Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1946)
4 Volume 19, Number 40 ESTABLISHED 1927 BEAVERTON, OREGON Seoul and Cub Leaders Start Training Course At Distriet Meeting In Beaverton Wednesday Night E ig h ty m en and w om en from m any com m u n ities turned out for the first m eetin g of th e T ualatin D istric t train in g course fo r "Scouters” and “Cubbers" W ednes d ay evening, Oct. 30, in the B ea verton G rade School. Cub d ens and scout patrols and troops w ere organized on th e sam e ’’plan as th e boys' clubs are con ducted .Six dens w ere form ed 4 w ith the follow in g m en as Den- C hiefs: T h om as Sheridan, M ult nom ah; R obert M ullen and H ar old W ooley, M aplewood; A. N. W etterburg, P au l H. K nepp and E . T. M organ, B eaverton. Ther- m an R. E vans, M aplewood, w ill be Cub-M aster w ith tw o assista n t C ub-M asters, D. S. H endrickson, Cedar Mill, and J. E. R obinson, B eaverton. T w enty-fou r w om en in terested in D en-M others’ w ork registered for th e course. T hree scout patrols w ere form ed w ith the follow in g patrol leaders: D onald Ballard, Sherw ood; R us sel N elson, H illsboro, and Berle G arlick, F o rest Grove. J. D. Mc In tyre, M ultnom ah, w ill be Scout M aster and h is a ssista n ts are W. H. K ent and H arry H anson, B ea verton, and E. H. Lehm an, H ills boro. T h is train in g course, organized Fire Equipment Bond Issue Carried 42-7 T he bond issu e voted on a t the sp ecia l election held Oct. 9 to purchose fire fig h tin g equipm ent for th e B eaverton R ural F ire P ro tectio n D istric t w a s carried by a v o te of 42-for and 7-against. "B etsy” w ill now have other you nger hands to help her in the ta sk th a t w a s m uch too grea t for her to handle, and your in vest- t m en ts w ill be protected. B u t did you help to m ake th is decision? O nly 49 voters from a 43 square m ile area voted.. T he need for th is new equip m en t w as grap h ically show n last F rid ay n ig h t w hen the J. A. Lin coln house on Sorrento R oad w as burned to th e ground. “B e tsy ” w en t to th e fire w hen called and w a s doing a very good job o f p u ttin g it out w hen the 580 gallon tan k of w ater gave out and the firem en had to go back for a refill. H er sp irit w a s w illin g but her 1928 flesh w a s w eak. She d evel oped en gin e trouble and did not g e t back to the fire a t all. So th e house w a s burned down. W ith th e n ew equipm ent just voted in th is w ould n ot happen. Tw o fire fig h tin g u n its o f the la test d esign and equipm ent will be purchased. One is to be a h igh pressure fog fig h tin g unit , capable o f pum ping 60 gallon s pe m inute, w ith 800 pounds of pressure at the pum ps. It carries a 400 fhUlon tan k and a low pres sure 250 gallon per m inute pum p a s w ell. T h e other u nit is a standard low p ressure pum per, w ith a 500 g a l lon tank, a 500 gallon pum p and a 150 gallon booster pump. T h is n ew equipm ent w ill low er all fire in su ran ce rates in the en tire district. A lso, w hen th e n ew reservoir is installed, m ore h ydrants w ill be put in and “refills” w ill be availab le a t points other th an in th e tow ns. r * T w o E a st E n d M e n R u n n in g F o r C o n te ste d S p o ts O nly tw o o ffic e s in W ashington co u n ty are b ein g con tested — those o f cou n ty coroner and coun ty com m ission er. H enry R. Joh nson of R oute 2, B eaverton, republican, is running a g a in st E. J. H ess o f H illsboro, dem ocrat, for th e p osition of coun ty com m ission er. T his position is bein g vacated by J. W. H ughes o f F orest G rove. G raham S. Y oung o f Tigard, dem ocrat, is opposing F. J. Sew ell, incum bent, republican o f H ills boro, for co u n ty coroner. E astern W ash in gton cou n ty is de-serving o f better represen tation on th e cou n ty court than w e have form erly had. S ince H enry Joh n son has been a resid en t and tax payer of th is end o f the county for m any years he know s our problem s and w ill