Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1946)
4 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER VALLEY VIEW Antique and Gift Shop FOR XMAS GIFTS WEST SLOPE PERSON 4LS T o Spend H olidays H ere Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M cC affrey parents o f M. L. M cC affrey, are expected to arrive in P ortland for a visit with their son. daughter- in-law and fam ily. T he senior M c C affreys live in Grand Forks, Neb. and plan to spend all the holidays here, returning to their home som e tim e in January. Old and New Going T o Seattle Mr. and Mrs. W illiam W inter ; and their tw o children plan to | drive to Seattle to spend the T hanksgiving w eek end. * * T o ' Islt Daughter * fr' * nd; * 5 » “ ard>' ° H ° " * 5 d I £ UI Sp*nd T hanksgiving w ith the H o w a rd s daughter. Mr. and Mrs A rthur Schultens. • • • T o Kn ter tain Mr. and Mrs Ralph Davis, of Benz Park, will have as their guests fo r Thanksgiving. Mrs. D a vis' brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Dean O Mead, and a neph ew o f Mrs. Davis and Mr. Mead, young K enny Mead. T he Ju nior C harles R. Hallo- ways o f M cC hesney R oad are re ceivin g con gratu lations on the birth o f their daughter. Mary, who was born on O ctober 29. • • • On N ovem ber 9. the John Cal derw ood fam ily o f Beaverton add ed a little boy. D onald G , to their fam ily. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Russell W . Jones, o f M cM Chesney Road, are being felicitated on the birth o f Connie, w ho was born on N ovem ber 7. Have H ollyw ood Guests T he R . B. K ilbourns o f Canyon Lane have had as their guests. INTERIOR DECORATING Mrs. M olly Luddy, o f H ollywood. C alifornia, m other o f B arbara Lud j \yin Re T hanksgiving H ostess i dy. who has broadcast T he hirst j Mrs. G eorge Atiyeh will enter- Mrs. E lm er E. Matson, assisted N ighter ’ program over NBC f°t |tam sixteen guests at T hanksgiv- See my New Samples of the past ten years, and R a y Cow ing dinner including her son 's fi by Mrs. H. W . M cK enzie and Mrs. an, o f L os A ngeles. an cee’s fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. A r Irw in Lutz, entertained the West- DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY • • • thur B lock in ger and M ary Alice, dale M others’ Club on W ednesday Visit M other o f K lam ath Falls and Miss Sady evening, N ovem ber 13. FABRIC FROM NEW YORK T ables w ere arranged for gin Mr. and Mrs. H ardy O. H oward B locklinger. o f T acom a, w h o a t o f Benz P ark, spent last w eek end tends the A nna W right Sem inary. rum m y played by seventeen guests Canyon Rood at West Slope and the hostess. Mrs. H. W. Hock- in R oseb u rg visiting Mr. H ow • • • ett won low score and was pre Purchase N ew H om e ard’s 92 year old m other, Mrs. E m AT 6951 ma H ardy, w h o Is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Connor, fo r sented with a silver com pact. Mrs. • • • m erly o f Portland, have bought a Glen W ade received the con sola tion prize, a set o f cookie cutters. hom e on S. W . W ilson Avenue. R eturn F rom East Mrs. Ja ck O 'N eil again captured • • • Mr. and Mrs. R upert H auser of the d oor prize. At D aughter's H om e Benz P ark Drive, have returned F ollow in g the gabies the ladies Mrs. A. Sim m ons o f P ortland from an eastern trip w hich took NEW! were audience to a violin and pi them as fa r as the A tla n tic sea has been visiting her daughter and ano recital prepared for them by Mrs. H enry board. Mr. and Mrs. H auser took son-in-law. Mr. and The Ideal Xmas Gift R uthann M. M cK enzie and Elva the train to C hicago, and then Bolf. W agner. T h eir program was as e • • m otored eastw ard through the New follow s: Duck Hunting T rip S uccessful E ngland States, spending a week G roup 1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell G rant and PERFUME at B oston, N ew Y ork and Chicago. T raum erie, Schum an fam ily have spent many w eek ends M inuet in G, Beethoven by in F orest G rove recently. First, to INSPECT GE APPLIANCES Berceuse from Jocelyn, Godard make preparations for, and then Shery Dunn, Hollywood Spanish Serenade, Cham inade- duck hunting. Russ declares that K reisler he and his friends o f Forest Grove. West Slope Beauty Shop R uthann B. M cKenzie, acconipai- Am os C rosley and “ G oldie’’ Lee Appliance ied by E lva W agn er have had excellent results. 