Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1946)
* - — — - — — — *-• *» a m in CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Red tape, dummies and even an island are up for disposal by War Assets administration, the Port land regional office announced to day. Regardless of the odd na ture of these items, WAA em ployes consider them just more surplus to sell. Offered by the Kansas City WAA, the red tape is slated for disposal at fixed prices In the same region five dummies, used by the air corps for making para chute tests and considered suit able for football training, will be sold by bid. Historic Angel Island, the larg est island in San Francisco Bay is also surplus and offered by WAA FOR SALE: Trash burner. »20. R. Î YOUNG LADY wishes part time PAPERING A PAINTING—10 L . l Patterson 'R t t p r f l n n on nn C 'a « » Broadway J . . . ___I ^ L. East Count ooeh word, including Nom« opposite Texaco Service Station. office of bookkeeping position. Ex years experience, reasonable rates perienced. Phone Tigard 2653 43 and oddre»s~ONLY 2c A WORD First Class. Free estimates, Call 43p No Phon« Orders Token BEacon 354«, R. WHITLOW, 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf FOR SALE: Porcelain garbage MINIMUM 2Sc AN ISSUE MISCELLANEOUS burner, copper colls, extra heavy We Publish the water tank, complete with pipe. FOUND: Man's wrist watch in BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE CONCRETE WORK $50. CH 3927. Andrew Zuercher. Beaverton. Owner may have by TIG A RD SEN TIN EL Metzger. 43 calling Mrs. Lowe, Beaverton 2729 M ULTN OM AH PRESS and identifying. 43p We Can Furnish the Cement A LO H A NEWS FOR SALE: White enamel gar Complete Eostern Washington County bage burner with coils, two joint I AM ACCEPTING STUDENTS for UNITED BUILDERS, Inc. and Western Multnomah County pipe and elbow. »30. O. A. McClure. piano lessons after school and Coverage 2nd and Spruce, Metzger, Ore. 43 1 Saturdays. Evaun Jensen, 421 S Phone Beaverton 3071 4 iff E. 3rd, Beaverton. Ore. 43p ' FOR SALE FOR SALE: Holstein, Guernsey WE CURE AND SMOKE and Jersey heifers. »47.50 each. Al DEAD STOCK picked up free of YOUR PORK CUTS FOR SALE: Homemade dill pick so Bred Gilts, »37.50 each. Gotter charge—Highest prices paid for 25 years Experience Day and night 43tf old live horses. les. 50c gallon, your container. H. at Scholls. ALDER MARKET service. Phone UNlverslty 1102. Butze r, Rt. 1, Box 51, Tigard, Ore. Lewis Bros Evenings MUrdock 4261 or TR. XTRA GOOD Burbank spuds, »2 Tlgaid Metzger Road. 43p Cor. 1st and Washington St. Phone collect. Portland per 100. Will deliver 3 sacks or 6137. Veterans of World war II with 43 PORTLAND, OREGON tf purchase certificates dated prior We buy burlap Rendering Co. FOR SALE: Doll houses made to more at »2.25. to February 1, 1946, are eligible for order. D. L. Whitford, 7512 S. W. sacks. Schuepbach Bros. 4 mile SEPTIC TANKS, completed $100, a set price sale-by-mail of 147 used BUSINESS SERVICES 27th. Multnomah. 43p west of Beaverton on Farmington anywhere on West Side, 20 miles passenger automobiles and station Road. 50 TRACTOR WORK: General gar from city Portland SU. 1737. 2tf wagons in San Francisco, the re FOR SALE: Standard size iron HOUSE FOR SALE: To be tom den work. Plowing, discing. D. P. gional office of War Assets admin sink with back, 350 concrete brick down or moved. Located at Thrif istration announced today. The 3x6x12. 7c each, two 6x6 shower ty Parking Lot. Make us an of MacDonald. Rt. 2, Box 218. Phone SStf Portland WAA inter-regional unit curtains new, 2 new sleeping bags fer. Inquire at Thrifty Market. Beaverton 2260. has information and will receive all wool, cabinet drawers and Beaverton. 