BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 15, 1946 Hold STOP! SHOP ALOHA SPECIAL K II.K O Y Hand made, imported WAS Leather House Slippers h l ia . Fur trimmed ond hand beaded We have Assorted Colors in all sizes N O R A ’S ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP W o rk Done By Appointm ent Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 Dressmaking Shop Aloha Ore. L E T US . . . Back Flush Your Radiator and Put In Anti-Freeie in" The Beaverton Busy Bee 4-H Club held their Achievement Meet­ ing at the Kiwania Hall Tuesday, November 12. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Hilda Highbe. The following program was giv­ en: song, "How Do ou Do," 4-H girls; Flag Salute led by Elaine Hanson; Club Pledge led by Van­ da Benson; song, "The More We Get Together"; dance by Patsy Seidler; Report of 4-H Club, Mary Ellen Bailey; piano solo, Jo Anne Murphy. Constance Jo Connell, State Grand Champion in Modeling spoke of the personality and de­ velopment that could be attained through 4-H work; song, “ Coral Bells,” Arlene Amel, Beverly Lar­ sen and Mary Ellen Bailey. Miss Faye Nichols. Home Den- onstratlon Agent, presented the 4-H pins to the girls for the past year's work. The Club had 100 per cent com­ pletion and will be given an Achievement Certificate. Mr. Abts of the Commercial National Bank showed pictures of the County Fair and also a Comedy. The meeting closed with songs. Mrs. Helen Geertgens led the sing­ ing. Coffee and cake were served Proceeds will be used for a 4-H Summer School Scholarship. A new 4-H Sewing Club is be­ ing organized Tuesday, November 19th, led by Mrs. Lillian Carpen­ ter. Stork Club News Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Olsen of Beaverton are receiving felicita­ tions on the birth of a daughter, Julia on Nov. 4. R I C H A R D S Barber Shop Personal Attention Complete One Stop Service Aloha Super Service Mr. SUNSET PRODUCTS and Mrs. Alfred Aloha, Ore. We Give S&H Green Stamps chandisa to hold it until SPECIAL Shoe Repair C hristm as Tailored Slax for Xmas Quality Leather Neolite Sole and JUST RECEIVED Richards Thomas J. Lukas CHAMBERLIN'S JeuH'ler Phone 6332 Union Shop Watchmaker — Visit Relatives The Silverton W HITE BEANS CATSUP N eat ELECTRIC TO ILET TISSUE W ATER HEATER GOLDEN WEST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon $89.95 Extra Heavy Galvanized Tonk Guaranteed Aloha 6551 Immediate Delivery and Installation Did You Know Ehrlich T h a t you can get your radio repaired as well in Aloha PLUMBING and APPLIANCE as you can in Portland? Phone Aloha 6411 Aloha, Ore A lso it will be less expensive and much faster, at ROY'S RADIO SERVICE ALOHA Now is the time OREGON Saturday Afternoon in in Week End Visitor« Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gerig and Mrs. Sarah Dallman drove to Sa­ lem Sunday where Mrs. Dallman visited her daughter, Mrs. Nick Gerig. Mr. and Mrs. Gerig attended a birthday dinner at the Fred Ger­ ig home. A delightful day was spent by all parties. Bulging with loads o f new Gifts for every member of fomily at DEPARTMENT STORE Phone Beaverton 3461 Beavers Win 32-0 Tigers Go Down DELIVERY ORDERS. Chet Bakken's CUcFULOSOPH/ES Good Morning, madame! So nice of you to let me tokt tkk shortcut to KINGLET'S STOPZIT the waterproof concrete paint that ¡s guaranteed waterproof. For Stove arvd Diesel OU Call Harry Barnes Ph. Beaverton 3231 fo get your motor tuned-up For Winter Driving IT’S ALW AYS PERFECT CARRY West Slope, and Plymouth Motors in stock and It's compact — arc floor paint that colors thru. Overhead Garage Doors BEAVERTON 2614 1-8 mile West of Beoverton and Hardware the Entire Beaverton Area. New and Rebuilt Dodge & WHEN YOU OWN A DRI AIRD COLORTHRU, the