have our in ter ests a t heart. G raham S. Y oung o f Tigard, running for cou n ty coroner, is also from th e ea st end o f the county. H e is a you ng m an up on his to es and a returned veteran. O ther in cu m b en ts ru n nin g u n opposed In the cou n ty are Mrs. Maud W. B oscow . republican, for county* treasurer: H. B B arrow s republican, for cou n tv surveyor, and H. T. H esse o f Scholls, repub lican and J. O. Johnson, o f Tigard republican, for cou n ty represen ta tive*. by M. M. R om ig, chairm an of leadersh ip train in g in the T uala tin D istrict com m ittee, w ill run for six w eeks. It is for all adults en gaged in w ork w ith Cub Scouts, B oy Scouts, and Senior Scouts. T he train in g course s ta ff is I m ade up of local m en a ssisted by 1 Byron W alker, a ssista n t scout ex ecu tive for W ash ington county, and J. E. Monroe, scout execu tive in ch arge of leadership train in g for the P ortland A rea Council. T he course is still open for en rollm ent, and w ill m eet each W ednesday at 7:45 for five m ore w eeks. Mrs. I an A m ain \ e i c Cam p Fir a Council E xecutive C olum bia area council of Camp F ire w hich w as com posed of four u n its — Vancouver, W ash., P o rt land. C lackam as and W ashington cou n ties — has been dissolved and each unit has organized a sep arate unit council. Mrs. P hilip V anA rnam o f P ortland has been appointed as execu tive for W ash ington county, and assum ed her d uties th is week, w ith o ffices in the auditorium o f th e library building. 212 N orth Second a v e nue, H illsboro. W ashington and C lackam as cou n ties w ill share join tly in the serv ices of the ex ecutive altern atin g w eekly. N ext w eek Mrs. VanA rnam w ill be at Oregon C ity and the follow ing w eek w ill return to this county. Kehrli Speaks On City Manager Govt. A t a dinner m eetin g held Oct. 30 th e B eaverton Junior C ham ber of Com m erce w ere the g u ests of the B eaverton K iw anis. T he sp eak er for the ev en in g w as Mr. H erm an K ehrli, w ho spoke on th e city m anager form of govern ment^ Mr. K ehrli is the director of the B ureau o f M unicipal R esearch, U n iversity o f Oregon, a t E u gen e, as w ell as the execu tive secretary of th e L eague of Oregon C ities. Snell Clul>s Forming A t a m eetin g held F riday a fte r noon B eaverton joined w ith m any other O regon cities in form ing a “S nell for G overnor Club.” An in ten sive cam p aign w as m apped ou t by th e group to g a th er v o tes for th e in cu m b en t Governor, su p ported by h is ad m in istration rec ord. To head the B eaverton group Leonard A dam s w as elected p res ident; C. T. H unkapillar, vice- president; Geo. Thyng, treasurer; I. R. M etzler, secretary; and J. J. M cM ahon, publicity. “S nell for G overnor C lubs” are volu n tarily sp rin g in g up in all sectio n s of th e state, D ou glas Mc K ay, gen eral ch airm an o f the sta te "Snell for G overnor” organ i zation, said today. “In every m ail, w e learn of new club s,” M cK ay said. “I t is en cou ragin g to us, sin ce th ese clubs are not on ly in th e larger towns and cities, but also In the sm aller tow n s, in all sectio n s o f the sta te.” M cK ay a t th e sam e tim e made public th e list o f clubs and officers in th e local organ izations, which h ave opened head qu arters w ithin th e past few d ays. Included in th is list w ere A lbany, Bend, Can yon City, Coos Bay, D ayton, En terprise, E ugene, G resham , Ger- vais, K lam ath F a lls, M ilwaukie, R ain ier, R edm ond, R eedsport, St. H elen s, W illam ina and Y achats. M any oth ers w ill be form ed be fore election d ay or are in th e pro c e ss o f form ation, accord in g to in form ation availab le to M cKay he said. “T he 'sp o n ta n eity and enthusi asm dem onstrated by th ese people in th e job o f reelectin g Earl S nell G overnor is heartw arm ing, and m akes m y job one hundred per cen t easier," M cK ay said, “and w ill in sure an o th er four years of efficien t, courteous. businesslike