BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 22, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Daily to Rule At OSC Homecoming BABSON DISCUSSES COMMODITY PRICES Babson Park. Mass., N ov. 22, R eaders will rem em ber m y p red ic Published Friday of each week by the tion o f August 16th that the price Pioneer Publishing C o ., at Beaverton, o f fish is the bellwether fo r co m Oregon. Entered as second class m at m odities in general. W ithin a rea ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore- sonable time after the price of fish breaks, the price o f cotton declines, to be follow ed some m onths later by a decline in the Beavertoe O ffice, Enterprise Bldg. price o f cattle and other livestock. Phone Beaverton 2621 The Cotton M arket Certainly, the last few weeks have borne out the im portan ce of Subscription Payable in Advance One Y e o r ........................ ................ $ 2.00 m y forecast, namely, “ to w atch the price o f fish." W hen I released this forecast August 16th the price o f cotton was around $183 per bale. At this w riting it is on ly about $156 per bale. M oreover, as long as fish keeps goin g dow n cotton will g o down. F urtherm ore, I be lieve that before a perm anent turn upward com es the price o f both fish and cotton will decline 50 per cent from their highs. M anufacturers who were hold ing cotton cloth for higher prices are hurriedly trying to unload Three hundred and tw enty-five since the break in the cotton m ar years ago a P ilgrim wrote o f the ket. Borne stores which have found them selves with Inventories o f c o t first T hanksgiving: “ Our harvest being gotten in, our ton dresses as much as 60 per cent governor sent foure men on fo w l over a year ago will have to cut ing so that we m ight have a m ore prices in order to get rid o f their A lthough m en ’s cotton special manner rejoy ce together stocks. after we hud gathered the fruits clothin g such as pajam as, shorts o f our labours. T hey foure in one and shirts, and household goods day killed as much foule as, with such as sheeting and tow elin g are little help beside, served the com - still scarce, the reduction in the price o f cotton cloth sh ou ld at l>any almost a weeke." The Indians brought in more least bring out o f hiding m uch o f game, and the Pilgrim s and In di the poor quality war m erchandise. ans sat down together for three This stock should sell now at low days of feasting and celebration er prices than the better quality Not only was there feasting, but products which are soon to be on the m arket. there were gam es, music, and B uyers Strike On Luxuries friendly com petition, as well. W ithin recent m onths th ere has Three hundred and tw enty-five in crease in y e a n later we celebrate that first been a trem endous Thanksgiving day in m uch the supplies in the fur industry until same way in our homes and at our today the w holesale m ark et is glutted with furs. The end o f O c parties. So if you want gam es fo r a par tober saw som e o f the first big ty o f friendliness here are a few : slashes in fu r prices, abou t 30 per B runsw ick stew : Pin on the cent, and prices should con tin u e back of each guest the name o f an dow nw ard in 1947. W ait until next ingredient o f a stew (beef, pota- • next sum m er to buy furs. toes, turnips, carrots, salt, rice, Other luxury Industries have fin pepper, onions, celery, tom atoes, ally felt a public an tagon ism to water, etc.). B ach guest has a high prices. D uring the w ar e n o r pencil and paper and attem pts to mous profits were m ade on co s write the com plete list as quickly tume jew elry. Countless new m an as possible, but at the same tim e ufacturers entered the field. T od ay trying to keep the name on his they are faced with a problem fo r own back from being observed. each jew elry w orker exp ects six The prize goes to the first co m teen to seventeen dollars m ore a pleting his list. w eek thnn he did before the war. The grand m arch figures will W holesale jew elry Inventories are serve to arrange group in file fo r very full. T he sellers' m ark ets Is mation for relay gam es and can be over. E ven In the face o f higher vai ied by ham ing them m arch like costs, prices must be low ered if Indians on war dance, seeking people are to be en couraged to game, or Pilgrim s going io church. buy. S low er selling in perfum es, A good relay called "T u rk ey Jave wines and night club en tertain lin” requires a turkey feather for m ent are reflectin g buyer resis each team. At "g o ” the first play tance. T ip p in g is even sh ow in g a er throws the feather as fa r as it 50 per cent drop in som e places. will go. The second picks it up Future Buying Trends and throws it. The first team to T he oil industry, fearful