concrete LANDSCAPING EVERGREENS CAMELLIAS --- AZALEAS ILEX NURSERY WE SERVE — Cellar Hill, Aloha , WE Clothes Drying Weather equipped to re­ THRIFTY MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON 3261 build any motor. SEPTIC TANKS KINGSLEY CLEANED LINES CHECKED ADVANCED ESTIMATES Phon« 6S21 A Iah« ilAVlRTON LUMBIK Co. P H O N E B EA VE R TO N 3201 O. E. BERGLAND Drys your entire wash in I or 2 hours. Let It coin, let it pour outside for the Drl-oird owner. Wash day hos no drying worries, WE DO Car Greasing and all types See a Dri - Aird at of shop work including S A V E RASMUSSEN Phone 6311 GARAGE Aloha, Ore. PH O N E and Courteous Treatm ent if NOW AT Daveno ond Choir Combinations m any color DEAN'S DRUG STORE Cards, O rnam ents, Tissue Poper ond Ribbon and Station 8 6 Open evenings until 8 t. M. Complete Line of C hristm as G ift Sets Beaverton 3251 Don hie SAH Green Stamps CLEANERS PRESSING and Will Be No Price Increase Here O PEN Shop 8-5 YOU Electric W ater Heaters fo r Imm ediate Delivery Christmas Shopping J. B. IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed TA ILO R IN G FOR ON YOUR Broke Lining ALOHA or a fte r 6 p m Q U ICK SERVICE Opposite Post O ffice ALOHA the • i ’d/LOÊM, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Boyd and sons, George and James, of New-^ berg, were week end guests of ' the William Boyd family on Wat­ Beaverton again spilled the T i­ son Street. They also had a surprise visit gard Tigers last Friday, November from Mrs. Boyd’s sisters, Miss Ju­ 8, 32-0 here on the home turf. lia M. Tatom from Spokane, Wn. Jack Ross, fullback, was the and Mrs. Frank Schneider, Port­ heavy scorer. He gained the first land. points with a jab through the line • • • • • • in the first quarter. Later in the Visiting Sister fourth quarter Jack tore around Monthly Social Mr. Arthur Pike from Whittier, end and scored the last points. On last Friday evening the CaL, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed Harvey, left end, caught a Young Adult Fellowship of the Carrie Summers for a week. long pass and fell over the line • • • Methodist Church enjoyed a in the second quarter. monthly social in the church Attend Anniversary Jack O’Connor, quarterback, basement. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe, Mrs. broke through the center on a • • • in the third Carrie Leonard and Mrs. George quarterback sneak I a - hvch T o Join Husband Blaaser attended the Silver An­ quarter scoring the third touch­ Mrs. Campbell (nee Carna Peter­ niversary o f Temple Chapter in down. George McCorkle, right half, son) and her three children left Portland Saturday evening. Mr. Sunday morning for New York and Mrs. Amil Hedberg also at­ scored the fourth touchdown in the third quarter when he caught where they will board a boat on tended. a pass and sprinted to the score. Wednesday for Germany, where Both conversions were made by she will join her husband. Mr Ask about the "SUBSCRIBER place kicks from Harvey. nnd Mrs. Harry Barnes accompan­ AD” plan with your subscription. —jaa—■■■ 1 ' . ■ ied them as far as New York House Guests Shirley Wilkins, o f Portland, spent the week end at the home of Norma Black. They enjoyed Call 1« IW Phone For FREE GROCERY & MEAT the Sadie Hawkins dance given Saturday night at the Masonic Ha.IL Phone Order» Not Later Than 1 p . m. Dri-aird is on all olummum streamlined cabinet. •onitary— -rust proof— labor saving, plete. MERCHANT TAILOR “The Complete Shopping Center” B EA N S Shop early while stocks ore com­ W ork Accepted We give S & H Green Stamps We Give S & H Green Stamps Look What We Have for You till Christm as B. T. WALTON WALKER’S ALOHA PHARMACY ALOHA, ORE. RED Alteration Only 32 Shopping Days New Shipment