Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1946)
1 COOPER MOUNTAIN i C O M M U N IT Y C LU B N E W S T he C om m unity Club at the C ooper M ountain S ch ool wan well attended. A fter the busines m eet ing Mia. G eorge H enderson sang tw o solos. H er son, G eorge, played on the cornet. Mr H enderson brou ght his m ovie p rojector m a chine and show ed the picture, "T he L ife o f D avid C opp erfield.1’ It was a very pleasant evening. The com m ittee served gin ger bread w ith w hipped cream and coffee. • e • He Took It Mrs. M ary Cavaness received w ord fro m her son, Bill, that last w eek end he w as on a quiz pro- gram , “ Stop and T ak e It.” A n s w ering six questions right, he re ceived a beautiful Gruen wrist watch. • • • Xmas Party T he sew ing club m et w ith Mrs. D avis on Tuesday, N ovem ber 12, with 19 m em bers present. It w as voted to have the Chris tm as party on D ecem ber 27th in the sch ool house. It will be a pot lu ck dinner at noon with exchange o f gifts. • • • Improved Mrs. G eorge Sipe is back home a fter spending several days in the hospital. • • • Good Hunting L aw ren ce D avis, H enry Jackob- son and party returned hom e from elk hunting. T hey w ere gone near ly tw o w eeks. T hey report lots o f snow . Results, one elk and a w on d erfu l trip. • • • Visiting Mr. and Mrs. M elvin Nelson went to Alpine, O regon to visit Mr. and Mrs. O scar Morris. • • • Water Filter Installed Mrs. M ary C avaness had a new water filter installed. The N orco- Stew art Co. installed it. T o date the w ater is the best it ever was since they lived here. T he water is alm ost im possible to use without a filter. • • • Potatoes— Potatoes A lbert K em m er has all o f his potatoes dug. • • • Go Elk Hunting Jake K em m er went elk hunting. • • • Mr. O. T hom as w as home last : w eek w ith the • flu. • • Week End Visit B ertha P alm er and daughter, Gloria, w ent to W a sh in gton to vis it with Mrs. G. W hite over the week end. D oris w ent to N ew berg and C larence w ent to Mt. Hood. Visits Parents Mr. and Mrs. W . S. W ridge, o f L ake G rove, w ere w eek end guests at her parents home, Mr. and Mrs. O. Thom as. Turkey Dinner Tomorrow Ni^lit St. C ecelia's P arish is giving their T u rk ey D inner and Beano party tom orrow night, Saturday, N ovem ber 23, at the A loha Grange Hall in Aloha. N ow is the tim e when “ turkey" tastes so g ood and you will enjoy the dinner and even in g o f fun prepared fo r you. V is it s F r ie n d s D inner will be served from 5 to Mary Cavaness visited in P ort 8 p. m. land w ith the Hanebergs. • • • Much Improved Lee S ch ouboe is m uch im proved at last report is able to have his bed raised so as to be able to set up a little. The farm ers of W ashington C ounty will hold election s in the Quilting Party Mrs. F loyd P ierce had an all day next few weeks to elect com m u quilting party at her hom e F ri nity com m itteem en fo r the A gri day, N ovem ber 15th. Bessie Morris. cultural C onservation A ssociation. A lice Davis, Christine W old, M ary These com m unity com m itteem en Cavaness, and Nellie B arron were will m ake the local inspections and direct the w ork fo r the con serva present. tion program . A delegate will be elected at that Visits Brother R o y P rice o f Corvallis is visit tim e to represent the com m unity ing w ith his brother, F loyd Price. at a cou n ty con vention next month where the cou nty com m itteem en will *be elected. COOPER MOUNTAIN The m eetings will be as follow s: SUND AY SCHOOL N ineteen dollars was sent on Sherw ood N ovem ber 25, K inton — N ovem ber 15 from the C ooper Mt. N ovem ber 26, A loh a-B eaverton — Sunday S ch ool to R ev. Fuller in N ovem ber 26, W est U nion—D ecem L os A ngeles. N ineteen dollars was ber 3, H illsboro— N ovem ber 22, R o y sent to C hina Inland M ission