43 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE Building Contractors orders for forwarding to San Fran doors, inch pipe fittings and cisco. Orders must be received in See us when you Plan to Build faucets, pewter cocktail shaker. FOR SALE: Stationary battery MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf San Francisco not later than 5 p Free Estimotes Reasonably priced. Phone Tigard charger, philbin rectifier, A C 110 m. November 27. Guaranteed Workmanship 3551. H. C. Peterson, Rt. 2, Box volts, completely overhauled. $35. VINCENT LUMBER CO. "A Complete Lumber Yard" 620 S, Holl St. Beoverton, Ore. 3T2-A, Tigard. 43p Mission Bell Shell Service Sta We Deliver Anywhere tion, Beaerton, Ore. 43 MUM ON LEWD w o m e n PAINTS — SASH — PLUMBING FOR SALE: Vaughn Drag Saw. — Aloha, Ore tf • good condition. Inquire Jimdon’s ATTENTION: People who need 12 Phone 6191 VETERINARIAN # Sin was for sale on every corner Cafe. Beaverton. 43p inch wood. We have It now. at $8 1.0 A NS in rich old Corinth. 1000 lewd per cord in 3 cord loads. Also 16 REAL ESTATE women were kept for unprintable HENRY II. JEFFRIES FOR SALE: 1 Guernsey cow to inch. This is block and slab. Wil Dr. Norm E. Johnson rites up in the heathen temple. freshen about Dec. 1, 6 gallon cow, son Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea on Highway at Short St., Beaver The great traveller, the Apostle tf double tested. 1 Guernsey-Durham verton, Oregon. Phone 2491. 46 ton. Phone Beaverton 3981. Veterinarian Paul, visited Corinth in 54 A. D. heifer to freshen March 15. Call at East of Beaverton III way 6 and yet he was mum as to the vice Tigard post office for J. C. Bilyeu. FOR SALE: Black Caracul fur LANDSCAPE-For the best in Beaverton Portland all about. Said he—I determined 43 coat, size 14. Phone Beaverton new lawns call W. A. Green, 3511 COM. 9924 Beaverton 2967. 17tf not to know anything among you 3 v tt 43 CORN FED GEESE. Orders taken save Jesus Christ and Him cruci METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING. until Sunday evening, November KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. fied. ! Rock wool insulation blown In REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 24th at my farm. Old Baker Farm. Paul was charged, ONE To for free estimate write R. E. Ell 2% miles west of Six Corners. P. We Specialize In show them that they were sinners son, Tigard, Oregon. tf L. Schultz. Rte. 3, Box 279, Sher Remodeling and Recovering by birth, by choice and bv prac wood, Oregon. 43p FOX—Nice little 2 bdrm, home on % acre on 99W about 2 miles LIVE POULTRY WANTED: Any - All Furniture Custom Made - tice. And serving sin. they were lost to God. TWO Paul is to FOR SALE: Girl’s pre-war bi from Tigard. It’s an attractive size lot. Top ceiling prices. Write Phone 3762 turn them from darkness to light. cycle, good condition, 26” . $22.50 place. Call Bert Miller CHerry or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- 118 NW Broadway He is to show Christ, our Lord ns Beoverton, Oregon ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th Port Call Aloha 6560. 43p 3626 or Tigard 2523. delivered over to die for their land 13, Ore. 29 sins. THREE They must be de FOR SALE: Odd pieces of furni tf livered from the power of Satan ture. Call Tigard 2462. 