENTLEM AN IS R I G H T • • i and w e're meeting hi* demand« w ith Dmcro P r o tected M ilk . . . the safest package of m ilk yo«i can buy. T h e bottle if not merely co vered. It'» SEALED with a acurdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, taiopar*. proof. The»«'» com plete, a a e o d k c protection fo r our m ilk after it leaves the d airy. Let one o f o ur ruutem ca »how you w hat (M t protection mean» to you and your fam ily. B w h m tk« Deere Cay is ■ renem« are!, it waul be f«t»ore4 tfc« i n i L n t wuh nyceer After t in if wer ►>« •aepped beck oe th« bold« u • re-reei ALPENROSE DAIBT 6 1 4 9 S.W . S H A T T U C K RO AD CH erm 24 2 4 1 Vi mi Eost on Bectho-Sea verton Hrwoy to S h o ttu e k Rood A p p lia n m Phone BEacow 7 5 4 2 8801 S. W . Conyan Read “ Plum bing — R eiter Hump*” We Are Remodeling W« je«» purchased Dee Htch't Sport Sho» in Bearerten and hare moved Peck to my location in Portland. W e are orerlooded with plenty of fine beryome—— ■ech a« model airplane», toy*, bi cycle port«, etc. Georgie'sstam;-^ 932 N. W 23rd Ave — BE 90 66 KICI {FIELD • • • C H U R CH G R O U P PIJEN Monday. D ecem ber 2, m em ber» o f the United Presbyterian C om m unity Churrh pl«n to attend a pot luck supper in the Eaurelhurst United Presbyterian Church. In Portland, at 6 30 p m . T he speaker on this occasion will be the R ev erend D r Bernard * " u ld e r . o f th# R eform Church in Am erica His su bject will be "A m I a P rotes tan t*" W ill those Interested in attend ing please apeak to R ev Armi- ta g e ? T ransportation will be pro vided fo r all w ho need It. • • • T o Attend Installation A num ber from the V alley Com-1 m unlty United Presbyterian Church will attend the installation o f John C. Nevln a* pastor o f the M ultnom ah United PreshyteHan Church Sunday evening, Decem ber 1. 8 p m R everend H. A Arm ttage will preach and preside during th# | cerem ony. ILEX NURSERY BEA V ER TO N 2614 1-8 m ile West of Beaverton STATION tnui KFFVIK SFKVICF Under New Management PHONE New Owners \\ t-blt-y CH erry 3727 I I I ,m i ,.» o n Rte. 6. B o i 1218 Portland 1, Ore. 8703 S. W C A N Y O N RD. Phone--ATwater 6951 BONE CHINA MILK GLASS West Slope Hardware HAND MADE GIFTS RKOWMETS SHOPPE 89 0 3 S..W . Canyon Road Portland 1, Ore. Simplex Ironer 109so For Immediate Appointment for HOT WATER HEATER Permanents $o o 50 40 GAL. R À D I O W eek End In C orvallis Mr. and Mrs. C harles R unes spent last w eek end in Corvallis, where they attended the very ex citing, and very m uddy gam e be tween O regon State and the Uni versity o f Oregon. • • • M RS. B U F F AM H O N O R E D AT S H O W E R Mrs. C larence B uffam , o f B ea verton, was honored at a shower given for her by the people who have w orked with her in the Beth el C ongregational C hurch Sunday School and choir. Miss A m arette Barnes, Miss B ernice C onoly and Mrs. N. L. Peck were hostesses. The show er was held In the Nor ton P eck home F rid ay evening, N ovem ber 22. • • • ■Mane T o "Sunny.” C alif Mrs. Russell Grant left by plane for Burlingam e. Cal., on Tuesday m orning, N ovem ber 26. berause of the serious illness o f her sister. Mrs. M ary Smith Mrs. Smith is not expected to live. • • • W elcom e H om e Mrs. H. A. H ollopeter returned to her hom e Friday, N ovem ber 22. from P roviden ce H ospital where she underw ent su rgery She has recovered rem arkably, feeling bet ter than she has fo r years. LA N D SC A P IN G EV ER G R EEN S C A M E L L IA S —- A ZA LEA S Spt'ciatizinfi . . . . in Went Si«b‘ Properties \ VLI.FA MFW Iliistad'Kirk Nuptials Personals THE BOSS HIKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT Aloha— But Not G oodbye Mr. and Mrs. John M axwell are i leaving Monday, D ecem ber 1st for Sydney Australia, Mrs. Maxwell's home. They wish to thank the citizens of Beaverton for their kind hos pitality and if they should return som e day will be glad to corni- back to Beaverton. Other speakers will be the R ev erend J. B oyd Patterson. D. IV, superintendent o f m issions o f the Synod o f O regon ; and R everena W illiam H. French, pastor o f the Laurelhurst United Presbyterian Church, Portland. s e e Birthday Party Mr. und Mrs. Jen Lewis o f W ind- mere C ircle gave a party Sunday evem n. N ovem ber 24. in honor o f Bill D eck er’s birthday. Call BR. 7988 CALL BR. ROYAL BROILER $18.75 HOT PLATE, 2 burn 9.25 CORY BREWER, 8 cup 4.50 IRONING BOARDS 3.95 IRONING COVERS 1.55 HELEN S BEAUTY SALON S.. W . Rood Now Is the Time To get Your Permanent for Wagner IRON WARE Christm as and the Holidays West Slope Beauty Shop No. 6 FRY PAN .......... 1.15 No 8 FRY PAN ..... 1.35 GRIDDLE ... 1.55 CHICKEN FRYER 3.10 DUTCH OVEN 3.75 8 7 1 7 S. W . Canyon Road Phan« BEacon 94 9 2 W e Have Satisfyin g Xmas Gifts 40 Gal. EXTRA HEAVY 150 lb. Range Boiler 17.75 STUCCO NETTING 12.50 Small Garbage Can 1.75 V A LLEY TIN, 100 ft 10.75 Hand mode H andkerchiefs, Lin gerie, Costume Jew elry, Bags, Blouses, Sweaters, Scarfs, Aprons, Compacts and M any others. Elite Dres8 Shop 220 S. W. First St. Beaverton Oregon RUBBER TIRED WHEELBARROW $27.50 On Canyon Canyon W K trt Parking 1» Ea»y_______ F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry Baraee. Ph. Beaverton 3231. Road ot W est Slope PARTS and SERVICE FOR YOUR M AYTAG • Wrinprr Rolls • CiislerH ® Lonipb'l«* New Lirpr-Koll Wrinpur l{<|>l;n«imnt» Q'laue^i & Ache HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING - HOME APPLIANCES ON CANYON ROAD, BEAVERTON 0 ■iWNMtwi PHONE 2699 3 IS le w I n n n C M ta * a ta n F1C «lit. H M a Ctottnfcrm DOUGHTY’S CANYON ROAD AT ELLIS AVE. PHONE— TRinity 8039 ANNOUNCES We Have Moved Into Our New Building And Arc Open For Business — SEE US FOR THESE MAJOR LINES — GENERAL ELECTRIC GIRSON DEEP FREE/E ELECTROMASTER DUO-THERM ZENITH RADIO Plus SPORTING GOODS, CUTLERY, and ALUMINUM WARE OPENING DAY SPECIALS $3 95— 14-INCH DOLLS— $1.95 $5 95-—GIRLS BRUSH ond COMB SETS— $2.95