ad m in istration of sta te a ffa irs.” H a p p y G ard en erí Meet Nov. 8 T he H appy G ardeners o f Aloha I w ill hold th eir first ev en in g m eet ing, Friday, N ovem ber 8 at 8 00 |p.m ., a t the H uber H all. T he subject o f th e m eetin g will be "Shrub P ru n in g ”. Tiikiii«: ( ami rue In I’rn li lr tn * In P h y s ic a l I d m a l i o n Mrs. N oreen B rookhardt of N. S ta cey Ave. is a m o n g the group o f W ash in gto n co u n ty teach er- w h o are ta k in g the course in P rob lem s in P h y sica l E ducation offered b y th e g en era l extension d ivision o f th e O regon sta te sy s tem o f h igh er ed u cation, a t the B arn es school in H illsboro. T h is course w ill be held on Mon d ay and T u esday ev en in g s for five w eeks. Dr. Paul W ash ke o f th e L’. o f O. w a s th e sp eak er o f th e first w eek O ther sp eak ers w ill include Pro fessor V ernon Sprague, Miss Dor- otha Moore. M iss R osam ond W entw orth and Dr. R. W. H eigh- ton. Mrs. V anA rnam is a graduate of U n iversity of Oregon school of nursing, studied at M ills college, Oakland, Cal., w here sh e received her tra in in g in Camp F ire work; studied m usic at W illam ette uni versity; h as done several years of p rofessional nursing, including public health; also group w ork in youth organizations. She w as chairm an o f production and v o l unteer serv ices in M inidoka cou n ty, Idaho. T he reason for th is ch an ge is to take Camp Fire to m ore girls, and the council th in k s the grow th w ill ju stify the change. People o f th e en tire cou n ty are contributors to th e com m un ity chest, o f w hich Camp F ire is a beneficiary, and all cou n ty girls are free to p articipate in this work. O fficers of W ash ington cou n ty council are Mrs. R alph E aster, H illsboro, president; Mrs. F ran cis D uyck, F orest Grove, first vice- president: Mrs. E. D. B rice. B ea verton, second vice-president: Mrs. L. H. H ew itt, H illsboro, secretary, and H arold Meyer, H illsboro, treasurer. COOPER MOUNTAIN Seriously Hurl L ee Schouboe w as very seriously hurt in an autom obile accident on the Canyon R oad, receivin g three broken bones in one leg, a fracture in the other leg. a d is located shoulder and a sk ull fra c ture. W hen her daughter-in-law Au drey ran out in the dark to tell Mrs. Schouboe about th e accident, she ran into a m ow ing m achine and w as badly cut and had to be taken to the hospital too. Both Lee and A udrey w ere in surgery at Good Sam aritan h os pital at the sam e tim e. Heavy Registration For Election Tuesday, Nov. 5; ¡Altai Polling Places Listed Of the 23,750 registered voters in Washington County over ten thousand live in our eastern end of the county. Formerly the heaviest part of the population was in the western end but the recent influx of people has changed this picture. This puts a greater responsibility on our shoulders. It is necessary for all of us to go to the polls and vote on November 5. The polls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The day board goes on at 8:00 a.m. and the counting board be gins at 1 :00 p.m. Following is a list of precinct numbers, name of pre cinct, and locations of polls. Consult it, find where you should vote and then go and vote. 56 City of Beaverton ............................................. City Hall 41 North B e a v e r to n .......... Barnes School, District No. 57 12 South Beaverton ................... Felscher’s Store Building 13 West Slope ............................... West Slope Water Office 58 Multnomah Country Club .. .. Anderson’s Residence. 3707 S.W. Gabel Lane 53 Cooper Mountain ................... Cooper Mountain School !1 Kinton ...................... School House, District No. 37 40 Cedar Mill ................................ Union School Gymnasium 39 North Aloha .................................................... Grange Hall 9 Southeast Aloha . . Aloha-lluber School, Dist. No. 107 10 Southwest Aloha . . . . Hazeldale School, Dist. No. 60 14 Reedville .......................... Reedville School, Dist. No. 29 57 Tualatin View . . . Tualatin View School, Dist. No. 67 38 O r e n c o .....................................Orenco School, Dist. No. 38 4 Tualatin .......................................................................City Hall 5 South Tigard .................................................... Grange Hall 6 North Tigard ...........<.......... Basement of M.E. Church 7 Metzger . .. . . ..................... Community Club House 55 Northwest Tigard ............. St. Anthony’s School House 8 Garden Home .......................... School House, Dist. No. 92 Vote D on’t forget to vote in th e elec tion to be held at the schoolhouse Nov. 5 Doors open at 8:00 a.m. • • • t-H S ew in g Club Mrs. D earnbeck is in stru ctin g the stu d en ts in the upper grades at Cooper M ountain school in 4-H Club sew in g this year. R ecovering Mrs. G eorge underw ent a m a jor operation in P ortland recently. • • • (rone H unting A m ong the h unters are M elvin N elson and his son Lee. • • • To H ave P arty The Cooper M ountain Comm uni \lolta R u m I Route ty card club w ill hold a party Saturday a t the school house P i It. •gin* Totlav nochle and F ive H undred w ill be T oday in au g u ra tes th e rural m ail played. E veryone is invited. route out of th e A loha post o f fice. L. K D am ron, resident of GIVE B IR T H D A Y D IN N E R Mr and Mrs. Don L ong g ave a A loha and for 18 y ea rs em ployed by th e P ortland post o ffice w ill birthday dinner October 27 in hon be th e rural m ail carrier on this or of Mrs. Long, the brother R. E Porter o f Portland and h er son route. T h is new route w as n ecessitated Robert Long of Aloha The guest* included Mr. and Mrs. by th e exp an d in g population of Sunday r.nest* th e area and w ill a ffe c t those on Chris N elson of Portland. Mr. and Mr*. Jen n y A lexander had as the w estern ex trem ities o f route* Mrs. K im soth o f Bend. Mrs. H ar riett Bellon o f Portland. Mr Ed- g u ests Sunday her brother and 12 and 3. B eaverton . hi* w ife from P ortland, and a B ox num bers on R o u te 1. Aloha, derson of Astoria, and Mrs. R. E Long of Aloha. n ep hew from C alifornia w ill be assign ed in 60 days. Albert Johnson R e tu r n s H o m e All Citizens Should Vole J o h n Oil Charter have I Mr. and Mrs. A lbert E. son o f F arm in gton R oad just returned from u six w eeks, 10,000 m ile m otor trip through the east. T h ey le ft B eaverton Sept. 7 and returned la st w eek. ! T he Joh n so n s drove east via the L incoln H igh w ay and visited Mr. Joh nson 's relatives in Michi gan. Mr. Joh nson 's father, Mr. Chris tian Johnson of Ironwood, Mich., had just returned from a four m onths trip to D enm ark and Sw e den, w here he visited his sisters. He m ade both A tlan tic crossin gs in the G ripsholm . T he Johnsons enjoyed th eir v isit in Ironwood very m uch. A fter lea v in g M ichigan th e Joh n son s drove south to Georgia to visit Mrs. Jo h n so n ’s relatives there. T h ey cam e hom e by w ay of the southern route through Texas, N ew M exico and C alifornia. T h ey v isited m any points of in terest in th eir travels. A m ong th ese w ere th e W arm Springs F oundation and th e “L ittle W hite H o u se” in G eorgia and Boulder D am and th e Grand Canyon. GO TO THE POLLS Ilohbv Symphony Well Received Bv (good Crowd J In spite of the stea d y downpour of rain, the P ortland Hobby Sym phony O rchestra con cert given on T uesday, O ctober 29, at the B ea verton Grade school auditorium w a s w ell attended. B eaverton Is very fortunate In h avin g th is talented group of m u sicia n s com e here and play, and the m usic w as rare entertainm ent. W e feel gratefu l to Mr. W arner W yttenberg, who w as instrum en tal in bringing about th is treat. It seem s that th is fine concert has inspired som e B eavertonltes w ith the desire to have a lik e group. Mr. and Mrs. R osehraugh h ave offered their services 1 n form ing and Instructing In this w orthw h ile endeavor. All who are Interested are urged to he at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Norton P eck , Friday, N ovem ber 1, at 8 p.m., third house from Canyon R oad on W ilson Avenue. 