46 FOX—10 acres and about 560 fil berts, 4 a. figs, 12 mixed fruit PAINTING A PAPER1IANG1NG unto God. Only by New Birth enn WKSTINGHOUSE one and one- trees ,100 chickens, 2 chkn houses, they quit serving the world, the Work Guaranteed _ half horsepower A. C. motor. Used 3,000 pounds filberts harvested this flesh and the Devil. Receive Christ Work Done Promptly C A L L FOR ESTIM ATE " very few hours. 115-230 volts, 1750 year. Hse completely furnished. A as Ixird and Saviour and God gives CALI. CHerry 2175 you New Birth. R.I’.M. Trade for machinery or good buy on Bull Mountain. Call Phone - Webster 2571 Portland 46tf sell. Write Box 714, Rte. 6, Port Jeremiah CH 4034 or Tigard 2523 Could you reach out and take land 1. 43 p ROTOTILLING by hour or con over a loaf of bread from the hand tract. Geo. Charneski, Rt. 1, Box FOX—20 acres 4-bdrm. hse., barn of the grocer? Just so, reach out 50(1 USED RECORDS, western with 33tf room for 9 or 10 cows. Stor- 423, Beaverton. and receive the Christ. Make Him tunes, 30c each. Freetag Radio arge hse., hog hse., creek, 10 a. your own. Take Him as the Bread Garbage Collection Service Shop. 740 West Main St., Hills cult., 10 pasture, approx. 8 mile» of Life. Live by the Bible and By month or contract boro, Oregon. (Open until 10 p.m.) from Portland, near Tigard, about GENERAL HAULING prayer. Live the over-coming life HOHNSTEIN & SCHAFER 45p j 4 mile off Barbur Blvd. Call Bert OF ALL KINDS ANYTIME and look wholly to Christ for Vic 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK tory. Make Him your Daily Bread FOR SALE -Youth bed with Sim ■ Miller CHerry 3626 or Tigard 2523. Phone MUrdock 2805 PORTABLE GAS WATER PUMP and prove the New Life mons springs. Like new. See May, West Slope, Beaverton, Meadow- TO KENT Rt. 5, Box 219 (Cedar Mill) Phone hurst and Cedar Hills. tf Br Office No. 2, Tigard Phone Beaverton 3185. 43p FOX REALTY A ACCT SERVICE S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland CESSPOOL-SEPTIC TANK OWN H O W AR D W. SMITH 1, Oregon. This space paid for by You can buy plenty of BEAVERTON BEAUT, just com ERS ATTENTION—Added equip SH8 CANYON HOAD a Seattle family. We pleted new 2 bedroom home, hard ment allows faster service. Phone Beaverton 3931 or 2462 Bananas at Thrifty Market wood floors throughout, electric pump & wash septic tanks, comml. heat, heatrola fireplace, 75 x 100 or residential. Guar, workmanship. this week-end. lot, 3 blocks from school, »9,750.00 Sewers connected. Cesspools and Complete Line of KINDLING Phone Beaverton 2584. 43p septic tanks (^instructed. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, UNITED BUILDERS. INC. 7th and Hall Phone 3071 FOR SALE: White enamel wood TA. 3235. Stf 42tf or coal range in good condition Piano Tuning, Cleaning POTTERY, PYREX and copper coll and water tank: DEMOTHING, REPAIRING WOOD FOR SALE: 4 ft. slab- Montag circulating wood heater, STATIONERY, FIGURINES HAROLD A. PETERSON Davies Rt. 1, Aloha Phone ALOHA 6612 wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel like new. Rt. 1, Box 584. Electrical Contracting Including Assortments of Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. Rd., Beaverton 3166. 43p 34tf Myrtle Wood. FOR SALE: Boy’s pre-war bicy ELECTRIC W ATER HEATERS cle. Good condition. 410 Franklin VENETIAN BLINDS Also A m 1. Beaverton. 43 Wiring Supplies, Loom Wire Aluminum or Metal Boxed Christmas Cards 3 weeks delivery — Free estimates FOR SALE: 10 sacks of barley and Wrappings DeLano Venetian Blind Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOS at $3.50 per hundred. Phone Ti GARDEN TRACTOR CH. 1729 gard 2653. 43 43 Crawler Type - S.H.P. CEDAR MULL FOR SALE: One Anglo Persian Rte. 5, Box 815, Portland, Ore and Implements FOR SALE Rabbits, N.Z. Whites, Rug. 11 ft. x 22 ft. Just cleaned. pedigreed stock, prolific breeders, Cull C H erry 3835. 