in — D ecem ber 3, M anning—N ovem ber 30, F orest G rove— N ovem ber Philadelphia, Pa. On O ctober 13 there was just 20, G aston— N ovem ber 19, B lo o m 52 cen ts to start with. Since then in g— D ecem ber 9, L aurel—N ovem ber 27. $38.78 w as collected. A m em ber o f the C ounty C om On N ovem ber 17 the attendance w as 18. C ollection w as $7.45. This m ittee will be present at each Sunday S ch ool is really an active m eeting to discuss the 1947 con ser vation program . and alert Sunday School. Fanners To Fleet Committeemen 4 BEAVERTON EN TERPRISE Grove. The brid egroom is a veteran of Friday, November 22, 1946 W orld W ar II. having been in the service three and a half years, about three years o f which was ¿MftiCA m t r rr% ß o t t s r s PQß — spent in the P a cific theater o f a c I iloti*» re* most u*e* in n * apç * o sATtfFAOcmy suwrnurtt rxtwjoop . tion. A fter a w edding trip to C a lifor Miss M arguerite D orothy W y f- Tonight (F rid a y ) at 8 p. m. the nia, they will live in their new fels, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. M cKay S ch ool is giving a B asket hom e north o f Hillsboro. Social. Em il W yffels, Sr., o f R oute 4, A much needed C afeteria and H illsboro, becam e the bride o f B e a v e rto n ( i r a i i p 1 eqpipm ent for sam e is the pu rpose M aurice Claeys, son o f Mr. Achiel of tin- B asket Social." \tte m l* (Urn ve il lio n Claeys o f H illsboro at a nuptial R em em ber the old-tim e B asket Mass at 9:30 T uesday m orn in g in S ocials? E veryon e will have an en u5M aOAf «VW» M em bers o f B eaverton Grange O a A tte r c v m a n p r * 'O O P TtCViNOtOetSI* St M atthew 's Church, Hillsboro. p iW P iC T t h a t v o n e SCOT A id» oo * wiwuct » on _ IH M AU OTUCR W UOA joyable time. have been attending the 80th A n Father J. T. Costelloe officiated. KATION* OF T * * VUW IR wiu saoepoy PRcvip« T V « A vTA A ST W W A . H C U * So. wom en and girls, prepare a nual con ven tion o f the National CDwBlNeP— U4 Wrik AU Of CW» USfA n to u 7 5OOX>IC.OOO T he bride was given in m arriage nice tiasket lunch and you men G range in P ortland during the VW TU4U V A U OF 00« pwevnAi «roos«wrvT5- •a#«p FWT of uiwerw by her brother, R ene W y ffels, who C O M « FRO M and boys com e prepared to buy - FOOQ OOTHIM6 ANP past tw o w eeks, and several were is also her G odfather. H er dress ONR-TT* ' WOP them. initiated in the Sixth and Seventh had a satin bodice with a sw eet Orin Sudtell, our genial a u c degrees o f the Order, on the a fte r heart neckline and a full skirt and tioneer, m anager o f the Sudtell noon and even in g of the 14th. train o f ninnon sheer. She w ore a C om m unity Sale, will auction o f f N early six thousand Grangers, lace bordered fin gertip veil which the baskets. most o f them from the states of w as held in place with tw o clu s Com e one, com e all and m ake O regon and W ashington received ters o f orange blossom s. She ca r it a gala evening. the seventh degree. ried an orch id with white stream T his is the fou rth time N ational ers o f bouvardis on a white prayer G range has m et in Portland, O re book w hich was given to her by gon. the last tim e being in N ovem the brid egroom and also her fa th ber, 1938. T he 1947 Convention will Three Change« A Week Now e r’s First C om m union rosary. be held in the State of Ohio. Sun. Show runs continuously from M iss Celestine W aibel w as the 1:30 to 11:30. Evening Show 7 to bride's on ly attendant. She wore 11:30 Two entire show». a pink dress o f brocaded satin D a ffy -N itio n s M C f IV AN IWPORTBUT r x f W I CROP Children (under 12) 20c; Adult«, bodice with a sw eetheart neckline O R T T V F tìR M tR S ---- 2 5 0 .0 0 0 TOWS 50c; Students, 40c; 1/Ogca, 6©o and a full net skirt over crepe L egen d : A lie that has attained OF «ice W t«f 6POWW IN TXt U 4 U»*T