THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH M UST A CCO M PAN Y A LL CLASSIFIED ADS Count eoeh word, including Nam« and odd reo —O N L Y 2c A WORD No Phon« Orders Taken M INIM UM 25« AN ISSUE W * Publish th« BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIOARD SEN TIN EL M ULTN OM AH PRESS A LO H A NEWS Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage r i S Tt hkyway u RANT Restaurant, SINK for Beaver- *al*’ ton, Oregon. FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE one and one- hall horsepower A. C. motor. Used very lew hours. 115-230 volts. 1750 R.P.M. Trade lor machinery or sell. Write Box 714, Rte. 6, Port land 1. 43p 500 USED RECORDS. western tunes, 30c each. Freetag Radio Shop. 740 West Main St., Hills boro, Oregon. (Open until 10 p.m.) 45p FOR SALE: Girl Scout unilorm, like new, size 8. Oak bullet with good mirror. Mrs. Ridgley, Bea verton, Oregon, Greenway Drive oil Farmington Road. 42p PIGS, 6 weeks old, $10, if taken at once, d i l l Loomis, Beaverton. Rt. 2, Box 521. 42p FOR SALE-- Youth bed with Sim mons springs. Like new. See May, Rt. 5, Box 219 (Cedar Mill) Phone Beaverton 3185. 43p ^ LAND SCAPE—For the best in new lawns call W. A Green, Beaverton 2967. lTtf PAINTING Beaverton Transfer Co. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HAROLD A. PETERSON Electrical Contracting George F. Gordon ELECTRIC W ATER HEATERS Piaao Tuning. Cleaning Wiring Supplies, Loom Wire Lovely home, furnished $14,000 or unfurnished, $12,000. Half down. Call Jeremiah or Mrs. Ensley, T i gard 2523 or CHerry 4034. FO R SALE: New Zealand Brown breeding buck, 9 months, $7.50 Jeanne Baker, Rt. 4, Box 219, Sher wood, Oregon. 1 mile S. E. of New Scholls Store. 42p FOX—22 acres, Beaverdam land in cultivation and nice 6-room home on road between Tualatin and SURVEYING Sherwood. Call Mrs. Sharp Tigard PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING 2523. WANTED FO R SALE: Chickens, cow, rab bits. Also oil brooder, $15.00. Bill Portier, Rt. 1, Box 960, Beaverton. P R IN T E R —■ Full time situation. 42p Write, or call Beaverton Enter prise, Beaverton, phone 2321. tf FO R SALE: Combination Univer sal enameled wood and gas stove, W A LN U T MEATS W A N TED — $15, smooth top. J. Hansen, on Tu Good halves and pieces, light col or, 70c pound. K. W. Braune at alatin Highway, corner of Hennes Orenco Road. 4th sey and Shaw, across from Boys' Reedville on house from Highway on left. 45 School near Huber. 42p W A N TE D —Single or young mar FO R SALE: Wood stove, new grate, white front and splasher, ried man for retail and wholesale milk route. Must be hustler and $10. Gas plate, $5. Mrs. L. M. Dim- mitt, Johnson Ave., Tigard, Ore. 42 have ability to meet public. Write qualifications, care Pioneer Pub FO R SALE—2-3 acre, neat 3 bed lishing Co., Beaverton, Oregon. 43 room modern home, built In fruit room, cabinets, Venetian blinds, W A N TE D : One work horse to use nice view, furniture optional. alone in garden. Also need collar and harness, 10” walking plow, 1 Landscaped garden and family berries. Ideal to subdivide. 735 SE section harrow and walking culti vator. Jesse Brown, RFD 1, Box 9th, Beaverton. 42p 259, 1(4 mile south of Beaverton FO R SALE: Upright grand piano, on Denny road. No phone. excellent condition. Phone Beaver ton 3801. 42p A U T O M O B IL E S W A N T E D FO R S A LE —Rabbits, N.Z. Whites, MISCELLANEOUS pedigreed stock, prolific breeders, fast maturing. Bucks, does, fry W IL L CAFE FOR C H ILD R EN by ers. CH 2109 evenings. 43p day in my home. Esther Dames. COM M UNITY AUCTION SALE Rt. 2, Box 242, Tigard, Oregon. 