Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1946)
> BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November-22, 1946 BONNY SLOPE NEWS was introduced. Miss Burroughs from Terra, India, who is in med The community Women's Mis ical work there, spoke of condi sionary Society met November 14 tions in India, especially among at the home of Mrs. Graedvig on India's upper class women. She spoke of present conditions Cornell Road. Women from these various localities were present; prevailing, riots, etc., of food needs, need of more doctors, West Slope, Multnomah, Hillsboro, of the She con Cedar Mills and Bonny Slope. At nurses and teachers. 11 a.m. a prayer service was held trasted the educationary needs of following which Mrs. Gredvig as-1 India's womanhood to that of our sisted by Mrs. Schofield, Jr., serv American women. All women are invited to attend ed luncheon. these meetings which are held on The afternoon was given over the second Thursday of each to a brief business session after which the speaker of the afternoon month. • • • Entertained Miss Sterett and Mrs. Reed were entertained at dinner Friday eve ning in the borne of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gross. Miss Starett and Mrs. Reed are teaching in the school here. • • • Corner First and Tucker Streets P T A MKKT Beaverton The P.T.A. meeting was held on Friday evening, November 15. A f W ELDING— OF A LL KINDS ter a short business session, Mrs. Purcell, program chairman, enter Complete Automotive Service tained with games. Specialists In Re-Boring Later refreshments were served and Motor Re-Building with Mrs. Rice in charge • • • Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. M i*»io iu try S o rlrty M w t » R ecu perating W ATER W ELL Park DRILLING PAUL E. ROSS Route 1, Aloha, on Stacey Avenue Aloha, O regon Phone 6380 CHEN YU Master Ora Parkins has been I sick with the flu. He is feeling much better and expects to return to school very shortly. 0 * 0 Mr. and Mrs. Fr»>■,,, f,nyder are putting the finishing touches on their new home. They hope to be moved in very soon. • • • Hum« Coming Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hecker ex pect their son, Lt. Gordon Hecker, to return home any day. He is in the U. S. Navy, stationed in Ha w aii • • • Announces Marriage Mr. Robert McLaughlin and Miss I Edna Lee Rainey, are to be mar-1 ried in December. Congratulations go to them. . . . The Bonny Slope P.T.A. had its monthly meeting Nov. 15. Enter tainment and refreshments were given. * . • (lard Party Bible Study Mr. Emerson announce d that every Friday the Bonny Slope School will have an hour Bible study. The first get together was Nov. 15. Mr. Emerson said the children enjoyed It very much. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Noel Coppinger have gone to Spokane to he at the funeral of his uncle, Chas. Cop pinger. Mr. Coppinger will be buried in Rice, Washington, where they have a family plot. T ea ch er Complaints Hove you tried Chen Yu matched moke-up? Face Powder, Lip Stick and Nail Polish in blended colors. III Mrs. Seytaset. teacher in the Bonny Slope school, was detained at home Tuesday, Nov. 12, because of illness. Mr. Clark, superintend ent, excused the fifth and sixth grades for the day. Awarded Trip to l-ll Club Congress I have heard many people com plain about dogs that are chasing cars. I f you have a dog that chas p es cars, please tie it up. A little discretion may save a motorist Washington County’s three state from an accident. 4-H club winners Margaret Freu- • • # denthal and Constance Jo Connell of Hillsboro and Charles Horneck- er, Cornelius, were guests on the 4-H club broadcast of radio station On December 21st at 8:30 p. M. KOAC Monday evening. The trio the Bonny Slope P.T.A. and the discussed their 4-H club project, Bonny Slope Community club are community 4-H projects, and club going to give the annual Christ activities with Joe Cox, Assistant mas party for the school children. County Agent. The entertainment will be given Miss Connell is assured a trip to by the School children. Stockings the National 4-H club Congress in with candy and nuts will be given. Chicago December 1 to 5 by virtue Everyone welcome. of being State Champion in the Style Revue event. Miss Freuden- thal and Hornecker are compet ing for