8717 S. W . Canyon Read G roup II Canyon Rd Phone Phone BEacon 9492 T an g o in D, Albeniz at Ellis T R in ity 8039 At E ventide, Nevin V enetian L ove Song, Nevin Ela W agner, piano soloist G roup III M editation from Thais. Massanet E ighteen little girls, under the T he R ain, Carl Bohm leadership o f Mrs. D. L. H am ilton R uthann B. M cKenzie, a cco m and Mrs. Charles F. H unter have panied by E la W agner been form ed into a B row nie T roop A fter the program , the hostess and were entertained at an a fte r school party at the hom e o f Mrs. served delicious and generous por M. L M cC affrey o f B irch w ood Rd. tions o f m ince pie and coffee. last Tuesday. T he table was d ec orated in the T h an k sgiving them e w ith a brow n and oran ge color VI ins llluc liililmti THE STORE WHERE QUALITY COMES FIRST schem e. T u rk ey place cards made Mrs. John E. R obinson, S. W. from cones, decorated the table, AND PRICES ARE ALW AYS IN LINE as well as fa vors fo r each o f the C ashm ur Lane, w on a blue ribbon on one o f her entries in the ch rys guests. R efresh m en ts consisted o f anthem um show’ held at the Art French pastries, ice cream and hot Museum in P ortlan d recently. She did not see any ribbons on chocolate. Gam es w ere played, with prizes goin g to the w inners and a her entries w’hen she attended the “ sin g" around the piano w as en show’, so was very surprised when — WE DELIVER — joyed. Mi-s. H am ilton assisted in she received the notice that she serving, as did several o f the lit had won a "fir s t” and the ribbon S. W. Canyon Road by mail. tle girls. Musirnl Krc¡t;il Given For ( -lui» Scarlet Street DOUGHTY'S Brow nie Troop Newlv Formed West Slope GROCERY & MARKET Shafer and Neer W EST SLOPE LUMBER YARD 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Portland 1 Phone BRoadway 6122 Fix That Leaky Roof The T roop m em bers are Carole H am ilton, Lynn W ilcox, Barbara V ogland, Sharon M cC affrey, P at ricia Tongue, Jeannine Fryer. Ju dy Greer, B erniece Forsberg, Le- nore Jones, R oberta Samuels, B ar bara Porter, P a tricia Inm an, Diana W hisnant, M ary Twist, D orothy K ruettner. P atricia Fowler, J a c queline Smart and L orry K ay Smart. T he entire group plans to at tend a matinee perform an ce o f the C ivic Theatre play “ C inderella” on Saturday. STORK ( L IB NEWS SPECIAL Fibre Roof Coating, per gallon 69c Plastic Cement .......................... 43c Roof Brushes ...... .$1.00 TUE BOSS HAKES All ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M ichael E. Senks, Jr., o f M cChesney R oad, announce the arrival o f P atrick, on N ovem ber 5. • • • Diane is the r.air.e given the ba by born to Mr. and M rs. J a ck J. L angres o f B eaverton, on N ovem ber 8. HEM STITCHING Immediate Service FLORENCE GARRISON Rt. 3, Box 395 Beaverton, Orefon On Farmington Road opprox. 