42p and lunch every Saturday 10:30 AM ACC E PTIN G STUDENTS for a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd piano lessons after school and Ave., 3H miles south Foster Rd., Saturdays. Evaun Jensen, 421 S. Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and E. 3rd, Beaverton. Ore. 43p tlnneer. tf DEAD STOCK picked up free of For Stove and Diesel Oil Call charge—Highest prices paid for arry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231 old live horses. Day and night Phone UNIversity 1102. >R SALE: 12 or 16 inch green service. ick and slab, mill run, $20 load Evenings MUrdock 4261 or TR. Phone collect. Portland 4 cord loads) $20 load In Bea- 6137. 48 -ton, Multnomah, Tigard, and Rendering Co. '.50 in Aloha and Reedville. Also n in r.s a w o o l c a s c a r a — a Inch dry, mill run, block and specialty. LEE BROS.. «S SW b (2H cord loads) $12 cord, Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf rold Keller Rte 1, Carlton. Ore one Portland BRoadway 1986. FOR RENT ve delivery directions). tf 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 LOO TR U C K FO R H IR E -Can deliver anywhere. Give location handle 8. 16 or 18 ft. logs. Phone with order. Stanford Laughlin. Portland TAbor 4817, evenings. 42 Carlton, Rt. 1. tf BUSINESS SERVICES NURSING HOMI. To Open. Saturday, Nov. 9 24 Watson St. Next to Bank 41 p FOR SALE— 16-ln. green slab wood 2S cord loads $8 cord delivered. Reuben Johnson. Newberg phone TR AC TO R W O R K : General gar I93-J tf den work Plowing, discing. D. P MacDonald. Rt. 2. Box 218 Phone WOOD saw d u st Beaverton 2260. Sitf write Rt 'q o p 4 a o »<< PHONE — Beaverton 3 1 30 42 LAYO U TS H. E. COX, Registered Land Surveyor PHONE - BEAVERTON 2592. 45 •FOR TOW C AR call VERMTLYE MOTOR CO Phone T1r*rd 3381 tf 42 F IL L D IR T FOR SALE "A Complete Lumber Yard" We Deliver Anywhere PA IN TS _ HASH — PLUMBING Phene 4191 — Aloha. Ore tf L. H. Cobb Co. R K A lT E S T A T I I n\\- H E N R Y H J E F F R It S Phone Beaverton 2881 on Highway at Short St.. Beaver ton Phone Beaverton 3981 tf GARDEN TRACTOR Crawler Type - S.H.P. and Implements Immediate Delivery Demonstration on your Place RT. 1, BOX 102, LAKE ROAD BEAVERTON. ORE. ENGER BROS. Building Contractors STOVE AND DIESEL OIL See us when you Plan to Build Free Estimates Guaranteed Workmonship 620 S. Hall St. Beaverton, Ore. Metered Oil Service PA P E R IN G — Painting A Kalso- mining, neat, experienced work man L. L Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf IN S U R A N C E - Low rates All Risks - Any Coverage GLENN E. PRINGLE 2S5 Pittock Block CH -3640 Res. 10th * Washington AT- 2777 Portland 5____________ (Day or Nife) LA N D C LE A R IN G A Excavating Work done by hour or contract. Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf P. E. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf D ELIV E R E D HILLCREST GROCERY 11102 SW Capitol Hlwy G en u in e H OLLAND BULBS You Can't Beat th# Dutch In order to have Superior Flow ers, bulbs should be planted within the next 30 days S P F X IA L O F F E R of Topsize Bulbs 12 March flowering Crocus $0.65 12 April flowering Tulips $1.65 12 April flower. Hyacinths $3.00 12 May flowering Tulips $1.45 Mail orders will receive prompt attention, or come and make your own selection. Over 90 varieties to choose from Colored pictures on display Beaverton BULB Gardens J. P. Finley & Son Riverview Cemetery W EST END SELL WOOD BRID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New tf Cathedral Chapel at No Eatra cost SEPTIC TAN KS, completed $100, Riverside Is a co-operative asno anywhere on West Side. 20 miles elation with assets of over $800.00 from city Portland SU. 1737. 