Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1946)
WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER WEST SLOPE I)o West Slopers Want A Hobby Orchestra? H um «' L h i I im I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ostroski VUits Daughter returned from a pleasant evening Mrs. M. Scolney of Tacoma, at the show Saturday evening, Oc Washington, has returned to her tober 26, to find that someone ] home after a week's visit spent I with her son-in-law and daughter, Who is interested in a commu had climbed in through the bath ! Mr. and Mrs. H. E. DeWeese of nity hobby orchestra? I f you are, room window and ransacked, their Fairway Drive. • • • how’s about dusting off your pet home, taking all loose change that instrument, tuning it up a bit, was around. State police are in A Grandmother It is reported that Ethel Vradenburg, West Slope grabbing up any old music you vestigating. Grocery and Market, is a grand have and showing up at Pecks' they feel that there is a definite mother. A 6 lb. 24 oz. baby boy place, third house on the left on tie up of this robbery with those | was born to her son and daughter S.W. Wilson Avenue. Friday, No which took place on Cashmur | in law, Mr. and Mrs. Vradenburg, vember 1, about 8 p.m.? Lane last week. Several other | Portland, Monday, October 28, 9:18 I f Friday doesn't suit you as residents of West Slope have re !, at the Emanuel hospital. the right night but you are inter ported seeing or hearing prowlers • • • ested, call Mrs. W. A. Rosebrough, around their homes. • • • T. n. T ’ers Celebrate BE 0863, and we'll see about a The T. n. T'ers of Howatt Road, better day for the following week. Visits Sister • » • dressed in true Halloween fashion, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. liarting of I met at the home of Mrs. Clark V is it in C o r v iilli* Spokane spent a short time last I Fischer Thursday evening. October Mr. and Mrs. Edward Locke. week with Mrs. Harting s brother- 31, to take part in the witchery S.W. Power Road, spent Wednes in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. j of the evening. day, October 30, in Corvallis visit Hardy O. Howard, of Benz Park • • • I Drive. The Hartings were in ing friends. Concert Master Portland in between planes, for • • • Janet Shafer, daughter of Mr. O pen H o use they had flown here from a visit and Mrs. Guy Shafer, S.W. Brent in Los Angeles and San Francis Sunday, October 6, Mr. and Mrs. wood Avenue, is concert master in co, and were Spokane-bound. The R. E. Yeoman, S.W. Murray Ave the University of Oregon Sym Howards and the Hartings enjoyed nue, held open house for their phony Orchestra. dinner at the newly opened Ze daughter Evelyn and Joe DeFig- bra Room in Portland which fea ure, to whom she had been mar tures dinner-dancing. ried Saturday, October 5, in T i • • • gard. - HAND M ADE - Winter is Here Mr. and Mrs. DeFigure are liv Mr. and Mrs. William A. Boork- Pressed Flower Pictures ing in their newly purchased house man spent last Sunday at Mt. boat in Portland. He is employed Hood. Chains were necessary, as It’s the amazing new way to Framed in Velvet by the Portland school board. they really have had a good snow play record s in ven ted by • • • fall at Timberline, and skiing has Philco. N o more fussing with Celebrates Birthday Open 12 to 6 daily I got under way. lids, tone arms or needles. A • • • Roger Siegner, son of Mr. and and Mrs. G. K. Siegner, S.W. Murray Good Luck powerful radio, too. Immediate Monday Evening Avenue, celebrated his sixth birth In spite of reports coming delivery, while our stock lasts. day Saturday, October 26, with 11 through that “ it's so muddy, the BROW NIE’S SHOPPE of his little friends. They saw the fish can’t see the spinners,” the I Walt Disney picture, "Saludos A- Rudy Lachenmelers