1 * A ttention of every Beaverton voter is again directed to the Charter A m endm ent which w ill appear on th e Beaverton City B allot next Tuesday, N ovem ber 5. The am endm ent sim ply author izes in the Charter the sam e pow ers w hich are conferred upon m u nicip alities by state law and w hich in the ca se of B eaverton have al ready been exercised under the present Charter as w ell as the one preceding it. The item s are: 1. T axing power. Obviously this essen tial function has been exercised an nu ally in the adoption of a budget and the levying of taxes. 2. Issu in g general obligation and revenue bonds or a com bina tion of them . Our w ater bonds issued May 1, 1946, were com bi nation revenue and general obli gation bonds. To finance th e needed sew er system and treat m ent plant the sam e or a sim ilar type of bonds w ill be necessary, 3. D ebt service or the retire m ent o f bonds, and paying the Interest thereon, to be outside the debt lim itation. That has long sin ce been the practice and w ill continue to be. N o additional powers not being exorefced at present will be grant ed, and unless the am endm ent is adopted, the City w ill he unable to proceed with the sew er sy*tem P L E A SE VOTE. Sewing Llassrs To Be Held In Beaver Ion A nyone in terested in Im proving her sew ing technique, or in learn ing the m ost basic things about sew in g is invited to take part in the sew ing class, the first session of which is to be held In th e B ea verton Grade School, T hursday N ovem ber 7, 9:30 a.m. T here is no charge for t h i s class. It is sponsored by the B ea verton school d istrict Jvc 4 th e B eaverton OlWIf School P.-'fjV. In cooperation w ith the sta te di vision of V ocational Education. The num ber of cla ss m eetin gs and the problem s to be taken up w ill be planned a t this first m eeting. Mrs. Mildred Bailly, itin erant teacher in ad u lt education, state division o f vocation al education, is to be the teacher. Mrs. Bailly is w ell qualified for this type of work. She studied under Miss Gertrude Strickland, Oregon State college, this past sum m er, and is teach in g sim ilar cla sses in and around F orest Grove. It is the privilege of every American citizen to be able to vote for the sort of government he wishes to live under. In many nations this is an unheard-of luxury or it is a fact in name only. Voting is more than a privilege, it becomes the duty of the thinking public to see that the government and the men chosen to form this government are the best that can be found. Choosing your government and its leaders is not a job you can afford to let “George” do. Yet, important as this is to the citizens of our country, there is a surprising num ber who do not use their voting privilege. This was graphically illustrated in the vote just taken D r. L o o k to S p e a k at regarding the bond issue for adding to fire fighting equip W o m e n 's F e llo w s h ip ment in the Beaverton Rural Fire Protection District. Dr. F ra n cis T. Cook, secretary There is almost no one thing you need more urgently o f th e P ortland Council of Church than an adequate fire figh ting unit at the time you need es, w ill be th e guest sp eak er at it. When your house or bam is burning your desire for the pot luck luncheon of the B eth el W om en’s F ellow ship group to protection is very acute. This, then, should have been of he held a t th e Bethel C ongrega vital interest to all of the people living in the 43 square tional church, W ednesday, N ovem mile district served by this fire fighting equipment — but ber 6, 12:30 p.m. Since th is is the Beaverton Church 100th an niversary of the A m eri out of this area there were 49 votes cast. can M issionary A ssociation, o r T o P r e s e n t F ilm s Not a very good representation