sectional 4-H club honors and if successful, will also win trips to the club Congress. ( hrislmas Party Their new shades include The Wolf Gal - Lucky Devil - Firefly - Midnight and Noon Try Chen Yu Make-up today and be happy with the results Beaverton Pharmacy The Prescription Store Imagination: Something that sits up with a wife who sits up wait ing for her husband. . . . Hick Town: One which, if you see a girl dining with a man old enough to be her father he is. Hi‘uv<‘rton 2311 < T h u rlow W eed A fter four months of construc tion period, the office building of Thurlow Weed located on Canyon Road at Walker Road junction has been completed and will be -opened Monday, November 25. In this building, Mr. Weed, who has been an attorney since 1934, will resume his general practice of law. As an authorized real estate broker, he will specialize in the sale of west of Portland homes and acreage, and as agent for the Northern Assurance Company and the United State Fidelity and Guaranty Company, he will han dle various types of insurance, specializing particularly in auto mobile public liability and proper ty damage and in building fire in surance. Mr. Weed is a notary public. Having recently completed a course in federal income taxa tion, he is offering his services to the public as a tax consultant. Thurlow Weed moved to his present location with his parents in 1910, attended the Beaverton pub lic schools, and was graduated from Beaverton high school in 1924. In 1928 he was graduated from Oregon State College with a B.S. degree in Business Adminis tration; in 1934 he was graduated from Northwestern College of Law with LL. B. degree, and after ex amination by the Supreme Court was admitted to the Oregon State Bar. From 1934 to 1942, while man aging the National Iris Gardens he received national recognition as a plant breeder. One of his origin ations. Icy Blue, was selected as one of the 25 best iris to be planted in the gardens of the White House. In 1939 he was appointed by Gov ernor Sprague to serve four years on the Oregon State Board of Ed ucation. New Color Inc. INDUSTRIAL - HOUSE W IRING Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly llr ig h t lie a u t v DEALER FOR THERMADOR & MONITOR HOME APPLIANCES For Service Call Beaverton 3071 Look At Your Tires or 2481 LEA V E ORDERS A T RICHIES HARDW ARE a n d P r o t e c t io n I f yttiir tirr* look smooth l»rin<' in fo r a nti|M-r-4|iiality rmi|t. | i I m 'I ii Smooth ★ lirrtt are an invitation to O ld Man Tron- hlr, for they hrnis«*, *ki<l ami £o flat mo C a rr easily. Save money, nave trouble. Itrin»; in your smooth tires lotluy. Chevrolet Co. "Le* Us FIs It Up" SIGNAL STATION Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3333 ROSS F. WHISMAN and HAROLD GREGORY S. W. Canyon Rood at Hall St. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies ora N O N -A S H ttA B L l. You NEVER pay maintain* more than three time* the surplus required by Oregon more than the premium on the foce of the policy. Oregon Mutual Insure nco Lowe. FREE New FREE PRIZES Dodge Sedan! Westinghouse FREE New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" Hamburger Give Your Stomach A TREAT * COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE Sandwiches, Pies & Coffee " G E T IT A T " P A T S SH A K E SHOP Home of the Broiler 2 Doors So. of P. O. Beaverton DEDICATOR Y SERVICE at the Church oi the Nazarene Sunday, Nov. 24 Rev. W. W. Hess, Oregon Pacific District Sup’t. Guest Speaker New Sunday School Annex Dedicated Rev. Hess will speak in the morning service, 11:00 A. M. Dean's Drug Store I We Have On Hand EVENFLOW BOTTLES AND NIPPLES — TINCTURE O F BENZOINE - - HARD TO GET ITEMS If we Haven't Got it W e'll Get it for You DOUBLE S & H GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PRESCRIPTIONS pftone Beaverton 3774 Let Every Member of the Family GIVE AN INDIVIDUAL XMAS PRESENT from our SHOP Enjoy Himself Have Thanksgiving Dinner With us Canyon Road Trading Poet e> ^ One Mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Rood POPPERT - WELCH SEE US FOR The OLD HEIDELBERG Roast Turkey With All the Trim m ings Delicious Fried Chicken CHRISTMAS GIFTS We Suggest 124, at III H E B II \ l . l , I l l BMC. O K E U O N W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R I. I*>W> f o r Itene fit Ituihiinft Punti BROILED DANCING STARTS AT 9 00 A CAR RADIO OR A TABLE MODEL And a Trucklood o* other Valuable Gift* Sponsored by Beoverton American Legion Pott No DELICIOUS Phone 1732 Mi IT IIK K T S BACONS im is A Hillsboro, Oregon Firestone Store Hancock C un and Oil Refrigerator! Table Model Radio! FOR o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organised in 1894 W ALKER ond NELSON. 