Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1946)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE ALOtiA PERSONALS Friday, November 1, 1946 STOP! AND S H O P wA L O H A GI7T YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at the ALO H A PH A RM A CY ALOHA, ORE. Electric Home Store ALO HA, OREGON “ LOOK FOR PHONE A LO H A 6454 THE P hilco SIGN” We now have a limited number of PREMIER V A C U U M CLEANERS For Immediate Delivery Come in and u e them or call for a demonstration today W e G iv e S & l l G reen Stam ps (iet Buck and Pheasant» Ray L. Antrim and Grayden Loree of Aloha returned last week from a two weeks hunting trip in the Blue mountains of eas tern Oregon. They brought back a 225 'lb. four point buck and a two days bag limit of China pheasants. • • • Waste Paper Drive Boy Scouts of Troop 219 are conducting a waste paper salvage campaign Saturday, November 2. Anyone who has paper to contrib ute may call Aloha 6371 or notify any Scout. Proceeds will go into the Scout fund. • • • To Have Religious Survey The Aloha Community Baptist church will conduct a religious survey on Sunday, November 17. Workers will canvass the homes of the community with a view of seeking out those who are inter ested in the local church. • • • Hunters Buzz Barton, David Morrison and Jim Turner have gone elk hunting on the John Day. • * • Attends Open House Miss Winnie Epplett was in vited to attend an open house reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dugan in honor of their son Don and his new bride, A LO H A BEAUTY SHOP W ork Done By Appointment Only Aloha, Ore Phone 6125 Good Luck LET US PECANS, BRAZILS, A L M O N D S PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR W IN T ER FILBERTS and W A LN U T S Complete One Stop Service BUY NOW t GOLDEN W EST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon FREE of SPECIAL SHOE R EP A IR IN G Come in and have Your Rings FREE Alteration W ork Accepted 1 Day Service Thomas J. Lukas B. T. W ALTO N UNION SHOP SUNSET PRODUCTS We Give StH All Work Guaranteed BEST M A T E R IA L S R E A SO N A B L E PRICES C H A M B E R L IN 'S Aloha Super Service FOR CHRISTMAS • • • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Andross NUTS FOR YOU We Hove in Portland last Wednesday. Miss Epplett assisted by pour ing. There were about 40 pres ent. Miss Epplett came home Thursday. • • • Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heyden of La Grande visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Selves recent ly. • • • Portland Shoppers Wlnnifred Arzner and daughter Mickey, of the Aloha Depot, spent Saturday shopping in Port land. • • • Furnace Installed Mr. and Mrs. Tom Landon have had a new gas furnace installed in their home on North Stacey Ave. • • • Visit with Friends Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Sta- vey Ave., had visitors Monday evening from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Coblentz. • • W Elk Hunting Bob Long o f North Stacey Ave. left Saturday to meet the rest of his party at La Grande to go elk hunting in eastern Oregon. • • • Fishermen Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eplett spent last Friday fishing on the Neha- lem river. They had a grand time. Mr. Thomas got three jack salmon. North Stacey Ave. wers joined by1 of the Air Corps Reserve, and Mrs. Andross' brother, Otto Asch his new bride from The Dalles o ff of Portland, and her niece, were recent visitors in Aloha at Mrs. Chas. Ellis of Troutdale, on the home of his parents, Mr. and a hunting trip beyond Mt. Hood. Mrs. L. P. Bellarts. Lt. Bellarts is recently from They left Aloha at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. They got their the service after serving as a deer, a nice four point buck, at H ying Fortress pilot over Europe. • • • 7:45 a.m. and were home again Spooks! at 3 p.m. • • • Miss Patsy North is having a New Steak Cutter Halloween party for several of Elmer Tonpal of Vista Ave. is her neighborhood playmates and the new butcher for Mr. and school friends. • • • Mrs. Stubbs in the Economy Mar Tennessee Visitors ket in Aloha. • • • Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sprigg are Quacks Wanted here from Tennessee, visiting at Bill Putney and Frank Bascb- the home of her brother-in-law tash and party are duck hunting and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wright. in southern Oregon. • • • • • • Nuptials Visiting Sister Miss Florence Hess of Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. John Jarnigan of Saskatchewan, Canada. a r e and Jackie Lee Selves of Aloha visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard are to be married at the Church Weed, and mother, Mrs. J. E. Er- of Christ in Beaverton, Nov. 2. icson. • • • Stop - Look - Listen Newcomers Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and small Aloha is very proud of the new son are now living in Aloha at signal light on the highway at their place on South Wheeler. Wheeler Ave. It is a