o f price reach the goal wins. cuts, would like to hold hack ex H om e heating Many games and party pluns for cess production. all occasions com piled in the R e c oils are plentiful and If there Is reation D epartm ent o f O regon a fu rth er increase in these stocks State College Extension Service, we m ay expect a cut In price by m ay be secured from your cou nty next Spring, Gnaoline stock s are home dem onstration agent. higher than in 1941. H eavy fuel Stanley W . Netherton, Publisher 0«ic]o®Nu«s/ÁPEt P l I U l B I M 4$[st0ÖI»TIM Thanksgiving Day Give Thanks, Give A Parly, Too oils used in industry and diesel shipping are in g ood supply. R ou gh lum ber is in fair supply and m ore Southern pine is reaching the m ar ket. The price o f oak floorin g is beginning to slide and som e lu m ber dealers are even receiving sales circu lars from their w hole sale sources. C hristm as sales are expected to be about 30 per cent higher than in 1945. M any retailers, though, are hoping to e ffe ct a clearance o f their rem aining w ar-tim e goods in the holiday demand. P rice re ductions, as we near D ecem ber 25 will en courage this clearance. Toys will be m uch m ore plentiful this year but not those m ade o f steel. The supply o f small radios is rap idly increasing and m ay soon sell at a “ dim e a dozen.” Between ten and tw elve billions m ore were spent on non-durabls „ :o d s in the first h alf o f 1946 than would have been spent in a prew ar year o f com p arable incom e. On durable goods, how ever, less was spent than what migHt have been spent with the sam e in com e in a pre war year. It will be Interesting to see, when there is a m uch greater supply o f durable good s in the m arket, w hether the public will again follow a regular pattern of spending in relation to the rise and fall o f Incom e as It did be fore the war, o r w hether con su m er buying habits have changed for good. Iiow Down From Hickory Grove Y ou k n ow sum m in' up things that can happen to a person, pro and con, the one reflectin g least credit is to have it com e out that you have been taken in —that you are a sucker. T o be same shows lack o f alertness, or you have not been around m u ch —you are still a green gosling. I am on this su bject fo r tod ay ’s essay on a ccou n t there is still tim e to warn the citizens— like when Paul R evere rrode up and down there around Boston. You ca n ’t cov er all the fool things that anybody can do, in one essay, so I will Just touch on the one item o f P rojects, and how we have been taken fo r a ride via same. I have been reading about sc m any p rojects like C V P —C a lifor nia V alley P ro je ct— that I hauled out the diction ary to m ake sure. And to shve you look in g it up, thf book says, a “ p ro je ct” is som ething m apped out in the mind a con tri vance, a device, plan, schem e— som ethin tentative, crude, experi mental. I f it was 6-hits we were gam b ling on the pea being under a ce r tain shell, it would not be so ter rible, but allow ing tile Govt, to dip into our Jeans fo r 100 m illion and slap it into som e C V A or the M issouri R iver, like they do it there on the V olga, it tags us sm ack-dab 100 per cent sucker. Y ou rs with the low -dow n, JO S K R R A . A t a service to veterans in the com m unity, this newspaper will publish a weekly colum n o f ques tions m ost frequently asked con tact m en o f the Veterans A dm in istration in this area. F or more detailed inform ation, veterans are to con tact or write to the nearest V A con tact unit at 1019 3. W. 10th Ave., P ortland. OREGON STATE COLLEGE— Som e baby o f a student veteran will reign over H om ecom in g festiv ities here N ovem ber 23 instead o f the traditional cam pus queen, the com m ittee headed by H arry Bleile, Glendale, hue announced. Because so m any o f the 4360 veterans enrolled are m arried and have youngsters in which they have the usual pride, it was d«r cided that a baby show m uch m ore appropriate this year than the usual co-ed beauty search. . V eteran fam ilies will t in t m it pictures o f their jo y from which the student home com in g com m ittee will plej1 "■ . nalists. A special com m ittee o five, including baby specialists and a doctor will then choose 10 win ners by Judging the babies them- ... ~ litri 1 r O Y S TOYS As a service to veterans in the com m unity, this newspaper will publish a weekly colum n ofn ew s > ■ briefs from the Veterans A dm inis tration. F or m ore detailed in for mation, veterans ihould con tact or write to the nearest VA con tact unit at 1019 S. W. 10th Avenue, Portland. Pay Insurance \\ 1th Term inal Leave Bonds W ant to ‘‘deposit’’ your term inal leave b on d ? The Veterans A dm in istration is accepting term inal leave bonds as payment on N ation f l| al Service and V