proudly an 8 9 0 3 S ..W . Canyon Rood | migos,” and then returned to his nounce the catch of one salmon Portland 1, Ore. home for a big birthday cake and from the Trask River at Tilla all that goes with it. mook, and two from Nehalem. All • • • this in spite of persistent rains Recovering and storm! IN S P E C T G E A P P L IA N C E S • • • Mr. Claude Graves, S.W. How att Road, is recovering from in Make Home Here Dr. and Mrs. David Raker have juries received in a car accident Canyon Road PHONE which took place near St. Marys, moved into the house formerly Appliance ★ Sunday, October 27. He is in the owned by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred BE 6624 at Howatt Ave. Phone Canyon Rd Good Samaritan hospital, but Oxtoby of Benz Park Court. Dr. TR inity 8039 at Ellis hopes to be able to return to his Baker has just received his dis charge from the service and has home soon. • • • opened an office in Portland. • • • Campfire Group Meets Out of Town Visitors HOLLYWOOD M rs. John Robinson’s Campfire The C. F. Getrings had as their «« « * ii group met at her home Thursday, glamorizes October 24. to celebrate Barbara guests last week Mr. Gestring’s Plastic tablecloths, aprons stars by accentuating their best Lowe’s twelfth birthday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and points, through individual hair and to start plans for their part Mrs. Edward Brown of Los An and children's bibs in styling and make up in the November Parent-Teacher geles, who stopped at the Ges- Colors and White. Let Us Association meeting. — Patricia tring home on their way south from a trip to Canada and Wash Madden, Scribe. Just wipe off the spots! ington. glamorize • • • Has Been Away YOU In Montana Mrs. Charles N. Bennett has just R. B. Kilbourn o f Canyon aLne West Slope Beauty Shop 220 S. W. First St. enjoyed a four weeks’ visit in is on a business trip to Montana. Alameda, California, visiting her His trip will include stops at Great 8 7 1 7 S. W . Canyon Road Beaverton Oregon son and his wife, Colonel and Mrs. Falls, Billings and Glacier Park. Phone BEacon 9 4 9 2 W here Parking Is Easy Diamond. Col. Diamond is sta • • • tioned at the army base in nearby Gets Five Point Buck Oakland. The story *of the shooting of a Mrs. Diamond returned to Port five-point buck with a 58-inch ant- land with her mother-in-law for led spread came from the home of a visit. While she was in the the William Winters of West Hills. south, Mrs. Bennett visited Mrs. Mr. W inter did his successful Edith Halcomb of Trestle Glen, hunting at John Day, Oregon, and California. Mrs. Holcomb has also brought down some pheasants Canyon Road at West Slope several relatives around this vi on the Henry McCall ranch near cinity. Redmond. • • • Visit in Joseph RICHFIELD Mrs. Lee R. Hubbard of Laurel- A N T I Q U E wood .Drive spent a fortnight vis- j iting her daughter and son-in-law, and GIFT SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Earle Miller, and ! sons, who live on a large stock "GONE W ITH TH E W IN D " | ranch near Joseph, Oregon. • • • LAMPS See British Columbia We Specialize in . . Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cake of I 1 Canyon Lane are home from a very interesting trip up the west N DECORATION MOTOR REPAIR and coast of Vancouver Island by boat. They sailed from Victoria T SUGGESTIONS LUBRICATION on their excursion, and spent some time in Vancouver, B.C. Their E Watch this ad for the trip to Seattle and back was made arrival of new samples by train. R of drapery and uphol OPEN stery fabrics from New pr.