32 Yeors of Reliable Service Agents We have found for you Copper, Clocks, Figurines, Lamps, Glassware, China, Crystal, Cut Glass, Vases, Mirrors and Antique Furniture CARNIVAL Turkey Center Bricks Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ANTIQUE Beaverton, Ore. A woman traveling by train was talking with a man in the next seat. In describing her holiday, she said that she had visited San Jose. "You pronounce that wrong’’ said the man. “ It’s San Hosay. In Cali fornia you pronounce all the J’s as H ’s. When were you there?” The woman thought for a mo ment, then answered, “In Hune and Huly.” Hillsboro 542 Portland EAst 3727 Estimates Gladly Given FRAN CH IZED Margaret Lou Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. H. Jones of Bea verton, is one among the record enrollment of more than 4300 stu dents attending Brigham Young University at Provo, Utah, this year. The largest student body in i the history of the school consists | of students from thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia and | from six foreign countries. Nearly I half ow the students enrolled at j the " Y ” are veterans of World J War II. Miss Jones was graduated from | Beaverton High School in 1946. She is now a freshman at B.Y. U. tentatively majoring in either sew ing or piano. Coll W I R I N G - S PE C IA L T H A N K S G IV IN G ICE CR EAM Beckett Truck Line, Inc. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, CO M M ERCIAL Orders Taken Now for FURNITURE MOVING R A I N B O W Set* us for * Beaverton and Community Invited A good many times it's better to be what you ought to be than be ing yourself. V , NOW B«‘u\tM‘toii Hi (»rati Attending Utah University Deceased Emergency Mr. Ora Bates and family were called to give a blood transfusion to his niece. Hoping for a quick recovery. • • • Rain and Evergreens Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brunn. who are visiting with a niece in Palm Springs, Calif., report: “Have seen no rain since leaving Portland, Oct. 16. Neither do they have the beautiful evergreens down here. m m • Buy and Use Christmas Seals In June. 1942, Weed volunteered and entered the army as a pri vate. In September of that year, he w m promoted to corporal and sent to Air Force Administration School, upon the completion of which course he was commission ed a 2nd Lieutenant. After serv- ing as an instructor in the Ad ministration School, he attended Air Ftorce Intelligence .School, then served the balance of the war as intelligence officer with various fighter, bomber, and heavy bomb er groups. Weed was promoted to 1st Lieutenant in 1943, to Captain in 1944 and was discharged in March, 1946. Th tir low Reed To Open Law Office B u ildin g P .T .A . News The Bonny Slope Community will have a card party, Saturday evening, Nov. 23. Doors open at 8 p. m. Pinochle and cribbage. Refresh ments and dancing afterwards. Everyone is invited. . . . V.F.W. Meeting The Veterans of the Foreign Wars, Valley Post 8247, meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. The meeting will be call ed at 8 p. m. Members should try to he on time. • • • Proud Parent-. Mr. and Mrs. James Bishop are the proud parents of a baby girl. It is their second child. • • • Road, Moved Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hibbert have recently sold their home in Bonny Slope. They are now living in Ix>ng Beach, California. Logan's Welding and Supply Mrs. Emery, Lost is again at home from the hospi tal. nhe is repotted to be maaing a nice recovery from her oper ation. . . . Dinner Guest* Superintendent Clark and Mrs. Clark, teachers in the Bonny Slope school, were dinner guests Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hanson. • . . Itoors Often at It P. If. ond a S m all Electrical A p p H a ^ e . such as a Toaster, Hot Pad or Iron West e-d ** Y Beaverton 3961 i OLD HEIDELBERG PARK On Canyon Road at West Limits of Beaverton Phone Beaverton 2471 i