for 43 square miles! "Aunt M ary Ann,” as it Is called, In Washington County there are 23,750 registered all w ho can are to com e dressed On Sunday even in g at 7:45 public is invited to atten d in so m eth in g “old fashioned.” voters. Let’s have 20.000 votes cast on November 5th. Su n se t H jir Il W av C o n tra c t Let The con tract for eleven m iles o f paving and the building o f four bridges on the N orth P la in s - B arnes road section of the Sun set H igh w ay w as aw arded to th e P orter W. Y ett C onstruction Co. at a low bid o f $739,472. accord in g to the sta te h ighw ay com m ission . It w as also revealed th a t u lti m ate plans call for J efferso n and C olum bia streets in P ortland to he the city en tran ce to th e S un set h ighw ay w ith tra ffic sep arat • • • ing at a circle to he built at the 18th avenue Intersection. Visit* Aunt T he com m ission approved in Bill Huber of Bend has been v isitin g his aunt. Mary Cavanen. auguration of one-w ay tra ffic on recently. He left M onday to re both streets, on Jefferson w est to 14th avenue and on C olum bia east turn home. • • s from Canyon road to F ront av e nue. 21 at Sunday School Sunday school a tten d an ce w as 24 th is last Sunday, and th e col- 1. ' tmn w as $9.00. • • • IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER Friday, November 1, 1946 ( loii<£i*c«£atioii;il ( lu ll M eets Mrs. John W alker of W aterbury, C onnecticut, w as the g u est sp ea k er for th e m eetin g o f th e C ongre gation al club o f the P ortland area con ven in g in the B eaverton Con gregational church last T uesday evening. Mrs. W alker, w ho flew from Los A ngeles for the e n g a g e m ent, showed color slides she had taken w hen sh e and her husband w ere on tour of ten European cou n tries la st *ummer. P resen ted on the sam e program w as the youth choir under the direction of M axine Cady B arnes T h ey san g several num bers from “H.M.S. Pinafore." D uring a d e votional service led by R ev. F ran c is T. S tu rtevan t the choir ren dered three an th em s and Carole S heeley sang “The Lord's P rayer.” Mrs. W alter G iersoach o f F or e st Grove presided at th e m eet ing. Y oung P eop le Enjoy P arty On T hursday evening in th e so cial room o f the B eaverton F irst M ethodist church th e M.Y.F. en joyed a H allow een party together w ith th e senior M Y .F o f the M etzger M ethodist church. Intra com m un ity fellow ship Is encour aged betw een the ch u rch es to de velop a greater appreciation for th e over-all objective* of the M ethodist Youth Fellow ship. I O O F R e c e p tio n T o n ig h t, H ills b o r o M ontczm a Lodge No. 50. I.O.O.F. Hillsboro, have invited m em bers of the Odd F ellow s and R ebekah lodges from F orest Grove, Gaston. B eaverton, Tigard, Scholls, T u al atin and V ernonia to attend a re ception to be held in the Odd F ellow s lodge rooms, Hillsboro. Saturday night, N ovem ber 2, at 8:00, in honor of Graham Young, a m em ber of M ontezum a Lodge and recently elected Grand W ar den o f the Grand Lodge of Ore gon, I.O.O.F. Grand M aster A. J. I>enon. Grand S ecretary E arl H. Shank and other Grand O fficers will be present. A splendid program of en ter tainm en t has been arranged and will be follow ed by dancing. R e fresh m en ts w ill be served during th e evening. All Odd F ellow s and R ebekahs liv in g In W ashington county are given a sp ecial invitation to a t tend. B e a v e rto n K .S( ,S H ears D is trie t O f f i c e r On W ednesday. Oct. 23, the W - S.C.S. of the M ethodist church of B eaverton held their m onthly bu.