BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE I ALOHA PERSONALS Friday, November 8, 1946 I'iauchie and WO a card party was given at the home ot air». George Alustnu a. iiazeldale. Pinochle and 5uu were played. Hlgn »cure was won o> air. and Mr«. Clilf Alttahin in pinochle, and hlgn »core in 5tk wan won by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. nays. Consolation pi izes were given to Mr. K. M Storms and airs. C. Syverson. 'mere weie twenty present. Refreshments were servea. . . . Peaceful Halloween The Aloha school children were all excited last Thursday over Hal­ loween, each and every room had a party. Two or more mothers helped in each room to serve re­ freshments. Halloween was very calm and peaceful except for the homes be­ ing serenaded by the ones wanting and getting treated to candies, cookies and fruits. . . . Officers Meet The Teachers and officers of the Aloha Baptist Sunday School had their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crosby Fri­ day evening. A social evening was I enjoyed after the business meet­ ing. . . • Injured Margaret Ann Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Wright of South Wheeler Ave., fell while playing at a neighbor’s and broke her arm recently. . . . Masquerade 1’arty The Teens Club enjoyed a mas­ querade party last Thursday even­ ing. The evening was spent play­ ing games and going on a spook hike. Donuts and cider were served as refreshments. . . . Visiting Parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sundquist of New York are visiting at the home of Mrs. Sundquist’s parents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reilly. . . . Fishing Carl Soderback and Herb Keehn went fishing last week end up the Nehalem river. Herb caught a Jack salmon, Carl caught a cold. . . . Two Weeks Trip Miss Mary Antrim is vacation­ ing in Southern California for two weeks. . . . Salem Visitor Miss Winnie Epplett spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in Salem. STOP! •AND SH O P '"A LO H A LET US . . . Back Flush Your Radiator and Put In Anti-Frcexe Complete One R I C H A R D S Barber Shop Stop Service Personal Attention Aloha Super Service Owned and Operated by Mr. SUNSET PRODUCTS We Give SAH Green Stamp« ond Mrs. Alfred Aloha, Ore. Richards Phone 6332 GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at the ALOHA PHARMACY ALOHA, ORE. LOOK TO THE FUTURE . . Stock Up Your Shelves Now For Winter Days BE READY . . . . For Unexpected Company GOLDEN WEST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon Aloha 6551 Hunting Hob Long came home Sutuiduy all thrilled over getting his fir»., oik in the first hour of hunting, »•red Braun got his elk too. They were gone one week to Eastern Oregon. Bill Putney came home Satur day with the geese they went alter. jkihi Gold Beach visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turner of Gold Beach are visiting in Aloha. 1 hanks. Y oungsters Most of the Aloha merchants want to thank the Aloha young- sters for being so nice to them on Halloween. A few pranks were played but no damage to property. f'!*r P artially Burned Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent were enroute home from Portland Sun­ day afternoon when they nuoticed smoke coming through the floor of the car. Upon investigating they discovered the car was afire. They estimate about $200 damage. Visits Nephew uEdith Sheeley of Salem, Nebraska, spent several days las week at the home of her nephew, i w and Fred Lambert, North lobias and Baseline Road. • • • At Home Mrs. Charlie Stubbs’ grandmoth- E ’ Ericks°n is home with her daughter, Mrs. Howard tlon ’ af Cr * Very 8erious 0Pera- • • • At Seaside . “ r; , and Mrs. Earl Hotchkiss w eathi^ Weekend at Seaside. The weather was perfect. SHOE REPAIRING 1 Day Service BEST MATERIALS rea so n a ble p r ic e s CHAMBERLIN'S UNION SHOP in Clothes Drying Weather sanitary— rust proof— labor sovinQ, Dry* your entire wo»h In I or 2 hours. “HIS MASTER’S VOICE” Wash doy hos no drying worries, ’ See us for RCA V ic t o r Radio* rito R F u T “ d M ä & Ä i and Records Berk C LA SSIC A L For a Beautiful, M od­ ern, W ashable finish for Inferior Woodwork and Furniture, use and SW IN G • W e hove new one« in each week. THOR-O-LAC Don't Get Behind! Easy to apply and dries perfectly smooth. « I K «lp y*w sr» A Ehrlich • w lytw t ( • l« r H h t iM PLUMBING and APPLIANCE FISHER-THORSEN Phone Aloho * 4 1 1 Aloha, Ore J. B. IM LAY and SONS Hare A Coatumc . . . CUSTOM MADE Hardware and Feed by Nora Phone 6311 To Aloha, Ore. Bring Out Your Rent Point* ALOHA CLEANERS and PRESSING Courteous Treatment + Fed ¡greed Stock Sold Albert Meier, a Brown Swiss breeder of Beaverton, Oregon, has recently sold the bull Emme’s Showbov of Arbor Rose 42637 to C. C. Cooper, El Cajon, California, according to a report from Fred S. Idtse, Secretary of the Brown Smiss Cattle Breeders’ Association. Beloit, Wisconsin. GRAND O P E N I N G FREE Come in TOYLAND * and have Y o u r Rings Yes, today we are proud to announce the opening of our new, enlarged T O Y DEPARTM ENT 750 SPECIAL Square feet of new, novel, precision-built toys. Tailored Slax for Xmas CLEANED and POLISHED FREE Alteration Work Accepted