S. Governm ent L ife Insurance, it was announced recently. Bonds m ay be used to pay prem iums, purchase additional insur ance, reinstate lapsed insurance, for con version to permanent form s or to repay policy loans made pri o r to Ju ly 31, 1946. In assigning his bond, the veter an will receive credit for its face value, plus interest accru in g up to the end o f the month in which the assign m en t is made. A ssignm ent form s are now avail able at all V A offices. A parade o f the 30 finalists will be held after th e ju d gin g, while the top ch am p ion baby will be presented betw een halves at the Oregon-O.S.C. footb a ll gam e if w eather perm its. L aura Jean H am pton, Pendle ton, a senior in hom e econom ics, is chairm an o f the baby show com m ittee. She says she has $100 in cash prizes lined up already to start educational funds for the winners. WHO SAID HARD TO GET? TOYS NOT AT HOMEBUILDERS SUPPLY No Crowds and Plenty o f Free Parking Space B rin g th e K i d d i e . to see O u r S e le c t,o n . Q u n o t .t.e s o re l . m . t . 4 , b u t w . o re p ro u d Q u a lity ond V o lu e t our FOR THE LITTLE "HOMEBUILDER" AND "HOMEMAKER" YOU W ILL FIND: -- - Real S e w in g Machines Toy Plastic Dishes Toy Mixmasters Toy Ironers Boats Trucks Racing Autos Airplanes Tricycles Wagons Scooters Strollers Hike-bikes Play-Writers Guns Erector Sets Question o f the W eek Q I f I use m y entitlem ent to go to sch ool under G. I. Bill pro visions will the m onetary benefits be deducted from any future b o nus? A. No, that part o f the Service len’s R eadjustm en t A ct has beer repealed. ---------------------------------- hi! Homebuilders Supply Co. Phone, Beaverton 3951 BeoYcrton p S.— After you have m ade your selection, "Lets T R Y A C LA SSIFIE D . T a lk H o m e b u ild in g " T he advertiser—Tell him you read his message in the paper. A NEW SCIENTIFIC SERVICE FOR •DEVELOPMENT OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Washing’s done— Plenty of HOT WATER left! to solve your business-industrial technical problems FOR PRODUCTION fHY IT IS OFFERED ¿search Advisory Service brings a new stimulus to development o f the wer W illamctte Valley. Very few organizations in this region are able to aintain research facilities necessary to solve many highly technical lOblems in marketing, management, processing and production. Expert uidance for finding the answers is provided by Research Advisory Service. WHAT IT IS W h e r e z n a u to m a tic G A S w a te r h e a te r is o n J u t ) , th e re 's aluays p le n ty o f h o i w a te r. N o m a tte r h o w o f t e n th e t « p is tu r n e d , n o r h o w b ig th e |<>b, y o u r a u to m a tic G A S w a te r h e a te r w i l l n e v e r let y o u d o w n . A s th e h o t w a te r is u s e d , th e lit t le b lu e fla m e goes to w ork — fail! T u r n s its e lf o n ,h e a ts th e w a t e r ,t u r n s its e lf off a ll automatically. They're Stream fined Beauties! A n d th e s to ra g e ta n k is so h e a v ily in s u la te d th e w a te r stays h o t f o r hours. E c o n o m ic a l t o o — just a f e w cents a d a y s u p p lie s plritly o f i * IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! WATER HEATERS tee your Plumber or Cat Applianre Pettier PORTLAND GAS & COKE COMPANY It vou have a problem o f the sort mentioned, call or visit the nearest FtiF office. M ore details also can be obtained by writing the PGE General S...cs I>cpt„ Portland, tor the booklet “ New Horizons Through Research ” Once a problem is referred to PGE. contact is immediately made with the adsisorv staff, and a systematic search is begun for the specific infor mation desired. If a solution is available. PGE will get it for you. fou are invited to use the Research Advisory Sen ice pecause it is designed to build bigger enterprises, to help agriculture, to aid production, to improve busi ness methods and practices. Scientific research can open the door to new opportunities-growth, prosper ity and more jobs for a greater Willamette Valley. lo w r a le w h e n y o u h e a t w a te r automatically w ith G A S . A HOW IT WORKS HOW IT HELPS h e a lth f u l, c le a n h o t w a te r f o r th e e n tir e fa m ily . T h e r e ’s a » p e n a l NEW AUTOMATIC More than 900 ot the outstanding industrial research laboratories in the I nited States and abroad cooperate with Research Advisory Service. The wealth o f scientific experience and knowledge available in these aboratories is brought to a locus on the specific technical problem o f an a dividual business or industry in the PGE area. PGE is the channel through which this reservoir o f information can be tapped for vour ben efit-an d without charge. * ■a T P **# Fcrtieitù C e n sre l E le g ie Com pany LA R G E S T B o n n e v ille P o w e r D istrib u to r