~. .. I York. 7:30 a. m. to l0:3 0 p. m. PHILCO “ 1 2 0 1 ” West Slope RADIO and Appliance DOUGHTY'S New! Easy! Fah<‘l School Acti\ iliCN The parents of the pre-school schildren who attend Gabel school were in attendance at an inter esting meeting at the school last Thursday to discuss the value of school reports. Mrs. Frank Billington of Los Gatos, California, gave a report on a cooperative pre-school pro ject which had been developed in her community. Miss Gabel left on the 31st to fly down to San Francisco to in vestigate the field of educational toys which will be featured in Gabel’s toy exhibit which is being planned for the week after Thanksgiving. The whole school was enter tained at a Halloween party, and all the students attended in appro priate costumes. Prizes were a- warded for the best costumes and “ camou flages.” Make Eastern Trip Mr. and Mrs. Otis Anderson o f Gabel Lane enjoyed an extensive eastern trip lately. They went to Chicago, where they visiter Mrs. Anderson’s father, Mr. Ray P. Larson, and from there went to Detroit, where they watched Fords roll o ff the assembly line at the River Rouge Plant, and visited Fort Dearborn. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson visited the International convention of the Gyro club in Buffalo, N.Y., and were entertained at luncheon at Niagara- Falls. In New York City they visited Radio City, Rock efeller Center, Wall Street, and were fortunate to get tickets to ‘‘Carousel’’ and the Lucky Strike program. Four days were spent in Wash ington, D.C.. and Mt. Vernon, and then they returned to their home in West Slope. Their entire trip was made by plane. • • • Return Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daly will be glad to hear that they have moved from Bremerton, Washington, to a house on Ellis Avenue. The Dalys used to live on Canyon Lane. • • • Former Residents Visit Former Beaverton residents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cable, who now live in Eugene, spent Monday in Portland, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otis Anderson. Elite Dress Shop VALLEY VIEW CENTER Give Party A Halloween party for 30 guests was given on Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Weber, of Wyndmere Circle. Cure Fourni For Termites O GREETING CARDS R Phone A T 6951 West Slope GROCERY & .MARKET Shafer and Neer Hemstitching PLUMBING SERVICE 4 BIG DAYS! Renali Mi 31 BR 9998 CUT FLOWERS PYRON & SON NURSERY Reiter Homes ** LEACH & RUCK For Your Shampoo Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt anti Fiiigerwuve ORDERS TA KEN ot call I Vest Slope Plumbing RR. 7 9 «« Service HELEN S BEAUTY SALON Coll Phone A T 2 «9 3 HEueon 7342 $.. W . Canyon Road For Your N ext Perm anent W ave. Cold W aving Our Specialty as well as other methods Cull Us By Phone F »r FREE GROCERY & MEAT Canyon Beauty Studio West Slope DELIVERY S.W . Canyon Rood AT ORDERS. 28 9 3 (Follow the white picket fence by the West Slope Lbr. Co.) Phone Orders Not Later Than 1 p. m. W E SERVE — Cedar H ill , Aloha , West Slope , and the Entire lleaverton Area. T H R I F T Y MARKET PHONE BEAVERTON 3261 TIIE BOSS MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., ASPIRIN TABLETS. 2 h , 50- MINERAL OIL. . . . 2 ,or 50- MILK OF MAGNESIA 2 51- TOOTH BRUSHES . . 2 hr 30- BATTERIES...... 2 for 11c TOOTH PASTE. . . z tor 26-’ WRITING TABLETS. 2 for 1 L % f°r 6 0 * K I« n z o N y lo n , 2 9 c V a lu « CHRISTMAS CARDS t Stop ond see our COLORED PLYWOOD PANELS ■ exalt G reeting Card ___ Attainm ent Ceyl 18 cordt lithographed ie four colerti 12 detrgntl Send 34 cord» th t year for a penny mare than 181 30c Valeo .......................... .. ] fo r 91« D U RA T 081 ITING C A IO ASSOCIM I NT I l C hr ht mo. tot den m each ateortment. fmbott.d1 14 detigntf 1 00 Velue 2 far 1 ht AND MANY 07 S co u t F la s h lig h t , 10c V a lu « THE G E N T L E M A N t i t and w e’re meeting hit demands with Dacro Pro* tected M ilk . . . the safest package o f milk you can buy« M e d fo rd , 10c V a lu « The bottle it not merely