FREE GIFTS Thomas J. Lukas B. T. WALTON For Each Child Jew eler - Watchmaker MERCHANT TAILOR Accompanied m We give S & H Green Stamps Saturday Afternoon in in by Parent at DEPARTMENT STORE Phone Beaverton 346 L J steps and pledge our prayers and a continued program of education and the support of the United Na­ tions as an instrument of world order.” as a home missionary project of the Methodist Church—are calling the attention of all industries to the man-power and woman-power that can be used from among the 1,500,000 handicapped men and women of America, many of them injured by war and war-industries. Many thousands of these people are being rehabilitated by govern­ mental agencies, and other thou­ sands are being employed and trained in the Goodwill Industries. Mr. Friedman and his associates are busy calling the attention of business men an dindustrial lead­ ers to the value of these trained workers in private enterprise. The goal of the Goodwill Industries, he says, is “to help handicapped per­ sons to attain the fullest physical, mental, moral, emotional, cultur­ al, spiritual, vocational, and eco­ nomic development of which they are capable." "There must never again be a conflict between religion and sci­ ence,” said the Archbishop of Can­ terbury, Dr. Fisher, recently. “ Nor will there be if Christians hold to their faith that all truth is of God and if scientists acknowledge that their truth is not the whole truth . . . . There are those who believe that whatever science can do, it has a sovereign right to do, and that by the unlimited application of scientific power all the human problems can be solved and all human needs be met. The falsity of this doctrine has been made The newly-formed Protestant obvious to all In the discovery of Fund of Greater New York, Inc., how to release nuclear energy. It will launch a campaign in that Is only too clear that the use of city in January, 1947 for $1,200,000 scientific knowledge must be gov­ to meet the financial needs of erned by something other than its some scores of Protestant church, own possibilities. 'What ought The Oregon State College Alum­ community and welfare services. man to do’ is a more far-reaching ni Association has named Vern Hitherto funds have been raised and important question than ‘what McKinney as its county represent­ separately by the Protestant Coun­ can he do!’ ” ative in Washington county which cil of the City of New York (com­ is a part of District 3 in the main posed of community and social Other counties in Under the leadership of Oliver organisation. welfare institutions and activities this district are Clackamas, Yam­ related to the churches), Thomas j A. Friedman, of Milwaukee, Wis., hill and Marion. M. Peters is chairman of the board the Goodwill Industries—founded Business of the association in of directors of the Council. this county in future will be handled through McKinney and The African Methodist Episcopal all official contacts between the Zion Church usually known as institution and the approximately the A.M.E. Zion Church is now 266 O.S.C. alumni in this county celebrating its 150th anniversary. will be arranged by him. It Is the oldest Negro religious First job given McKinney in this organization in the United States connection is to assist in a state­ and one of the largest. There is wide campaign to increase the dispute whether or not it started paid membership In the almuni as­ in New York in 1796 when a hand­ sociation. Lynn P. Sabin, Port­ ful of Negroes met In a carpenter land insurance executive, is gen­ shop in New York; or In the pre­ eral chairman of the campaign vious decade when a somewhat which Is to be conducted intensive­ similar group met in Baltimore; ly between now and Homecoming. but the celebration seems to settle November 23. upon the later date. This Church, President A. L. Strand has sent which began its work with slaves, was part of the "underground” be­ fore and after the Civil War, and has since branched out with col­ leges and secondary schools, has more than 500,000 members 12 bishops. 1,500 ministers, and 2,- 000 churches. It 1ms missions in Africa, the W'est Indies, and South America, and churches In most Now, officer! 7 was only states of the Union. day-dreaming jo t a teeny \ erne McKinney NanitHl OSC Representative The Beaverton Post of the Amer­ ican Legion and the Am. Leg. Aux­ iliary are guests at Bethel Congre­ gational Church at the Morning Worship Service. This Sunday, World Order Sunday, preceding Armistice Day. The evening service at 8:00 at Bethel Church this Sunday will feature the French moving picture "Marie Louise,” a moving and beautiful portrayal of the life of a French refugee girl during the re­ cent war. The sound is in French with English subtitles. Chet Bakkena GLUfUL0SOPHIES For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. Beaverton 3231. WE HAVE PARTS AND SERVICE FOR YOUR M AYTAG Crauer & Ackerman BEAVERTON 2699 NORA’S Dreaamaking Shop QUICK SER V IC I Opposite Post Office ALOHA Aloha Ore, In a stainless steel kitchen sink, with faucets, sprayer ond strainers. Medicine cabinets, Built-In ironing board Chrome Cabinet Hardware A»k about Stopzrt, the Guaranteed Waterproof, masonry