of Watches Quick Service GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at the Visit Park CUB SCOUT JAM BOREE Several children attended shows, The Cub Scouts are getting the parade and visited the Wash­ The high school band which has the week end. represented Camas in parade ap­ ready for the big Cub Scout Jam­ ington Park over • • • pearances in the Apple Blossom boree at the Livestock Building. fete at Wenatchee and the Rose They are making tom-toms, head Working For Time Off The third and fourth grades are Festival parade in Portland this dresses, shields, and rattles. About year will have another chance to ; 1200 Cubs are expected to take trying hard to win first place in the paper drive. So far Carl Stark do itself proud as a part of one part. • • • has brought the most paper. If of the country's biggest spec­ | we win first place we will get Absent tacles this winter. Harlene Katterman is absent | a half a day o ff and the room The band has received an invi­ which gets second place will get tation from the Pasadena Tourna from the fifth grade. | a quarter of a day off. ment of Roses committee to march • • • • • • in the big parade there January In Recital Girl Scouts Active Joede Lain is playing in a pi- 1 and to attend the world-famed The Girl Scouts meet every F ri­ I ano recital at the Women’s Club Rose Bowl football game. day after school. Twelve girls Virgil Myers, Jr., former stud­ in Portland next Sunday. belong to the organization. Mrs. ent of Beaverton and now a mem­ • • • Jackson and Mrs. Ediger are the ber of the Camas Band is looking F TA C A R N IV A L forward to the trip to Pasadena. Plans are under way for a big leaders. • • • The band members will have carnival to be given by the PT A Superintendent Calls a private car on the trip down on Friday, November 22 at the Supt. Scrafford was a caller at and the housing problem has been school. solved for their stay in Pasadena. There will be a fish pond, beauty school last week. He brought us Excursion trips are planned if parlor, Western Union, fortune our new library books. • time permits. telling, merry-go-round and other Wonder How • W e • Rate amusements. Lunch will be served The upper grades had their nine D EATH OF MRS. G. HUGHSON In the cafeteria. weeks’ tests last week. Report • • • M rs. Myrtle Hughson passed a- cards will be out Wednesday. way at her home Wednesday, No­ Religious Education Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Scofield B row nies M eet • • • vember 13. have charge of the Religious Edu­ She is survived by her husband. A large number of girls belong cation classes which are held ev­ George Hughson. to the Brownies, which meet ev­ ery Monday after school. Mr. and Mrs. Hughson are old ery Wednesday after school. Mrs. • • • time residents of Beaverton. Eltzroth and Mrs. Mitchell have Paper Drive The first and second grades have youngsters Enjoy Party been working hard on their paper The Junior-Intermediate De­ drive. PRE WAR QUALITY partment o f the First Methodist • • • Church School, with Mrs. J. V. Improving WORSTED WOOLENS ('handler as superintendent en­ Mrs. Gustafson was unable to joyed a Fall party on Saturday. return to her work on November The youngsters enjoyed making 12, so Mrs. Anderson is - still sub­ Custom Tailored for Men's and puppets in the church kitchen and stituting for her. Ladies' Suits and Overcoats then going to Mrs Chandler's and afterward Mrs. Whitney’s where All Work Guaranteed M ake a deposit on Mer- they received their lunch. Heels. Owned and Operated b| charge of the group. By Louie Beovioh C E D A R M IL L SCHOOL Camas School Hand Honored Busy l{(*c HI 1 3632 On ill Prescriptions VE^iuíhina. -fa the P h o n e . 3 5 3 5 B e a v e r t o n