covered. It’s SEALED with t sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tear per* proof. Th ere’ s complete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one of our routemea show you what ftrfx protection means to yon and your family. OTHER ITEMS THl SAf i f T , i WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Portland 1 IS R I G H T • • « a l l Im p ro v e d , 2 5 c S i r « ea .15 Phone BRoodway 6122 “ Plumbing — 1 Block off Farmington Rood ON L A N G A V EN U E A m e ric a n P « tro fo l. R ik « r 'i, 4 9 c S iz « Tow Save S«c in the Attic, with Plywood 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Phono BEocon 7 5 4 2 8801 S. W . Canyon Rood R e i a l ! P u r« t« « f. 5 0 c S iz « 2 Fix up that Party Room or an Extra Bedroom Curtain Rods, white (Pint Site) Kills germs on contact when vied full strength I WE DELIVER — S. W. Canyon Road per sq. ft. Leach Plumbing & Appliances R e r o ll P u r e t . . t 4 9 c S it e ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION A LW A YS THE BEST THE M ARKET AFFORDS! Plywood ‘W SUMMER P r ie « Ittfed that ref.c to tiro or va lu . r .p r .t «n t Manufacturer'» iu g g .it * d full retail p r it.. C o lm a ti« lu b j.rt to JO X l e d e r a i C m e ft. fa * And remember, we now have a complete assortment of meat. — Socializing . . . . FOR THE PRICE OF For these crisp days try an inexpensive dish like Sauer Kraut and Weiners. BE 0 7 3 3 Out of State Guests Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tischer were Mr. Harvey Tischer, Mr. Tlscher’s brother from Los Angeles, and Mrs. Clarissa Henderson, Mrs. Tischer’s sister from Seattle. Mr. Tischer has returned from a week’s business trip in southern Oregon. SC H EN ECTAD Y —* Sprays, fu iti West Sitie Properties migants. or paints will not kill wood termites that are attacking house timbers, but using a soil i poison to cut o ff the mud gallery | from the house will do the job. | So stated Dr. John B. Schmitt, assistant professor of entomology at Rutgers university, New Bruns PHONE Rte. 6, Box 1218 wick, New Jersey, in a General CHerry 37 27 Portland 1, Oro. Electric Farm Forum address here over station WGY. “The real answer is in the soil,” said. Dr. Schmitt, who also is a staff member of the New Jersey IMMEDIATE SERVICE Agricultural Experiment station. "The key to the whole thing is 8c yd the termite's need for soil mois- W H IT E T H R E A D ...... ............ 9c yd. ture< it must be able to go back C O LO R ED T H R E A D and forth between the soil and S P E C IA L R A TE the wood. Cut it o ff from either For CLU BS, GRANGES, etc. one, and it dies. Sometimes a W H ITE 6c yd small structural change will do ! COLORED 8c yd. the trick, but more often you need a soil poison.” FLORENCE GARRISON There are many soil poisons, Dr. Rte. 3, Box 3 9 S , Beaverton Schmitt asserted. The easiest one Approximately 2V a miles West of to use, he said, is oi tho-dichloro- tf benzene. “ You dig a shallow Beaverton on Farmington Road. trench along your foundation wall and pour in ortho-dichlorobenzene at the rate of two gallons to ten W est Slope linear feet,” Dr. Schmitt explained. “ With an earth-filled porch, the best thing to do Is djg up the porch along the foundation” SERVICE STATION 7 Days a Week PHONE ATwater 6951 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 1, 1946 DEAN'S DRUG STORE *CTUtÍ% November 6, 7, 8, and 9 Double SZrH Green Stamps On All Prescriptions B e ca m e the D a c ro C a p ia a g en uine aeal. it m utt be rem oved the ir a t lim e w ith an o p e n e r. A lte r that it m ar be »napped beck o n the bottle a» a re- «eel and rem oved e « a in and ag ain , even w ithout e a op ener. ALPENROS E « 1 4 9 S.W . S H A T T U C K RO AD V DAIRY CH erry 2 4 2 4 1 V4 m i. Eost on Bertho Beaverton H i w ay to Shattuck Rood