and concrete paint K IN G S L E Y UAvmoN lumttt c«. * Services at Bethel Congregational a letter to all alumni endorsing the drive, saying a strong alumni asso­ ciation is a benefit to the college and the state. He reported on some of the current conditions on the crowded campus where both space and faculty are being work­ ed double shift in some instances to care for the record enrollment of 7128, more than half of whom are veterans. Carrying further news to the grads and former students is a free copy of the October issue of the Oregon Stater, monthly maga­ zine of the association, which is being sent to members and non- members alike, McKinney reports minute about I BK)R SALE — About 70 laying hens, mostly pullets, from Harts Nursery, $2.50 each. Come Sat. PM or Sun. AM. 3 miles west oi Bea­ verton on Farmington Rd. L Mar- kell. 41p See Our The Board of Missions and Church Extension of the Metho­ dist Church, which as its head­ quarters in New York City, has ex­ tended a "hearty welcome to the United Nations taking up their residence in the vicinity.” In a let­ ter to Secretary Lie. the Board says: "We recognlxe with appre­ ciation and gratitude the advance already made by the United Na tlons toward economic, aortal and cultural improvement of the world's peoples. In the formulation and organization of many of Its organs, notably the Commission on Human Rights, snd the Interna­ tional Refugee Association. Tims much as these represent largely the Ideals and purposes of our or­ ganization working hath In th- T'nlted States and through Its mtstonary enterprise In foreign lands, we are heartened by these 4 Too Late - SWING ROCKERS See Theae at r A t lO t lN G Entertain Faculty The Kiwanis were hosts Wed­ nesday, Nov. 6 to the faculty of the Beaverton High School. We Give S & H Green Stamps ROY'S RADIO SERVICE K ITCH EN ... • NEWS IN THE WORLD OF RELIGION IT’S ALWAYS PERFECT The Aloha-Huber PTA is to have Miss Eleanor Stephens, the State Librarian from Salem, to «peak on "Reading for Recreation at the next meeting which will be Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 8 p. ®. at the grade school. Mrs. W. J. North, president, will preside at the meeting. A business session and social hour will follow. “I’ve got a freak over on my farm,’’ reported Farmer Brown. “It's a two-legged calf.” School Census “Don’t need to tell me that,” Mrs. Katherine Plair, Aloha Hu­ snapped Farmer Jones. "He came ber school clerk, and Mrs. Marion over to call on my daughter last Bennison, last year’s clerk, have night.” been taking school census the last few days. • • • PRE-WAR QUALITY Employed Mrs. Paul Rydman started to WORSTED WOOLENS work last Friday at the State Lab­ oratory. Custom Tailored for Men's and Ask about the ’’SUBSCRIBER Ladies' Suits and Overcoats AD” plan with your subscription. All Work Guaranteed • “ The Complete Shopping Center'" On Radio Repairs Guetit Speaker At Aloha-Huber PTA WALKER’S Take in Sights Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boros visited Mrs. Thompson’s brother who is in the Emanuel Hospital, till closing time Saturday evening. Then they took in the town. SETS LOANED W HILE YOURS IS BEING REPAIRED . . . Improving Douglas Keehn son of Mr. and The Bishops of the Protestant Mrs. Herb Keehn of Elmonica is Episcopal Church have appealed recovering from the flu. to the people of the United States ALOHA OREGON for "faith and fellowship with the Russian people.” “ To conclude ALOHA BEAUTY SHOP that the only way In which the Work Done tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States can be re­ By Appointment Only solved is by war would be calim- Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 ous,” they say, “and to contem­ plate such a war in the name of religion is unthinkable. It would be to reject completely the power of goodwill, understanding, and co­ operation between peoples which we are seeking to implement in the United Nations . . . . In view of the enormous peril to civiliza­ WHEN YOU OWN A DRI-AIRD tion in modern warfare, both na­ tions must be prepared to make reasonable concessions.” Dri-aird is an all aluminum streamlined cabinet. It'» compact— PICK UP DELIVERY SERVICE Let It roin, let It pour outside. for the Dri-aird owner. Home With 3 Elk kiiizz ¿¿arron and father, Chai. Barron, Dave Morrison and Jin» Turner came home with three ela from Piiot Rock in Eastern Ore­ gon. They had some trouble get­ ting out because of snow. • • • Bazaar a Success The Rebecca Bazaar and dinner was a big success, held in the Alo­ ha Grange hall last Saturday. • • • Enters Hospital Mr. Roy Antrim was admitted to Veterans Hospital Sunday. • • • Beach Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Bob) hong are spending several days at Nels- cott Beach. They are having friends join them over the week end. • • • Guest Mrs. H. Lemere of Portland is visiting at the Fred Rosebraugh home. • • • Visit From Mother Mrs. Maypel Lacy of Dundee, spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Leonard Vincent. VELOURS, TAPESTRIES HOMESPUN AND RAYONS Some Have Ottomans Colors to match or hlenri with ¿in.' eolor scheme BEAVERTON JUfothM ^ v z x t j i h i n a . - i / i t h e W om E ) '