43p PHONE — Beaverton 3130 fast maturing. Bucks, does, fry 9513 S. W. Barbur Blvd. Hours 4 P. M. to 7 P. M. 42 ers. CH 2109 evenings. 43p FOR SALE: Used pre-war daven port, $25. Phone Tigard 2701. 43 In WEST PORTLAND COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE Phone — CHerry 3070 and lunch every Saturday 10:30 FOR SALE: Fisher Dill Pickles Demonstration on your Place SURVEYING a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd Ready for Thanksgiving. Qts., 25c, PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING RT 1, BOX 102, LAKE ROAD Ave., 3 4 miles south Foster Rd., Pts., 13c. Earl E. Fisher, Beaver BEAVERTON. ORE. ORCHARD LA YO U TS 43p Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and ton. Oregon. tioneer. tf H. E. COX, I ' 1' *r Most people consider petroleum products as chiefly used for fuel and lubricants. As to voljme, this is correct, but as to variety of uses it falls far short of telling the story. In addition to the count less services this product renders mankind, we may soon be using oil to wash oui hands and clothes. The demand for petroleum deriv atives iin the manufacture of soapless soaps" has been spurred by the natural soap shortage which resulted from the decline in supply of animal and vegetable fats. One of the leading Ameri can oil companies has joined with a chemical manufacturing concern in stepping up production of an oil-derived detergent. The pro duct is sold directly to industrial users and reaches established trade outlets for distribution under various trade names. This is hut one more way In which oil is playing a role in the American home and business. Its Friday, November 22, 1946 uses and adaptations seem almost limitless The great experimental and research laboratories which the industry maintains are finding new and varied applications almost daily. And the consumer gets more and better products. Surplus Stock Listed Nearly 5.i)00 socket and struc tural wrenches of assorted sizes comprise the bulk of surplus hand tools and latches listed for sale by the hardware division of the re gional War Assets office today. Over 1.000 bronze rim latches and locks for solid steel doors are available. Special offering No. 407 also in cludes 47 dozen half round files In boxes of six. 200 i igid type bolt cutters, 2 to 12-inch pipe tongs and cable cutters. The sale closes Dec. 3. ENGER BROS. PAINTING Beaverton Transfer Co. George F. Gordon Christmas (gifts MITY MIDGET » You con buy plenty of Bananas at Thrifty Market this week-end. W ANTED • HELP WANTED: Combination man for fender work. Painting and replacement of new parts. Good working conditions. See George at Gregg-Owens Chevrolet, 8300 S. W. Barbur Blvd. 43 Registered Lond PHONE - BEAVERTON 2592. 45 STOVE AND DIESEL OIL PAPERING— Painring- A Kalso- mlnlng, neat, experienced work man L. L Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf Metered Oil Service SAWDUST. Light Slab. Cull lath Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call CHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. DEI.IV EKED RUG WEAVER, fluff or rag, steady work Piece or hour wages. BUILDER A CABINET maker— Write P. O. Box 711, Beaverton. Store fronts; school, restaurant 43p and store fixtures; school furni ture; unit cabinets of all kinds, CH. 1313 MUST HAVE BY NOV. 27 tWO including kitchen apbbiets. Of 11102 SW Capitol lliwy bedroom furnished or partly fur fice furniture rebuilt, reflnlshed B. R. STEVENS nished house or apartment or and completely