2tf CONCRETE De Laval WORK We Con Furnish the Cement UNITED BUILDERS, Inc. Phone Beaverton 3071 _ Her ___ .. . It H e tar L ; : - 50c - *095 » » No subsistence check in Decem ber is the bad news for veterans in training under the G. I. Bill who neglected to mail in their "Trainee Report of Earnings” slip by November 5, the VA warned today. Many veterans, however, who will get their first subsistence checks from the VA this month, have not had the opportunity to report so will not be penalized if they im mediately return the reporting slip which will be enclosed with the first check. The VA emphasized that these reports are due only from veter ans who are drawing subsistence under the G. I. Bill. Disabled veterans receiving vo cational rehlhilitation under Pub lic Law 16 are not affected by the regulation and are not required to report their earnings. QUESTION OF TH E WF.FK Q. I am a World War II vet eran of the U. S. Navy. At pres ent I am living in Canada. Am I entitled to readjustment allow ance? A No. Residence in the Unit ed States, its territories or posses sions is a definite eligibility re quirement for readjustment allow ance*. — LUMP SUM SE TTLEM E N TS a v a i i . a h i . f : o n g . i . i n s . Veterans who objected to Na tional Service life insurance be cause their beneficiaries could not obtain lump-sum settlements may now choose from several types of payments, the Veterans Adminis tration explained today. The new insurance law provides for optional settlements including lump-sum payment .Under the or iginal law, the only settlements au thorized were monthly income or annuity payments. Any veteran who wishes to change the type of settlement on his policy should contact the VA immediately. I f no change Is re quested payment will be in 36 equal installments. To F^ach His Own What with Christmas Just a few measly weeks in the offing, main topic of conversation at last week’s meeting of the Capitol False Wig and Bustle Club was "How to have a Merry Christmas and let the rest of the world go buy.” And another thing.” sez Dolores Dinglefoodle, "I don't aim t hang up any mistle- te this Christmas. I got too much pride to advertise for the ordinary courtesies a dame has a right to expect.” PO W ER S P R A Y IN G — PHONE B E A V E R TO N 2188. tf Logan's Welding and Supply Cerner First end Tucker Streets Beeverton W ELDIN G— OF A LL KINDS Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building Phone - Beaverton - 2981.. FURNITURE MOVING Cell Beckett Truck Line, Inc. ifímoek (rìseli fS H ' L w ^ MüUboro 542 Portland EAst 3727 BEAVERTON FLORISTS - Fresh Flowers Always - r MFRMOSR PRODUCTS CO 904 N i 8 »«•»*' Street, Seftleed. Beaverton I SS NW Park Info rm at io n I <» veteran*. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE PO R TL A N D —(Special) — Veter Friday, November 15, 1946 ans of World War II are told the "How, What, Where" of buying surplus property with priority in The only sure way to double a compact, illustrated booklet is your money is to fold it and put sued today by War Assets admin istration. it in your pocket -Uacle Mat. The twelve-page booklet, en titled "Veterans— Your Guide to Surplus Property," is free on re quest to the Regional Office, P. O. Box 4062. Swan Island. Port land, Ore., and draft boards throughout Oregon. The veteran is told the step-by step way to exercise his exclusive opportunity to buy for personal use many items of surplus in short suppiy; and his priority, second only to that of the federal gov ernment, to buy any surplus prop erty for use in his