with m atching Juliet cap and the dign ity o f age. V W A . tJF WHICH WAT A WAS h K W t P Sun. Mon. and Tue».. Nov. 24-26 • • • shoulder veil. She carried a bou BAUMAN'S T E R R IT O R Y quet o f pink and w hite pom pom s C ivil S ervice: A com m odity fo r R andolph Scott, Gene Tterney and pink bouvardia with white m erly obtainable in restaurants. It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog satin stream ers. total o f the second assem bly re • • • [New K q iiip iu e n t F o r A lbert V anasche was best man D iscip lin e: B efore you flare up ceived this term . Wed. and Thur»., Nov. 27 and 28 and ushers were Ivan K aufm an, at an yone's faults, take tim e out B ea ve rto n P h o to g ra p h e rs Miss B ernice Conoly, instructor Thanksgiving— Nov. !* — Special brother-in-law o f the bridegroom , to cou n t 10— 10 o f your own. o f the course, explained that the Matinee Starting at 1:30 p.m. — and F ra n cis W aibel, brother-in-law T he photog-students o f B eaver darkroom is really the main class Continuous Show • • • o f the bride. M arriage: T w o can live m ore ton High S ch ool have com e out o f room o f this science cou rse, and CLUNY BROW N the darkness o f their w ork room , that with the added increase o f an Charles B oyer, Jen nifer Jones T he ch urch w as beautifully d eco ch eaply than one wants to. • • • to exclaim gleefully over the newly rated with bouquets o f pink and extra class this year facilities were white pom pom s on the altars. Fridas and Sat . Nos '29-30 needed. W o lf: A person who knows all purchased d ark room equipment. T here were palm s and tw o baskets the ankles. T H E BR ID E W O K E BOOTS The celebration is not without W ith the arrival o f this equip o f ch rysanthem um s at the en cause for the classes sorely need ment m ore students m ay w ork in B. Stanw yck. R. C um m ings tran ce to the sanctuary. A lon g the per You Drive Me Crazy (Short) Just becau se we have free ed there additions. E quipm ent in the darkroom during study aisle w ere draped stream ers o f speech in this cou n try some people cludes tw o con ta ct printers, a iods without to o m uch congestion .lariper aiul the Bean Stalk News white crepe paper. think th ey can give out a lot ot print dryer, a w asher and a photo and com plete the required w ork Sat. Matinee—2 p.m. Children 9e. Mrs. W in ston P ool and Mrs. E d ch eap talk. Adults 25c. flood light assem bly m aking the with an increase in the quality. ward Seus sang, a ccom pan ied by Miss E lean ore Ftnegan w h o also PRICES EFFEC T IV E IN BEAVERTO N , SY LV A N , TIGARD, OSWEGO AN D A LL PORTLAND STORES played the w edding m arch. F ollow in g the w edding cerem ony, dinner w as served at the A m erican I^egion Club to relatives and inti mate friends o f the you n g couple. Miss L ena D elplanche w as hostess assisted by M iss Selina Van de M oortel and M isses B etty and P e g gy W v ffe ls, cousins o f the bride, and Miss L eona M eier served. SN) A reception follow ed from tw o )V-' until four. Mrs. F rancis W aibel. sister o f the bride, cut the w edding I t ’s easy and economical to plan your Thanksgiving ca k e assisted b v Mrs. R aym ond D ay dinner from the appetizing foods listed below. Claeys, sister-in-law o f the brid e Select the ones you’ll be needing, then buy them at groom . Miss B etty H einrich served Safeway. Y ou’ll enjoy guaranteed quality foods, and the Ice cream and M iss Julianna Sahfeld presided over the punch save money too. bowl. In the evening the you n g couple UUCUIl í c c d e t i c á i s ò e le c ie d ''J^tro ti. lu c e , entertained their m any friends with a dance at the G range Hall. H illsboro. Oregon Prime Quality Turkey« F o r g o in g away, the bride wore lb. a grey w ool suit w ith black acces sories and an orch id corsage. lb. Average 12-16 Ibi. T he bride is a