renovated. All what have you got for $1300 down kinds ef building and remodeling to sell? Prefer Multnomah district. Woodworking of all kinds. HIDES A WOOL CASCARA—A Call GArfield 5810 43 Also Landscaping, dirt moving, specialty. LEE MHOS., 25 SW terracing, plowing, discing, harrow Clay Portland AT. 5384. tf WANTED—Single or young mar and concrete mixed on the ried man for retail and wholesale ing Job. You can buy plenty of milk route. Must be hustler and L. H. Brawand. Metzger, Oregon have ability to meet public. Write Phone CHerry 2929. tf Bananas at Thrifty Market qualifications, care Pioneer Pub this week-end. lishing C.. Beaverton. Oregon. 44 FOR SALE—16-ln. green slab wood 2 4 cord loads $8 cord delivered. Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone m j. tf WANTED Sleeping or light housekeeping room, employed cou ple, Beaverton area. R. G. Pfaff. General Delivery, Beaverton. 43p FOR SALE Myrtle wood novel ties. Beautiful pieces. Buy direct from manufacturer and save. Say Merry Xmas with myrtlewood. J C. Morse, on Center St. near Lin coln, Tigard. 43p PRINTER — Full time situation. Write, or call Beaverton Enter prise, Beaverton, phone 2321. tf LAND CLEARING A Excavating Work done by hour or contract. WALNUT MEATS WANTED — Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es Good halves and pieces, light col ttmates. Work guaranteed. 51tf or. 70c pound. K. W. Braune at Reedville on Orenco Road. 4th P. E. I1AGG house from Highway on left. 45 Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand. Gravel, Masons You can buy plenty of Sand. Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Bananas at Thrifty Market Route 1, Box 23. Tigard. Oregon this week-end. Phone Tigard 2446 tf FOR SALE: 12 or 16 Inch green block and slab, mill run, »20 load (2 4 cord loads) »20 load In Bea verton, Multnomah, Tigard, and $17.50 in Aloha and Reedville. Also 16 Inch dry, mill run, block and slab (2 4 cord loads) »12 cord. Harold Keller. Rte. 1, Carlton, Ore. Phone Portland BRoadway 1986. (give delivery directions). tf I 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS. $22 deliver anywhere. Give location with order. Stanford I,aughlin. Carlton, Rt. 1. tf FOR SALE—Laundry trays com plete with fittings, »13 each: 2- lnch black pipe. 20c per foot. Em pty 55 gallon barrels, »2 each: showers, complete (Victory'. 3-5 each: some window frames UNITED BUILDERS INC. 7th and Hall Sts. Beaverton Phone 3071 42tf Beaverton FUEL CO. Surveyor For O IL or SERVICE call BEAVERTON 3861 or 3931 388 S.W. Canyon Road HILLCREST GROCERY A U T O M O B I L E S \\ \ n m > IN S U R A N C E - H. V. JOHNSON Land Surveying Farms, Subdivisions, Lots Acreage, Orchard Tracts Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Land Surveyor Office and Residence Phone CHerry 236S Low rates All Risks - Any Coverage « GLENN E. PRINGLE > 'J 1 n, 255 Pittock Block CH -3640 Rei 10th A Washington AT- 2777 Portlond 5 (Doy or Mite) CARPENTER W ORK Open Sundays C o n t r a c t o r a n d B u i ld e r WOOD SAWDUST Top cash for your car or equity. h in io h — R e m o d e lin g — R e p a i r A . I I U l l t V M a . IN P I I t K Bob’s Used Cars, East Beaverton >6ui6po ou Will Continue and Canyon Rd. Junction. 38tf Rout# 1 Box 435 Phone Beav 2823 'qo|t A ao »«4 2 *4, umts $10 00 After 6 p m. — I>eave Order. tf tip g uMiS Coarse - Fresh WANTED Musician with good knowledge of popular music to DEAD or Worthless Stock picked write PHIL WILSON play for tap classes Tuesday af up Free of Charge Anywhere Rt 2, Box 74, GASTON, ORE 42 ternoons In Tigard. Helen Wick Prompt Service. Call collect UN Walters. Phone Tigard 2485 or 1221 or ITS 4502 Western State* A T 3402. 