caution sig They have purchased the house nal on the highway and red stop known at the Eichler home. They light on the side streets. have remodeled it and it really is a lovely home. I f you want to buy—sell—trade, • • • T R Y A CLASSIFIED. Halloween Party Mrs. Mildred Powers gave her daughter Karen, a Halloween par PRE-WAR Q UALITY ty Saturday, Oct. 26, at their home in Witchhazel. Bonnie Pierce and W ORSTED W OOLENS Harold Farreston of Aloha at tended. • • • Custom Tailored for Men's and Visit at Parents’ Home Ladies' Suits and Overcoats First Lieutenant L. J. Bellarts in Tailored Slax for Xmas CLEANED and POLISHED Jew eler - W atchm aker MERCHANT TAILO R We give S & H Green Stamps Saturday Afternoon in in Winter Is Here Men's Unionsuits $1.59 Heavy fleece cotton unions; long and short sleeves; sizes 36 to 46. Men's Wool Melton Jackets $5.95 32-oz. Delton Cloth. Water repellent. Leather bound pockets; sizes 34 to 46. Men's Wool Boot Sox 39c Heavy sox for shoes or boots; gray mix and natural; sizes 10 to 13. Wool Toques 39c The old reliable "stocking cap;" Navy watch cap style. The perfect cap for cold wea ther. at Green Stamps WALKER’S Aloha 6551 DEPARTMENT STORE We Give S & H Green Stamps “ The Complete Shopping Center'’ BEAVERTON GUITAR O W N ERS “HIS MASTER'S VOICE" We have new ones in each week. Successful Party Church school members o f the Bethel Congregational church par ticipated in a Halloween party Thursday evening in the social room of the church. Featured dur ing the evening was the "tunnel of horrors" constructed by the Pilgrim Fellowship and the "pa rade of the queers” in which all the guests displayed their cos tumes. » • • Luncheon Guests Mrs. John Bankus of Portland entertained as her luncheon guests last Wednesday Mesdarnes Harry Barnes, Milton Metcalfe, William Campbell and Clarence Buffam. Since Mrs. Bankus was formerly from Beaverton, the luncheon was a reunion of friends who hadn't been together in some time. * • • Don't Get Behind! W K.IMH NC1 A N N IT E R S A R Y W E REPAIR A M PLIFIERS ON ELECTRIC G U ITA R S See us for RCA V ictor W e also give Radios G UARANTEED SERVICE on All Makes of Radios and ROY'S R A D IO SERVICE ALOHA R ecords Both C L A S S IC A L OREGON and S W IN G • IT S A LW A Y S PERFECT Ehrlich Clothes Drying Weather W H EN YOU O W N A D R IA IR D On-aird is on oil aluminum streamlined cobinet. sonitary— rust proof---lobor saving, Drys your entire wash in I or 2 hours. Let it rain, let it pour outside. for the Dri-aird owner. For a Beautiful, M o d ern, Washable finish for Interior Woodwork and Furniture, use THOR-O-LAC losy to apply and dries perfectly smooth. D T Wosh day has no drying worries, ~ ■ " • 'K 'I H O D - M i '3 c I — •*•« n « * gy, fj f,>t|*¿tou j J Colors * P LU M B IN G and A PPLIA N C E Phone Aloha 6411 It's compact— and w h ita •* *>*' p »•** « ouf y out calot m K i FISHER-THORSEN P < zc*tt Many friends from far and near came in to help Mr. and Mrs. Sa muel C. Olds celebrate their 32nd During the past week, and in their spare time, the students prepared for their Halloween par R I C H A R D S ties. Witches, pumpkins and corn stalks have found their way into the school rooms. The parties took place Thursday afternoon. • • * The hot lunch program is get ting along fine. It is proving to Personal Attention be a help for the children on these cold and rainy days. Every one cleans his plate. Owned and Operated bn • • • For the past week, the students Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards have been contributing to the Junior Bed Cross campaign. Mem Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 bership is 50 cents per room but every room has oversubscribed, and the students may well be pleased with the results. • • • At present all of the boys and j girls are busy selling magazine H ave .-I C o stu m e . . . subscriptions in order to help raise funds for school movies and CUSTOM MADE extra activities. This campaign, which will probably bring many hv Nora students to your doors, will con tinue for the next week. A cer tain percentage of the sales is to be contributed to the school fund. To Prizes are also given by the pub lishing company to students sell- I ing a certain number of subscrip Hr inti (h it tions. Barber Shop Y o u r Iti'st 1*01111* NORA' S J. B. IM L A Y and SONS Hardware and Feed A lo h a - Iliih c r School Aloha, Ore D r e s s m a k in g Shop A loha (ir e . A whole holiday is coming on Tuesday November 5. because the sch»»ol will he used for a com munity polling place. In order to use the facilities of the gymnasium, the boys and girls of the five upper grades are being divided into squads for play- I ing purposes during the noon pli^' I period. The girls will have a vol leyball tournament and the boys will play a basketball schedule. by Joetta Fincher. Phone 6311 Aloha, Ore. ALOHA T A ILO R IN G CLEANERS and /PRESSING Courteous Treatment * wedding anniversary at their beau tiful home, the Old Meadow Farm, Bt. 2, Box 583 on W alker Boad, Beaverton. The Olds were recipients of many lovely presents. • • • Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Henderer of Elkton, Ore., were week end guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. Strauss. Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Weigel of Harbor, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth W eigel of Beaverton were also Sunday guests at the Strauss home. • • • Dinner Guest» Miss Natalie Bergin of Portland, form erly of Beaverton, was a dinner guest at the home of Mrs. Strauss Thursday evening. • • • Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Elmer Stipe entertained a few friends for luncheon on Fri day. after which bridge was en joyed. Mrs. Girard had high score and Mrs. Boyd second. • • • Home for Week End Floyd Carlson, who is attending the University, and Bobert Myers, who is going to Lewis and Clark college, were home over the w-eek end. WE HAVE PARTS A N D SERVICE FOR YOUR M A Y T A G G raner X: Ackerm an B EA V ER T O N 2699 Chet Itakkcu's c u im c M m e s SERVICE Opposite Post Office ALO H A O.E.S. Members Visit Taft Chapter Institution Mr. Phenning, Mrs. McGeorge, Mrs. Osfield, Mr. and Mrs. Hed- berg were among many others who drove to T a ft Saturday evening when a new chapter, Order of Eastern Star, was instituted. • • • Injured in Auto Accident Harold Pegg, who was injured in an auto accident last Thursday evening, is reported to be recov ering. He suffered several bro ken ribs. • • • Baby Girl Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hite (Buddy Hite) of Kinton announce the birth of a little girl born Oct. 26. She weighed 9 lbs. 3 oz. and they call her Betty Joanne. • • « Visits Parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cadell (nee Betty Hansen) visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hansen, the first of the week. They live near Eugene. • • * Bazaar Grand Success The bazaar and card party of the Social club of O.E.S. was a grand success Saturday evening, the quilt drawing going to Mrs. Mary Bonloke, the baby quilt go ing to Mrs. A. E. Hansen. High in bridge was Mrs. Josephine Hunkapillar, high in pinochle Mrs. Jenny Alexander. • • • Improving Mr. C. F. McLaughlin, the Bon ny Slope store keeper, who has been 111 for some time, is reported to be improving. • • • Services Held Funeral services for little Thom as Jack Weigel, Berthold Boad. Beaverton, were held at Holman- Lutz, Portland, on Monday, Oct. 28. with the Bev. Werner Fritz, St. Matthew's Lutheran church, officiating. • • • Halloweenu Party at Bonny Slope A Halloween party was given at the Bonny Slope Community club house for the children of the Bonny Slope community Thurs day night, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Bonny Slope. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder hold the party each year on Halloween night and a large crowd is always present. Prizes were given for the most outstanding costume as well as for the old time waltzes and square dances given by the chil dren. Befreshments were served. • • • liea v erto n G irls A tten d in g if alia K alla C o lleg e Phyllis Morford and Helen L it vin, junior students of Beaverton, enrolled at Walla Walla college this term to help swell the atten dance at that institution far be yond any previous records there. The College Place school, fourth largest institution of learning in the state of Washington, is oper ated by Seventh-day Adventists and serves the church membership in the Northwest. Latest enrollment figure re leased by the registrar. Mrs. Irene Black, was 1012. During the war and a few years preceding that date beginning enrollments were in the five and six hundreds. A record enrollment was insured this fall when nearly twelve hundred were granted tentative acceptance by the admissions committee. Extra sections have been formed in numerous classes because o f the exceptional enrollment, and other classes are bulging to ca pacity because no extra teacher is available in those fields. Six new teachers have been hired full time and four others part-time, however, since school began, to bring the total to more than 24 new’ teachers added to care for overflow classes. For the first time since the war decimated the ranks of the men at the college, the number o f men enrolled has surpassed that of the women. The latest figures list 68 per cent of those who entered school this year as males, a sud den switch from war days when the women outnumbered the men at times four to one. We are open every evening until Garthteiik never misses a bet! He's been insisting nil morn ing that we go down to Get some Stopzit, the guar anteed waterproof masonry paint, in colors. We're also going to look over the builders hardware table. BUILT IN IR O N IN G BOARD $1000 KINGSLEY Q U ICK Phone Beaverton 3461 BIAVIRTONlUMBlR Co. P M O N C B I A V I (»TO N 3 2 0 1 8 p. m., except Monday DO YOUR C H R IST M A S SH O PPIN G THE EASY W A Y ! vzxgihing -¿n the P hone 3535 B eaverton