-t ness m eeting. F ollow in g th e com pletion o f b usi ness. Mrs. Sanders, a d istrict o f ficer of the W .8.C .S . gave an in sp iring lecture on the m eaning of the W.S.C.S. em blem . She also spoke a few m om ents on the w om en's place in m ission*. F or next m onths program a rep resen tative o f th e Good W ill In du stries w ill com e out from P ortland to address the ladies. E vening of Song M em bers of the B ethel C ongre gation al church enjoyed a novel ev en in g of so n g last Sunday fea turing a q uartette o f boys w ho cam e here recently from the 8a m oan Islands. The boy*, w ho are tem porarily liv in g in Hillsboro, sa n g several native number* and a few E nglish selections. Included on the evening pro gram were tw o anthem s by the youth choir under the direction ■ of Maxine Cady Barnes and com - i m unity sin g in g led by W illis Cady. Mrs. B est w ill be on hand to take care o f the little children during the business m eetin g and the talk by Dr. Cook. All w om en of the church who have not y e t sent in their pledge en velopes m ay bring them to this m eeting. A nyone who w ill not be able to attend, m ay m ail her pledge to Mrs. W illard Ericson, Beaverton. Social H ygiene S tm ly Starts T n i‘silay In Ueaverton W hat sex education really is; the seriou sn ess of had sex educa tion; the im portance o f m aking a good start early, are topics to be studied in the first social hy g ien e class of the Beaverton Study club w hen It m eets Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 1 o'clock in the library of the B eaverton Grade school. This course is prepared by the W ash ington County Public Health, association. A nyone in terested in follow in g the six m onthly lesson s is invited to attend. Printed m aterial is available and d iscussion w ill be led by Mrs. John R obinson. Si. O r e I ¡a S c h o o l M o th e r* Meet T he m others of the seven th and eighth grades o f St. C ecelia school served a delirious luncheon on Oc tober 29 for the school children and their m others, a fter w hich a b usiness m eetin g waa held. The next m eetin g of the P arents club w ill be held on N ov. 21 at 8 p.m. STORK CLUB the the sh ow in g o f several splendid film s at the B eaverton M ethodist church. A ccording to the pastor, Rev. Bow ers, w ho has preview ed these sound pictures, th e titles are as follow s: “C him panzee the A via tor,” a com ic; "Railroadin," a technicolor production of the story of railroad grow th and expan sion; and "Musical M om ents with the P laces,” w hich Is both enter ta in in g and devotional. “Build H igh er,” the clim ax film o f the evening, sh ow s the collapse of the N iagara F alls V iew B ridge as captured by the cam era o f Dr. Ferrin, p resident o f the P rovi dence Bible In stitu te. A silver offerin g to d efray ex p en ses of th ese fin e film s w ill be accepted. Ill *m e r lo n M c th o ilis t P a rso n a g e R e lo c a te d A nnouncem ent has been made by R ev. B ow ers of the sale o f the parsonage on W est B roadw ay in B eaverton to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. O’Connor, w ho are rem odeling It preparatory to m oving In. The F irst M ethodist church has ar ranged to purchase the Springer residence at 1002 S. W atson St. for their pastor and his fam ily. A new teleph one has been in stalled , and the num ber Is 3406. A M E R IC A N LEGION and A U X ILIA R Y Beaverton Pott No. 124 REGULAR MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Sigm und T. oMhr 1 st and 3rd Wednesday each month at 8:15 p. m. o f B eaverton are the proud par Temporary Meeting Place en ts o f a son, Gregory, born Oct. I O. O F HALL, BEAVERTON 23. KEITH DENNEY — RAY GUNTHER • • • Adjutant R ev. and Mrs. O rville Poulin Post Commander are receivin g felicita tio n s on the Parent Teacher* Association birth of a d aughter on Oct. 22. Regular Monthly Meeting T he baby has been nam ed Lovejoy. 4 th Tuesday of Each Month • • • a t 8 p. m. Mr. and Mr*. W illiam R. Hub At Beaverton Grade School bard o f B eaverton announce the arrival of baby C heryl on O ctober NOTICE 21. Beaver Chopfer No. 106, O E.S, I entertain Beoverton Lodge No 100, A F AA M , and Bethel No 20, Mrs. M E. Grosse o f Bonny Job's Daughters, Saturday, Novem Slope who haa been on th e sick ber second, ot 6:00 p m , Beaverton list the past few days. Is much Masonic Temple, Beoverton. im proved. Im prnseri