own business, farm or professional enterprise. In an introduction to the guide. Robert M Littlejohn, War Assets administrator, says: WE LL TEACH YOU HOW "It is the job of the administra tor of War Assets to see that every World War II veteran who wants to buy surplus property gets an opportunity to choose from BERNARDS AIRPORT available stocks. I aim to help every veternn get the surplus items CEDAR STREET A T W ALKER RD. he needs, if it is possilde." Phone Beaverton 3840 IT PAYS TO F L Y RUPERT Flying Service Beaver Theater Three ( hangr* A W eek Now Saa. Hhow runs continuously flora 1:30 to 11:30. Evening Hhow 7 to 11:90 Two entire shows. Children (under It ) 20c; Adult«, OOo; Students, 40r; l ,*«*«. 60e Frl.-Sat., Nov. 15-16 "RMNDKVOUS" with William Gargen and Maria Palmer _____ alao "T H E Y M ADE ME A K IL L E R ” Sun., Mon., and Tues., Nov 17-19 DO YOU LOVE ME Maureen O'Hara. Dick Haymes. Harry James I-et’s Go Steppln (Short) Squatters Right (Unrtnon) News Wed. and Thursday. Nov. 20 A 21 PA R IS UNDERGROUND Constance Bennett, Virginia Field. Kirk Kruger Dixie Pointers (Short) House Tricks (Cartoon) News 2965 Tîendeû frc v y n v u ) f a CHICKEN «J STEAK O IN M E B S Y » \ Cù iUáC77 K tf.à J ' VV' - " R E S E R V A T I O N S Br.O IU H U K DEES G-I I OPEN SUNDAY 1 • 10 W . C. P E G G Complete Line of Christmas (gifts POTTERY, PYREX STATIONERY, FIGURINES Including Assortments of Myrtle Wood. Also Boxed Christmas Cards and Wrappings M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon ESTABLISH ED 1910 PH O NE B EAVER TO N 3411 Beaverton FUEL CO. For OIL or SERVICE call BEAVERTON 3861 or 3931 388 S.W. Canyon Road Ara Vista Gift Shop 9 5 13 S. W. Barbur Blvd. In WEST PORTLAND Phone - CHerry 3070 H. V. JOHNSON Beaverton, Or. W e Give S&H Green Stamps AVAILABLE NOW No Priority Required all sizes of Youngstown All Metal Kitchen Cabinets SU ITA BLE FOR USE ABOVE OR BELOW THE SINK McCready Lumber Co. Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 COMMUNITY AUCTION Every Saturday 11:30 a.m. BEAVERTON. OREGON BRING YOUR ~ Weoner Pigi, Feeder Pig*, Fat Hog*, Day-Old Calves, Veol Calves, Steers, Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle,etc. Form Machinery, of all kinds, Good Furni ture, Produce - TO THIS SALE SELL At AUCTION To Get The Highest Possible Price BEN T. SUDTELL 0 1 3B S. W . Palatine Hill WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO _____ ASX ALL CROCUS — -C SEPARATO RS — M IL K E R * C O M PLETE EQ U IPM ENT 4VU SI m IF,H FOR TH E D A IR t IN D U STRY 4 • tf * Cl«e»we r E A R N IN G REPO RTS OVERDUE ‘ram downtown. DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. MORTICIAN A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering SW FOURTH AT MONTOOMF.R ATwnter 2IR1 Company.) Stf W E CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PO R K CUTS 25 years Experience AI.DF.R M A R K E T Lewis Bra« Coe. 1st and Washington St PO RTLAND . OREGON Safety is making a foxy invasion of the first three primary school grades. Frank the Safety Fox, first of a series of animal cut-outs, is currently being distributed by the office of Robert S. Farrell Jr., secretury of state, for use in the lowest three or four grades in Ore gon elementary schools. A sly, red beast with a bushy tail, Frank carries messages on the reverse side enjoining children to walk carefully and play in safe places. Animal cut-outs have been used elsewhere in the United States, no tably South Carolina, to promote safety among the youngest group of school children. They have met with enthusiastic acclaim. Frank is the first of a long-range series planned for use in Oregon schools. ‘‘We're watching closely to get the reaction and suggestions of the school people as they hand out the cut-outs." said Farrell. “This series should get an enthusiastic reception. It certainly has else where.” Frank is typical of the series. On one side of the fold the label reads, “This is Frank the Safety Fox," and on the other, "Foxes are smart.” On the reverse it says, “ You may be smart too . .