2 3/i miles west of Beaverton '* * * * * / s M CLEARW ATER PLUM RING Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks Morse Pumps Beaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 I'm speaking for oil the babies in town. Ordinary milk caps are NOT good enough for us. Can't Too O ptim istic A m erican s are an optim istic lot. M ost o f us apparently figure that m isfortune m ay com e to the other fellow , hut not to us. That, at any rate, is one w ay o f accou n tin g for our incredible laxity in regard to that great destroyer, fire. Now is the time FSA supervisor, received n otifies tion he has been designated as in terim F H A supervisor, pending com pletion of reorganization. Counties served by the o ffice will continue to include W ashington. Colum bia, and C latsop "P resen t FSA and em ergen cy crop and seed loan borrow ers will be effected very little if any by the consolidation except that these cred it services will now be avail able from one o ffice ,” said M ad sen. "T h e new F H A created un der Public Law 731 or the C ooley Bill is authorized to m ake annual crop and seed loans, longer-tim e supervised operating good s loans. 40 year farm ow n ersh ip loans, small water fa cility and grou p ser vice loans.” All FSA and em ergen cy crop loan accounts w’ill be consolidated in the FH A o ffic e as soon as pos Reoltor PHONE CHorry 3727 Rte. 6. Box 1218 Portland 1, Oro. LEACH & IllH K 1 Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt ' ORDERS TAKEN at ff est Slope Rlumbing Seri'ice Phone REnoou 7.112 Saturday, November 23 2 Miles North of Tigard Georgie’ssJ:; " L 933 N. W. 23rd Ave.— BE 9066 11139 S W Barbar Blvd , at 55th Ave. For Christmas GIVE HER A ROBE FEATURING AMERICAN - CHINESE DINNERS 220 S. W. First St. Beaverton Oregon Where Parking Is Easy 'Formerly Wciser's Stcok House! New and Rcbu lt Dodge & build any motor. E A R L S. B R I G G TAI-PING We just purchased Don Hick's Sport Shov in Beaverton and have moved stock to my location in Portland. We are overloaded with plenty of tine bargains— such as model airplanes, toys, bi cycle parts, etc. Flite Dress Shop and are equipped to re Specializing . . . . in Wrsl Side l’ ropertirü TERRACE For Winter Driving Plymouth Motors in stock Buy and Use Christmas Seals Grand Opening Remodeling to get your motor tuned-up WE CARRY There are many soil poisons, Dr. Schmitt asserted. The easiest one to use. he said, is orth o-d ich loro benzene. “ Y ou dig a shallow trench along your foundation w all and pour in ortho-dichlorobenzene at the rate o f tw o gallons to ten linear feet," Dr. Schm itt explained. “ W ith an earth-filled porch, the best thing to do is dig up the porch along the foundation.” Announcing We Are See our fine Selection of Beautiful Silk & CHemle Robes Yes, we have oil sizes from Tot to Lady's size 46 Fine Food For Immediate Appointment for Ample Parking Permanents Car Greasing and all types Coll BR. 7988 C A LL R K . 79«« Call U h Ity Phone For FREE GROCERY & MEAT of shop work including H ELEN S BEAU TY SALON DELIVERY ORDERS. WE DO Brake Lining take chances on dust S.. W . Phone Orders Not Lotcr Then 1 p m. Canyon Road WE SERVE — and germs getting in CUPS AND SAUCERS We demand the very * Found For IVrmilrs BR 9998 BE 0733 •#. W e pride ourselves on being hu sible and borrow ers o f the two manitarians. and we permit fires form er credit agencies given com that destroy m ore than 10,000 lives plete service by the new ugency, New loan ap every year in the m ost horrible explained Madsen manner possible. One o f our prin plications will be accepted and cipal current problem s is the processed beginning N ovem ber 11 shortage o f building materials Detailed in form ation on changes and so we carelessly allow some in authorization o r procedures will $600.000,000 w orth o f virtually ir- be reported on follow in g a «tate replacable property to g o up In con feren ce of all supervisors sched sm oke in a tw elvem onth. W e talk uled at Rend. O regon. N ovem ber about our clean, m odern homes 6, 7, and 8. and we litter them with debris I thut is the startin g point o f a large proportion o f dw elling fires ( n it Here is inexcusable prodigality R ich as we m ay be. we can 't a f ford that waste- and. financial val ues to one side, nil the dollars 