graduate o f H ills Smooth boro h igh school and attended the Peelers N orthw estern B usiness C ollege in Grade A Portland. Until recen tly she was Average 18-25 Ibi. lb. em ploved b v the selective service U S Netted 15 boards o f B eaverton and Forest r O i O T O G S no I s Gems lbs. D V it». A Claevs-Wyffels » •* Nuptials Held at St. ■Matthew Church <Our (Great A m e rica ik ltu*ket Social At McKay School Beaver Theater SA FEW A Y T h a n k sg iv in g Food G uid e A Hen Turkeys Tom Turkeys Half Turkeys Ready* , or ^? DUCKLINGS LONG ISLAND Pork Loin ROAST 43 lb. Dressed lb. 53 Grades T fle A A & A LB. J / &A 53c Put 0***1 O y sters 35' T c < Fresh,med pt. / 3 lb 12c Beef SWISS STEAKS % £ lb. 53‘ lb. 53’ PO R TER HOUSE lb 12c p » r i- 'd . H bu. bosk. S a g e, S c h illin g ftCHILI.INO POIL T B i* S e a s o n i n g s i h i l m . n o r iM P tiK P ie S p ic e A ir w a y C o f f e e aï.r H ills C o f f e e 2* T ' 1 3 e C a n terb u ry V V ¡A ad lan jw u A L ip to n T ea M e a t c o l l in s 'l » ? ' 2 9 * S od a C ra ck ers P itt e d D a tes S od a C ra ck e rs F r u it M ix C l« ..« . r io u r Ä pk K 2 5 * MAR BUD HARVEST BI.OSSOM F a n c y P u m p k in 49 « 63 « u b b "°d n 1 7 « CRANBERRY SAUCE A ll p re p are d — Easy to serve. 16-o z. O J T c can A w Dromedary brand : : You G ra h a m s tin 42« 'Vhf " > 42* ■4 lb. B r a z il l-lb . pkg N u t s In Shell« 36« n -ib . pkg. 5 1 « k h « px M ix e d & P eca n s In Shell* X 42 49* l-lb. -'kr 3 9 « W e reserve »he right to limit quantises. A ll prices ubject to change without 44* tm all 1 4 ‘ df Ç e Lb. 0 9 R. 5-oz O K [< glass 5 t t jn o r t J o r _ ^ o u r m o n t y jl 39« N u ts Mb ^ nb e n i b . pkg 5 5 c Cheese Spreads Kraft assorted Large variety 7-01. A O e W a ln u t M e a ts Cheddar Cheese Made from whole milk 29c .b ean 4 3 « «baJJÍ Haney Maid KEMP S Vacuum Packed IXL Almonds Ç h jM A fL a m t Q jta ch a A A , M in c e » • lb. SV2* Marsh Seedless from Arizono *2 59 N u t M ea ts (Mir.r.D) i,«K 3 3 « ?b 9 8 « * 0 * 0 °* T e a lb. D A T E S , fresh 7 V4-oz. cello package 49 F ilb e r ts * £ 1 3 « - S Q U A S H Hubbard or Marblehead H o lid a y YI u JU l ß fw o Ä a q s A , C i n n a m o n s c h i l l i n g * un* I I e «o G r a p e fr u it — Jh a n JiA q iv ifu ^ IT la n u V h s d A , ~ ^ Q jO A o m n q A . Onions Produce features for Friday and Saturday Only I Meat features for Friday and Saturday Only The m anagem ent and em ployees of the West Coast Telephone Com pany wish to thank you, our sub scribers, for the splendid spirit of cooperation you have shown during the w a r years and this reconversion $2 Alm erias A i c lb • * » Oregon Danvers, lb 03c ▼ W IN ESA P S 1 Telephone traffic now is heavier than ever, with both local and long distance calling at an all-time peak. O ur employees are working faithfully and under m any handicaps to keep our service as close as possible to its high pre-war standards. W e pledge to you that w e w ill continue to do Everything in our pow er to m aintain effi cient service and to speed our expansion program . Vii bushel bosket lb. Emperor», lb 20 c D E L IC IO U S Li°< We of the West Coast Telephone C om pany are do ing everything possible to obtain m aterials and equip ment which again will m ake our system the finest telephone service in this nation. Unfortunately, m any critical items still are difficult or impossible to secure, so our progress has been much slower than w e w ould like to report. lU c Farm Fresh the Graoes So tempting — you'll be eating one before you reach your home. Extra fancy, fancy. B eef lb. on APPLES ib. 4 9 e Fresh Daily some table fresfv.—add a little to the turkey dressing. S a u sa g e G rou n d lb. Tropici Crispy Celery LB. Pure Pork From the Green Peppers Prim e Rib ROAST Leg of LAMB End C u t LB Cranberries s , 0 tì J£ Rem ™5 Sweet Potatoes 59 SAFEWAY J