** and details the right and wrong places to play. As distributed, the fox i£ on rec tangular cardboard sheets, but around him and the messages runs a dotted line. It is planned that the children themselves be allow ed to cut out the animal In out line, adding a personal touch to each. There was a terrible crash as the train struck the car. A few 1000 feet Fast of F.ast Beaverton seconds later Mr. and Mrs. Pickle- Junction on Canyon Road puss crawled out of the wreckage. Mrs. Picklepuss opened her mouth to speak, but her husband stopped C EN T R A LLY her "Don't say a word,” he snap LOCATED ped. "I got my end of the car Close to but trans across. You were driving in the port a t i e n a n d back seat and if you let It get hit, talking distance its no fault o f mine.” Contractor and Builder Finish — Remodeling — Repair A. H A R R Y Mac IN T Y R E Route 1 Box 435 Phone Beav. 2828 After 6 p. m. — Leave Order. tf PA P E R IN G * P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rate*. First Class. Free estimates. Call BEaeon 3546, R. W H ITLO W . 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf ‘Frank-Safety Fox* Safety Program CH. 1313 B. R. STEVENS C AR PE N TE R W O R K V IN C E N T LUMBER CO. R 1 Q H T -N O W C L E A N I I PHIL WILSON 2, Bo* 74, GASTON, ORE. MITY MIDGET Rte. 5, Box 815, Portland, Ore B U ILD E R A C A B IN E T maker— Store fronts; school, restaurant and store fixtures; school furni ture; unit cabinets of all kinda. including kitchen cubfeiets. Of fice furniture rebuilt, refinlshed and completely renovated. All kinds ef building and remodeling. Woodworking of all kinds. Also Landscaping, dirt moving, terracing, plowing, discing, harrow ing and concrete mixed on the Job. L. H. Brawand, Metzger, Oregon. tf 42p Phone CHerry 2929. COR SALE: Twin bed, wooden. Open Sundays 14.00. Phone Beaverton 3801. 42p Top cash for your car or equity. Bob's Usea Cars, East Beaverton iVOOD FO R SALE: 4 ft. slab- and Canyon Rd. Junction. 38tf vood, green or dry Hanson Fuel Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. W AN TED —Musician with good 34 tf knowledge of popular music to play for tap classes Tuesday af VENETIAN BLINDS ternoons in Tigard. Helen Wick Walters. Phone Tigard 2485 or Aluminum or Metal 38tf weeks delivery — Free estimates A T 3402. DeLano Venetian Blind Co. R A B B IT FRYERS W AN TED ; CH. 1729 43 Will also butcher your rabbits for the hides D. P. MacDonald. Ruby Y )R SALE—14 inch black Wes- Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. 33tf ern Saddle. Good condition, $75. all Tigard 2277. 42p Lp y u»ai6 MULL ORCHARD FOX— 18Vi acres between Tualatin and Wilsonville, 2 room house, other improvements. Land is cleared. Shrubs and trees. Call Mrs. Ensley, Tigard 2523 or CHerry 3626. FO R SALE: '31 De Soto. 4 door, Br Office No. 2. Tigard 4 good tires, heater. $250.00. Jas. FOX R E A L T Y A ACCT SERVICE O. Jones, 6th and Menlo Drive. Rte. 1, Box 1052. 42p *6ui6pa ou CEDAR Hours 4 P. M. to 7 P. M F O R SALE: White enamel wood or coal range in good condition and copper coil and water tank; Montag circulating wood heater, like new. Rt. 1, Box 584. Davies Rd., Beaverton 3166. 