1 on earth can 't replace a single S C H E N E C T A D Y — Sprays, fu life. It is literally true that fire migants, or paints will not kill is more destructive than w ar wood term ites that are attacking and fire is an enem y with whom we cun sign no peace treaty, but house timbers, but using a soil poison to cut o f f the mud gullery we can lick him. E very Am erican must know tin from the house will do the job. sim ple precautions that will pre-1 So stated Dr. Joh n B. Schm itt, vent most fires proper upkeep of assistant professor o f entom ology heating and electrical equipm ent, at R utgers university, New B runs care with sm oking m aterials, per wick, New Jersey, in a G eneral iodic inspection o f hom es and oth E lectric Farm F orum address here er buildings to clear them o f In ovar station WGY. flam m able debris. W e nil know "T h e real answ er is in the soil,” what we should do and It is up to said Dr. Schm itt, w h o also is a us to proceed accordingly. sta ff mem ber o f the New Jersey A gricultural E xperim en t station. "T h e key to the w hole th in g is ISC Now Field Of fire the term ite’s need fo r soil m ois F arm Security's County office, ture; it must be able to go back H illsboro, officia lly becam e a field and forth betw een the soil and o ffice o f the new farm ers' home the wood. Cut it o f f from either Som etim es a adm inistration, con solidatin g FSA one, and it dies. and em ergen cy crop and seed loan small structural change will do program s. N ovem ber 1. Sim ultan the trick, but m ore often you need eously, V ictor S. Madsen, county a soli poison.” BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 22, 1946 »-' -wr and best protection * . *. for our milk OTHER CHINA RASMUSSEN GARAGE OPEN BROWN IK'S .SHOPPE 8903 S..W. Canyon Road Portland 1, Ore. Shop 8-5 Station 8-6 If rut Slope Cedar Hill, Alalia , Went Slope , and PLUMBING the Entire Reaverton Area. SERyiCK Floors Need Woxing 7 We hove two cosy to hondle Electric Floor Wosers for rent ''Ernie" Leach Plnmliiii" A Appliance* Phone BEacon 7S42 8801 S. W. Canyon Road "‘Plumbing — Retter llrmies "1 TH RIFTY MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON 3261 PHONE Beaverton 3251 TH E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T • i i and we’re meeting hi* demand* with Dacro Pro tected Milk . . . the »afest package of milk you can buy. The bottle i* not merely covered. It’* SEALFD with a aturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tar»par» proof. There'* complete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one of our rout* abow you what rtii* protection means to you and your family. - Fresh Flowers Always - Beaverton Call AT 2893 Cold Waving Our Specialty at well at other methods Canyon Beauty Studio DAIRY «1 4 9 S.W. SHATTUCK ROAD CHerry 2424 1 ' j m Eost on Bertho-Beoverton Hi» to SHottuck Rood S W Canyon Rood AT 2893 'Follow the white picket fence by the West Slop* Lbr. Co.) West Slope or after 6 p m . 3632 ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRO MODE - FAN DRIVEN 296S For Your Nest Permanent W*vt. Betaute the Dacro Cap is ■ aenuint •cal. it niM be removed the fcrac am« with to opener. After that it mar be mapped back on the bottle •• a re real and removed aaaia tod a«a.a. even wuboal as openar. ALPENROSE BEAVERTON FLORISTS Choice Pansies SWISS and JUMBO GIANTS PRIMROSES CARNATION SWEET WILLIAM SEEDLING PERENNIALS Pyron & Son Nursery Farmington Rood to Long Ave 4 Blocks South on Long Avenue from Main Highway With the Safe, Cost Aluminum Element 1500 W A T T W A L L T Y P i 1 19.50 1320 W A IT W ALL TYPE BATHROOM HEATER. 531-70 1320 Vi ATI’ PORI \RI.F, <31.70 Made for I 10-Watt Operation Qlauest Si Ackeàm an ON CANYON ROAD BEAVERTON 2699 HEATING - HOME APPLIAN CES - AIR CO NDITIO NING â 0 0 SI 0 ® t) ® if .«on toon ernte. nennt -mm 8 135®