38tf J Rendering Co , N. Columbia Blvd FILL DIRT FOR SALE % Hurst Ave.. Portland. (Sue- RARRTT FRYERS WANTED ' cea.or to Denley Rendering Will also butcher your rabbits for i L. H. Cobb Co. Company.) Stf the hides P P MacDonald Ruby j Avenue, Phone Beaverton 2260 po w er t m jr m o ph i t e Pbone Beaverton 2881 S3*f BEAVERTON 1K1 tf ,j Beaverton, Or. We Give S&H Green Stamps C EN T R A LLY LOCATED Close to bus trans- port a t i o n a n d walking distane# from downtown. RICHARD R. PFEIFER Surveyor 8000 S W Capitol Hill Road (Near 19th & S W Barbur Blvd > Portlond I, Oregon W . E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1910 PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 J. P. Finley & Son 'W FO U RTH 4T M ONTOOM EK A T w n ter 2181 Riverview Cemetery De Laval 8EPAIIITORK — Mil.KERN COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY WEST END SEJ.I.WOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY rihmek (rife// „ eiw _._ — — lwtww' « Hl.lr1S.Wl - » A t Y C R V T H IN t , Is a r o -o p e m tlv e assn I elation with aaaeta of over $800.(0) IU NW Park i * Á RUPERT Flying Service *A C u tu / o v fa 'd j* '' • \ V ' - —7.— - r e s e r v a t io n s W U K BERNARD'S AIRPORT CEDAR STREET AT W ALKER RD. Br.OJIJ 04%% 5-11 OPEN SUNDAY 1 . 10 Phone Beoverton 3840 From where I sit... ¿r/ Joe Marsh Why Bert Won First Prize Folk« weren't surprised when Itert ('Adders won first prize for his corn at the county fair. Yet the judges admit it wasn’t just because Bert had the finest ears of com. He knew how to dis play them : neatly arranged, with the husks cleanly trimmed, and the booth white and spotless. “Trimmings" sure make a differ ence no matter what you’re offer ing—as Andy Botkin, keeper of the Garden Tavern, well knows. Andy doesn’t just sell good beer. He sells it in a |ilac? that’s clean and attrac tiv e... in nice surroundings that belong with the enjoyment of a wholesome lieverage of moderation. And Andy, o f course, is a whole hearted supporter of “ Self Regu lation.” That’s the system by which the Brewers and tavern keepers themselves make sure that taverns selling beer nrc clean and orderly. From where I sit, people like Andy also rate a “ First prize.” Not just for the quality of the product —but for the "trimmings" too. ¿JcC Copyright, ¡946, United Stalcs liu w ers foundation AVAILABLE NOW No Priority l{<M|iiirr<I all HisOH of Youn^Htown All Metal Kitchen Cabinets s u it a b l e fo r u se a b o v e o r belo w the s in k McCready Lumber Co. Old (ianwiii Hoad Beaverton IMione .‘M 2 I COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday 11:30 a.m. BEAVERTON, OREGON BRING YOUR — Weaner Pig*, Feeder Pigs, Fat Hog», Day-Old Calves, Veal Calves, Steers, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle,etc. Farm Machinery, of all kinds, Good Furni ture, Produce — TO THIS SALE SELL At AUCTION To Get The Highest Possible Price BEN T. SUDTELL 0138 S. W . Polotino H.ll ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION IIE C O H D IN G S M A D E H a ve a K«*<-ortl Mad«* «»f Y o u r S in ^iiiii o r I’ la y iii" Rt 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Rood PHONE BRoadway 4702 Iomptete Funeral Service In New ( athedral Chapel al No f l i r t m*i B lveretde PAYS TO F L Y WEST SLOPE MORTICIAN fa u t d / ¡vitfu m *fo i CHICKEN o»,STEAK oimm set WE LL TEACH YOU HOW Ara Vista (gift Shop Immediate Delivery For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. T OREN SUDTELL AT 5390. Portlond. Ore.