42 DEM OTHINO, R E P A IR IN G Rt. 1, Aloha Phone ALOHA 6612 GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOS K IN D LIN G U N ITE D BUILDERS. INC. 7th and Hall Phone 3071 42tf W ill Continu« • S1000 Coarse - Fresh VETERINARIAN FOR SALE: 30 gallon, dairy type Dr. Norm E. Johnson Fowler hot water tank. Phone M ETAL W E A T H K R S TR IP PIN G . Veterinarian Rock wool Insulation blown In Aloha 6311. 42 E M of Beaverton Hlway • for free estimate writs R. E. Ell- tf Beaverton FOR SALE Myrtlewood novel son, Tigard, Oregon. Portland ties Beautiful pieces. Buy direct 3511 COM. 9924 from manufacturer and save. Say L IV E PO U LTR Y W A N TE D : Any Merry Xmas with myrtlewood J. size lot. Top celling prices. Write KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. Hunt, WEb- C. Morse, on Center St. near Lin- or phone Clarence coln, Tigard. 43p ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th Port We Specialize In land 13, Ore. 39 FOR SALE Montag Circulating __________________ ‘ tf Remodeling and Recovering heater. $12.00. Good condition. Burns wood, coal or briquets. J P A IN T IN G A PAPEKHANG1NG • All Furnitur* Custom Made - 118 NW Broadway Phone 3762 Hahn, Tigard, Rt. 2 , TV>x 345 Work Guaranteed Beaverton, Oregon Phone Tigard 3486. W ork Done Prom ptly 42p C ALL CHerry 3175 FOR SALE Burbank potatoes $3 46 tf per 100 lb. H. Graetz. East end of Lehman St. off Nolan, Metzger R O TO TILLIN G by hour or con Oregon. 42 tract. Geo. Charneskl, Rt. L Box C A L L FOR ESTIMATE 33tf FOR SALE—534 board feet, new 423, Beaverton. 1 x 6 drop siding. Three 26 x 24 Garbage Collection Service Phene - Webster 2571 Portland style 859 windows. New 6-ft. kit By month or contract chen cabinet complete with ice H O H N STE IN A SCHAFER box, sink and fixtures. One used 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. bathtub and washbowl. 35 lb. 5-p Phone MUrdock 2805 finish nails. Purchaser take all. West Slope, Beaverton, Meadow- (Free dirt.) 7305 S. W. 29th Ave., hurst and Cedar Hills. tf Multnomah. 4 2 p G E N E R A L H AULING OP A L L KIN D S A N Y T IM E FOR SALE Laundry trays com CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K O W N CUSTOM TR AC TO R W O RK plete with fittings, $13 each; 2- ERS A T T E N T IO N —Added equip We P O R TA B L E GAN W A T E R PUMP inch black pipe. 20c per foot. Em ment allows faster service. TO R E N T pty 55 gallon barrels, $2 each; pump A wash septic tanks, comml. Phone showers, complete (Victory). $5 or residential. Guar, workmanship. Sewers connected. Cesspools and each; some window frames. H O W A R D W. SM ITH septic tanks constructed. Schulz UNITED BUILDERS INC. 388 CANYO N ROAD Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland. 7th and Hall Sts. Beaverton Phone Beaverton 3931 or 2462 2tf Phone 3071 42tf TA. 3235. FO R SALE: White Drophead sew ing machine, also cedar chest. FOX—4 acres—nice home with el filberts, family Denny Road and Scholls Ferry. ectric pump, 165 Rte. 1, Box 185, Beaverton. 42 orchard, choice King Nector ber ries. $12,500. Call Bert Miller, T i FO R SALE: Collie Pup, nine wks gard 2523 or CHerry 3626. old. First home on left above Ha- zeldale School. Phone Beaverton FOX—30 acres—92 walnuts; 120 2174. 42p Filberts; berries, 10 acres cleared. SAWDUST. Light Slab. Cull lath Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call CHerry 1682. or Beav. 2465. eves A n i m a l ( iil- O u ls DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION RECORDINGS MADE Have a Record Made of Your Sinking or Playing Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Rood PHONE BRoadway 4702 OREN SUDTELL A T 5390, P ortie nd. Ore.